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Please, Pleas For More Intelligent Discussions On Thai Visa

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We have had complaints that the topics are becoming even more moronic lately, and the replies to such topics do not resemble the dialog in Plato's Republic. True enough. But ThaiVisa has no minimal IQ, no requirement that you have a master's in logic and rhetoric to join in the discussion. So, what do you eggheads say - shall we adjourn to a meeting of the Mensa Society, or shall we drown out the simpletons with a blinding display of superior intellect?

Let me think of a really highbrow subject to discuss rationally, using polite language and fine reason.....which song title by the Eagles is most fitting of Thailand - Lyin' Eyes or New Kid in Town?Did Steppenwolf's theory that you're never to old to start all over again, apply to expats in Thailand? If Eleanor Rigby's funeral had been held in Pukhet, would nobody have come?.....

no, you do it, please. Dazzle us with your brilliance. Ask questions that could never be reduced to a simple poll. Make points that cannot be mis-labeled as liberal or conservative. Try to relate it to Thailand, since this is not the Arkansas forum.

Let the illumination begin.

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We have had complaints that the topics are becoming even more moronic lately

Clearly, reading ThaiVisa is making people smarter and causing them to raise their standards.


Complaints from who?

Why not start a topic called "VOICE YOUR TV COMPLAINTS HERE". If you still get complaints about forum topics, I suggest you just consider the source. :o

We have had complaints that the topics are becoming even more moronic lately, and the replies to such topics do not resemble the dialog in Plato's Republic. .

Plato has spoken... :o:D:D:D:D

We have had complaints that the topics are becoming even more moronic lately, and the replies to such topics do not resemble the dialog in Plato's Republic. True enough. But ThaiVisa has no minimal IQ, no requirement that you have a master's in logic and rhetoric to join in the discussion. So, what do you eggheads say - shall we adjourn to a meeting of the Mensa Society, or shall we drown out the simpletons with a blinding display of superior intellect?

Let me think of a really highbrow subject to discuss rationally, using polite language and fine reason.....which song title by the Eagles is most fitting of Thailand - Lyin' Eyes or New Kid in Town?Did Steppenwolf's theory that you're never to old to start all over again, apply to expats in Thailand? If Eleanor Rigby's funeral had been held in Pukhet, would nobody have come?.....

no, you do it, please. Dazzle us with your brilliance. Ask questions that could never be reduced to a simple poll. Make points that cannot be mis-labeled as liberal or conservative. Try to relate it to Thailand, since this is not the Arkansas forum.

Let the illumination begin.

What's that you said ? Illuminate what ? :o Sorry, I looked at my post counts lately, it has been pathetic. Needed a boost.


The gravity of this plea may be gauged by the multiplicity of identical topics posted contemporaneously on this forum. Perhaps TV needs a Mensa forum for those who find the rabble so unbearable and where they can comfortably meet, greet and excrete with their own kind.


cloudhopper, if you are referring to my triple posting of this opening topic, you may blame the morons who make or route internet traffic connections in Thailand to crawl more slowly than a dead snail. I wrote the topic once, and was timed out maybe 11 times. Blame that telecom genius, Thaksin Socrates Shittywater.

cloudhopper, I look forward to your contributions to lift the dialog.


hel_l we have people pushing tractors, clocks, fertilizer, gasohol with h2o added, ducks, fish and various other varmits, ask for a horney tomcat (classic) want to meet boys, girls, old men, its etc. where to find vigra and cost, where to go for a good time????? massage (not dirty) guess mud pack is out, I would'nt miss a day of this. And PB wants to upgrade the client base ssshhhh.


After my first reply to this subject, I got to thinking and have now realised that the reason the 'powers that be' on here are mostly likely the one's with the complaints as to the quality of forum topics under 'General'.

I even went so far as to look up the meaning of General on the web and from what I can tell it basically means anything at all, non-specific etc etc. No where under the definition could I find something remotely resembling or suggesting that it meant "Un-moronic".

Perhaps I am just being a little conspiracy driven this afternoon, but by cleaning up the topics (eg, no more threads about "Do You Cheat on your Thai BG GF" etc to something like.. "Does Thailand Need Farangs to Support It's Economy"), potential advertisers on this forum may be led to believe that we are far more intelligent, more enlightened and more cash-heavy, thus making it a more suitable place in which to advertise.

