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How Can We Educate Thais About The True Nature Of Farang?


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i was in siam square with my dark skinned gf and these 2 14 or 15 year old Sino-Thais gave us a dirty look so I calmy walked up to them and asked if i was mistaken or not or did they give us a dirty look they just kept looking away like they thought i was a weirdo freak but i think they got the message and know now what is and is not acceptable and will probably tell their friends about it so thats 2 down

The best thing would have been doing that the Thai way by ignoring them with a short, friendly smile. This would have shown them, that you have recognized their arrogant behaviour while your smile criticized it and therefore also embarrassed them.

You win.

Now, I am sorry to say that, you are an uncultivated barbarian for them.

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We could remove every vestige of western culture, fashion, entertainment, sport, cuisine, technology, invention etc... and see if they like what they are left with :o

Are you going to do this with your "western" committee or what? Also, do you enjoy trying to lord over western culture with every non westerner you meet? I bet you're the life of the party alright. If you have any friends that is..

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If I may be serious about the subject (may I?), the thought does cross my mind on odd-numbered Thursdays that immediately precede odd-numbered Fridays (such as next week). I have a burning desire, like temporary heartburn when I eat a chili, to educate every last Sino-Thai and a few Akha or Shan tribespeople, about the similarities between the Tex-Mex border and the Mex-Guat border. Or, to explain what our old Tex-Mex flaming gay friend is doing in Boston, translating French.

They do not care. Unless they know a farang closely, they have no need or desire to be educated about us. Some Thai educators (and I use that term loosely) would prefer to teach English without its accompanying culture. Who really needs to know that London is foggy, Florida is hot and humid, or the care and feeding of kangaroos?

They could get along without us, even without our money. They can sing "Got along without you before I met you; gonna get along without you now." The winter in Winnipeg is irrelevant. Of course, our loved ones love us, and need us and our money. The rest do not need to know the difference between bangers and Jimmy Dean sausage. Thais are nice, charming people who tolerate our idiosyncracies and our idiots. But they do not need lectures about lariats or cowboy hats. :o

I have to pretty much concur all the way around with PB. Just don't care. Why should they, really? If one wishes to try to clue Thais in on certain idiosyncracies about people back home or general tendencies of one's countrymen as an exercise in storytelling, sociability, or for language practice, go ahead and enjoy. Maybe some Thais will take an interest, but none I've met yet. Mostly I've experienced it with my employees and my wife's family just trying to see if I can tell a story, have a good/fun heart, etc. Sure there are exceptions, which just prove the general rule. In the end, you'll be gone (me, too) and Thailand and the Thais will still be here together.

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We could remove every vestige of western culture, fashion, entertainment, sport, cuisine, technology, invention etc... and see if they like what they are left with :D

Are you going to do this with your "western" committee or what? Also, do you enjoy trying to lord over western culture with every non westerner you meet? I bet you're the life of the party alright. If you have any friends that is..

No , with a magic spell :o

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so we have all experienced the incorrect stereotypes and racism and classism towards ourselves and our Thai partners but how do we go about educating the Thai and especially the Thai-Chinese populations?

I think the answer is in your name, dont try to "educate" them, they have their own education that has served them well over the years so you are just wasing your breath.

If on the other has you wish to expess your disatisfaction with the way you have been treated I suggest if it is possible hit the party concened in the pocket rather than the nose, a sore nose lasts for a few days maybe, whist a loss of income usually lasts a lot longer!

THis applies to everyone and is not specific to Thai's.

Roy gsd

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We could remove every vestige of western culture, fashion, entertainment, sport, cuisine, technology, invention etc... and see if they like what they are left with :D

this post can not be for real.... :o

No its not.I'm just trying to wind up the forum nannys for a laugh. Kinda like throwing toothpicks at people in a bar to try and get a rise :D

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They already think we are trees.

We oxegenate Thailand with our Baht.

What further education is needed?



Tree climbing is one of the thai's favorite pasttime

Are you a fruit tree? Many thais seem to love picking fruits too, so I see. :o

Thais like fruits........

Roy gsd

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i was in siam square with my dark skinned gf and these 2 14 or 15 year old Sino-Thais gave us a dirty look so I calmy walked up to them and asked if i was mistaken or not or did they give us a dirty look they just kept looking away like they thought i was a weirdo freak but i think they got the message and know now what is and is not acceptable and will probably tell their friends about it so thats 2 down

Did it occur to you that they may have seen something you have not and hence may have something to teach you?

