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Has The Greenman Gone Bust?


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It is absolute nonsense - only a vicious rumour!

I have just spoken to Howard and this is the first he has heard of it. Also my hubby was there this weekend watching the rugby and we have reserved a big table for Saturday.

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Has it ???? :D:D:D .

O. It hasn't :o:D:D . Pity really as the place sucks. I would love to have a "local" nearby where I can drop in for a pintwith a pal or GF and be greeted by a warm and welcoming owner. Not in this place.

I've tried the food there four times, each time, I said, "no, it's an off day in the kitchen". After the fourth try of the greasiest fish and chips ever, I finally came to the conclusion that the food there is terrible.

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Has it ???? :D:D:D .

O. It hasn't :o:D:D . Pity really as the place sucks. I would love to have a "local" nearby where I can drop in for a pintwith a pal or GF and be greeted by a warm and welcoming owner. Not in this place.

Presumably that was an attempt at sarcasm?

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Has it ???? :D:D:D .

O. It hasn't :D:D:D . Pity really as the place sucks. I would love to have a "local" nearby where I can drop in for a pintwith a pal or GF and be greeted by a warm and welcoming owner. Not in this place.

Presumably that was an attempt at sarcasm?

No. Not sarcasm at all. The place does SUCK. I have never ever , in my few futile attempts to enjoy the place, had a good experience. A few attempts you may ask? Yes, I wanted a good "real" local with out any distractions.... :o

Good pub, good location, good idea. Pity about the man in charge.

Edited by harleyclarkey
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Must have been a long time since you where there last, if the food was terrible.I'm not a regular, but been there more than a few times over the last year, and the food is, from my point of view and that of the people that have accompanied me, very good with good portion sizes and is quite affordable.To me the place is a welcome difference in the dinning experience, compared to more posh restaurants around the island, with a nice atmosphere, only downside is that it is a long drive away from where I stay.Can't comment on the owner as I don't think that I have ever met him, but the concept is brilliant, wish there were more places like this, that stood out from the norm.

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Has it ???? :D:D:D .

O. It hasn't :o:D:D . Pity really as the place sucks. I would love to have a "local" nearby where I can drop in for a pintwith a pal or GF and be greeted by a warm and welcoming owner. Not in this place.

I've tried the food there four times, each time, I said, "no, it's an off day in the kitchen". After the fourth try of the greasiest fish and chips ever, I finally came to the conclusion that the food there is terrible.

Agreed...(but I'm still not going to "that" place for a Pizza!! B) )

I just found the place unwelcoming, boring with no sense of fun. The food? Brutal, bland,indifferent apart from that it's fine! :D ....not at all what we are used to here in the Green Isle with the very best pubs on the planet! (That may stir some emotions?) Great "craic", best barmen, good (though not great) beer and now often with the best nosebags/grub around. So yep, we have standards and this place doesn't hit the mark at all...

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Wow .... the last time members bashed the Green Man the topic just disappeared completely off the screen. I wonder why all this negative comment is being allowed.

As it happens I stop at the Green Man for a pint or a bar meal from time to time. Just to see if any improvement in the service. Still remains an unwelcome watering hole. No atmosphere, bland food.

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I enjoy several of their dishes and eat there at least once a week, I recommend most of their food especially their salads. The setting is pleasant enough and makes a nice change from the alternatives and I find Howard to be a blythe spirit and very good value. Each to their own I suppose.

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I heard a rumor yesterday that the Greenman in Chalong has gone bankrupt and closed down.

Could anyone shed any light on this?

Haven't stepped foot in there since Christmas last, disgusting food, crappy service and a total rip off price wise.

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Just goes to show how everybody can have totally different experiences. I have always enjoyed The Greenman. Both Howard and his Wife are extremely friendly and warm. The food is generally very good and with the social atmosphere we have always met many people there.

Edited by Chantal
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Just goes to show how everybody can have totally different experiences. I have always enjoyed The Greenman. Both Howard and his Wife are extremely friendly and warm. The food is generally very good and with the social atmosphere we have always met many people there.


I guess your face must fit in with Howard's crowd. Howard occasionally does the round of the tables asking how was the meal. I've never seen his wife speaking to an 'ordinary' customer.

I've had food poisoning two times in the Green Man. And a number of excellent chefs have been sacked over the years. One never knows if there is going to be a professional chef actually in the kitchen on any given evening.

As for the 'social atmosphere' .... I've never experienced that.

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Irrespective of whose crowd my face does fit in with, lets simply agree to differ LivinginKata. It really is easy. I am not going to lie and say that I have found the food is bad and the establishment is terrible when I have most definitely have not experienced this.

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Irrespective of whose crowd my face does fit in with, lets simply agree to differ LivinginKata. It really is easy. I am not going to lie and say that I have found the food is bad and the establishment is terrible when I have most definitely have not experienced this.

We took a large family party a few Christmasses ago and although the first course was acceptable the main(goose) was so tough as to be inedible;

at least an offer was made for a freebie another time, but even so, this should not happen. Can't have disappointed children.

The Guiness is good though.

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I used to live just across the road from the Green Man and visited perhaps once evey couple of weeks or so. Which then got down to once a month, 3 months etc. The food was never good. And like most restaurants on the island, you had to take a chance that the chef on that particular evening was having a good day.

The food most definitely 'sucks'. It is bland, and the last time I was there I ordered what I would consider to be, an easily prepared dish of fish and chips. The fish was burnt on the outside, soggy on the inside, with raw fish, and the chips weren't much better. I like Howard, but he should get over himself and stick to the managers/chefs which turn in the best of what is usually, a godawful dining experience. He made a huge mistake with that tiny little bar too.

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I heard a rumor yesterday that the Greenman in Chalong has gone bankrupt and closed down.

Could anyone shed any light on this?

Off topic-how about Mike's Burgers? He's been shut for about a week. Closed down or off in Chiang Mai? Anybody know?

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I heard a rumor yesterday that the Greenman in Chalong has gone bankrupt and closed down.

Could anyone shed any light on this?

Haven't stepped foot in there since Christmas last, disgusting food, crappy service and a total rip off price wise.

Me too. That was the last straw for me. We were 16 at the table and that is a lot of booty in Thailand for a nose bag.

I was taught that Christmas was a time for giving, and receiving. Howard does understand the receiving bit all too well... but conveniently forgets the giving part of the whole thing. The Christmas meal was bloody awful, badly presented, ill thought out and small portions. One (counted out) mince pie for each person at the table....and no more. Nice one lads. That cost you more than you realised at the time. Keep up the mean work...it'll all come around and when you peer over that tiny stupidly placed bar and see the sea of empty tables, congratulate yourself on a job well done.

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I am a regular at Green Man, food is just ok for their price ... not many people around most of the time I was there for dinner

Service is so so... :D For the happy hour by one get one free is very confusing to their staff, do not have to mention to the customer!!!

Won't surprise if it s gone bust ...but I don't think they have ... seems like Howard has and Inflate ego :o

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He's a high flying international financial auditor for Pricewaterhousecoopers,

you have a lovely way with prose.

I suppose my job description would have been chief science officer, epidemiology branch back when I was collecting dung samples. It would have sounded much nicer than being a sh*t collector, which is what I was called :o .

G'wan, just say beancounter will ya. PwC accountants unless they are regional partners aren't high fliers anymore especially now that their clients are asking for fee reductions

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