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A friend recently passed the following link on to me and skept that I am, I have been researching via google on this new alternative treatment that claims to cure everything from the common cold to HIV and it does sound too good to be true, but I have read lots of testimonials that say mostly positive things about it and I'm wondering it there is anyone out there that has tried it or knows anything about it.

the link to the product and inventor is......www.miraclemineral.org

some testimonials are here....http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=871

feedback appreciated...


Lots of videos on Youtube on MMS and Jim Humble....

Not sure. My understanding that Chlorine Dioxide is a poison and very bad for your body.


Given the range of things that it can 'cure' it is practically guaranteed to be snake oil. Cancer ('most kinds')...no problem. HIV...easy. Hepatitus...what flavour would you like to get rid of. MS, dandruff and athsma. Your annoying ex girlfriend...double dose!

It's just another ruthless selfish jerk preying on desperately ill people. Anyone can build a webpage and publish 'testimonials' these days. Show me a single peer reviewed investigation of this stuff.


Well, it most certainly has not been scientifically proven to cure all of these things (or for that matter to cure any disease) and no single drug or supplement is ever going to be able to cure such a wide range of unrelated ailments.

As to whether or not it has any health benefits, who knows. The compound has, in stronger concentration, been used for years as an external disinfectant but is poisonous if taken internally in that strength. What is being claimed now is that a much more dilute form, which does not appear to have any iommediate toxic effects when ingested, can kill pathogens in the body. As far as I can tell, no serious research has eevr been done to test this claim nor to assess what adverse effects it might have.

What is clear is that a whole lot of money is being made off these wild claims....


Admittedly and understandably there are lots of profiteers out there now trying to make a fast buck on a substance that can be purchased in a chemical supply house by the kilo...that's human nature and internet business. And it is a relatively new discovery...

And lots of skeptics will be and are turned off by the inventor's name of the product [Miracle] and his amateurish presentation [i'm laboring thru the 1st installment]. He is not a doctor and has little scientific [medical] background, but that's not to say that he could have [accidentally] stumbled onto an important breakthrough. Sometimes major breakthroughs take simple people and simple solutions. look at pasteurization and the 'discovery' of sanitation in operating rooms, CH. Not to mention my all time favorite the discovery of side effects of a heart medication which led to Viagra.

I have a liver condition [hep c] that medical science can't offer me a cure for with more than a 50% chance of recovery after an expensive year long miserable treatment of interferon and other nasty anti cancer drugs, I will try to have an open mind to some alternative treatments and this one [so far] holds the most hope.

I've almost convinced myself to go in for a round of baseline tests, then go for the MMS treatment and follow treatment up with another round of tests to see if I have cleared and I will share my findings on this forum and other health related forums as well as my aggressive doctor that wants me to spend 10's of thousands of $'s for a 50% chance of recovery.


My brother died about 3 years ago here in Chiang Mai as a direct result of taking interferon for his hep c. He was about 8 months into his one year treatment. Obviously the cure was worse than the disease, and as far as we are all concerned the doctor simply wasn't paying enough attention. PM me if you want more info. My wife is a nurse and even recommended the doctor, who she is obviously no longer recommending. There are other ways of treating this, starting with your diet.


Hi, I've been using MMS for about 5 days now. Its seems to working as advertised. I did not purchase it on line but bought the chemical needed to make it, here in Thailand. This informaton is available free. 28% sodium Chlorite by weight with distilled water. I have an excess of the solution. It cost me about $2.50 to $3 a four ounce bottle to make. That includes bottles and distilled water. It was recommended to me by a forum member in the post about leptospirosis. He has been taking it for a while, no ill effects, but no chronic conditions that I no of. So I'll let you know how things are going. I also have to book by Jim H. on it, Free on CD or I can email them to you, if anyone would like to read them. Aloha Rick


Hi Prallo

I recently started taking MMS and purchased the chemical here in Thailand. I have made up more than enough. You can either buy 1/2 kilo for around $30 or I can give or sell you a bottle that I have made. Its free if you have no money. $5 if you want to help get it out to people who have no money. Or somewhere in between. It cost me about $3 per bottle to make. That includes bottles and distilled water. Also have both of Jims book I can email you FREE. PDF file.

Have fun Rick aloha

Message me if you want


Good luck to you, Jaideeguy. Sorry to hear about the Hep C.

