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Another Barking Dog Thread


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If these are miniature pinschers you really have my sympathy. We had one (only one) in the house behind us, even though there was a building between us it drove us crazy.

Fortunately for us, only one person in the household liked it and when it passed away last year (hooray!), they didn't get another.

My golden retriever used to put her paws over her ears to block out the noise :D

Three just moved in next door. I work till 4am. They start in just before 8am. :o

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I´m lapping up these suggestions as to how to cope with barking and aggressive dogs - we are planning on moving to Thailand in the not too distant future and barking dogs are certainly something which put me off the idea each time I think about it, having spent many an unpleasant, sleepless night in the MooBaan because of howling packs of demented dogs. Have I not read somewhere here that there is actually a dog control authority that can be called to deal with free-roaming, aggressive soi dogs? Admittedly they would probably only be active in larger cities but I would gladly offer to deal with them on a voluntary basis.... i.e. round them up and "dispose" of them.... if given the opportunity!

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I need to vent! The thread description says it all. I have moved to a wonderful house in Tanawan 2. Problem being next door is an older dog worshipping woman who has a total of 14 "rat" dogs that bark almost non-stop all day. I am serious when I say almost non-stop. This womyn (did I spell that correctly?) relishes the fact that her dogs are barking and has never made an attempt to quell the mayhem.

I wasted about a hundred dollars on the Viatek Bark Stop. Absolutely no help in any way shape or form.Poisoning or grenades are not part of the solution from my end anyway so am asking about other ideas. TIT so subdivision covenants or other civilized solutions aren't considered effective either.Has anyone in a similar situation found relief and have suggestions? Ajarn ,you live in the same subdivision... do we have a poo-yea(spelling error) or someone with both intelligence and manly balls who can help? Canceling my cable Monday. Simply cannot hear my TV over the din. Dog Worshippers should have just a small amount of respect for humans also. Not really that much to ask IMO. Rant complete

Get you an air soft JG CQB M4 Air Soft air rifle(3.5 - 4K baht)


On full auto... that should do it (14 balls a second at 400+ fps)

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  • 4 months later...


I just pumped in "barking dog" into the TV search engine and read all the stuff you guys printed on this thread in response to Bunta71's prob. No disrespect but no f*cking decent ideas either!

Some of you guys know me and I am pretty easy-going, keep myself to myself, love my family and my dog. BUT, I DO NOT LOVE THE 5 DOGS ON ONE SIDE OR THE 5 ON THE OTHER of my house due to the same incessant almost 24/7 pack mentality barking.

I'm not in a moo baan, I own my house so my options are limited. We have complained to the por-luang but as he has <deleted> the size of grapes, nothing has been done. I have tried the Viateck Barkstop and am now using another ultrasound (Lentek Super Barkfree) and both have no effect. On one side the owner has tried a bit and things have quietened somewhat, but on the otherside, the b*stard owners are out between 10am - 8pm and their 5 abominations just yap and yap and yap. Yes, we (me and my Thai wife) have tried talking to them but they just don't give a sh*t - why would they? The dogs only bark because naturally, they want something the owners are not there to give them - comfort, food, attention e.t.c. When the owners are there then they are quiet.

Does anyone have any concrete info about laws on the max number of dogs allowed in a residence or powers that the ampur may have or do I have to starve my 2 year old Bull Terrier for a few days then chuck him over the fence? :o

BTW, All Along the Watchtower with a directional speaker may be a good idea - anyone fancy coming to mine for a party? Proposed start time approx 2am any monday morning :D

With thanks in advance,


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Id go for the MR Bones approach mate, if you wanted to borrow Toong Tao for a couple of hours also no probs, let me know and i'll not feed him for a few days....Im sure Andy would chuck a couple of dogs in also.

good luck with that. :o

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Just a thought from someone who lives in a "no dogs rule" soi, dogs cant bark and chew a bone at the same time, when you want some sleep chuck a few huge bullock leg bones over the fence, they will fight over them but eventually sort it out.( and with luck choke on em' )

Edited by drfang
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It's an easy problem to solve..

