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Southern Insurgents Announce Ceasefire


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Soldiers ambushed in Yala despite truce announcement

Yala - One soldier was severely injured when patrol unit was ambushed by insurgents shortly after a group claiming to be their leaders announced a truce on TVs.

The shooting occurred at 2:30 pm on Krong Penang - Bannang Sata Road in Ruemu village in Tambon Krong Penang of Krong Penang district.

The unit was patrolling the road on a pick-up truck when au unknown number of insurgents opened fire at them.

A group claiming to be leaders of underground insurgent groups in southern border provinces went on Channel 5 at noon to announce that all insurgents would abandon armed fighting now.

The Nation

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It's clear a ceasefire in the south would be very bad news for organization opposing the government

It's a bit sad to realize that some individual will actually rejoice every time people will be killed or maimed in the south.

What individuals? please apply your own standards of not speaking on behalf of others.

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maybe some one has to do the ugly work??? Ugly developments around the globe, ask for ying and yang, just to keep the balance. Not meaning to supporting this idiots. n'or other fundamentals. Not supporting any "war on.......")

Anything is good as it happen for the sake of the creation. Everything has his reason!

B.t.w. I think they just need room to get new arms and additional material

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You need to watch the full clip, which is available on some Thai language blogs. When these three people got up from their seats they were laughing and joking around like they had hoodwinked the whole country :o . I think you will find it was a hoax or setup. But a little too late to back track by some in authority for fear of losing face.

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You need to watch the full clip, which is available on some Thai language blogs. When these three people got up from their seats they were laughing and joking around like they had hoodwinked the whole country :o . I think you will find it was a hoax or setup. But a little too late to back track by some in authority for fear of losing face.

While they did hoodwink a few on thaivisa, it's encouraging that the vast majority of members were astute and identified these charlatans for what they are.... and raised doubts from the very beginning.

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Friday, 18 July 2008 From Breaking News Online from the Bangkok Post

(BangkokPost.com) - Shooting in the restive South continued Friday, a day after three Muslim men claiming to be leaders of separatist insurgent groups in the far South announced a ceasefire in a video screened on Channel 5.

The victim, identified as Somporn Kaewmanee, 27, was shot in the morning when he was working in a rubber plantation in Yala province.

His left wrist was wounded, and he was rushed to Kabang hospital. :

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So what deal has Thailand made with the US that allows them to be thrown this banana? Offshore oil and gas? GM crops? Secret prisons?

great...another America-hater.

Isn't it true, that the U.S. exploits all the countries, depenbing on yheir "aid" , or it will be cut off!? Just a thought :o

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Thailand fears more attacks after dubious "ceasefire"

BANGKOK, July 18 (Reuters) - Thailand feared a spike in violence in its Muslim deep south on Friday after an unknown rebel group announced a "ceasefire" dismissed by some analysts as a hoax that might enrage real fighters on the ground.

The surprise announcement by the so-called Thailand United Southern Underground on Thursday was rubbished

*see that Pierrot and jayjayjayjay?* by security experts and ex-army commanders who said its leaders had no influence in the region, where more than 3,400 people have been killed since 2004.

"It's a hoax and it could make matters much worse," Sunai Phasuk of Human Rights Watch told Reuters.

"People in the south are angry and depressed. They expect there will be more attacks because local rebel commanders will take it as an insult to their struggle," he said.

Former army officers in the region said the "ceasefire", which an ex-defence minister said he had negotiated with 11 insurgent groups, expressed similar fears.

"Active groups may intensify their attacks on troops and civilians to show that they don't listen to this group," Kitti Rattanachaya, a former southern army commander, told Thai TV.

The shadowy rebels have never revealed themselves publicly or claimed responsibility for the near daily bomb and gun attacks in the major rubber-producing region bordering Malaysia.

Three hours after Thursday's broadcast, rebels wounded one soldier in an ambush on an army patrol in Yala, one of three southernmost provinces where Malay Muslims make up the majority of the population.

