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Advise needed I have a Thai niece who is the Thai word Italia maybe my pronunciation may not be correct but very intelligent for her age with a photographic memory. She can remember names. She can count to ten. Speak at least 20 English words. Understand a lot more words in English. Speak Thai very good and understand. Understands Money buying and selling.

She is only 18 months old what can be done to help her. As she is not my child I can only give advice and financial help with schooling


I believe there's a centre for gifted and talented students at Srinakharinwiroj University (Pasarnmitr, Sukhumvit 23), but 18 months seems a bit young. (I mean the centre is for children, not for students at the university!)

Send her to school, that should cure her completely!
keep her away from this forum !

Can I have some constructive advice please?

My hope was that by posting in this forum I would see some intelligent responses.

Thank you for your reply XANGSAMHUA and for taking the time to respond.


I was an extremely gifted child, many moons ago. Take a look at my posts and it will frighten you! Don't push the poor kid. Give the same opportunity as any other kid and hope she turns out to be normal.


Bizz, we teachers are not usually familiar with toddler geniuses. If you wish to have this moved to the Family Forum, just ask any moderator to move it. I have six kids and far more grandchildren, but would just encourage the family to let the child express her natural curiosity.

All children are gifted, at something.

I agree with mrtoad... Provide her with all the opportunities you possible can. She will pick up the one(s) she likes and hopefully excel at it (them).

School is okay, but I have a very bright 2 yr old now and all my family and friends say, "Send her to school"... I say, let her be a child. She will have plenty of time and years ahead for school... Reminds me of my older sister who got pregnant, ran away from home at 15 and got married. She missed out on her childhood.

NOTE: MY 2 yo understands and speaks both Thai and English. She loves to draw. (Holds a pen like an adult but only draws stick people.) Knows way too many words and objects for her age. Can count (Thai and English). Knows most of her ABCs and some Thai letters. Likes to dance and sing. Watches way too many educational Thai and English DVDs. Can take her for a walk 3 blocks from our house (in a filled subdivision) and she can lead you back home. But she is no genius, she is my little precious girl.


I agree whole heartedly that a child should be allowed to be a child having helped in rearing my own three kids. They are now in there twenties.

My question should be more defined in asking what opportunities are there for a child growing up and living in Esan who is gifted.

Surprisingly I noticed she was different when this girl was only three months old.

Letting her grow up as a toddler enjoying being a kid is I believe the greatest gift we can bestow on her and providing her with a decent education and the financial means to do so.

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