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Where Can I Find A Private Investigator?


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I am a consultant Detective & work on contract all over the place for Govt. Agencies & Media corporations. I'm about to move to Pattaya as soon as we have sold our main property here in Perth to retire.

I am an Interview/Interrogation Teacher to Govts. in Voice Analysis including the Royal Malaysia Police,Singapore Police etc.

My family own the Forensic Voice Analyzer Copyright & we have even demonstrated it for the DSI in Bangkok. Check www.itvt.org

My advice , (as we do conduct Tests for private people), if you think you need a PI . then don't proceed any further !

That's 39 + years experience talking. But, at the end of the day I usually find emotion overcomes common sense. Good Luck.


I taught my dog to sniff certain products for me :o ..Goooood boy!!!! :D

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A good one I found before is thailandpi.com. Well, I can't say it's good but it looks good.

Isnt this is the outfit run by the guy (ex copper from Merseyside) who was recently arrested for allegedly trafficking in Thai woman to UK brothels? There's a thread on it somewhere.

Are you sure you want to recommend such upstanding characters? As I said before, it's like hiring pimps to spy on hookers.

As an aside it's interesting to note that even this fine organisation draws the line at 'uplifting' and passing on private email passwords, something which stickman (in his article mentioned above) proudly claims to have done.

Edit: Ok, as I often do I posted too fast. Now I know you may be too rich and you may be above it, Bendix, but a quick google search for me found that you are referring to thai-pi.com, which is similar domain name, but not the same thing. See source here.

The offices for thailandpi.com are in Nonthaburi and the one you were referring to ran the website from his apartment on Sukhumvit. Probably without a work permit. Ha ha.

Looks like they got him on something worse, however.

Edited by Jimjim
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Edit: Ok, as I often do I posted too fast. Now I know you may be too rich and you may be above it, Bendix, but a quick google search for me found that you are referring to thai-pi.com, which is similar domain name, but not the same thing. See source here.

The offices for thailandpi.com are in Nonthaburi and the one you were referring to ran the website from his apartment on Sukhumvit. Probably without a work permit. Ha ha.

Looks like they got him on something worse, however.

Mea culpa. I knew it was a URL something like that.

Rather bizarrely, I met Ian Shuttleworth many years ago. He is the cousin of an ex-GF from my university days. I don't remember much about him, but I met him at her 21st birthday party.

When the news broke recently she contacted me to ask if I had run into him in Bangkok.

Evidently, it's a big family disgrace.

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I'm yer man...I can be seen hanging about bars in a Hawaiin shirt or in a fedora and trenchcoat.....sometimes I may speed past in my red ferrari...If you hear the theme song to Magnum PI when I go past, then that's me.....when times are tough though, I ride pillion on a motorbike taxi...then you might not hear any theme music as I go by

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And.... I choose this post to reply to. Mostly because right at the time I found her out, she wanted me to go to the beach with her family, her 'brother' was going to come... and she wanted them to see what they thought of me. I don't want to go into details, but wanted to say thanks to everyone here, so much good information. The article you guys gave me didn't scare me but got me thinking straight again. Stick's site is awesome and uber helpful for that.

Anyway, yes, I busted her, and she just went right on lying. Its a crazy feeling to know someone is lying to you, but feel yourself being swayed at the same time, catch yourself, and then be swayed again.

Anyway 2, thanks guys and gals of TV for anyone who posted on a topic thats as common here as . I don't think I would have ever given this girl money... tha's a red flag I pretty flatly reject, but it could have put a major damper on what has been an awesome trip so far and potentially could have ruined a lot of it, I guess. If anyone's interested in what happened, send me a PM, but u know, I want to keep sensitive matters private for various reasons.

So yea me... my head is back on straight and I can deal with this. Thanks for like, the third time.

As mentioned on this thread, the mobile phone is your ticket to knowledge. These poor saps who are working outside of Thailand have the same instincts as the OP. Any number of clients have to keep in almost constant contact with the "girlfriend" to allay their fears of being cheated on. These girls are cunning and may clear their text messages and call logs from time to time but once they get a little comfortable they will become a bit lazy and leave you some good reading and possibly some juicy photographs. Dude! It's a business. The most number of mobile phones I've seen one girl carry is four. Yes, each one was purchased by a visiting client. She may think it's cool to be so popular and get a little compatriot status but after she discovers that all these phone calls are a lot like work it begins to take a toll. Eventually she will let the calls of the less generous clients go to voice mail and revert to the Prostitution 101 list of standard lies when out of contact.

The OP can do the PI thing but it cost money and may be a waste of time. Put a little effort in and you will achieve results on your own and possible feel a sense of accomplishment. If the girl has a Thai boyfriend you may be introduced to her "brother". Somewhat of a red flag when that happens. On the plus side, if the girl has given him any of your money he will send photos of himself from time to time to raise his self esteem regarding the girlfriend he allows to work the foreigners.

Good luck.

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I'm reading abook at the momenet about a PI's stories. The name of it is Confessions of a Bangkok Private Eye by Warren Olson. There used to be a member on here a few years ago who was a PI. But he got banned. Try google for Private Investigator Bangkok and you should find what you are looking for. :o

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm reading abook at the momenet about a PI's stories. The name of it is Confessions of a Bangkok Private Eye by Warren Olson. There used to be a member on here a few years ago who was a PI. But he got banned. Try google for Private Investigator Bangkok and you should find what you are looking for. :D

I hope you enjoy the book, I will tell Warren.