"We won't let our guard down because of that ceasefire claim," army spokesman Colonel Acra Tiproch said of the 30,000 soldiers and police fighting the low-level insurgency.

"We will continue our pro-active, offensive operations -- search and destroy and arrest -- for peace :o in the south."

Army chief General Anupong Paochinda, who said he was unaware of the ceasefire before it was broadcast on army TV, identified the group's leader as Malipeng Khan, a separatist active in the 1980s who had failed to unify insurgent factions.

Separatist rebels waged a low-level guerrilla war in the densely forested region throughout the 1970s and 1980s, but their campaign petered out in the 1990s after an amnesty offer.

That struggle was dominated by groups such as the Pattani United Liberation Organisation (PULO), which has been largely dormant since the 1980s, with some of its leaders now living abroad.

The old guard has been replaced by a new generation of rebel leaders and groups such as the Barisan Revolusi Nasional Coordinasi, which analysts say is most responsible for the current violence. "Don't hold your breath. This is not the real deal," U.S. professor and security expert Zachary Abuza wrote on a blog.

"Members of PULO have attempted to speak on behalf of the insurgents and negotiate with the government in the past. This has always led to a spike in violence and attacks on the previous generation of militants."

Thailand's Nation newspaper, which published a story headlined "Hope or Hoax", quoted a PULO official as saying they knew nothing of the men who announced the ceasefire.

Bangkok has flirted with talks with separatist groups in the past, but most analysts said it was illogical for the insurgents to agree to an unconditional ceasefire. They are not seriously under pressure from Thai security forces, which have struggled to find a strategy to stop the violence.

Thaksin's flip-flopping between heavy-handed crackdowns and offers of millions of dollars in development aid to one of Thailand's poorest regions did not bring calm, either.

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I believe that it is possible that these people mean what they say, but what about their lads. A lot of them will be "out of work" now. Will they be willing to give up a life style of violence after so long? What about all the people who are in it for the killing and violence, not the political agenda, what ever it was. Many evil people are drawn into conflicts like this, as it is an excuse for "Murdering others" and that is what they enjoy, they don't give a toss about the realities - political -religious - or such. They love "Mayhem" and I don't believe many will soon give it up. Just look at many of the so called conflicts in Africa. They continued on way past the "official" finishing point. One of the many things that I have not understood about the conflict in the south, was the lack of "demands" or "conditions" by the people doing the bombing and shooting. They just carried on blowing up schools, police stations and shooting innocent folks, but never seemed to be making a point - apart from the wholesale slaughter, of what their problems were. There have been speculation about unfair dealings by the Thai Govt etc. and more on religious suppression, but I have never seen anyone stand up with a sign and say - hey! read this. We want this. If you dont give it to us we will do this! Or - THIS is the reason we are doing that etc. It has always been very quiet. If you can call 4000 odd people being murdered and blown up quite.

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Put the TAT Governor on the "hoodwinked" roster...

TAT Governor believes southern tourism will be fruitful after ceasefire

The Governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) Pornsiri Manoharn said she considers the ceasefire declared by a group of southern insurgents as good news because tourists would not be concerned over their safety during their visit to the deep South. :o

Pornsiri said the three southern provinces of Narathiwat, Pattani and Yala have many attractive tourist destinations. She pointed out that once the southern situation improves, the TAT will develop tourism in the far South by promoting the railways and other highlights of this region. She said the TAT may promote southern tourism to tourists in Thailand's neighboring countries, particularly Malaysia and Singapore. She said tourism would benefit the southern economy.

Pornsiri said the TAT is currently urging people in the deep South to visit various tourist destinations in their region. *particularly those sites where bombings have been reduced to only every other day*

The TAT Governor also said the TAT is cooperating with the Ministry of Finance in promoting domestic tourism and selling many interesting tour packages.

ThaiNews / 18-07-08

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Put the TAT Governor on the "hoodwinked" roster...

