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a Thai farmer friend of mine who used to grow them would never order watermelon at the fruit stall, when I asked why, he told me they inject the fruit with unapproved food colorings to redden the color of the watermelon flesh. I have since switched to mango and pineapple, although I love watermelon and still eat it outside Thailand

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a Thai farmer friend of mine who used to grow them would never order watermelon at the fruit stall, when I asked why, he told me they inject the fruit with unapproved food colorings to redden the color of the watermelon flesh. I have since switched to mango and pineapple, although I love watermelon and still eat it outside Thailand

do u believed that ? it's not reasonable

have many rumor about watermelon like they inject sugar but think about the facts that if you inject something inside fruits that will make the fruit rotten faster

and for the watermelon nowaday is F1 hybrid variety that very sweet and colorful

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a Thai farmer friend of mine who used to grow them would never order watermelon at the fruit stall, when I asked why, he told me they inject the fruit with unapproved food colorings to redden the color of the watermelon flesh. I have since switched to mango and pineapple, although I love watermelon and still eat it outside Thailand

do u believed that ? it's not reasonable

have many rumor about watermelon like they inject sugar but think about the facts that if you inject something inside fruits that will make the fruit rotten faster

and for the watermelon nowaday is F1 hybrid variety that very sweet and colorful

I am not an expert on the subject of watermelons and I am just passing on what I have heard from a friend who is a farmer in Thailand and if he doesn't eat watermelons and tells me not to, then I will not eat them here. I don't see any reason why he would lie, he used to grow watermelons so maybe he knows something that we don't. But that doesn't mean every watermelon sold in Thailand is full of food coloring. I also don't think that food coloring would make the watermelon rotten, but injecting with sugar might. Or you may be right and it's just a rumor, but I would rather play it safe.

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a Thai farmer friend of mine who used to grow them would never order watermelon at the fruit stall, when I asked why, he told me they inject the fruit with unapproved food colorings to redden the color of the watermelon flesh. I have since switched to mango and pineapple, although I love watermelon and still eat it outside Thailand

Sorry but this, along with the injection of river water to increase the weight, just doesn't make sense.

Watermelons here are sold throughout the supply chain by unit and not weight. So no reason to waste anytime adding water. Until cut no one can see the color, so why enhance the color. Millions of watermelons are sold here, it would take a hundreds of watermelon injectors to keep up with demand. And how does the color get so evenly dispersed throughout the fruit? And who pays for the vast quantities of food coloring required? Are the Crimson Yellow varietal injected with yellow food coloring? Maybe you should get a job as a watermelon painter?

Do people even think about these crazy rumors before repeating them? I sometimes forget how many truly mentally-challenged people there are in the world.

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I have heard about injecting with river water to increase the weight - but would only consider this from a fly-by-night road side seller.

Otherwise inject vodka !

we used to inject everclear when i was in University

I need to buy some watermelon tonight and every night :o

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I understand there is a saying from a certain country on the Europe-Near Asia boarders:

"For duty a women.

For pleasure a boy.

For ecstasy a melon."

I wonder if this poster is what they had in mind?

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