In GENERAL, I believe the topics under the General Topics heading should be general in nature, and that by forcing us to be un-moronic in our postings, the very thing that makes being general great is in fact that we can generalise about anything, moronic, un-moronic, specific, or un-specific. In General, this is being taken away from us morons and place solely into the hands of those who feel that we should be more specific when posting in a general forum. :o


I think PB has a point, there is a stream drivel that is allowed as threads and posts here. :D

Unfortunately due to commercial needs, if a member points out the banality of another members utterances they are discouraged. While PC has not reached Thialand it has made it to the hallowed halls of TV. :D

I would like to see Naam given a free reign to raise the quality of the posting here (or even weho [ducks for cover]) :o



Perhaps a subforum under general called "idle chit chat" or something where the nonsense posts and topics can go.

Also there are only so many subjects to be covered. Most information/topics just get regurgitated. Topics that once appeared fresh and interesting now appear stale.

Bring in the professionals i say. It will be worth it in the long run. Pay some creative thinkers to come up with stimulating OP material. Take that talented chap, Garro I think his name is, if he and a bunch of others like him, were to up the quality of their OPs only a notch, you might get the eggheads to shift up a gear.

We have had complaints that the topics are becoming even more moronic lately, and the replies to such topics do not resemble the dialog in Plato's Republic. True enough. But ThaiVisa has no minimal IQ, no requirement that you have a master's in logic and rhetoric to join in the discussion. So, what do you eggheads say - shall we adjourn to a meeting of the Mensa Society, or shall we drown out the simpletons with a blinding display of superior intellect?

Let me think of a really highbrow subject to discuss rationally, using polite language and fine reason.....which song title by the Eagles is most fitting of Thailand - Lyin' Eyes or New Kid in Town?Did Steppenwolf's theory that you're never to old to start all over again, apply to expats in Thailand? If Eleanor Rigby's funeral had been held in Pukhet, would nobody have come?.....

no, you do it, please. Dazzle us with your brilliance. Ask questions that could never be reduced to a simple poll. Make points that cannot be mis-labeled as liberal or conservative. Try to relate it to Thailand, since this is not the Arkansas forum.

Let the illumination begin.

I very much doubt that we will see many 'blinding displays of superior intellect' :o

As someone that is about to move to Bangkok I've found this forum very useful and I am very grateful for the members that have posted the useful info.

Now I'm off to start my own topic on the question of apartment / condo rentals and the whole fully furnished thing...



Or perhaps, although I may be incorrect, but the more nonsenical posts may well belong in a more nonsensical forum created for nonsenical threads.

Hmmm where might that be...

Oh, how about.....

Farang Pub - fun, entertainment and Expat life

Thailand is legendary for it's entertainment, both traditional, and modern. Discuss Night Life, restaurants, bars, music, movies, concerts, expat life, fun, or just a chat about everything Thailand. Because we live life to the fullest here!

I think my topics are great. I believe there is no-one here that has the balls to disagree either

mate, I just checked your topics, about 30 of them. They have ALL got 1 star ! :o

Or perhaps, although I may be incorrect, but the more nonsenical posts may well belong in a more nonsensical forum created for nonsenical threads.

Hmmm where might that be...

Oh, how about.....

Farang Pub - fun, entertainment and Expat life

Thailand is legendary for it's entertainment, both traditional, and modern. Discuss Night Life, restaurants, bars, music, movies, concerts, expat life, fun, or just a chat about everything Thailand. Because we live life to the fullest here!

naa make a new one called the Kiddies Playground or somethign. setup now obviously aint working

Or perhaps, although I may be incorrect, but the more nonsenical posts may well belong in a more nonsensical forum created for nonsenical threads.

Hmmm where might that be...

Oh, how about.....

Farang Pub - fun, entertainment and Expat life

Thailand is legendary for it's entertainment, both traditional, and modern. Discuss Night Life, restaurants, bars, music, movies, concerts, expat life, fun, or just a chat about everything Thailand. Because we live life to the fullest here!

naa make a new one called the Kiddies Playground or somethign. setup now obviously aint working



Maybe we can put threads in other sub-forums, surely. My opening topic here is not my own, though I surely agree with its premise. With tongue in cheek, knowing we will not reach Olympian or Athenian heights in our discourse, I still think, "Shirley, we can do better than have a poll about how spicy the food is." :o


Peaceblondie, I admire and congratulate you for raising this point. Sadly. in my honest opinion, the state of Thais Visa topics are certainly slipping, and seemingly pointless polls are carrying this once valuable site to a new level of mediocrity. Just viewing the responses to this thread proves to me that we are surrounded by Philistines and that this medium for them is merely there to punch out 2 lines of drivel that they consider humourous.