TAT Governor believes southern tourism will be fruitful after ceasefire

The Governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) Pornsiri Manoharn said she considers the ceasefire declared by a group of southern insurgents as good news because tourists would not be concerned over their safety during their visit to the deep South. :o

Pornsiri said the three southern provinces of Narathiwat, Pattani and Yala have many attractive tourist destinations. She pointed out that once the southern situation improves, the TAT will develop tourism in the far South by promoting the railways and other highlights of this region. She said the TAT may promote southern tourism to tourists in Thailand's neighboring countries, particularly Malaysia and Singapore. She said tourism would benefit the southern economy.

Pornsiri said the TAT is currently urging people in the deep South to visit various tourist destinations in their region. *particularly those sites where bombings have been reduced to only every other day*

The TAT Governor also said the TAT is cooperating with the Ministry of Finance in promoting domestic tourism and selling many interesting tour packages.

ThaiNews / 18-07-08

Keyrist, talk about "the ostrich syndrome" lets pretend all is well now. :D

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Hmmm, let's see, we're all supposed to trust folks who behead completely innocent farmers and brutalize everyone that they possibly can?

This could be a ploy to make folks feel safe when there could be a major attack planned in reality.

I honestly hope this is a real peace offering, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's not.

Yeah, those who know about the doctrine they subscribe to, we can only be scepticle and suspicious.

For starters...

Qur'an 9:3 "Allah is not bound by any contract or treaty with non-Muslims, nor is His Apostle."

Qur'an 9:7 "How can there be a covenant between Allah and His Messenger and the disbelievers"

Qur'an 97:5 "There is peace until the dawning of the day!"

And then there is this... the deception...

Bukhari:V7B67N427 "The Prophet said, 'If I take an oath and later find something else better than that, then I do what is better and expiate my oath.'"

Qur'an 9:3 "Allah and His Messenger dissolve obligations."

Qur'an 66:1 "Allah has already sanctioned for you the dissolution of your vows."

Bukhari:V4B52N268 "Allah's Apostle said, 'War is deceit.'"

Qur'an 4:142 "Surely the hypocrites strive to deceive Allah. He shall retaliate by deceiving them."

I cant find the hadith at the moment, but there is also a concept of making peace or a treaty, only until they have amassed enough strength to fight again.... then break it, as in the above verses.

But then again, they may have lost favor with their rebel allies in Malaysia... or simply got a better deal with the Thai authorities.

We are all so quick to judge other religions for this mess. Understandably religion has been the basis of many battles and quarrels over the centuries. Look in the Bible and you can take out many quotes like this and either misuse or misinterpret them. Christians have also done a lot of killing in the past. Maybe we should not say Muslims or Islamism are all at fault but more put the blame on religion and extremist of their beliefs.

You couldn't be more wrong.

First off, I am not quick to judge other religions... and I happen to have studied Islam inside and out and conversed with many Muslims on-line for past 5-years. I have read the Quran and Hadith several times over in debates with Muslims. Those who are ignorant engage in moral equivalence and make the logical fallacy of assuming that all religions are created equal.

What do Christians have to do with Muslims?

How does any wrongs done in the Christian past justify Islamic terrorism today?

This is a Tu Quoque logical fallacy.

However, to address your Tu Quoque logical fallacy.... Christians may have done some killing in the past... but was this killing encouraged and supported by their doctrine - did Jesus say "Kill unto others"? If you are referring to the Crusades, then I have a history lesson waiting for you --- hint: do you know what the Crusades were in response to?

And do Christians take the Bible as the LITERAL word of God? ...Or as something written by humans that requires some interpretation and humanistic reasoning?

What you, and others who engage in moral equivalency, fail to recognize, is that Muslims take the Quran as the LITERAL word of Allah. Their "god", via the Quran, commands them in an open-ended maxim, to "wipe the infidels out to the last...using every stratagem of war...smite them on their necks, fingers and toes." Quran 8:7 This cannot be softened... it is Allah's word and must not be disputed.

Can you see the difference?

