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The BangkokExpats Bulletin

Bangkok Expats Club

Vol. 1, Issue 4 • Thursday, August 7, 2003


Bangkok Expats’ Club is back “in business” with very strong, powerful corporate backing, and of course, even stronger and very supportive and committed personal backup of hundreds of new members from Bangkok and around the world.

Come to join the original Bangkok Expats’ Club on Sunday the 10th of August 2003 at 2 PM sharp.


               COFFEE WORLD

              Sukhumvit Road

              Between Soi Nana and the Landmark Hotel

Meeting upstairs in a beautiful setting, with comfortable new chairs and sofas. I think there is also a number of computers for internet  access.

PLEASE NOTICE:   This is a private club. But everyone is welcome.  

However, we do have a few new rules that will be strictly    


1. We expect attendants to be properly dressed, no shorts, sandals, etc.

2. Absolutely no intoxicated or otherwise disturbing persons will be allowed into the meeting.

3. Bangkok Expats’ Club  is a Private Memberclub.

4. Every Membership Application needs to be approved by Founding Members.

5. Guests (Thai / Foreigners) are very welcome.

Guests’ Attendance Fee is Baht 20 per person and Baht 30 for couples. BEC Nametags must be worn at all times during the meeting.

The Bangkok Expats’ Club is the place to meet people with integrity and professionalism. It’s the place to network with like-minded (business) people, to get or to give information of all kinds, to make living and working in Bangkok more enjoyable and safe.

…See you all there


PS: The Subway franchise is operated by Khun Nui, the wife of Greg Lange, MD, Sunbelt Asia. Greg is one of our many corporate backers. He is presently in USA and returning Sunday morning at 1AM, which is why we have chosen the time for meeting at 2 PM.

                                     Chico: "The garbage man is here."

                       Groucho: "Well, tell him we don't want any.”

(By now, you all know I am a great fan of the Marx Brothers – anyone who has got any movies or  CD’s with them?)

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Can anybody tell me why there are 2 clubs now what happened at the initial meeting?

The new improved original sounds a bit serious, and I'll be buggered if I have to wear a name tag.


I can tell you why there are two clubs....

You know my email address already...you get all my email newsletters and bulletins - why don't you ask me directly.

Nametags: At the very first meeting everyone had nametags... (and, by the way, you didn't show up to that one) no problems whatsoever...with anyone...why do you make an issue out of this...haven't you got better things to do?

Go sell some used cars f.ex.

We are not serious, we are just top professionals.



Bangkok Expats Club


Re:Kesan from Sri Lanka

Kesan has just send me a private email. via this forum.. and I didn't know how to answer him back. Can anyone tell me what to do?

I hope you read this Kesan, because I would like to tell you that you are of course very welcome in our club. Every nationality is welcome. This is an international club.

Please email me directly for further information.

[email protected]




Mr Joern

Groucho also said that he would not want to be a part of an association that would have him as a member. As I remember you issued a personal threat to an unfortunate that was enquiring about fake TOEFL certificates...not the best way to enlist members for your club.

If I can't attend in shorts and sandals who needs it? We are a loose collection of expats not reps for ASEAN.

Get wise dude...I don't see many folks giving you hits on your appeal for membership.


I propose an alternative...how about an 'Expat Gang'? No formal meetings, suits, ties, name tags...crazy behaviour and drunkeness de rigour. Just like gangs in California you identify each other with a hand sign. If while walking down Soi Nana with your bar girl in tow and make eye contact with another falang make an 'O' with your right hand and an 'E' with your left. It takes two for a quorum for 'Original Expats'. Then repair to the nearest bar to exchange views on the news of the day...business proposals, conspiracies, and etc...maybe exchange bar girls as well if they were amenable.

Direct action on the streets of the City of Angels...(isn't that what they used to call Los Angeles?). As expats many of us are in a state of perpetual anarchy...what better way to communicate than the above?

Groucho would be proud.


Robert...you are a depraved individual. If business, crew-cutted individuals choose to associate in Thailand it is not for you to criticise. Your ridiculous analogy to Los Angeles street gangs begs belief...do you really think that people will 'sign' each other on Bangkok sidewalks? And your disrespect for lovely Thai lady bar staff has not gone un-noticed.

Please shut what you are doing and give the rest of us some peace.



Tutsi...you think you baaaad but you not bad enough for robertT. So choose off...4 am Soi Nana with WMD. I'll bring my bar girl entourage with me so you can see what you are missing.

I'll shoot my mouth off wherever I please...Go**ammit.

(Not really, folks...me and Tutsi are having a little joke...)

fearless robertT


Next meeting Bangkok Expats' Club:

Wednesday, August 13, 2003 between 7 PM - 9 PM

Venue: Coffee World / SUBWAY

          Sukhumvit Road, between Soi Nana and Landmark      


See you there


Bangkok Expats Club

Email: [email protected]


www.bangkok-expats-club.com (under construction)My Webpage


Just to clarify yet again, The Bangkok Expats' Association has no relationship with the Bangkok Expats Club, which is an entirely separate venture.