You should be be aware that there is insufficient information on the metabolic pathways of MMS (i.e. how much it has to be metabolized in the liver) and its safety in people with liver disease. It IS a drug, and as you no doubt know people with hepatitis and other liver diseases need to be very careful about ingestion of drugs since the liver is the primary organ involved in drug metabolism. Taking drugs of any sort (1) puts some strain on the liver and (2) if the liver is unable to properly metabolize them, may lead to adverse effects not seen in people with normal liver function. MMS may be safe for use in people with hepatitis or it may not be, I don't think anyone can tell you that for sure.

And for everyone - be very careful if you are making it yourself that you have the correct dilution as it is definitely toxic in too strong a concentration.


Hi Jaideeguy, give it a shot dude. That interferon sounds nasty! You spend 100 bucks and try it for a week or 3 and see what happens! :o


Thanks for your input Sheryl......i coppied and pasted your post on another forum that I'm on that is dedicated to hep c and will see what they have to say. So far in my research, I haven't heard or read any negative reports on MMS treatment, but a lot of un-scientific [positive] testimonials.

I remain hopeful, but still skeptical.

going in today for baseline tests and will mention this to my conservative dr and don't expect him to accept this. If I do go for tx on MMS, I will keep a daily journal and share info with anyone interested.....


I bought some on eBay a couple weeks ago. I have some bad chronic problems and MMS could be of some help. I'm giving it a shot anyhow. The only thing I have noticed is some rapid detox symptoms from trying to do to much too soon. If you read the literature and scout around it prepares you for the fact this will happen. It's called a Herxheimer reaction. So be forewarned.

The beginning protocol is to start with 1 drop a day (for some people even 1/2 drop), and slowly build up to a maximum of 45 drops over the course of a day in serious cases. However, apparently the "inventor" discovered it by using stabilized oxygen to treat malaria, with claims of amazing success, apparently. Searching further I found that the protocol used to treat these acute cases was to use 15 drops of the stuff followed by another 15 drops an hour later. This sounds pretty radical as a beginning dosage, but we're talking malaria here! This was a major question I had because, what do you do if you can't afford to wait the weeks necessary to build up to the higher dosages because of the acuteness of the disease? The initial protocol is mentioned in the eBook, just download it and search dose or dosage and you should get there.

Part 2 of the eBook is pretty necessary, I feel. Here he tells you how to make the stuff yourself. While some sites offer it for $12.99 USD - search around and get it for $9.99 from the Australia website.

They say that, "If anything sounds too good to be true, it probably is!" Very true! But they also say. "For every rule, there's always an exception." While I have yet to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that MMS is just such an exception, (and I do have my antennas up regarding this) there are some things that speak very clearly.

1. This stuff is NOT expensive. I bought 15 bottles and, with expensive shipping, my cost per bottle came in at a little over 500 baht. each. At a maintenance dose this would last the average family more than a year.

2. The 'inventor' gives away his secret for $9.99? How greedy is that for a 'snake oil salesman'? Snake oil is by definition something known to be worthless sold by huxters at great profit. As I mentioned above, there are instructions in the second part of the eBook on how to make it.

Because of this I think it possible that a lot of the products sold are made by others using his formula. I don't think he's made a trademark of the name Miracle Mineral Supplement (but I'm not sure).

The 'inventor' (a man named - of all things - Jim Humble) makes no claims to be a scientist or medical man - just someone with some background in chemistry, research and testing. In the beginning of the first (free) part of the eBook he says that was employed to go to Guyana to use his chemical gold recovery technique. He took some bottles of stabilized oxygen with him. Some men came down with malaria, and, not having any malaria medicine he gave them some of the stabilized oxygen, apparently not expecting much at the time. Most recovered rapidly. Some didn't. So he used his background to discover what was in the stabilized oxygen that was working and how to improve it.

I'm not a fan or follower of Mr. Humble. I'm not convinced MMS works yet. I'm just providing my personal observations. Years ago I ran into a product that would supposedly help one of my problems. It was a SBO probiotic (in a remote way, something like acidophilus) A guy who was close to death discovered it and claims it saved his life. He then marketed it. But before he did, he made darn sure that it wouldn't be able to reproduce itself in the gut - because that way you would only need to buy a bottle or two. But this clever guy had it figured out so that you need to spend a dollar a day on the stuff for life!

