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What To Do About Our Truck?

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Yes I know it seems foolhardy but after a year with my girl I wanted transport. My only way of getting it was to finance in her name.

The background was she was excellent in every way... All her family worked and there was no pressure put on me for money and I considered that a blessing.

So when the time came to buy a vehicle yes little reservations nagged me. Only because of the scare stories one reads but I took the plunge.

Anyway I paid down 125,000 Baht and my repayments are 8,000 Baht per month. Every day now is a nightmare... She showers goes to work, I shower go to work and we almost do not say 2 word to each other. We used to always eat together now she eats with friends and I eat alone. Love-making is a thing of the past so maybe it is time for the inevitable.

The only real sticking point is this truck... Do I have any comeback or do I hand her the keys, papers and I lose my 125,000 Baht and head home with my Water Buffalo Degree?

Sensible comments please... Thank you.


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If you split up, she will be responsible for further payment, if still neccesarey ? Can she do that ??

If she cannot, maybe she wants to get rid of the car...

It is in her name, so that makes you a " 0" in having anything to say about it, it is the risque you took, and it went wrong. For both of you.

Is 125.000 worth both your nightmare ? For 0 Baht maybe you could try to talk, sooner or later you will have to say something anyway...

Good luck

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Kwai that I am - yes, I admit it - I did the same with a six wheeler. Luckily I stayed around long enough to oversee the sale. I lost money on the deal, but not as much as if I had simply dumped the truck in her lap.

Promises of work for the truck that never materialised. Repayments that were more of a burden for a truck that did no work.

160,000 deposit. sold for 300,000 - eventually.

I insisted she make a 'for sale' sign in THai and put the truck in a visible position on the main dual carriageway. We had several phone calls and sold it at a small loss - 50k or so. But nowhere near the loss of 160,000 if I had dumped it in her lap. I had promised her a return on the truck to save face for her - but I lied. Same as they lie.

We live and learn :o

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Yes I know it seems foolhardy but after a year with my girl I wanted transport. My only way of getting it was to finance in her name.

The background was she was excellent in every way... All her family worked and there was no pressure put on me for money and I considered that a blessing.

So when the time came to buy a vehicle yes little reservations nagged me. Only because of the scare stories one reads but I took the plunge.

Anyway I paid down 125,000 Baht and my repayments are 8,000 Baht per month. Every day now is a nightmare... She showers goes to work, I shower go to work and we almost do not say 2 word to each other. We used to always eat together now she eats with friends and I eat alone. Love-making is a thing of the past so maybe it is time for the inevitable.

The only real sticking point is this truck... Do I have any comeback or do I hand her the keys, papers and I lose my 125,000 Baht and head home with my Water Buffalo Degree?

Sensible comments please... Thank you.


It's hers right.....drive it up to Nongkhai, leave it on the side of the road with the keys in the ignition(it would be like leaving a vile of smack in a room full of junkies, irresistable :o )....fly to Manila have a few beers and a jolly good laugh, then move on to the next chapter of your life. :D

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It's hers right.....drive it up to Nongkhai, leave it on the side of the road with the keys in the ignition(it would be like leaving a vile of smack in a room full of junkies, irresistable )....fly to Manila have a few beers and a jolly good laugh, then move on to the next chapter of your life.

Most sensible advice so far. Makes a clean break of it without all the 'lets talk about' bullshit - you would have done that already if there was a chance of it helping.

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It's hers right.....drive it up to Nongkhai, leave it on the side of the road with the keys in the ignition(it would be like leaving a vile of smack in a room full of junkies, irresistable )....fly to Manila have a few beers and a jolly good laugh, then move on to the next chapter of your life.

Most sensible advice so far. Makes a clean break of it without all the 'lets talk about' bullshit - you would have done that already if there was a chance of it helping.

Yep..its the "MTV Jackass" approach..just blow it up, push it off a cliff ..whatever etc... and have a jolly good laugh about it.

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It's hers right.....drive it up to Nongkhai, leave it on the side of the road with the keys in the ignition(it would be like leaving a vile of smack in a room full of junkies, irresistable )....fly to Manila have a few beers and a jolly good laugh, then move on to the next chapter of your life.

Most sensible advice so far. Makes a clean break of it without all the 'lets talk about' bullshit - you would have done that already if there was a chance of it helping.

Yep..its the "MTV Jackass" approach..just blow it up, push it off a cliff ..whatever etc... and have a jolly good laugh about it.

