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not RAIN in Spain on the plain...not wine in Glauka´s room...kerryd :D

No RAIN and no wine is making Glauka grouchy ! Maybe you need a holiday ? :D

I hear Bristol is nice this time of year :o

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not RAIN in Spain on the plain...not wine in Glauka´s room...kerryd :D

No RAIN and no wine is making Glauka grouchy ! Maybe you need a holiday ? :D

I hear Bristol is nice this time of year :o

your post kerry your post is what make me grouchy...but everything will change if you let me have the last word babe, eh? :D

Actually today i will not mind to have some of that wine that you mentioned... :D

NOt rain in Madrid warm and nice instead.

your post kerry your post is what make me grouchy...but everything will change if you let me have the last word babe, eh? :o

Wow ! If I can make you this grouchy with a few typed words, imagine what would happen if we ever had a real, face-to-face conversation ! :D

Still hasn't RAINed in Pattaya though :D

It looks like it wants to everyday, then clears up without a drop falling (unlike Glauka) :D

Wow ! If I can make you this grouchy with a few typed words, imagine what would happen if we ever had a real, face-to-face conversation ! :o

if that ever happen i will take my snakes with me... :D:D ...if we ever me i am sure you will let me to have the last word...i can be very persuasive and you already know that i am very stedfast (?)... :D

Still no rain in Madrid

if that ever happen i will take my snakes with me... :D:o ...if we ever me i am sure you will let me to have the last word...i can be very persuasive and you already know that i am very stedfast (?)... :D

Still no rain in Madrid

Not a chance !! Not here and not in real life ! I am no where near that nice ! :D

Getting cloudy and a little windy over Pattaya. Will it RAIN, or won't it ? Only time will tell......

big rain in Pattaya 10.30 am

nice and cool, like me :D

Overcast but no rain yet 20 km's up the road at Laem Chabang... :D

Kewl Kurgen... :o

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Down here in the south it's disgustingly hot and during the day absolutely no wind, awful! It looks like it's going to rain almost every evening then it seems to rain everywhere but here! Little showers :o but not enough. Feel like something's going to explode :D


big rain in Pattaya 10.30 am

nice and cool, like me :D

Overcast but no rain yet 20 km's up the road at Laem Chabang... :D

Kewl Kurgen... :o

It was a nice, if brief shower. Just enough to send everyone scrambling for cover, but not enough to flood anything (around my place any ways) :D

Still a wee bit o' thunder happening though. More to follow ?

cold and windy in madrid...This morning i went off to work wearing my spring clothes i almost froze... :D

Just goes to show how distracted you are !

Maybe if you weren't so busy trying to get the LAST WORD all the time, you could pay more attention to the weather outside your door ! :D

I hope it doesn't RAIN in Pattaya today. Then again, I didn't think it would RAIN yesterday, and it did, so, maybe it will RAIN today, and maybe it won't RAIN today.

Either way it will still be nicer than Spain or Bristol ! :o


I wonder how ole George & Doc are doing in the SERPs for RAIN? :o

BTW, Chiang Mai is lovely, although we've had a bit of RAIN of late.


No RAIN yesterday in Pattaya, though I was sure it was going to pour a few times.

More of the same today.

No natural RAIN expected, but it is the beginning of Songkran, so expect a lot of unnatural downpours ! :o


warm and sunny in Madrid today...today i did not want to make the same mistake as i did yesterday so i put my coat on...of course many people was looking at me and wondering Why is she wearing a coat? :D

gosh either the weather gets more stable or i am going to either froze or boil myself... :D

I wonder if there are big mosquitos in pattaya who likes Canadian blood? :o

I wonder if there are big mosquitos in pattaya who likes Canadian blood? :D

Nope, killed most of them off already. The only ones left appear to prefer spicy Thai and Spanish blood :D

No wonder they call them "suckers" :o

Oh yeah. Lot's of dark clouds sailing overhead, but no RAIN yet in Pattaya, natural or otherwise :D

Lot's of dark clouds sailing overhead, but no RAIN yet in Pattaya, natural or otherwise :o

It could be on the way... I just got a call from a mate who said they just had a heavy downpour in Rayong. :D

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

The old man is snoring !

totster :o

Not nice to refer to Jai Dee that way totster ! Especially not at Songkran ! :D

(not RAINing, yet, in Pattaya)



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I wonder what he would think if he did decide to come back.


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I wonder what he would think if he did decide to come back.

For all we know, he could have come back a long time ago, just with a different knickname. :D

Hmmm, who is the most active poster in this thread ? :D

(still hasn't RAINed in Pattaya, though it's not looking good up in Lam Chaebang) :o

Kerry mate, i wouldnt be seen dead in a bmw, so i dont think you have to worry aabout bmw being me. :o

Dull and overcast today :D

Another great day in Pattaya, so I'm told. Me head is aching a wee bit too much to expose it to any bright sunshine or cheerful people :D:D:D

Apparently it's not RAINing though, and no (major) waterfights going on yet.

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