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Has The Up To You In Rawai Gone Bust? Or Is It Reopening?


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It closed abruptly (many rumours flying around), then for sale/rent went up, now looks like some reno going on but Up To You board still in place last time I drove by. Is it reopening??

I heard the landlord wanted a stupid amount of rent.Same as the Marina bar Dee the lady who ran it told me the landlord wanted over a million a year rent.Now its just an eye sore,half demolished heap of rubble.

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What a shame - good, lively bar.

Actually Rawai beach used to have a bunch of fun bars, but yes, landlord greed has made it now suck. A couple of the girls I used to see at Marina bar now work at Purple Haze, which although a bit of a cave, is a fun spot. Especially Thursday nights when Collin's band plays. Good jams.

But sure like to used turn around and look out to the sea, lights on the islands, nice..........maybe some will come back during high season.

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The owners rent was up for renewal and the price went up to ridiculous amounts per month and a few few million baht as a down payment as well.

It seems that the bar was too successful and the Thai's got jealous.

He was also told by a Thai the next day that he was taking the bar over as the owner was making a million a week in profit.

Typical greed and no idea about business, these people will never learn.

The Farang had a closing night party, stripped everything out that was his the next day and all the clients left with him, the greedy Thai will now have a bar with no spending regulars and be stuck with a big rent bill or the owner will find no buyer. Oh what a shame.

The guy will open a new bar close by and the regulars will go there and he will do well again.

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Up to You has closed? Awww man? I used to love to go there and watch the Katooey (sp). She was hilarious.

If I know Zow, he will have a new place up and running really soon.

I stopped the other night at candy bar on the beach. Nice Cheap draft! but a ton of wasted space!!!

I hope those little beach bars don't all go down due to the greedy thai business mentality.

I only go if a farang owns the place. if it is run by thai's, I never hang out. too much greed and ignorance.


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Seems the nightlife in the past year was just starting to pick up a bit.  Guess the land owners see that so they figure the "stupid bar owners" will pay whatever amount, not realizing that some, or even many, of these bar owners probably are a bit more business savvy and educated then themselves.

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What a shame - good, lively bar.

Actually Rawai beach used to have a bunch of fun bars, but yes, landlord greed has made it now suck. A couple of the girls I used to see at Marina bar now work at Purple Haze, which although a bit of a cave, is a fun spot. Especially Thursday nights when Collin's band plays. Good jams.

But sure like to used turn around and look out to the sea, lights on the islands, nice..........maybe some will come back during high season.

Huggy we must know each other, if only by sight.I used to call into the Marina most nights.A nothing special bar but I miss it.Always had a laugh with the girls and I am a friend of Dee who used to rent it.I was talking to her the other night and she is looking for another bar but says the rents they are asking are stupid.I still see a few of the girls but have not been in to see Ya at Purple Haze yet.Will let you know if Dee finds another bar.I bet a few of us on this thread have had a beer or two together without knowing.

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