A medical doctor in Iowa, likewise, discovered a cure for Chrohn's disease. His first group of patients were all cured - all! But, though the 'medicine' he used could reproduce itself in the human body, he went seriously out of his way to find one that didn't, claiming that it needed medical control. Remember this: A lot more money can be made from treating people than from curing them.

From my nascent observations I just don't see Humble as fitting the paradigm of these charlatans. Time will tell, but it's easier for me to believe that this guy is interested in making what is probably best described as a 'good living' and getting the word out, than making himself filthy rich, and selling his soul in the process. It just seems to me the guy (just maybe) is satisfied with the profits from his eBook and video, and is aware that (if this is the real deal) it shouldn't be contained by himself, the WHO, the FDA, big Pharma, or anyone or anything else.



It just seems to me the guy (just maybe) is satisfied with the profits from his eBook and video, and is aware that (if this is the real deal) it shouldn't be contained by himself, the WHO, the FDA, big Pharma, or anyone or anything else.

Waaaaaiiit a minute...you forgot about the scale of the internet. This guy doesn't need to make a million dollars off each bottle he sells, a few cents will do. There are (as this thread shows) a massive number of people out there who are desperate enough to try *anything* to improve their health, in many cases because they just don't have anything left to lose. Good luck to them I say, but I have no doubt that this man is a crank feeding off the misery of others by offering them false hope. I would not be suprised if he cheats old people out of their pensions in his spare time.

A medical doctor in Iowa, likewise, discovered a cure for Chrohn's disease. His first group of patients were all cured - all! But, though the 'medicine' he used could reproduce itself in the human body, he went seriously out of his way to find one that didn't, claiming that it needed medical control.

Another crank, unfortunately. There *just isn't a cure* for Crohn's disease. Some lucky people respond to medication well enough to have next-to-no symptoms, which is nearly as good, but its still not a cure and you have to take your 'big pharma' pills on an ongoing basis or wear another flare up later on.

Cue the black helicopters :-)

... but I have no doubt that this man is a crank feeding off the misery of others by offering them false hope. I would not be suprised if he cheats old people out of their pensions in his spare time.

How you can have "no doubt" about this the inventor, knowing little or nothing about him or MMS escapes me. Forum member rken (Rick) in his earlier post said "I did not purchase it on line but bought the chemical needed to make it, here in Thailand. This informaton is available free." So the inventor didn't see any money for that batch. It is undoubtedly true that he makes money from the eBook, and from product sold on his own website, but due to the 'scale of the internet' there are a lot of people making and selling it independent of him. This seems a far cry from his being a "crank feeding off the misery of others by offering them false hope", and "cheating old people out of their pensions" to satisfy his wanton greed. I'm somewhat skeptical myself, but will reserve judgment until I see some positive (or negative) results in my own body from using MMS. The story he told in his free eBook of how he invented MMS did impress me in its candor. My initial impression is that he doesn't seem to fit the paradigm of a crank. It seemed plausible. He seems to want to document things well. I'm sure, he'll be demonized either way. But think! f he has made a true discovery he would be guilty of mass murder if he didn't get the information out, whether by selling it or giving it freely. However, time will tell whether he a pioneer or a pimp.

There *just isn't a cure* for Crohn's disease. Some lucky people respond to medication well enough to have next-to-no symptoms, which is nearly as good, but its still not a cure and you have to take your 'big pharma' pills on an ongoing basis or wear another flare up later on.

Cue the black helicopters :-)

Conventional medicine says there is no cure for Crohn's. You say, flat out, that there is none, and by extension, imply there can never be one apart from conventional medicine. Today there are many diseases curable by both conventional and so called cranks that were hopeless just decades ago. I misspoke when I said the Iowa MD, using helminthic therapy, 'cured' all his patients in the initial group of Crohn's. His therapy caused them to go into remission, but if they stopped the helminthic parasite therapy their Crohn's flared up again. A better wording would be that he helped them to 'manage' the disease. I would be surprised if everyone who took MMS for Crohn's was actually cured (meaning forever) - surprised and delighted. There are claims by some that they've been cured, but this is all anecdotal. It seems, however that some are 'managing' their Crohn's quite well with the SCD - Specific Carbohydrate Diet, but that, too, doesn't work for everyone. But many that rely on conventional medicine fare poorly, and given all the side effects it's questionable whether, in many cases (but, again, not all) the cure isn't worse than the disease. I certainly wouldn't tell them not to go on the SCD, or take MMS, or helminthic therapy, or any other non-conventional (but non-injurious) therapy if it would offer them a ray of hope. Just because it isn't sanctioned by conventional medical doctors, their bureaucracies, organizations and corporations doesn't make it invalid.

