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Thought I'd sound her out on what she wanted...clear Mama's debts & buy land, total cost 750k baht


is welcome to Pun

No Pun intended then



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My TGF got her UK 6 month tourist visa at end of June in her brand new shiny passport...no other stamps or visas in it at this time

We got engaged in May08, having been together for 2.5 years & I'm down as her sponsor...

Now not looking too good between us & she's now choosing between me and a German guy I discovered she was seeing who she met in Feb08...and she's now applying for Schengen visa to visit him in Germany..."Want to see if I can get visa for other country as well"...nice!!

So she now has 2 sponsors in different countries....


  1. Should I notify British Embassy in BKK that I may no longer be her sponsor?
  2. Will the UK visa then be invalid?
  3. Should I notify the German Embassy in BKK of reasons given when applying for UK visa, including family & 2 wedding invites?
  4. Typically how long would it take to get German visa?
  5. What chances do you think she has of getting a German visa?

I assume she has to go for an interview at the German Embassy in BKK, would love to be a fly on the wall for that one!!

Obviously I'm pretty gutted as we'd been talking about her tip to UK for a year and despite the lies I still love her....still hope she'll see sense & dump the German & come visit me in UK...


I feel sorry for you but you must walk away with head held high, that is to say bite the bullet, put it down to life experience that is the only way to handle it, do write a letter to the UK visa section and explain in a busines like manner that you have ceased to sponsor her, do not seek revenge, and do not get involved in hatred, because that will do you more harm that good and will destroy your mind, do not get involved with the German Embassy re: the Schengen visa application, this will be seen as nothing more than pure revenge, besides, the German Embassy must provide service for German nationals, and if this German guy applies for a visa for her then they must give that their attention regardless to the objection of a "Brit" whom they may regard given the circumstances as a bit of a sod, learn from this experience in future dealings with girls, but take note of this sage advice given by an old experienced laywer to his new businessmen clients which is as follows .... "Never fall in love with your wife or girlfriend, let them fall in love with you, but never the other way round" ... I have seen many businessmen losing their mind and their business because the wife had left them for someone else, love your children, but keep your wife or girlfriend at an emotional distance.

So next time when dealing with girls bear this in mind, keep your eyes open and your head clear, and you will not walk this plank again.


My TGF got her UK 6 month tourist visa at end of June in her brand new shiny passport...no other stamps or visas in it at this time

We got engaged in May08, having been together for 2.5 years & I'm down as her sponsor...

Now not looking too good between us & she's now choosing between me and a German guy I discovered she was seeing who she met in Feb08...and she's now applying for Schengen visa to visit him in Germany..."Want to see if I can get visa for other country as well"...nice!!

So she now has 2 sponsors in different countries....


  1. Should I notify British Embassy in BKK that I may no longer be her sponsor?
  2. Will the UK visa then be invalid?
  3. Should I notify the German Embassy in BKK of reasons given when applying for UK visa, including family & 2 wedding invites?
  4. Typically how long would it take to get German visa?
  5. What chances do you think she has of getting a German visa?

I assume she has to go for an interview at the German Embassy in BKK, would love to be a fly on the wall for that one!!

Obviously I'm pretty gutted as we'd been talking about her tip to UK for a year and despite the lies I still love her....still hope she'll see sense & dump the German & come visit me in UK...


Just walk away from her, there are no other options open to you. Good luck

OK folks quick update....

Thought I'd sound her out on what she wanted...clear Mama's debts & buy land, total cost 750k baht (ouch!!) If I do that she promised she'd come to the UK, hang on though what guarantee do I have that she'd come over?

  • "I have to trust you"
  • "OK no problem you can trust me"
  • "I think not honey, you have history of lies & cheating, deal is this you come to UK then I'll clear Mama's debts and we'll sort out the land" (this was something we'd been discussing doing in future anyway)

Rejected for no real reason...so yes was only in it for the money, no intention of coming to UK

So Leo (let's call the German that...) is welcome to Pun, which we all know is Thai for a Granny Smith fruit.....

Now where'd I put the email addresses & phone nos. for British & German embassys in Bangers....???? Oh and I won't tell her that, would love to see her get her visa & try to enter Germany only to be put back on next plane to Thai....lovely!!

Most have been there and we know it hurts :D

Glad you did the sensible thing... :o

Remember...Revenge is a dish best served cold :D



As I said I don't think it will hurt sending a letter to German Embassy in regards to this lady. Apart from that and perhaps having a chat with Fritz letting him know about you and what he is in for. Other than that time to move on - let her be someone else's headache.


Lived here for 22 years and when asked to give an opinion on situations like this I always point out to who ever that you do not lose a TG you just lose your place in the queue.