As you may have noticed by my avatar, stoicism is a philosophy close to me heart. Discussing it here in a general area is fraught with danger, and discoursing on Cartesian Crosses or the evils of epiphytes is either opening ones self up to flaming or at the very least to the ridicule by the above mentioned moronic masses.

My suggest therefore is to open up a private area, perhaps by invitaion only, where one can have a constructive yet peaceful conversation (perhaps Brahms or Beethoven could be piped through softly) for the caring poster.

PS. Before too many of you get carried away, this is a little tongue in cheek, but as with all humour it does have a truthful element. You work it out.

Cheers P.B. and here's to the new Thai Visa Arts & Cultural for the Discerning Poster Section.

I think my topics are great. I believe there is no-one here that has the balls to disagree either

With all that steroid abuse do you have any?

Peaceblondie, I admire and congratulate you for raising this point. Sadly. in my honest opinion, the state of Thais Visa topics are certainly slipping, and seemingly pointless polls are carrying this once valuable site to a new level of mediocrity. Just viewing the responses to this thread proves to me that we are surrounded by Philistines and that this medium for them is merely there to punch out 2 lines of drivel that they consider humourous.

As you may have noticed by my avatar, stoicism is a philosophy close to me heart. Discussing it here in a general area is fraught with danger, and discoursing on Cartesian Crosses or the evils of epiphytes is either opening ones self up to flaming or at the very least to the ridicule by the above mentioned moronic masses.

My suggest therefore is to open up a private area, perhaps by invitaion only, where one can have a constructive yet peaceful conversation (perhaps Brahms or Beethoven could be piped through softly) for the caring poster.

PS. Before too many of you get carried away, this is a little tongue in cheek, but as with all humour it does have a truthful element. You work it out.

Cheers P.B. and here's to the new Thai Visa Arts & Cultural for the Discerning Poster Section.

speaking of drivel ... a teacher no doubt.

I think my topics are great. I believe there is no-one here that has the balls to disagree either

There you are , TheDon has given a prime example of an intellectually stimulating one liner as an example. :o

I think my topics are great. I believe there is no-one here that has the balls to disagree either

There you are , TheDon has given a prime example of an intellectually stimulating one liner as an example. :o

And your point is, only intellectual stimulating posts allowed? He is replying to the topic, not starting one. I agree with Teacher Ken, go start a forum for only those with superior intellect allowed. Perhaps run an IQ test to qualify? This way I will know which forum to go to when I can't get to sleep at night and need some assistance.


Probably time for Thai Visa to revisit what it is trying to acheive... :o

From a few months' observation it's clear the initial focus of Thai Visa has changed from what it used to be... These changes are often hardest to spot for the people there from the start, but quite obvious to newer users... :D

The result being the goals of TV's owners are no longer well aligned to the goals of its users... Even among its owners/ people organising the site, the goals are not well aligned. This is often the case in virtual businesses drawing people from different places with different objectives... The natural tendency is then to compromise and sink to the lowest common denominator... :D

We have had complaints that the topics are becoming even more moronic lately, and the replies to such topics do not resemble the dialog in Plato's Republic. True enough. But ThaiVisa has no minimal IQ, no requirement that you have a master's in logic and rhetoric to join in the discussion. So, what do you eggheads say - shall we adjourn to a meeting of the Mensa Society, or shall we drown out the simpletons with a blinding display of superior intellect?

Let me think of a really highbrow subject to discuss rationally, using polite language and fine reason.....which song title by the Eagles is most fitting of Thailand - Lyin' Eyes or New Kid in Town?Did Steppenwolf's theory that you're never to old to start all over again, apply to expats in Thailand? If Eleanor Rigby's funeral had been held in Pukhet, would nobody have come?.....

no, you do it, please. Dazzle us with your brilliance. Ask questions that could never be reduced to a simple poll. Make points that cannot be mis-labeled as liberal or conservative. Try to relate it to Thailand, since this is not the Arkansas forum.

Let the illumination begin.

There was i thinking your " Teaching in Thailand " forum was the ideal vehicle for this sort of moronic exclusion.

How many forums do you want for alledged intelligent discusion.

Their are thousands of T. Visa members who contribute in their own style daily and most are far from stupid and well worth a read / comment and open down to earth debate.

Perhaps what we consider interesting is not to your comprehensive desires, but it is far from boring and the complaints you refer to are few and far between

I also realise my opinion, like yours, is possibly a bit on the boring side and moronic.

marshbags :D:o


Who really cares, if you dont like the topic then dont read it or reply to it. I mean I'm sure many people are on here for a bit of fun like myself

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