I don't who got banned... :o

Please don't tellme I am banned... :D

indiefan, glad you got it sorted... :D

Bendix, although the PI industry in Thailand has its fair share of unscrupulous characters http://www.thailandpi.com/ in NOT one of them…

I always encourage my client to investigate the investigator.



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I thought my gf was up to no good after pressing the issue, she "fessed up" to cheating on me. I even emailed her ex bf thanking him for screwing everything up only for a short encounter...he immediately replied and told me I was insane and paranoid, it didn't happen in the first place and didn't I know that a Thai would fess up to anything when pressed enough only to keep the peace? Turns out my suspicions were strong enough that she initially figured the whole headache to be a good excuse to "fess up" and end the future agony now so she could be free to seek a decent man.

What happened? She didn't do anything wrong and my paranoia created more problems than existed. I researched, read the famous yellow book (Thai Fever) and learned a lot. After some soul searching, the worst case is she very well could have been out with men lacking stability with our relationship. I understand why a Thai fishes with many hooks (wouldn't you?). Who are we to judge when we're not stuck in a country where minimum wage doesn't even pay for food and transportation (what about housing and everything else-forget comforts like a/c)!

I returned a week ago after seeing her for another month. I now believe she's been true to her word from the start, I met the family and got engaged. Being the pessimist, I told her if she scams me then it is still my duty to help the poor and that lies on her head, not mine. That took the pressure off me completely. I just went about as if it was all a scam and after many 24hour periods with her, I realized I had a genuine, honest Thai gem sitting before me. No, she's not a runway model or a perfect 10 (nor would I want a 10). Only 10 years difference in age and I won't talk about her previous means to make money only to help her poor family (never mention it once it's finished unless it comes up in an offhand way)...some doctor and hospital visits to clean up the past and all is good now. I'm saying she is among the minority...not yet jaded but she admitted she'd been considering dishonesty as only means to help her impoverished family (by Thai standards).

I showed some nam chai (kind, generous heartedness) and have received in return the love and respect of her and her family. I "get" the notion that family is all important (the biggest hurdle we farangs face). Sure I make farang mistakes (calling her mother a dog and asking her sister if I could eat penis) --the difference between Ma and Mea and Cuoy and Coy LOL! ...But my dedication to learning Thai and their culture has not gone unnoticed.

After a few weeks, I applied for a fiancee visa let her know I wasn't playing any games and had chosen my wife (once she and her mother accepted). I drink on rare occasion (waste of money and health) so I can see more clearly than many (another thing Isaan's don't like is excessive drinking). I even planted rice with the family and thanked her mother for raising such a dedicated (turns out honest and faithful) daughter. Would any of you literally risk your life and health in order to help your family? It is the most generous gesture of selflessness motivated by desperation and love for her family. I, too have begun to love her family as my own. If she does me wrong, you can count on her family coming to my defense (if you understand Thai/Isaan culture) but I don't see her doing wrong unless I'm a bad husband to start.

My advice? Get to know her soul. Buy Pimsleur's Thai and download it on your phone or ipod and listen and learn...read up on their culture and realize it's just another marriage with problems and hurdles like any other marriage...dedicate yourself to becoming the best husband you can and she will do her part in return. Don't make it about money and sex; talk about her religion and talk less about yours. Speak of honor, fidelity and (if this is you) the fact that you will not forsake her trust touching another woman.

For me, It's only money and I've never seen a trailer full of money attached to a funeral procession. It's my duty being lucky to be born where I am to help the poor (I could have easily been born in Burma or Africa, instead). Sex is far down on my list after love, soul and commitment (then the sex can come). Many bargirl have been turned around by nam chai and dedication but you have to speak with their soul to learn if she's the real thing or if you're a pawn in her game (they're far more adept in social intelligence than we are). It all depends on the individual. For my wife (married by Isaan standards but lacking ceremony to come later), she prefers to wear long sleeved shirts and long pants in the blistering heat to go back to her conservative roots. If she had the bar still in her, she would still be wearing sexy stuff when we go out and about (only one small clue I had that she was finished and longed for a legitimate life again).

If you truly need some help, I know several motivated HONEST locals with cameras willing to do some investigation for you at Thai (not farang) compensation. ...think about it; you can't blame some for starting in the profession since $6 a 12 hour day is minimum wage but the litmus test is when they're supported by a loving husband, will they revert to their roots again, or continue to seek money?

My wife doesn't drink, doesn't smoke and even went to a monastery to pray and meditate for me, my family and hers for health, success, prosperity and happiness for 9 days. She also said it would save me money not having to send as much for that period. She was looking to cleanse her past and wrongs from her life as she longs for a loving, dedicated marriage (like we all want). She told me she didn't have money to help me so it was all she could give. I told her she was already a millionaire by my standards.

If you need help, I know a kind and honest group of people who would be interested in preserving your heart. If all fails, maybe get you a referral for a nice lady? LOL! (seriously, nice people know nice people....bad people they disassociate with quickly).

Edited by HYENA
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There is an easier way, tell her you are about to declare bankrupcy, ask if she will stay with you for nothing and even if she woulld help you out financially, dont laugh, a woman from anywhere if in love would help,.this statement will cause a few hiccups but i know my (thai ) wife would, why would any woman that loves you not help,.

Great answer, your right, my wife would give me the last grain. Good test

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good luck hyena!

its guys like yuo who make me cry :o:D

if only more guys would give working girls a chance!

i notice a lot of guys sy the girls do it only for the family, which im sure is partly true. but the girls wouldnt be able to deliver the goods, so to speak, if it were only for the family. the good working girls love it, its a big party for them and are paid well to boot!

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