Lived here for 22 years and when asked to give an opinion on situations like this I always point out to who ever that you do not lose a TG you just lose your place in the queue.

Hi Andi

22 years in Thailand, really?

Having read you post I have to ask ,"why have you stayed in Thailand for 22 years ( assuming your not in jail that is). :o

Are you married to a thai or do you have a thai partner?

Roy gsd


phomthai: you got excellent advice from Roy gsd and some other BMs.

But you seemed to be still unsure about your decision.

I’m glad for you that finally your TGF herself could convince you to ditch her due to her ridiculous demands.

It’ll save you from a lot of trouble, which you’d be confronted with otherwise.

Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a stroke of luck.

I suggest you read the current Stickman Weekly, where you’ll find a similar story:



Stop filling the OP's head with advice to write letters to the UK and German embassies. The visa departments are staffed by Thai's and they probably don't care too much that some short-sighted farang got duped again. It's a waste of the OP's time and money to try and prevent her traveling to either country.

leopoldo says 'write a letter to the UK visa section' and in the same breath 'do not seek revenge.' Hello? What's the point of writing the letter if not make her life more difficult?

You are letting personal feelings cloud your judgement. The upside is the OP has learned that his partner wasn't what she claimed to be. It's life, grow up, move on.

This girl hasn't overplayed her hand, but she made it a sure bet by investing her time and money in 2 relationships to get what she wanted... and she has got what she wanted. I reckon she would be good for my business so if the OP can PM me with her contact details, I am looking to employ an aggressive, emotionally unattached female with a UK and Schengen visas.


I'd certainly write the letter, and attempt muck up her visa with German. Why not? All you have wasted is a letter, least you have a certain glee and who knows you might be doing the german a favour too.

I'd certainly write the letter, and attempt muck up her visa with German. Why not? All you have wasted is a letter, least you have a certain glee and who knows you might be doing the german a favour too.

Yeah... way too much testosterone getting in the way of reason. This girl has got be the dogs balls with guys who don't even know the OP or the cuckold German wanting to waste their time spoiling her 'game' because "we are all men here and she didn't do right." Get real balls, walk away and chalk it up to experience.

Stop filling the OP's head with advice to write letters to the UK and German embassies. The visa departments are staffed by Thai's and they probably don't care too much that some short-sighted farang got duped again. It's a waste of the OP's time and money to try and prevent her traveling to either country.

leopoldo says 'write a letter to the UK visa section' and in the same breath 'do not seek revenge.' Hello? What's the point of writing the letter if not make her life more difficult?

You are letting personal feelings cloud your judgement. The upside is the OP has learned that his partner wasn't what she claimed to be. It's life, grow up, move on.

This girl hasn't overplayed her hand, but she made it a sure bet by investing her time and money in 2 relationships to get what she wanted... and she has got what she wanted. I reckon she would be good for my business so if the OP can PM me with her contact details, I am looking to employ an aggressive, emotionally unattached female with a UK and Schengen visas.


I dont think you have grasped the principal of this matter.

No-one likes to be taken advantage of, and dispite what you think I suspect the majority of people in the O/P's position would

not just turn the other cheek as you have suggested, I would go further to suggest that neither would you.

I dont know what type of business you are in where your criteria for a good employee is a lady with both schengen and UK visa's who is also dishonest and emotionally attached but there are sufficient ladies that hold those qualifications in europe already. Perhaps you should consider, opening a bar in LOS and appointing her as your Manager and cash controller?

Despite your suggestion to the contrary, the thai empoyees at ehter the UK or German Embasies are not likely to risk thier job by ignoring the information sent to the Visa Department, why would they be so stupid?

The points which you are ignoring is that the O/P is on record as the Sponsor for her visa to the uk and the reasons stated on her visa application was to visit the named sponsor and attend weddings of the friends and family of the sponsor.

The O/P has an obligation to inform the Visa Section of the change of circumstances and as he and the visa applicant no longer have a relationship and he has withdrawn as her sponsor in relation to that for that visa the Visa will be cancelled with imediate effect.

As for the German embassy, they also have a statutory dut to ensure probity, therefore they must consider all of th information that is available to them.

The lady in question may be trying to obtain her schengen visa by piggy backing on her uk visa, if so then the German Embassy will also refuse her application.

If the Shengen application is made with the german as her sponsor (which would likely invite questions about her UK visa )

the O/P has conirmed that she andthe german only met in February of this year.

Given the fact that she became engaged to the uk guy a few months after meeting the german and obtaineded a UK visa as a result of her relationship to the uk guy I am fairly confident that her application for a schengen via will be refused due to the short length of time the have been aquainted and certainly the circumstances surrounding the approval of her uk visa will be taken into consideration when making their decision.

