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Hydrogen Peroxide (h2o2)


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As an alternative it also works to buy an ozone generator and ozonate water then drink the water and very similar to ingesting H202 diluted in water.

Just be careful when you buy an Ozone generator that the hose is ozone resistant, made from teflon or silicone.

I bought a generator 'Made in Thailand' and didn't realise I had been drinking dissolved pvc. Manufacturer should be shot.

what generator MFG did you purchase?


Yeah I know those... Corona discharge. Not a bad unit for the price. Gas Plasma is better. So your saying the flexible hose it comes with is PVC or has PVC? PVC is less common for flexible applications. Or are you saying there is a fitting inside made of PVC?

How did you determine your getting PVC in your water etc? The reason I ask is that a lot of the corona discharge machines are made similar.

When running the generator for a while... 15 minutes to purify a jug of water... I saw small white pieces floating on the surface. There was also a sticky coating where the water touches the glass. 'Tide mark'.

Finally the hose is now sticky to the touch and less rigid, a sign that it has degraded. I am trying to find a supplier of teflon or silicone in Thailand that will sell me short lengths. Since it's less than $0.50 per foot, cost isn't an issue.

I had the machine only a week or two before I noticed these signs. I would source replacement hose if you do buy, or inform the factory and insist on silicone/teflon and ask them to prove they use it.

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As an alternative it also works to buy an ozone generator and ozonate water then drink the water and very similar to ingesting H202 diluted in water.


When running the generator for a while... 15 minutes to purify a jug of water... I saw small white pieces floating on the surface. There was also a sticky coating where the water touches the glass. 'Tide mark'.

Finally the hose is now sticky to the touch and less rigid, a sign that it has degraded. I am trying to find a supplier of teflon or silicone in Thailand that will sell me short lengths. Since it's less than $0.50 per foot, cost isn't an issue.

I had the machine only a week or two before I noticed these signs. I would source replacement hose if you do buy, or inform the factory and insist on silicone/teflon and ask them to prove they use it.

I presume your using an airstone? Most airstones are in the 2-5 micron range and if particles were coming from the generator it would trap them and clog the filter. You could try to siphon or reverse the flow of the stone and catch what comes out. If you could see the particles in the water then probably much larger than 2-5 micron.

Note that a human hair is about is about 100 microns in diameter, while the smallest particle visible to the naked eye is about 30 microns in diameter.

I have a gas plasma unit which can use either bottled oxygen or available oxygen and frequently see pieces of things in water but if I had to guess the are from the water or container. I suppose as a test you could take purified/distilled water in a very clean glass and see if you still get debris.

As for the residue it could be oxidized organic debris again from the water or container. I would expect the airstone to have a slime in or on it if it was coming from the ozone source.

Still sounds like a good idea to replace the hose if you suspect its breaking down.

Where did you buy your generator? In Chiang Mai? Did they have other units and accessories?

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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Where did you buy your generator? In Chiang Mai? Did they have other units and accessories?

Thanks for the explanation but I still feel the hose is suspect. There was also sticky white residue on the stone.

I called the company (no on the website) and they gave me an English speaking reps number in Bangkok. I paid into their account and they shipped it to me in HH.

I want the generator to try a healing/cleansing protocol but apparently I cannot reduce the output nor regulate it. There are various strategies such as insufflation and bagging but I need to source bits myself or buy another setup.

Maybe I'll stick to a Hydrogen Peroxide Protocol since I have the food grade.

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Peroxide is an excellent wound therapy. Effervescent cleanser and painless when applied to clotted wounds. Very toxic to many dangerous types of bacteria that live in oxygen-poor environments like clotted skin wounds. For external use only IMHO, regardless of purity.

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Peroxide is an excellent wound therapy. Effervescent cleanser and painless when applied to clotted wounds. Very toxic to many dangerous types of bacteria that live in oxygen-poor environments like clotted skin wounds. For external use only IMHO, regardless of purity.

Are you sure?



2/15/2008: Dawn (R. N.) from Allen, Texas writes: "Hydrogen peroxide was once used for cleaning wounds but research has shown it is too harsh for wound care. It kills healthy tissue, is cytotoxic, and actually delays wound healing. Unfortunately, some health professionals have not kept current on changes in wound care and still recommend H2O2. I cannot comment on the other clains on your page, but H2O2 for wound care is definitely inappropriate."

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Generally agree- it is pretty harsh. However, for certain kinds of wounds listed above (deep clotted wounds) the effervescent action can be helpful, and the results are not too necrotic.

Have you ever dumped a bike, on a gravel road at high speed; say 60+ mph? And didn't get back till late to camp? And have a leg with about 1/2 kilo of dirt and gravel imbedded in your flesh? Believe me, this is a field expedient treatment that works.

But I agree, for most wounds too much. Warm water and soap probably best.

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Well, it has been a fun run, folks. I am pleasantly surprised that this thread did so well for so long but, like all threads, it has run its course and seems to have slightly deteriorated into a fear factor show.

Reminds me of the days of "television sets are going to sterilize our children", "microwave ovens are leaving particles of radiation in our food and poisoning our bodies", "cellphones are causing brain tumors", et al..

Nonsense all, of course. A television is just another light in the room, microwaves bombard us 24/7 from space and even our own sun and cellphones are used extensively by people who likely already have brain tumors.. :D

Responses to my OP have sent me in search of further education about the subject matter and I have my fellow TV members to thank for that. :o

From some of the more scary posts I began to think that people run for cover when it begins to rain because the stuff is loaded with H2O2 and that is why women especially shout, "My hair! My hair!"

Turns out that hydrogen peroxide is as natural as the air we breathe and the water we have always needed to survive. I mean shucks, even our own cells produce it on a very regular basis and if they did not, we would not long survive.

Maybe it is those scary brown bottles? Some smelly stuff my old cheerleader girlfriend used to bleach her hair long ago? The way it foams like the mouth of a rabid dog?

Cautions about high concentrations are always wise and appreciated but an absolutely HUGE number of the vitamins, minerals and chemicals we ingest every single day are deadly in concentrations that our bodies cannot deal with and hydrogen peroxide is no different. Dilution seems to be the only issue and even I agree that 3% is a bit strong for wounds and I usually dilute to no more than 1%.

But what the hey, for you folks who see H2O2 as devil-juice.. don't get caught out in the rain, eh? :D

My sincere thanks for all of your responses!

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Devil Juice! Mmmm-mmm! Goes great with snacks! Bleaches your teeth, cleans your gut, and gets you in touch with the Higher Power!

Hey, I love the stuff, personally :o

Me Too! Not to mention but, as someone posted above, it is also produced naturally by the human female vagi...

Nah, better not to go there - nor remind you that you stated that you would never ingest the stuff... :D

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