We had a GREAT meeting today -- signed up 12 new members during the meeting itself, then, much to my delight, 3 people (a German man and a Thai lady plus an Englishman) came around from the other side of the bar and asked to join.

FIFTEEN new members in just one meeting! Wonderful!

That puts us at *39* REGISTERED members in just 2 weeks' time.

I *hope* the topic for next week will be the renting and buying of vehicles in Thailand. I'm communicating with a person who owns a company specializing in particular in the acquisition of used vehicles, whether for rent or purchase, and hope he will be able to come to next Sunday's meeting.

By the way, Bob, proprietor of The Office Bar & Grill (current venue for meetings) has agreed to put on today's buffet brunch each of the 3 remaining Sunday meetings in August. At 100 baht/person, it's really a good deal -- even if it loses the bar money (as it does).

We have a mid-week meeting 5:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M. at The Office Bar & Grill on Sukhumvit Soi 22 Wednesday, August 13th.

We also are fortunate to have several corporate sponsors, global corporations.

Hope to see you soon --

Mekhong Kurt, Acting President

The Bangkok Expats' Association

Mekhong Kurt, Acting President

The Bangkok Expats' Association


make eye contact with another falang make an 'O' with your right hand and an 'E' with your left

The 'O' is fine, but how the 4-hashes do you make a one handed 'E' ? Can it be in any font ? :o


Hi --

Can anyone suggest a neutral venue so I can announce meeting times, dates, and the place for the meetings without me getting flamed?  I sure will apreciate it if someone can suggest some place that'll take me out of the line of fire!  ;-)

Mekhong Kurt


used_motor --

Any chance of you leading a discussion sometime on renting and purchasing vehicles here?  You can communicate privately with me via [email protected], if you like.

We would welcome having you discuss the issue -- it's so confusing to most of us who are not in the business, as you are.

Whether you're willing to do that or not, you are certainly most welcome at Wednesday's meeting (and any and all future ones, for that matter).

Thanks --

Mekhong Kurt


Hi everybody,

can anybody explain me the issue with these two expat things? Seems quite stupid to me. I think life is more fun and not fighting (especally in Thailand) ???



Let me get this straight!

To be a member of the "Club" you can not wear shorts and/or sandals?You must be a professional working person of the highest morality,meaning no relationships with anyone in the "nightlife"?

What make and model car are you allowed to own or drive?

Does your wife have to have a university degree and if so,does one from Thailand suffice?

Can you consume alcohol or smoke?

Do you qualify if you are retired?

What is the minimum income required to be a member.

There is a charge to attend as a guest,so does that mean that you have to pay until your membership is approved?

Can you be a member of both the association and the club or are association members barred from joining?

Are the rules decided or revised by the club or are they mandated by the leader?In other words is this a Thaksin type leadership or a democracy?

Does anyone that you decde you don't like personally,have to give up their membership?

Are personal secrets allowed or must you answer any question posed with absolute honesty?Is considered to be the proper to say "####" or must you say "heck".

Are you competing  against each other?Why are the two organizations meetings scheduled at the exact times and dates?

Why did you abruptly leave one group to start another?Will you do the same with the "club"?

A very moral person should be able to post an answer for all to see.right?

Have you considered having the club members wearing suits and ties only?


Next meeting Bangkok Expats' Club:

Sunday, August 17, 2003 between 2 PM - 4 / 5 PM

Venue: Coffee World / SUBWAY

         Sukhumvit Road, between Soi Nana and Landmark      


Everyone welcome. See you there. Questions about the Club will be answered at the Club meetings.


Bangkok Expats Club

Email: [email protected]


www.bangkok-expats-club.com (under construction)


Re: Bangkok Expats' Club

This is a new club undergoing its initial

phases of organization. The club will be

directed by officers elected by you (members)

once up and running. We envision it as

members helping members, to include professional

meetings as well as social functions.

Initially we have specified some simple requests

for proper decorum and dress as well as

meeting procedures, such as the wearing

of name tags, etc. We appreciate everyone's

interest, participation and co-operation.


Bangkok Expats' Club

Meeting Venue

SUBWAY / Coffee World, 2nd Floor

Sukhumvit Raod, between Soi Nana and Landmark Hotel


Bangkok Expats' Club


Wednesday   August   20   2003      Time:  7 PM –  9 PM

Sunday        August   24   2003      Time:  2 PM –  4 PM

Wednesday   August   27   2003      Time:  6 PM  - 9 PM

Sunday        August   31   2003      Time:  2 PM –  4 PM


Wednesday   August   27   2003      Time:  6 PM  - 9 PM

BUSINESS CLUB Meeting (Bangkok Expats' Business Club)

Thursday      August   28  2003       Time: 7 PM - 9 PM

Bangkok Expats' Club

"Expats helping Expats"

Meeting Venue

SUBWAY / Coffee World, 2nd Floor

Sukhumvit Raod, between Soi Nana and Landmark Hotel

We have had a wide range of visitors and guests to our meetings, ranging from retired School Teachers, Golf Teaching Professionals, Engineers, IT people, Bankers, Technical Authors, Professors, Psychologists, Real Estate Agents, Lawyers, Investors, Young (female) Entrepreneurs, Younger / Older Entrepreneurs & Business people of all kinds… oh yes, we even had a Bangkok Circus Owner and a Stuntman…. and I am just mentioning a few.

