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Can Anyone Tell Me Their Experiences About Eurorail Or Railpass?


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Hello at all travelers out there! My friend is currently on the first stop on her trip through Europe in the great capital of Germany – Berlin! She have already been there for about two weeks and in between all the exciting sight-seeing and adventures she experience their she finally found some time to write down her impressions.

This city is huge! She loves it their. Berlin has amazing buildings, the greatest variety of different cultures and interesting people. Every day she explore something new, there is so much going on there! She started her Europe trip in the biggest city of Germany because she is taking a German course Berlin their. This is definitely the perfect way to learn this language and for her a good way to get prepared for the subsequent journey. It also gives her the chance to get to know a lot of open-minded people from Germany and many other countries. She met this German girl who would like to go to Australia soon to improve her language skills. She has not started to plan anything yet though. Can anyone recommend me a particular school for a Sprachreise Sydney for her?

After her classes in Berlin a friend from the UK will join her for the rest of her trip. After Germany (of which we still have to explore Munich and Cologne together) they will go to France and Spain, they do not know which cities exactly yet though. For this they are going to take the Eurail to get from one place to another which she heard is really sufficient for flexible travelers like them. Can anyone tell me their experiences with that?

She is really excited about all the great things she is going to see on this trip. If anyone has any tips about a city which they have to see while traveling through Europe please let me know!

Edited by sbk
urls removed--sbk
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