If the O/P does not inform the UK Visa Section of this change of circumstances then it is very likely that he will be in deep shit should he wish to bring over a lady friend in the future.

If having her flagged up with the various Embassies ( and dont think for a minute that Embassies dont share information)

stops her from leaving LOS with some unsuspecting guy in the future the O/P has done the right thing.

Roy gsd

I'd certainly write the letter, and attempt muck up her visa with German. Why not? All you have wasted is a letter, least you have a certain glee and who knows you might be doing the german a favour too.

Yeah... way too much testosterone getting in the way of reason. This girl has got be the dogs balls with guys who don't even know the OP or the cuckold German wanting to waste their time spoiling her 'game' because "we are all men here and she didn't do right." Get real balls, walk away and chalk it up to experience.

Get real yourself.

Payback is a normal human reaction and part of the healing process.

You might consider her to be the dogs <deleted> and I am sure you would be welcome to her, however I suspect others might see her to be just another dog, plain and simple.

Roy gsd


What a waste of bandwidth that was.

"She left me for another guy... I gotta get even." Masculine pride of a jilted lover. End off.

Paybacks? What's the problem with just letting go and walking away. Much less stress (and bandwidth).

Let the bureaucrats and paper pushers take care of any perceived bad intent on the girls behalf. No need for us men to rush in and help them do their job. If she gets caught out, fair cop. It will all be water under the bridge eventually. Hopefully the OP will 'let go' and in a few months, he won't even remember her.

I still think she has a great future.

What a waste of bandwidth that was.

"She left me for another guy... I gotta get even." Masculine pride of a jilted lover. End off.

Paybacks? What's the problem with just letting go and walking away. Much less stress (and bandwidth).

Let the bureaucrats and paper pushers take care of any perceived bad intent on the girls behalf. No need for us men to rush in and help them do their job. If she gets caught out, fair cop. It will all be water under the bridge eventually. Hopefully the OP will 'let go' and in a few months, he won't even remember her.

I still think she has a great future.

I dont think there is much stress involved now for the O/P, never mind the masculine pride crap, if someone trys to take advantage of my good nature they usualy pay the price, plus interest and I suspect that many feel the same way.

The bureaucrats are there to make decisions on the information they have to hand, if providing them with additional information assist's them to reach a fair decision based on all the facts before them why should the O/P keep silent?

I also hope he has a great future, in LOS rather than europe.

Roy gsd


All the posters saying that the OP should not write to the British Embassy are, IMHO, wrong.

The OP has not guaranteed (financially, legals etc) the visit of Pun to the UK, but, he is the sponsor, and i would guess on the UK visa form he filled in the bits saying that he would support / pay for her whilst in the UK.

If she arrives in the UK and there is any kind of problem, then it will be a big black mark on the OP's history, and could easily lead to any further visa sponsorships by him ending in rejection. In that situation he could be flagged as something like a potential sponsorer of potential illegals (bit like marriages of convenience but they dont pay as well....). And it does appear that anything remotely not clean causes no end of problems with UK embassies.

German visas are easier to get, esp. if the German guy goes down his local town hall and fills in a guarantee form for her which she then takes to the german embassy. That is a REAL guarantee form. He is liable for her then. Having a UK visa will be a bonus (and they wont know who is sponsering her). With a guarantee form, then she is 99,9% certain to get it. Would a letter screw it up ? With a guarantee form, probably not. without a guarantee form, it could make things cloudy, but they could take the attitude that the relationship has ended and she has found someone new. They wont neccesarily believe your version of events.

All the posters saying that the OP should not write to the British Embassy are, IMHO, wrong.

German visas are easier to get, esp. if the German guy goes down his local town hall and fills in a guarantee form for her which she then takes to the german embassy.

That is a REAL guarantee form. He is liable for her then. Having a UK visa will be a bonus (and they wont know who is sponsering her). With a guarantee form, then she is 99,9% certain to get it.


Interesting that you say that the German Visa is easier to get.

I understand that a month or so ago Germany announced they had reviewed there visa procedures and as a result they had introduced changes which would make it tougher to obtain a visitors visa.

I think that having been made aware that the UK sponsor had withdrawn the german visa section has a duty of care which would require them to make enquiries of the UK visa section which would have to be taken ito consideration when considering her application for schengen visa.

She could get the schegen visa but I suspect that it would be refused in the first instance due to the short period they were known to each other.

I note that the german met her in February however the engagement to the uk guy some months later would raise some doubt as to when the relationship between her and the Geman guy began as the uk guy has been iving with her up until a week or so ago.

I think her application for a schengen visa would be an uphill struggle and it rather depends if the german sponsor is prepared to thow money on legal advice and spend time, effort and money whilst an appeal is being processed.

I woud not be suprised to learn that once home the german guy decided to save his money for a return visit to LOS rather than gamble the money on an appeal.