Hence the Quran is the SOURCE of Islamic terrorism. It is not a "hijacked religion" - rather, a religion that more and more Muslims are taking more seriously thanks to the likes of bin Laden, Nasrallah, Ahmadinejad, and their ilk. Until the hateful and murder-inspiring passages in the Quran are addressed and deleted...by Muslims who wish for moderation... the terrorism wont stop.

Now of course, not all Muslims take their religion so seriously... but those who do, are given to extremism and terrorism much more so than any Christian might be. Many Muslims are indeed good people.... but they are good people in spite of Islam, and their humanity and morality have prevailed over the violent teachings.

"I have been made victorious with terror." - Mohammad.

Burying your head in the sand, ignoring the problem, or pretending it doesnt exist wont improve safety from terrorism in the world.

Edited by ChefHeat
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Democrat MP expresses doubt over ceasefire announcement


Thai army is suspicious on ceasefire


Thaivisa members think ceasefire is bogus

It's official now, Pierrot... its declared doubtful, suspicious, bogus bunk...nearly unanimously... except for 2 hanger-ons.

Royal Thai Army officially denies ties with 'cease fire' message

BANGKOK, July 18 (TNA) - The Royal Thai Army officially refuted having had any ties to the ceasefire announced by the self-proclaimed representatives of southern insurgents on the Army television channel, saying it was a move initiated on his own by ex-Defence Minister [and two-time Thaksin Cabinet appointee] Gen. Chetta Thanajaro.

Assigned by Army Chief Anupong Paojinda, Deputy army spokeswoman Col. Sirichan Ngathong said the Army had nothing to do with the broadcast, adding that it was done by Gen. Chetta's personal intention to express his good will and care towards the people in the restive south. :o

Army-owned TV Channel 5 supported Gen. Chetta's move as it assumed it was credible and beneficial to the country, Col. Sirichan said. It was not an official statement or binding in any way to the Army.

She added that Channel 5's action was a journalistic decision, not reflecting any military status to the decision.

Earlier Friday, Democrat party advisor Chuan Leekpai commented it was evident the claimed leaders did not represent all insurgent groups and warned officials to take the story with a pinch of salt.

"Those who refuse to believe in this truce might come out and cause more trouble to react to this hoax", said Mr. Chuan, a former prime minister.

"The government should clarify this and warn officials and villagers to be cautious," he said.

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It is both sad and potentially dangerous that this type of hoax is allowed to occur. Some high ranking folks should lose their heads for this sort of stuff. There are a lot of people who just might decide to venture 'back in the water' when the sharks are still swimming.

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It is both sad and potentially dangerous that this type of hoax is allowed to occur. Some high ranking folks should lose their heads for this sort of stuff. There are a lot of people who just might decide to venture 'back in the water' when the sharks are still swimming.

I think we have a volunteer wildly raising his outstretched hand while chanting "Pick Me!" Pick ME!!"....

Chettha Thanajaro claimed credit for the so-called breakthrough.
"There's no political hidden agenda behind the plan," Gen. Chettha said. "I will take responsibility. This is considered a good sign and I'm confident the situation will improve compared to before."
"The outcome should be known within the next 30 days," *or an hour and a half* Gen. Chettha said, adding that he would solely take the responsibility if anything happens.
He said he himself would take responsibility if the announcement happened to be a hoax.

[Former Science and Technology Minister in the Thaksin administration, former Defense Minister in the Thaksin administration and current Leader of Ruam Jai Thai Chart Pattana Party and] Former Army Chief Gen Chettha Thanajaro

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Chettha on defence

Politician and former Army chief Chettha Thanajaro says no senior military figures played a part in the negotiation and airing of Thursday's unilateral ceasefire claims.

Chettha says he's certain of his information and the authenticity of the video, although he can't be "100-per-cent certain".

He says releasing the video was not done for his own political gain. Negotiations were conducted without the involvement of any government or military staff.

Chettha wants people to wait and see if violence in the deep South reduces significantly. Former intelligence chief Pallop Pinmanee remains unconvinced, however. He says many things are "not right", including nobody knowing the identity of the three men on the video, or the group they claim to represent.

