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This post has been of great benefit to see the fours and against.Generaly the muscle bound drug takers are four it and most others are against it.no rocker science there.What impressed me about the post is that many people still like to keep fit and look good,and nothing wrong with that.

Hope the next post is about increasing the size of your nob,and after a year or 2 we can have the similar post on again.

why does these guys stand on street corners comparing there huge nobs and why have such a big on in the first place.Mine is only 8 inches and dont want to make into a 12 inch beast that will scare all the thai guys,oops a mean ladies lol.

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This post has been of great benefit to see the fours and against.Generaly the muscle bound drug takers are four it and most others are against it.no rocker science there.What impressed me about the post is that many people still like to keep fit and look good,and nothing wrong with that.

Hope the next post is about increasing the size of your nob,and after a year or 2 we can have the similar post on again.

why does these guys stand on street corners comparing there huge nobs and why have such a big on in the first place.Mine is only 8 inches and dont want to make into a 12 inch beast that will scare all the thai guys,oops a mean ladies lol.

Interesting post posthai i had better get along to the reduction clinic. Intersting topic though and its good to hear that many are keeping fit with or without steroids.

Cheers, Rick

its awful when one has such a big one lol lol.

got your pm rick and cheers for that,hope your team starts performing.

Cheers mate.

Just reading bodybulilding.com to try to build up enthusiasm for the big push. Some good info on this site.

Cheers, Rick

I would tend to agree with what you say.My 2 friends had taken steroids for ages and they were into competition body showing(dont know what it is called) and they were huge and were always ill and tired.

I'm hardly ever ill and don't feel tired unless I've just pounded my body in the gym. Try 2 hours of intense weight training someday...you maybe surprised to learn that it can be tiring.

It would seem likely that your friends were suffering from other, non-steroid related conditions, and you've assumed steroid use was the cause. No autopsy will ever state that someone died of steroid abuse. You were probably making that assumption to back up your biased attitude towards bodybuilding.

I left Califonia WOW yesterday and was walking in the direction of Pattaya Klang. I walked to the next white crosswalk and right at that crosswalk I encountered a pharmacy that advertised steroids on the side of its establishment - There was a pic of a body builder type guy and it was called "40UP". The sign said to come inside to talk to the pharmacist about steroids - seemed rather obvious that this place was pushuing steroid sales - not sure about the quality or legality - but the place certainly was not selling the stuff "under the counter".

They are advertising for andriol testocaps which is a testosterone derivate which among some others is completely legal in thailand and most european country's.

This is only a guess, but its possible they are advertising for people over the age of 40 (40UP) to come in for a testosterone test to find guys over 40 who are eligible for injectable steroids available via doctor's prescriptions. Andriol is relatively expensive and often ineffective due to its very low absorption rate and short half life (6 hours).


.with the risk of repeating myself more people are taking these steriods because non professional expats are selling them for a profit,to enhance their little bit of money.

I have no idea what you are getting at here. Expats don't sell steroids in Pattaya because they are cheaply available everywhere in pharmacies. Expats who stick them in their suitcase to take home and sell would be taking far too high a risk to make it worthwhile. They'd be immediately arrested in America, Australia and EU countries amongst others.

Most steroids (outside of Asia) are bought via mail order on the internet from companies set up in steroid-legal jurisdictions. They are actually operating legally and the legal responsibilities (and risks) of importing them are entirely up to the individual, depending on where they live.

I don't understand why the average person would see the need to take steroids.

Professional athletes l can sort of understand especially where big money is involved.

But for your average person you can do weight training and get a nice body without it being ridiculously big and also feel quite good.

You are better off supplementing with vitamins,antioxidants and good diet and that will surely make you look and feel good.

People tend to take steroids when they have reached their maximum potential and can go no further without extra help. There is a lot of competition in weight gyms and it feels good when you can lift the heavier weights. When i was training it was the ultimate feeling for me if i could increase my max bench press by 1 to 2 KGS. This gives you the motivation to train again and again to see if you can beat your previous maximum. It really is a matter of competing against yourself and it gives you a good dicpline in life. I never took steroids but i did take many suppliments and i had a strict diet regimen. If you want to stay natural i can heavily recommend taking the creatine supplement from which i had great results.

Cheers, Rick

Interesting comments Rick.

I suppose I am not that competitve that i want to lift more than someone else or whether i reach my max potential.

I do weights as part of a fitness regime which includes,yoga and palying some sports like squash.

I do it to look and feel good and that is enoug for me.