Email: [email protected]


BUSINESS CLUB Meeting (Bangkok Expats' Business Club)

Thursday      August   28  2003       Time: 7 PM - 9 PM

Hi ,

Can you give more details of the Business Club please?



William IV

Sorry, but we don't have any "Kurt" in our Club.

We are the ORIGINAL Bangkok Expats' Club.

Venue: SUBWAY / Coffee World.

Sukhumvit Road

Between The Landmark Hotel & Soi Nana.

We are now starting our Bangkok Expats' BUSINESS Club.

You can get more information about our 2 clubs by emailing:

[email protected]

Joern, Founder

Bangkok Expats' Club

Bangkok Expats' Business Club


William IV --

The post immediately below yours is correct; I have nothing to do with the Bangkok Expats Club.

The confusion comes from the fact there are 2 such organizations; I am connected with The Bangkok Expats' Association, which has nothing to do with the other club.

We had our first meeting July 27th, so we are a new organization.



To Kurt and Joern:

There is a lot of confusion about these two clubs now. Kurt and Joern, please don't post in each others threads. When you open new threads, please clearly put your organisation name in one of the subject lines.

Good luck to you both!


To George, Sir

Why are you adressing this post to me ?

I  post only under my own thread !



Bangkok Expats' Club

Bangkok Expats Business Club


Expats’ Clubs in Thailand:

Presently we have 6 “Expats helping Expats” clubs in Thailand. These clubs are open to all nationalities and are not “topic” or “country” related – everyone welcome:


THE Pattaya City Expats Club meets Every Sunday at 'Henry J. BEANS' Bar & Grill, at the Amari Orchid Resort, at the north end of Beach Road. A Buffet is available from 9:30 AM. The Meeting starts at 10:30 AM, and we try to finish by 12:00 noon. There is ample parking - the entrance to the parking area and to Henry J. Beans is on the left side just after the turn on Beach Rd., across from the beach

Website:   http://www.pattayaexpats.com/

Contact: Richard, [email protected] or    

Contact: Drew: [email protected]


The Pattaya Biz Club and support group will hold it's Monthly meetings every 2nd Thursday at THE STUDIO CAFE Jomtien Complex Thrappaya Road Jomtien

Network meetings start at 7.30pm, both members and guests are welcome and  there is a sumptuous buffet at BAHT 125 each.

Website:    www.pattayabizclub.com/

More info : Dave     [email protected]

3. PATTAYA EXPATS CLUB & "Friends of Pattaya"

Seven expat friends have linked to give Pattaya expat

community something new in our Fun City; the chance for

expats  to socialise together in large numbers each week for

some Saturday lunchtime entertainment.

Brunch service from 11.30am with some light live music and the show starts at 12 noon.


on  the corner of Pattaya Soi 1 and Beach Rd

Website: http://www.pattayaexpatsclub.com/

Contact: Pete      [email protected] or

Contact: Niels:     [email protected]


Object: An association formed to “watch our backs”, provide advice on medical, legal, banking, business etc.

Monthly meeting on the last Saturday of each month.


37/7 Na Muang road

Central Khon Kaen

Website:  -

Email: Jim      [email protected] or

Email: Peter   [email protected]


The Bangkok Expats' Association is a new group open to all nationalities (including Thais) aimed at providing support, information, and social opportunities for people living/based in Bangkok, and is being modeled after the excellent Pattaya Expats' Club to a considerable degree.

Meetings: Sundays (through August) 11:30 A.M.-2:00 P.M.

             Tuesdays (through August) 5:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M.


10/15 Sukhumvit Soi 33, Bangkok 10110

Website: -

Email:  Bob or Kurt    [email protected]



Venue: SUBWAY / Coffee World

Sukhumvit Road, between the Landmark Hotel and Soi Nana

Meetings: see earlier post

Website: www.bangkok-expats-club.com (under construction)

Blog: www.bangkok-expats-club.blogspot.com

Blog: www.BEC-Thailand.blogspot.com

Email: [email protected]




Guest Speaker

Sunday, August 24, 2003    2-4 PM

Bangkok Expats' Club

Venue: SUBWAY / Coffee World

          Sukhumvit road

          Between Landmark Hotel & Soi Nana

This Sunday our Guest Speaker Will be:

Ms. Sarah Allen

Topic: "Living made Easy"

Ms Sarah is a Property Broker working for

Sunbelt Asia



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