Go to the nearest 'garden center' and by some Methomyl. Lairnet (แลนเหท) is the Thai brand name.. On the way home stop off and buy some sausage meat.. Combine the two items and roll into small bite size chunks about the size of a 'marble' (look gaew) put in the refridgerator to firm up.. Wait till ealy hours of the morning and lean over the fence.. Feed one each to the annoying mutts cute doggies and go to bed..

Whe you wake up in the morning it will be blissfully quiet :o

To all doggy owners... No I'm not some sort of sadistic barbarian.. But untill people with dogs learn to contol them and to take care of them other people will get very pissed off and have to resort to the sort of nastiness I have outlined above.. Keep your dogs quiet and respect other peoples quality of life and your dogs will probably live a long an happy existance..

Despite what many dog owners believe.. People have to come first.. If you let you dog bark all night or sh*t all round the the moo bahn sooner or later other people will get fed up.

I know I did.. Not too many barking dogs where I live...

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The OP should just accept that he is living in Thailand and there is nothing he can do about the annoying dogs other than move.

It is the same in the village where I live. At night I wouldn`t even consider walking to the main road from my soi because the area is full of roaming wild feral packs of dogs, plus those that have so called owners who just let the dogs stray where ever they wish.

At night we hear the howling, growls and barks of these dogs, like a cross between the hound of the baskervilles and call of the wild.

Over the years my family and I have gotten used to it and now not bothered about the dogs.

Let it all wash over your head and chill out.

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Sad story Bunta71.This gives me another reason just to RENT.

I lived in a neighborhood at the beach in Southern California. Front and back yards were scarce.

One of my neighbors had a rare yard. He got sick of the neighborhood cats running and playing digging

and pooping in his garden. so, he bought a trap. He would catch the cat, and in the morning he would hose

down the cat in the trap, spray him/her with paint and let it loose. Well, the cat scared out of it's mind from

being trapped, watered down and spray painted would run as fast as it could home. When it arrived home it would run though the cat/doggy door

and be in the house wet and painted. I'm sure it made a mess and then maybe even chassed around the house by the cat owners

trying to get it out.:o))

Needless to say as I drove around my neighborhood I'd see red cats, blue cats yellow cats, even a pink one

plus cats remembered and stayed away from this guys home.

Wife and I had cactus and rock around out home not cat or dog friendy so we did not have any problems. Plus in Redondo Beach, if

someone had a dog barking and someone called the police the dog barking owners first ticket was for $100. Then $200 for the next complaint. Nice if

they had something set up for you like that Bunta71. I wish you good luck.

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I just pumped in "barking dog" into the TV search engine and read all the stuff you guys printed on this thread in response to Bunta71's prob. No disrespect but no f*cking decent ideas either.

Does anyone have any concrete info about laws on the max number of dogs allowed in a residence or powers that the ampur may have.......


It may not be something you would consider but to stop the incessant crowing of my very near neighbours cocks --starting at 4.30am and tailing off about 5pm-- I offered him 300 baht every month ie. enough to buy a month's supply of eggs, to get rid of them. Its greatly improved things here ( though I think he still has one that doesn't make much noise) and makes living next to a neighbour who lives in his garden just the other side of my hedge almost bearable.

I'm not saying they would get rid of the dogs but they may be induced to control them.

Edited by Asmerom
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I just pumped in "barking dog" into the TV search engine and read all the stuff you guys printed on this thread in response to Bunta71's prob. No disrespect but no f*cking decent ideas either!

Some of you guys know me and I am pretty easy-going, keep myself to myself, love my family and my dog. BUT, I DO NOT LOVE THE 5 DOGS ON ONE SIDE OR THE 5 ON THE OTHER of my house due to the same incessant almost 24/7 pack mentality barking.

I'm not in a moo baan, I own my house so my options are limited. We have complained to the por-luang but as he has <deleted> the size of grapes, nothing has been done. I have tried the Viateck Barkstop and am now using another ultrasound (Lentek Super Barkfree) and both have no effect. On one side the owner has tried a bit and things have quietened somewhat, but on the otherside, the b*stard owners are out between 10am - 8pm and their 5 abominations just yap and yap and yap. Yes, we (me and my Thai wife) have tried talking to them but they just don't give a sh*t - why would they? The dogs only bark because naturally, they want something the owners are not there to give them - comfort, food, attention e.t.c. When the owners are there then they are quiet.