Pallop adds that an unconditional ceasefire "sounds too good to be true". He cannot think of such a thing anywhere in the world having happened before. Meanwhile, a 47-year-old man was ambushed and shot while riding his motorcycle on the Wangpaya-to-Kota Baru road in Yala. He remains in a stable condition in hospital.

- The Nation


a possible motive? :o

Bid for post?

The southern ceasefire video presented by Ruam Jai Thai Chart Pattana Party Leader Chettha Thanajaro on Thursday may have been a bid by an aide to highlight his profile so he would be put in charge of national security in the upcoming Cabinet reshuffle, a party source said yesterday.

As Party Leader and part of the ruling coalition, Chettha is disappointed not to have got any ministerial portfolio so far, the source said.

One of the retired general's former military subordinates may have been behind the move and succeeded in flying him to Germany last month for the purpose, along with former Senate Deputy Speaker Suthon Chaleekrua and former intelligence chief General Waipot Srinuan, the source added.

- The Nation

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Dont you just pity these people who dont have the mental capacity to handle both upper and lower case at the same time. These same people also still believe that 9/11 was an Islamic plot (I think its closer to 7/11 than Moslem myself). And why dont we ever read in the papers, or hear on TV/radio that a Christian or Buddhist kills farmer, soldier, women etc........ always Moslem? Remember the crusades!! It all smacks of dollars and hypocisy to me.

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That tv broadcast with fake gray hair and mustache is probably the creation of the same stupid people who came up with the famous car bomb in front of Thaksin's house, himself master of illusions and famous for his disappearing act as Coward the Great.

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Unless General Chetta and his advisors are complete morons, there must be some truth in this "ceasefire". They MUST have checked whether the three "leaders" have any control over ground troops, and they MUST have seen some evidence. Otherwise they'd look like they bought a bridge from Hua Hin to Pattaya.

Of course there can't be any kind of settlement unless it involves Thai army or Thai government or, most importantly, fighters on the ground. It appears that three unidentified characters with fake moustauches is all that there is to it, we don't know if they still have any control over anyone and it's not their unilateral decision.

So far they have made an impression only on Thai Finanace Minister (as if he doesn't have credibility problems as it is) and Thai Tourism Minister and a couple of TV posters, which is good, but these dummies don't actually go and kill people there, so what difference does it make? Killings still continue.

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Dont you just pity these people who dont have the mental capacity to handle both upper and lower case at the same time. These same people also still believe that 9/11 was an Islamic plot

How many times does Team bin Laden need to take credit for 9/11 for you to believe them?



I pity people who cant get through their thick skulls that 9/11 was indeed an Islamic plot, and despite all the evidence, still are given to insane conspiracy theories.

(I think its closer to 7/11 than Moslem myself).

This makes no sense.

And why dont we ever read in the papers, or hear on TV/radio that a Christian or Buddhist kills farmer, soldier, women etc........ always Moslem?

Maybe because Christians or Buddhists dont normally kill for religious purposes.

"Allahu akbar"

Remember the crusades!!

Do you remember what the Crusades were in response to?

Do you remember who the Ottoman Turks were?

Do you remember the Islamic onslaught into Europe?

It all smacks of dollars and hypocisy to me.

You smack of illogic and fantastic conspiracy theories to me!!!

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Three killed in Thai Muslim south after 'ceasefire'

Published: 07.20.08, 08:00

Militants fired on an army outpost and killed three villagers in separate attacks in Thailand's restive Muslim south, police said on Sunday, days after an unknown rebel group declared a ceasefire.

One soldier was wounded when a grenade exploded at the outpost late on Saturday in Pattani, one of three southernmost provinces where more than 3,000 people have been killed in separatist attacks since 2004. Also in Pattani, three Muslim villagers were shot dead by suspected militants, police said. (Reuters)


Just as predicted....icon5.gif

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These same people also still believe that 9/11 was an Islamic plot.

Let me guess, your mosque or imam told you it was a Jewish plot, right?

