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Tis 166-2549 (2006) Plugs And Socket-outlets For Household And Similar Purposes

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As I wade into the mire of wiring drama I found this. There are appliances at my local Tesco in Khon Kaen carrying these 3 pin sockets with

appropriate TIS standard marked on them. I believe it came into effect on the 3rd of March 2008.

Now I have to find a source for them, plugs that is.

Anyone know where I can buy some plugs or wire???

Thanks all


Much as I thought reading the PDF - it's just the standard for the 3 pin and 2 pin plugs that are standard already.

There is mention of Class 1 and Class 2 items - Class 1 requiring a 3 pin with earth, Class 2 just a 2 pin non-earth.

Basically any 3 pin socket you can buy in Thailand will fulfill the standards.

Much as I thought reading the PDF - it's just the standard for the 3 pin and 2 pin plugs that are standard already.

There is mention of Class 1 and Class 2 items - Class 1 requiring a 3 pin with earth, Class 2 just a 2 pin non-earth.

Basically any 3 pin socket you can buy in Thailand will fulfill the standards.

Well not quite. There are stores selling the type mentioned in a previous post.

"The official plug type is CEE 7/7 (French/German 16 A/250 V earthed)."

Obviously this is not the official plug type.

Also there is Type B (American 3 pin plug) another type that I

have seen here which is non-standard. Perhaps you knew that the 3 round pin type was the

standard but I have not seen much of it thus far in Khon Kaen.

In time all appliances will comply with the standard.


The only re-wirable 3 pin plug I have found so far is a type B.

I can source sockets but re-wirable plugs I have not been able to find.

My wife's family have an assortment of appliances that need to be grounded.

I have not been able to find any 3 core wire yet and then comes trying to locate an electrician.

If anyone in Khon Kaen has any information I would appreciate it.


So if all you want to do is re-wire the appliances to provide ground all you need is the B American/Japanese type plug and these have the advantage of actually fitting the normal Thai grounded outlet. If you use these "bright spark" plugs you also have to change your home outlets or use adapters to obtain the ground - if you just plug into a normal Thai outlet you have no ground. This "standard" was obviously designed to make it easy to fill local markets with the same production runs as are normally sent to Europe (cost savings) rather than logic (or any concern for safety).

So if all you want to do is re-wire the appliances to provide ground all you need is the B American/Japanese type plug and these have the advantage of actually fitting the normal Thai grounded outlet. If you use these "bright spark" plugs you also have to change your home outlets or use adapters to obtain the ground - if you just plug into a normal Thai outlet you have no ground. This "standard" was obviously designed to make it easy to fill local markets with the same production runs as are normally sent to Europe (cost savings) rather than logic (or any concern for safety).

The plugs being discussed here are the new Thai standard with three round pins (not the German 'Schuko' plug which is [theoretically] no longer permitted on new appliances sold in Thailand), I started a thread a while back coz my new washer had one, they look a bit like the new Israeli standard.

They fit directly into the regular Thai style grounded outlets (the ones that accept round pins of L&N) and give a ground connection too :o

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

Well not quite. There are stores selling the type mentioned in a previous post.

"The official plug type is CEE 7/7 (French/German 16 A/250 V earthed)."

Obviously this is not the official plug type.

Also there is Type B (American 3 pin plug) another type that I

have seen here which is non-standard. Perhaps you knew that the 3 round pin type was the

standard but I have not seen much of it thus far in Khon Kaen.

In time all appliances will comply with the standard.


The only re-wirable 3 pin plug I have found so far is a type B.

I can source sockets but re-wirable plugs I have not been able to find.

My wife's family have an assortment of appliances that need to be grounded.

I have not been able to find any 3 core wire yet and then comes trying to locate an electrician.

If anyone in Khon Kaen has any information I would appreciate it.

Well the socket looks exactly like the Panasonic 3 pin sockets I installed through out my house.

As for twin & earth wire it's available at Homepro. But obviously you can use 2 core L & N 2.5mm and a single 1.5mm for earth.

As for the plugs they have them in pretty much all the electrical shops in Vientiane - however surely for the wiring inspection they aren't going to be checking ALL electric appliance in the house to make sure they have correct plugs?!?

They have no way of enforcing it either with electrical goods manufactured outside of Thailand - they'll come with a 2 pin flat pin plug or round upto manufacturer. The 3 pins plugs used by most manufacturers are the same as the standards however.


Crossy is right - I have not come across them yet. I was thinking you were talking about that modified Schuko plug which has been used for the last few years and is totally out of place here. This new plug should be fine. It is being made here as I did find it listed in a manufactures source listing several months ago.


I'm not sure if this is the same type of plug but these have been available up here in the sticks for at least 8 years. Unfortunately they're ugly and come in any colour you like as long as it's black!




I'm not sure if this is the same type of plug but these have been available up here in the sticks for at least 8 years. Unfortunately they're ugly and come in any colour you like as long as it's black!

Nope, the TIS166-2549 (2006) plug looks like this:-


"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Thanks for your comments.

Well I believe Crossy is right on all counts.

I have one of those re-wirable plugs that is displayed by Yorkie's post.

It seems like a piece of cheap junk but I will use it as a last resort.

I will try HomePro for the wire thanks for the tip.

We have to rewire the whole house as it is a complete mess.

Along with this is the fitting of 3 pin plugs to a lot of their appliances.

I do not want my children to die for the lack of a decent wiring job.

At least it seems the Thai authorities are doing the right thing and

introducing some standards.

Cheers all

  • 4 weeks later...

Not sure what problems you are referring to. Could you elaborate.

Using the above shown Eagle Electric BLACK rubber plugs (they are rubber for a reason) & this receptacle (Made by Matsushita National Panasonic) you will not have problems (providing you wire up both sides correctly).

& no I did not just get a digital camera.



btw. There are lots of fake National gear floating around. Do yourself & your family a favour & make sure you are getting first line - made in Thailand gear. You'll know because it will be the most expensive.

The new National "wide" are push in wiring. If you aren't sure get the previous generation bolt down type (lovely colour coded) gold silver green. The covers are different.

Not sure what problems you are referring to. Could you elaborate.

The problem of a conductor coming into contact with the plug pins. This is made more of a problem because the plugs do not have a positive fit to socket and are most often not protected from a knife or other conductor making contact with the hot pin. The round pins of other plugs allow the outer portion to be non conductive until the tips.

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