Does anyone have any concrete info about laws on the max number of dogs allowed in a residence or powers that the ampur may have or do I have to starve my 2 year old Bull Terrier for a few days then chuck him over the fence? :o

BTW, All Along the Watchtower with a directional speaker may be a good idea - anyone fancy coming to mine for a party? Proposed start time approx 2am any monday morning :D

With thanks in advance,



I will come over and drink your beer and bring my bagpipe music for a bit of fun. Let me know

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We have the same problem. Our next door neighbor decided just in the past month to start to breed shitsu dogs. Their barking is the worst because its very high pitched and travels far. He has built kennel like cages and the dogs are right next to our bedroom window so one way or another we need to resolve this

We went to a friend and Neighbor that lives in the same village that just so happens to be a judge. He told us that they would never allow a permit (and a permit is required so he says) for this type of business in our village. He has offered to pen a letter that explains the situation to the owner of the house and assist with the process of going to the right people to get the situation resolved. My argument was that all they have to do is say they have these animals as pets and the situation is resolved. He says any amount of dogs over 5 (even 5 sounds too many) they are looking at having a permit. (strange that I never heard of this permit before)

I have lived in Thailand going on 8 years now so I know that this type of thing is going to happen. I don't accept it and will resolve it, even if it means moving.

Whats amazing is that there is a mother that lives there with a 2 month old baby. She cant stand it either and wishes her husband would take the baby in to consideration. But he is firm in his resolve to make this business work.

I will keep you updated on this and suggest you explore this permit requirement.

We live in Ban Tarn Dong behind Kad Farang out in Hang Dong. The Judge also can be hired independently to assist in arbitration.

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Hi all,

Thanks for all the replies. The bone idea is a good one but won't work as 3 of the 5 mutts are in a cage (which is probably why they are barking). Poisoning dogs is a big no-no a/ because I am a dog lover and b/ I have a dog so he'd probably fall victim to a revenge attack.

Me and the missus are off to the Tessabaan this morning as she reckons there are rules in the city about dogs so we want to check out if the same applies here in San Sai. I'll post any info I get.

Hoghead - if this fails then come around on the H-D with the bagpipes, I'll fire up my Triumph too, we'll wire the throttles open and we can have Jimi accompanying us on the stereo.

Thaimiller, you & Tip come too and bring Toong Tao. We'll have a party the locals will never f*cking forget! Beers are on me! :o



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KawaBunga71, what a hassle!

As the one who recommended the 'Bark Stop' device, I gotta say I never promised you it would work on fourteen dogs!

Let's see, putting myself in your situation.. Our village has rules and the first thing I would do is be at the office complaining every day, even barking and howling if I had to, to get them to enforce those rules. But then we own this house, so some options, like moving or contacting our landlord, is not an option. My wife thinks that you should threaten to dump on this rental, and advise the owner that keeping renters in place is going to be hard unless they themselves talk to the neighbor.

Also, being the electronics guy that I usta be, I would connect that ultrasound Bark-Stop up to an amplifier, hook it to a few good-quality tweeters on the wall between your houses and blast those mutts into silence. The Bark-Stop activates itself when dogs bark so you wouldn't even have to attend to it.

But then, why not have fun with it? Put a picnic table outside, mount some powerful speakers out there aimed right at their house and have a brew while Hendrix is on at full volume.. The good ole Star Spangled Banner is always a good one, eh? Sound-activated is always the best because it actually trains the dogs - they bark, ear-pain follows..

Come on over - we'll BBQ a dog... :D

Diggin' through my old Hendrix stuff as we speak.Blasting the tunes seems like the best solution as of yet. At least I would feel better about it! Can't beat 'em...blast 'em! Still not sure about the anti-freeze marinade though. Probably OK if diluted with some Hydrogen Peroxide. Know where I can get some? Peroxide?

A lot a people like Hendrix. VERY FEW Asians like bagpipe music..... :o

Directional speakers so as not to disturb the other neighbors or yourself.

"VERY FEW Asians like bagpipe music....."