Perhaps it's all best said by Hamlet to Horatio: "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."



Nicely put buzzard. Just to udate. One week and feeling better, more energy and a strange growth on my arm and a lump in the side of my throat seem to be going down. Now using 15 drops 3X a day. Have fun Aloha Rick

Conventional medicine says there is no cure for Crohn's. You say, flat out, that there is none, and by extension, imply there can never be one apart from conventional medicine.

No, don't put words in my mouth. There *isn't* a cure for Crohn's - that's a fact. I think one day there will be but probably not for a fair while unfortunately. And I am not nocking alternative medicine in general, I'm just saying this particular guy is a crank.

How you can have "no doubt" about this the inventor, knowing little or nothing about him or MMS escapes me.

I've read his website and his claims are ridiculous. What are the odds of one simple chemical being the cure for, say, HIV? Pretty low, but not out of the realm of possibility. Cures some kind of hepatitis as well? Getting a bit more remote. Cures HIV, malaria, several flavours of hepatitis and most kinds of cancer? Miraculous :-)


Buzzer and Rken; as our official TV guinea pigs kindly keep us updated with a post a day about how you feel/reactions Etc. If any other initiate the use, don't be shy to post here too.

I am personally very open to alternative treatments - and have a glass of apple cider(2 tbsp), baking soda(1/2 tsp) and lime every morning to start of my day cleaning/alkalizing. It's cheap - and makes me feel good - so why not.

As to MMS I am looking forward to hear more.



Ok Firefan

I took apple cider vineger and honey for a long time when I was younger. I liked it. Had no health problems at the time, and got busy with other things. But would be good to do again. Thanks for the reminder. Have fun Rick

Buzzer and Rken; as our official TV guinea pigs kindly keep us updated with a post a day about how you feel/reactions Etc. If any other initiate the use, don't be shy to post here too.

My left eye went blind, my left ear went deaf, my left side is paralyzed - So I'm all 'right' now :o So I look like this in a mirror ---> :D

Seriously, I'll keep you posted if anything good or bad happens, but probably not daily. I'm at a fraction of Rken's dosage, he's at full dosage (45 drops a day) but I'm slowly ramping up. I experienced some Herxheimer reaction, primarily diarrhea and fatigue. One friend of mine is also experiencing diarrhea, another mentioned a sore throat, and felt weird. All are signs of detox and die-off, which I would expect if it's killing pathogens.

I am personally very open to alternative treatments - and have a glass of apple cider(2 tbsp), baking soda(1/2 tsp) and lime every morning to start of my day cleaning/alkalizing. It's cheap - and makes me feel good - so why not.

I thought the baking soda, while alkaline, would not be alkalizing, similar to people who do antacids, which cause an opposite reaction making them more acidic. Please tell me how the bicarb works. I should try to alkalize. I know there is some connection between acid and carbon dioxide, and that researchers are trying to discover ways to find cancers through the carbon dioxide they either retain or give off (sorry, I'm a little fuzzy on that point). In any case, I know an acidic state is more prone to disease. Now apple cider would be acetic acid + whatever good comes from the apple component. The acid would incongruously help alkalize the system.

Another acid - ascorbic acid - Vit. C - was in the news today - a great article! Megadoses of 4 gm (4,000 mg.) per kilo of body weight helped slow the progression of cancer in mice. I don't think I can post a URL on this forum, so go to bbc.co.uk and put <vitamin c 'slows cancer growth'> in the search field. It said that it 'halved' the size of the brain, ovarian, and pancreatic tumors. Apparently there is a chemical reaction whereby it creates hydrogen peroxide in its interaction with the cancer cell, thereby killing it. I never heard of that, but read the article. I used to get 100 grams of vitamin C in an IV. The amount cited in the article is 4 X as much! I tried to get them to give me a megadose of vitamin C at BKK Pattaya hospital, but they said the govt wouldn't allow it. Finally they 'caved in' and gave me 2 X as much as was allowed - 2,500 mg! Right! (as opposed to 400,000 mg)! If I was a mouse they'd treat me better. If you read the article pay attention to the last line. "Some research even suggests that high doses of antioxidants can make cancer treatment less effective, reducing the benefits of radiotherapy and chemotherapy." We don't want that to happen, do we?