Maybe we could get a bunch of forum members together and have a real redneck truck smashup party...beers, bombfire in the truck's tray, girls dancing with their boobs out..yee haaaa..i'll bring the country music :o

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It's hers, don't do anything stupid as suggested by some here. Give her the keys and just walk away to a happier environment and treat the whole thing as one of life’s experiences.

Don’t know about yourself but a large number of we forum members have been through expensive divorces in our home countries and this is not much different. Whether here or there separation is rarely cheap.

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If you can't afford to walk away from it, then you have made a serious mistake. If you can afford to walk away from it, it's only money and no big deal. Life goes on.

In the future, remember the GOLDEN rule. DON'T spend more than you can afford to walk away from.

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Maybe we could get a bunch of forum members together and have a real redneck truck smashup party...beers, bombfire in the truck's tray, girls dancing with their boobs out..yee haaaa..i'll bring the country music :(

Brilliant :o:D:D:D:D

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From the sound of your post you only made the down payment. It was and still is financed in your g/f's name. That would mean your name doesn't appear anywhere on any paper relating to the truck purchase. Walking away leaves you zero liability, with an out of pocket loss of just the down payment of about $4000US (plus what ever monthly payments you've made so far). I take it from the tone of your post that your (in)significant other hasn't contributed to any of the payments.

Some of the posters ('Chaimai', 'kiakaha', 'rono') have made glib and inane remarks about wrecking or damaging the truck before you let her have it. In my observations being vindictive to the ever smiling, yet diminutive inhabitants here in the glorious "Land 'O Thais" rarely has a positive outcome. Thais seem to never forget a slight either real or imagined and more often than not will go to great lengths to settle a score. Realize doing something like that could get you a one line mention on the back page of a newspaper. You'll be another lovelorn foreigner who jumped from a building after tying his hands behind his back, slitting his own throat, and shooting himself in the head twice. It will be chalked up as another suicide.

I suggest, (contrary to 'markuk' who thinks you should give her an additional 24,000 baht to cover 3 months payments), you just hand her the keys and walk away from it. The down payment was not that significant of an amount. Even if you're barely eking out an existence here; in the grand scheme of your life its chump change.

Suck it up, cut your losses, don't be vindictive, learn from your mistake(s), walk away and DON'T look back. It is after all in her name; she'll either give it back to the finance company, or find a way to sort things out so she can continue paying for it.

Good luck, hopefully lesson learned.

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Suck it up, cut your losses, don't be vindictive, learn from your mistake(s), walk away and DON'T look back. It is after all in her name; she'll either give it back to the finance company, or find a way to sort things out so she can continue paying for it.

Nice sensible reply. Best to just minimize your losses and put it down to lesson learned. Since it was financed, nobody "ownes" the truck but the bank. In the beginning, you could maybe could have registered the truck in joint ownership (foreigners can be put on a car/truck's "blue-book") while the bank financing only had her name. In any case, if the family cannot afford the payments, it will be repossed. If you want, you could offer to buy it (if you want it) or buy it from the bank (if you have the case).

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I'd bet that one of her family put up some property to secure that loan. Because of that and ruining her credit, I'd never allow the finance company to take it back. I'd keep up payments, within reason, to give her time to sell it.

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From the sound of your post you only made the down payment. It was and still is financed in your g/f's name. That would mean your name doesn't appear anywhere on any paper relating to the truck purchase. Walking away leaves you zero liability, with an out of pocket loss of just the down payment of about $4000US (plus what ever monthly payments you've made so far). I take it from the tone of your post that your (in)significant other hasn't contributed to any of the payments.

Some of the posters ('Chaimai', 'kiakaha', 'rono') have made glib and inane remarks about wrecking or damaging the truck before you let her have it. In my observations being vindictive to the ever smiling, yet diminutive inhabitants here in the glorious "Land 'O Thais" rarely has a positive outcome. Thais seem to never forget a slight either real or imagined and more often than not will go to great lengths to settle a score. Realize doing something like that could get you a one line mention on the back page of a newspaper. You'll be another lovelorn foreigner who jumped from a building after tying his hands behind his back, slitting his own throat, and shooting himself in the head twice. It will be chalked up as another suicide.

I suggest, (contrary to 'markuk' who thinks you should give her an additional 24,000 baht to cover 3 months payments), you just hand her the keys and walk away from it. The down payment was not that significant of an amount. Even if you're barely eking out an existence here; in the grand scheme of your life its chump change.