It's always been my belief that Asians lack an appreciation of culture :D

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Always best to look at your new house befor renting/buying....surely it was eveident the dogs were there when you viewed the house...why did you rent it. keep well away from dogs/frogs/traffic and all will be peacefull. :o

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I have only came accross a Boston terrier once. I do not know where they got him from.

The flower/pet market near the airport plaza is called Pratoo Haaya. Be very carefull though, as the place is known for it's parvo and distemper virusses. Many pups bought there end up sick of which some die.

You can also ask at Ran Raksat Overseas petshop if they know of a breeder in Chiang Mai. There is a branch in the parking lot of Airport Plaza, groundlevel. And one in between the Carrefour and the Makro.

Good luck with your search. Boston terriers are lovely little creatures. :o

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Great posts. Best laugh for a long time. Made me forget the freefalling pound. I have been training the 'thing' called Shadow next door to be quiet at say 3 or 4 or 5 in the morning by opening the window and shouting 'shuthef..kup". and other similar commands. This has had some effect as the owner has kindly responded with thai translation for Shadow and now i hardly hear it barking during the night.

The gf's family believe i have special training abilities as i also use the commands on our own shid tzu and lhaso apso to much good effect. Its the only English i really care for them to understand.

But i dont know that i would like to try out on 14 [including 4 min pins] barking 'things. would be like bedlam. But i do feel sorry for the OP as it can be a bloody nightmare, [except of course you are awake]

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I have posted on this subject many times but, as with most issues, life is a learning process and I have new info!

The internet, of course, is an incredible source of various methods of connecting with even neighbor's dogs and ways to overcome the issue of excessive barking but this link is by far the best I have found and it has not only resolved our problem completely but has turned out to be of financial benefit to myself and my entire family:

How to Fully Appreciate Our Canine Friends...


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i have a similar problem with the house next to me but its with cats and the family which has strange habits he is American i think and a slob his cats urinate everywhere he has a unusual amount of them like a old lady i used to refer as the Cat lady back in england also drives a ridiculous motorbike which makes irritating buzzing sound but i guess i will just carry on or is there a permit available to prohibit these kind of trailer park people in Thailand.

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i have a similar problem with the house next to me but its with cats and the family which has strange habits he is American i think and a slob his cats urinate everywhere he has a unusual amount of them like a old lady i used to refer as the Cat lady back in england also drives a ridiculous motorbike which makes irritating buzzing sound but i guess i will just carry on or is there a permit available to prohibit these kind of trailer park people in Thailand.

Sorry about your problem with your neigbor cats.

Have you ever heard about 'full stops', btw. Makes a post a lot easier to read. :o

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I need to vent! The thread description says it all. I have moved to a wonderful house in Tanawan 2. Problem being next door is an older dog worshipping woman who has a total of 14 "rat" dogs that bark almost non-stop all day. I am serious when I say almost non-stop. This womyn (did I spell that correctly?) relishes the fact that her dogs are barking and has never made an attempt to quell the mayhem.

I wasted about a hundred dollars on the Viatek Bark Stop. Absolutely no help in any way shape or form.Poisoning or grenades are not part of the solution from my end anyway so am asking about other ideas. TIT so subdivision covenants or other civilized solutions aren't considered effective either.Has anyone in a similar situation found relief and have suggestions? Ajarn ,you live in the same subdivision... do we have a poo-yea(spelling error) or someone with both intelligence and manly balls who can help? Canceling my cable Monday. Simply cannot hear my TV over the din. Dog Worshippers should have just a small amount of respect for humans also. Not really that much to ask IMO. Rant complete

The only way short of moving is to get get on side with the women owner :o .You can bribe her ($$$)so she allows you to drud the dogs with valium........ don't tell her but 1 mg /100 kg of dog shuts them up and if you drug them for 1 month the behvioral pattern seems to stick..................$$ talks...........bs walks

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I have posted on this subject many times but, as with most issues, life is a learning process and I have new info!

The internet, of course, is an incredible source of various methods of connecting with even neighbor's dogs and ways to overcome the issue of excessive barking but this link is by far the best I have found and it has not only resolved our problem completely but has turned out to be of financial benefit to myself and my entire family:

How to Fully Appreciate Our Canine Friends...


:o:D:D:D ..........Nice one

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