..and that all the Jews were warned by the Mossad to get out of the buildings before it happened.

...and that no Jews died in 9/11.

Well, you were lied to...

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 400 Jews died in 9/11.

This is about 10-15% of the total victims, which is commensurate with the Jewish population in NY.



How embarrassing for you.

Imagine what else have you been lied to about...

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Hmmm, let's see, we're all supposed to trust folks who behead completely innocent farmers and brutalize everyone that they possibly can?

This could be a ploy to make folks feel safe when there could be a major attack planned in reality.

I honestly hope this is a real peace offering, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's not.

Yeah, those who know about the doctrine they subscribe to, we can only be scepticle and suspicious.

For starters...

Qur'an 9:3 "Allah is not bound by any contract or treaty with non-Muslims, nor is His Apostle."

Qur'an 9:7 "How can there be a covenant between Allah and His Messenger and the disbelievers"

Qur'an 97:5 "There is peace until the dawning of the day!"

And then there is this... the deception...

Bukhari:V7B67N427 "The Prophet said, 'If I take an oath and later find something else better than that, then I do what is better and expiate my oath.'"

Qur'an 9:3 "Allah and His Messenger dissolve obligations."

Qur'an 66:1 "Allah has already sanctioned for you the dissolution of your vows."

Bukhari:V4B52N268 "Allah's Apostle said, 'War is deceit.'"

Qur'an 4:142 "Surely the hypocrites strive to deceive Allah. He shall retaliate by deceiving them."

I cant find the hadith at the moment, but there is also a concept of making peace or a treaty, only until they have amassed enough strength to fight again.... then break it, as in the above verses.

But then again, they may have lost favor with their rebel allies in Malaysia... or simply got a better deal with the Thai authorities.

We are all so quick to judge other religions for this mess. Understandably religion has been the basis of many battles and quarrels over the centuries. Look in the Bible and you can take out many quotes like this and either misuse or misinterpret them. Christians have also done a lot of killing in the past. Maybe we should not say Muslims or Islamism are all at fault but more put the blame on religion and extremist of their beliefs.

You couldn't be more wrong.

First off, I am not quick to judge other religions... and I happen to have studied Islam inside and out and conversed with many Muslims on-line for past 5-years. I have read the Quran and Hadith several times over in debates with Muslims. Those who are ignorant engage in moral equivalence and make the logical fallacy of assuming that all religions are created equal.

What do Christians have to do with Muslims?

How does any wrongs done in the Christian past justify Islamic terrorism today?

This is a Tu Quoque logical fallacy.

However, to address your Tu Quoque logical fallacy.... Christians may have done some killing in the past... but was this killing encouraged and supported by their doctrine - did Jesus say "Kill unto others"? If you are referring to the Crusades, then I have a history lesson waiting for you --- hint: do you know what the Crusades were in response to?

And do Christians take the Bible as the LITERAL word of God? ...Or as something written by humans that requires some interpretation and humanistic reasoning?

What you, and others who engage in moral equivalency, fail to recognize, is that Muslims take the Quran as the LITERAL word of Allah. Their "god", via the Quran, commands them in an open-ended maxim, to "wipe the infidels out to the last...using every stratagem of war...smite them on their necks, fingers and toes." Quran 8:7 This cannot be softened... it is Allah's word and must not be disputed.

Can you see the difference?

Hence the Quran is the SOURCE of Islamic terrorism. It is not a "hijacked religion" - rather, a religion that more and more Muslims are taking more seriously thanks to the likes of bin Laden, Nasrallah, Ahmadinejad, and their ilk. Until the hateful and murder-inspiring passages in the Quran are addressed and deleted...by Muslims who wish for moderation... the terrorism wont stop.

Now of course, not all Muslims take their religion so seriously... but those who do, are given to extremism and terrorism much more so than any Christian might be. Many Muslims are indeed good people.... but they are good people in spite of Islam, and their humanity and morality have prevailed over the violent teachings.

"I have been made victorious with terror." - Mohammad.