Now, bringing this all back to the topic. it's all about oxygen. I am not going to pick on Crushdepth any more, but he couldn't believe one simple chemical could accomplish all these 'miracles'. Well, one chemical keeps us alive. Good old O2 - Molecular Oxygen. Cancers hate it, bacteria wither in it, virus can't endure it, mold's and fungus shun it, and it's not on parasites diets. The problem is delivering it into the tissues in an available form. I did ozone therapy 10 years ago, and it saved my life by killing a virus. Later, I had internal bleeding stopped by Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO). I would say that if there's one simple chemical that could cure a multitude of diseases it would be called oxygen. But how do you get it? Our atmosphere contains about 20%, but, increasing that amount appears helpful. HBO allows this figure to rise to around 300% by taking 100% O2 to around 70 feet (about 3 atmospheres). This helps to ram charge it into our bodies. Still, it has trouble getting into all tissues (or so I understand). This is even though it's beyond crush depth - sorry, I just had to :D

Back to MMS - Chlorine Dioxide - Is supposed to be 'seen' by the body as oxygen. Ozone stays in the body around 20 minutes, but Chlorine Dioxide is supposed to last 12 hours. So, it's not just any 'chemical' it is oxygen! So THAT's what interests me about MMS. If it is, as claimed, a superior method of delivering oxygen to the tissues, over and above what comes to us naturally, it certainly warrants my attention. I am still skeptical, but am enthusiastic about oxidative therapies, hence, I'm willing to give it a look see.




'I am still skeptical, but am enthusiastic about oxidative therapies, hence, I'm willing to give it a look see.'

Same same....I'm another gunnea pig, now on day 5 at 10 drops a dose, increasing at 1 drop incriments and so far, haven't noticed much difference. Slight headache, some bloating, heartburn.....nothing dramatic or anything that can yet be even connected to the MMS, but I'll slowly push myself up to 15/day/2X and increase to 3X and maintain for a week or so and see how it goes.

Meanwhile, reading lots of info and un-scientific testimonials on the internet and i hope to provide at least some doccumentation as I went into get a fairly complete blood test before treatment.

Will post any major changes [good or bad] but will spare daily reports of 'no effect yet'.


First, I'd like to say if anyone is going to buy the 2nd half of the MMS book - an eBook available online. Look for it on the Australian website. I just bought it there for $9.99. On the US site it's 12.99 so you will save some money.

Thanks, Crushdepth, for the article on the infamous "Dr. Ozone". I am somewhat familiar with Dr. Ozone - Dr. Sartori. I talked with his assistant when he was in prison. Pretty notorious in the ozone community, he wrote a thick book on ozone therapy that was bashed by most other ozone therapists. Ozone Therapy has been administered safely millions of times in Europe, where it is legal. It is legal in North Carolina and just 1 or 2 other states. I had to go to Tijuana Mexico to get it. In contrast with Sartori, my doctor in TJ was a Nobel Prize winner that worked at one time with Jonas Salk. The doctor I went to in TJ (which is certainly a hotbed of cranks) is everything but. The only reason he was in Mexico was because it was legal there. He only used a few therapies at that time, all of which he saw proven results with and did with the greatest concern for patient's safety. His only method of ozone therapy was called autohemotherapy, wherein ozone is mixed with freshly drawn blood and reinjected. It is said to be the safest method of administering high doses of ozone. My doctor checked all the time for epithelial tissue damage, which would happen if the dosage was too high.

Conversely, Sartori used to push the envelope with his patients forcing them into what is called a healing crisis. He accepted hopeless cases all the time. I'm not surprised his methods killed some folks. I was wondering what became of him. Some people still do ozone therapy his way, but I've only met one, and he never treated me. Dr. Sartori used to inject ozone gas directly into the arteries. He did this slowly and - though it would make the hairs stand up on the back of the neck of divers and Agatha Christie fans - in actuality, at the slow rate it is administered, it gets absorbed because it doesn't contain the 80% Nitrogen that is in air, which doesn't quickly get absorbed or gas off quickly - talk to a diver who's had the bends. However, this method is universally criticized by almost everyone I know, or have read that's into ozone therapy. I would have to be on my deathbed with no other hope before I used his ozone administration method.


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