The benefits of creatine are not really enough to sway me to want to take it. Most people put on weight from fluid retention i guess and i have noticed a lot of people get a bit more agro after taking creatine. Still it is a better option that going down the steriod route if you want to look bigger and lift heavier weights. Inevitably we all have some limit to how big we can get and how much we can lift even if we take steroids or any other sort of enhancement drugs.

I agree with the fluid retention but you also make significant gains in strength ( well it worked for me ). The weird thing with steroids is that there is no maximum and the more you take the bigger you will get period. look at the American wrestlers they just get bigger. The main worry is that steroids are psychologically addictive because when you have achieved you goal the only way to maintain it is to carry on taking the steroids and this can be physically and mentally damaging.

Cheers, Rick

Rick, I'll have to disagree with you on the point that "there is no maximum". In fact there is a limit at which point taking more steroids, or for longer will not benefit you, and will likely be detrimenmtal to your health.

If the equation = more steroids + more food = bigger muscles, we'd see a lot more 300lb + freaks. The WWE guys are natuarly freaks, and if you look carefully, ever since they started steroid testing, I think we are seeing less impressive (note : subjective) physiques.

If I took what Mr Oympia took, ate what he ate and trained as heavy and hard as him, I would look nothing like him and probably have serious health issues.

Genetics are the biggest factor and genetics is a very broad topic. They are the biggest limiting factor in how big you can get, what you will look like and how much steroids your receptors can utilise.

A lot of people do think that if a little works, then a lot will work better. Not so. I've tried a few times increasing dosages to try and get bigger or stronger, but my genetics just don't allow it. I knows some guys that take hardly anything and respond unbelievably and others that take a lot and look like they hardly train. It's mostly genetics in my opinion.

What do you guys think about this for body building, then.. :o


Sorry, Its in Thai, but you can see the pictures... And no, They aren't men!

Meg, way to revive the thread.

I know I'll take more heat, but I find females with a certain level of muscularity attractive, as long as they retain feminine features.

Of the 3 women on the link, I'd guess only the first one (117) has taken steroids - the size and shape of the muscles, thickness, hardness and vascularity. Her facial features also look a little "manly" in the jawline and forehead. But she looks ok, and I still find her attractive.

Please don't tell me the writting in Thai says she is a katoey.

Rick, I'll have to disagree with you on the point that "there is no maximum". In fact there is a limit at which point taking more steroids, or for longer will not benefit you, and will likely be detrimenmtal to your health.

If the equation = more steroids + more food = bigger muscles, we'd see a lot more 300lb + freaks.

If I took what Mr Oympia took, ate what he ate and trained as heavy and hard as him, I would look nothing like him and probably have serious health issues.

Genetics are the biggest factor and genetics is a very broad topic. They are the biggest limiting factor in how big you can get, what you will look like and how much steroids your receptors can utilise.

Just to highlight this point, there are hundreds of thousands (perhaps millions) of steroid taking bodybuilders worldwide attempting to reach the pinnacle of bodybuilding success by winning a top bodybuilding show (eg. Mr Olympia), yet these shows are dominated each year by only a dozen or so bodybuilders.

The Mr Olympia and other pro shows have yet to be won by a 300 lb plus bodybuilder. To date the heaviest consistant winner has been Ronnie Coleman who competed in the 280's at his heaviest competition weight. To highlight the genetic limit, it must be noted that in the last 5 or 6 years of his competition years (he has since retired) he hardly grew at all in size. His arms were purported to be 20 inches in girth before he started training for bodybuilding competition....he was a true genetic freak from the very start.

Nothing irritates hard working bodybuilders more than ignorant people thinking that popping a few pills is all that is required to develop a muscular physique. It requires dedicated and very intense application in the gym along with attention to diet 24/7 and genetic potential to attain anything near a competitive physique.

  • 8 months later...

does someone know the costs of Andriol ? im thinking about starting off on these when I get to thailand again as gains have slowed down lately.


whoops, found the answer in another thread: " box of 6 cards with 10 capsules per card 40mg per and paid 840 baht in Khon Kaen 4 weeks ago "

I cant help but notice the growing number of pumped up, brainless, steriod nuts coming to Pattaya. They are on every corner. Ok everyone likes to be in shape but surely this is some kind of psychological disorder.

What do you think?

Or - the reason you see more young fit people around is because your getting older. Well known fact. Before the world was full of old people, now its full of young people.

lets be honest here though most guys are a bit jealous of the guys with a bit of muscle(not the freak size) or at least wouldnt mind getting the ladies they get!!!
are you saying muscly guys have more money?

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