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Chinese Tourist Involved In Near Drowning Incident

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SOURCE: Pattaya One News: July 18th 2008

Chinese Tourist involved in near drowning incident at Pattaya Park.

On Thursday Evening the Pattaya Memorial Hospital admitted a Chinese Tourist who was involved in a near drowning incident at the Pattaya Park Resort in South Pattaya. Mr. Lee Foo Kwin aged 22 was admitted in a critical condition and medical workers initiated CPR at the scene and continued en-route to Hospital.

The efforts of medical staff paid-off and Mr. Kwin began to breathe again while inside the Emergency Room. However he was not breathing for at least 20 minutes and tests are now underway to ascertain if he has suffered any brain damage.

According to witnesses, Mr. Kwin was playing in the shallow end of a swimming pool at the resort but failed to realize there was a sharp drop into the deep end of the pool. He slipped under the water and was unable to recover as he could not swim.

He was pulled from the water and CPR was started straight away. He remains in a critical condition in the Intensive Care Unit.

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