Burying your head in the sand, ignoring the problem, or pretending it doesnt exist wont improve safety from terrorism in the world.

Great post chefheat, It appears you have done your homework.

Unlike most who want or need to turn a blind eye to what is true.! The Muslim threat to other peoples who are non Muslim is demonstated

everyday all over the world. I can't wait until Iran gets a nuclear weapon. Then the real fun will begin. :o chok dee.

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Put the TAT Governor on the "hoodwinked" roster...

TAT Governor believes southern tourism will be fruitful after ceasefire

The Governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) Pornsiri Manoharn said she considers the ceasefire declared by a group of southern insurgents as good news because tourists would not be concerned over their safety during their visit to the deep South. :o

I'm still waiting for this silly lady to threaten to sue anybody who says she is, or ever was, the TAT Governor.

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Thanks for the lesson on Islam. I haven't studied the religion, although I lived in the Middle East for a number of years, so I am familiar with how it is practiced and applied. I think we have to remember that there are Christians (and Jews) who take the Bible as Torah as literal as well. They are fewer in number than the Muslims and hopefully less influential.

One big difference is that Christian families are smaller and generally wealthier and we have fewer 'expendable' people. I think that until there is a larger ground swell of prosperity for a lot of these folks and an accompanying drop in birth rate, they will continue to produce 'spares' for the terrorists.

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Put the TAT Governor on the "hoodwinked" roster...

TAT Governor believes southern tourism will be fruitful after ceasefire

The Governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) Pornsiri Manoharn said she considers the ceasefire declared by a group of southern insurgents as good news because tourists would not be concerned over their safety during their visit to the deep South. :o

I'm still waiting for this silly lady to threaten to sue anybody who says she is, or ever was, the TAT Governor.

One must remember that this Thaksin appointee is considered by some people in some Thai circles to possess witchcraft abilities... which only the rare photo can capture and display.. and which when studied, lends credence to these charges.... :D


"Say I was the TAT Governor and I'll turn you into a frog."

however, double speak is always fine... so, "I would never say that she was never the TAT Governor."

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Thanks for the lesson on Islam. I haven't studied the religion, although I lived in the Middle East for a number of years, so I am familiar with how it is practiced and applied. I think we have to remember that there are Christians (and Jews) who take the Bible as Torah as literal as well. They are fewer in number than the Muslims and hopefully less influential.

One big difference is that Christian families are smaller and generally wealthier and we have fewer 'expendable' people. I think that until there is a larger ground swell of prosperity for a lot of these folks and an accompanying drop in birth rate, they will continue to produce 'spares' for the terrorists.

Hi Scott, I can see you are a nice guy do you work for the UN? You want the world to be peaceful and everybody to get along with each other. The UN isuses reports from their ivory tower everyday. You talk about 'expendable" people like this is a video game. My generation of Americans, and our children grew up under the threat of "The Bomb" Atomic missles from Russia or China every day for 30 years. We had relief for a short while after the fall of the Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall. That was political, now we have a religious bunch of fanatics who want to destroy all the peace and our way of life again. America got caught up in this crap with the help and insistance of the United Nations for a long time. How many negotiations were held at Camp David with a smiling Yassar Arafat with many different Presidents of the US. He broke all agreements that were made. He was a true believer in the Quran. Smile for the camara, agree to everything, sign anything and then keep killing infidels. Christans, Jewish, Buddists

we are all infidels to Muslims. You cannot expect a change in their tactics here in Thailand. They are out to destroy this lovely country and its way of life as they have done in so many countries around the world especially in Africa. Just something to think about over your Singha. It has nothing to do with

demographics. Get Real. Murder is murder! Rubber workers ,teachers, students, policemen, village leaders, innocent people killed in a market bombing,

and the Thai troops trying to protect there country,

are they "expendable" ? 3500 people with children and mothers and fathers and famlies who have suffered because some Holy asshol_e has been brainwashed to believe that it is their right to kill

and maim those who do not believe in Allah and the Quran. How "expendable" are your loved ones? Chok Dee.

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