I also think that once she applies financial conditions on the german guy he will be unlikely to part with the sums demanded from the uk guy.

Roy gsd

My TGF got her UK 6 month tourist visa at end of June in her brand new shiny passport...no other stamps or visas in it at this time

We got engaged in May08, having been together for 2.5 years & I'm down as her sponsor...

Now not looking too good between us & she's now choosing between me and a German guy I discovered she was seeing who she met in Feb08...and she's now applying for Schengen visa to visit him in Germany..."Want to see if I can get visa for other country as well"...nice!!

So she now has 2 sponsors in different countries....


  1. Should I notify British Embassy in BKK that I may no longer be her sponsor?
  2. Will the UK visa then be invalid?
  3. Should I notify the German Embassy in BKK of reasons given when applying for UK visa, including family & 2 wedding invites?
  4. Typically how long would it take to get German visa?
  5. What chances do you think she has of getting a German visa?

I assume she has to go for an interview at the German Embassy in BKK, would love to be a fly on the wall for that one!!

Obviously I'm pretty gutted as we'd been talking about her tip to UK for a year and despite the lies I still love her....still hope she'll see sense & dump the German & come visit me in UK...


First things first - get rid of her - end of subject full stop - and let the brits know you have washed your hands of the subject.

Withdrawn your offer of sponsorship? - yes, that will be the end of the visa for sure.

Second thing: Shengen rules - only one Shengen visa can be issued at a time.

The German Embassy will not issue her a Shengen visa if she has a current/valid UK visa. Period.

She wil be asked to go return to the UK Embassy and have the UK visa cancelled/revoked (whatever word one wants to use) - and only then will the German Embassy "entertain" her application for a German issued Shengen visa - and not withstanding the explination she gives to the German Embassy Consular officer, you can bet he/she is going to phone their counterpart at the UK Embassy to get the low down.

Will she get the German visa (after the Uk one is canacelled)? - good question, I've seen stranger things happen, but would have thought she's going to have to give a pretty convincing account to the German entry officer of her change of mind to get a "back to back" change of sponsorship and EU country destination accepted.

I would have thought not - but thats just my opinion and who knows



I take it you are not that well up on current affairs ! :-)

UK is not part of schengen area. Therefore, having concurrent, overlapping, valid (however you want to say it) UK visa and a Schengen area visa is perfectly ok. In fact my girlfriend has both at the moment.... Look very nice on adjoining pages in the passport

Roy. AFAIK, Big difference between having the guarantee paper signed, stamped and paid for at the local meldestelle (town hall) and not. The guarantee paper can only be obtained by German residents who have their paperwork in order. With the guarantee paper, the Germans are fairly relaxed that you will leave the country and not cause problems as they have a German resident to chase after ! With no guarantee paper, then they may have a sponsor, but there is nothing legally binding they can really come after you on (afaik). If the German guy is keen and gets the Guarantee paper then i think it will be ok.

fyi, we are now on our third German visa. 2 with guarantee, 1 without. Lots more questions for the one time (the last one) when i was not resident in Germany and therefore didnt have the guarantee form.


I am a little confused here.

Shengen rules - only one Shengen visa can be issued at a time.

She will only have one Schengen visa, if she goe this route.

The German Embassy will not issue her a Shengen visa if she has a current/valid UK visa. Period.

Why? She will need a visa if she visits Germany, the UK is not part of the Schengen Agreement, consequently if she has a UK stamp and wishes to travel to Germany she will need a visa, I do not understand the logic.

She wil be asked to go return to the UK Embassy and have the UK visa cancelled/revoked (whatever word one wants to use) - and only then will the German Embassy "entertain" her application for a German issued Shengen visa -

I really don't understand the logic here, can you verify that what you have said is correct?



Edit fft100 beat me to the trigger :o

The German Embassy will not issue her a Shengen visa if she has a current/valid UK visa. Period.

Not sure what you mean by this either :o - Schengen visas (short-term visitors ones) are regularly issued to applicants holding a valid UK visa, if the paperwork is straight. Perfectly acceptable to travel to Germany with more than one country's visa in the passport. The girl in this instance could always explain that she's changed her plans and is not going to the UK until later, or not going at all.

^ and Moss just beat me to it....

UK is not part of schengen area.

That's Once

I really don't understand the logic here, can you verify that what you have said is correct?


Not sure what you mean by this either :o -

Three Times a Malady :D

Just my bit of fun


UK is not part of schengen area.

That's Once

I really don't understand the logic here, can you verify that what you have said is correct?


Not sure what you mean by this either :o -

Three Times a Malady :D

Just my bit of fun


Very good! but personally I prefer the thai use of the word fun :D

Roy gsd

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