Suck it up, cut your losses, don't be vindictive, learn from your mistake(s), walk away and DON'T look back. It is after all in her name; she'll either give it back to the finance company, or find a way to sort things out so she can continue paying for it.

Good luck, hopefully lesson learned.

Yes a lesson learned and a good reply - Thank you sir. I suppose I was foolish enough to think there was some way I could recoup my outlay. Yes just 125,000 Baht or whatever but the love you forever really get to the best of us at times doesn't it. This girl was my world, my future my everything.

Can't face the thoughts of living that down back home.

Keep your eyes on Pattaya news... Another jumper on the way.

[email protected]

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Derek, i donot know if your last remark was ment to be funny, I didnot think it was.

So that means it is something else...at least in my way of thinking. Do something about that, jumping is not the answer , now it may all look "black", but " the white" will be back.

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Some unbelievably stupid posts on here from posters you would normally expect more from. Very disappointing.

The truck is presumably in her name, and yet people are suggesting effectively stealing it or destroying it out of sheer spite. And for what? There is nothing in the OP's post to suggest she is responsible for the breakdown of the relationship.

Here's a suggestion - why not talk to the bloody girl and work out a solution like an adult.

What the hel_l is wrong with you people?

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It is a sad state of affairs indeed which some farang here get into especially when comtemplating suicide over a measly downpayment on a vehicle. Whether a joke or not, the OP's latest remarks are quite disturbing.

Cut your losses on the vehicle, it is in her name anyway and move on with your life. You were aware of that when you purchased it anyway, knowing the vehicle was in her name due to the finance arrangements. Hopefully you can work out your relationship and this wouldn't be necessary in the first place.

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if this guy found his dream girl in a pattaya drinking establishment is it safe to say he aint the brightest bulb on ye ole christmas tree.

y we need yr email address is puzzling. this guy may need to chill in a thai world class looney bin ( mental health institution).

threating to fly on here ? where is the moderators, we dont need this kind of crap!

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if this guy found his dream girl in a pattaya drinking establishment is it safe to say he aint the brightest bulb on ye ole christmas tree.

y we need yr email address is puzzling. this guy may need to chill in a thai world class looney bin ( mental health institution).

threating to fly on here ? where is the moderators, we dont need this kind of crap!

Is this the rage of Caliban speaking?

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I got the impression he was talking about taking the big dive because of his broken heart and not because of the truck.

The first thing he needs to do is check if the truck is worth more than what is owed to the finance company. Then ,as bendix suggested, be a man and talk things over with your girl. You may be able to work things out. After all she may be eating with her friends due to some misunderstanding.

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guy sounds unstable. last thing he needs is advice on truck. but is tv appropriate place to threaten to kill oneself!

Yes he does sound v unstable !!

I think best to move on & forget about it DD. My ex g/f has run me through for 500,000 BHt over a period of months but have managed to move on from it. My advice is forget about the truck / her & move to the next chapter.

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If I understood correctly, it is the OP who wanted the truck, and decided to have it put in his girlfriend's name. It wouldn't be fair to just walk away and leave her with a debt. I would try to make a clean break, which could mean continuing the monthly payments till the truck has been sold. I would also enquire with the finance company, if any money still would be owed after repossession.

Obviously the OP has to discuss this with his girlfriend, but breaking up a household means that things have to be discussed anyway.

Edited by keestha
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guy sounds unstable. last thing he needs is advice on truck. but is tv appropriate place to threaten to kill oneself!

I am really sorry about the jumper remark... It was stupid and it goes down to posting under the influence. She went off somewhere that night and didn't return.

I thank you all for your opinion and it looks like the only course of action is to give her the keys and walk away.

There are no negotiations possible, I believe she has a new Thai man, surprise surprise.

I had hope to sell it but get some of my cash back and hopefully have someone take over the repayments before returning to England.

Sorry again for the stupidity, I will keep all future comments in the real world.

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guy sounds unstable. last thing he needs is advice on truck. but is tv appropriate place to threaten to kill oneself!

I am really sorry about the jumper remark... It was stupid and it goes down to posting under the influence. She went off somewhere that night and didn't return.

I thank you all for your opinion and it looks like the only course of action is to give her the keys and walk away.

There are no negotiations possible, I believe she has a new Thai man, surprise surprise.

I had hope to sell it but get some of my cash back and hopefully have someone take over the repayments before returning to England.

Sorry again for the stupidity, I will keep all future comments in the real world.

well done mate. as they sing at lfc you,ll never walk alone. lol. lol.

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