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i was in siam square with my dark skinned gf and these 2 14 or 15 year old Sino-Thais gave us a dirty look so I calmy walked up to them and asked if i was mistaken or not or did they give us a dirty look they just kept looking away like they thought i was a weirdo freak but i think they got the message and know now what is and is not acceptable and will probably tell their friends about it so thats 2 down

You obviously have little recent experience of youth's in general, poking fun at what they consider to be grumpy old men is likely as entertaining in Los as it is anywhere else in the world.

And as you might have noticed I do like to be entertained....... :o

Roy Gsd

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Probably when Farangs start having respect for Thailand, Probably start in Pattaya. I've seen on many occasions farangs speak to Thai's like there a peice of shit and because they are asian they better listen. Makes me want to kickbox them to the head. Also when it happens the other way around

Hoi Donk,

pack it in will yer, I am begin to warm to you... only a degree or two that is :o

roy gsd

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Probably when Farangs start having respect for Thailand, Probably start in Pattaya. I've seen on many occasions farangs speak to Thai's like there a peice of shit and because they are asian they better listen. Makes me want to kickbox them to the head. Also when it happens the other way around

Don - so, can I ask:- are you kick boxing/snap kicking Thais and falangs ?

Silly question really , ofcouse he is, like me he isnt prejudiced............

roy gsd

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I don't think the topic's that bad. Please don't start with the hidden agenda of the OP.

I don't think the Thai-Chinese population need any more education about westerners than they already have. They know enough already. I was in a photo shop with my then expensive human being who is not Thai_Chinese, but the owner was. They were talking in Thai, so I didn't understand what they were saying. My TWGF was picking something up from the shop. The owner turned to me and said, in English, that she needed another 100 Baht to pay for it. Without giving it much thought, I forked it over thinking it was for the work she had done. Later, I realized she was teaching my TWGF how easy it was to get money out of my pocket. I was more pissed off at my TWGF for not saying anything, but I learned a couple things myself that day.

The less they know the better.

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If I may be serious about the subject (may I?), the thought does cross my mind on odd-numbered Thursdays that immediately precede odd-numbered Fridays (such as next week). I have a burning desire, like temporary heartburn when I eat a chili, to educate every last Sino-Thai and a few Akha or Shan tribespeople, about the similarities between the Tex-Mex border and the Mex-Guat border. Or, to explain what our old Tex-Mex flaming gay friend is doing in Boston, translating French.

They do not care. Unless they know a farang closely, they have no need or desire to be educated about us. Some Thai educators (and I use that term loosely) would prefer to teach English without its accompanying culture. Who really needs to know that London is foggy, Florida is hot and humid, or the care and feeding of kangaroos?

They could get along without us, even without our money. They can sing "Got along without you before I met you; gonna get along without you now." The winter in Winnipeg is irrelevant. Of course, our loved ones love us, and need us and our money. The rest do not need to know the difference between bangers and Jimmy Dean sausage. Thais are nice, charming people who tolerate our idiosyncracies and our idiots. But they do not need lectures about lariats or cowboy hats. :o


the last of the london fogs was about 50 years ago, but I fully agree with you when you say the Thais need no lectures about lariats or cowboy hats, I have seen more coyboy hats in LOS than I have ever seen in my trips to the usa :D

roy gsd

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so we have all experienced the incorrect stereotypes and racism and classism towards ourselves and our Thai partners but how do we go about educating the Thai and especially the Thai-Chinese populations?

What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "incorrect stereotypes, racism ............ expressed by Thais and especialy Thai Chinese towards "ourselves" (meaning: towards ex-pats).

And just where have you got this generilisation from - and why especialy the T/Chinese?

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You …taleung !

Are you sure, it's not just…. grapes & a twig? ......any teaser pic? :D

Cannot show you my oak apples and branch. The scanner is too small :D


No use, cuz I’m no expert arborist anyway,….may be qwertz is :o

Not bonzai trees I hope?

roy gsd

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1st step would be to get rid of all the morons who unfortunately congregate at places like Nana and Pattaya, after those miscreants are removed, the rest should fall into place nicely.

Right. Which "morons" would those be then? The people providing the entertainment and services there, or the ones patronizing it? I'm intrigued... :o

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1st step would be to get rid of all the morons who unfortunately congregate at places like Nana and Pattaya, after those miscreants are removed, the rest should fall into place nicely.

Just curious, looked at your avitar, are you dyslexic or is it a typo? :o

roy gsd

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We could remove every vestige of western culture, fashion, entertainment, sport, cuisine, technology, invention etc... and see if they like what they are left with :D

this post can not be for real.... :D

Look again and consider if there might just be a bit of humour in there chaps........... :o

Roy gsd

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Probably when Farangs start having respect for Thailand, Probably start in Pattaya. I've seen on many occasions farangs speak to Thai's like there a peice of shit and because they are asian they better listen. Makes me want to kickbox them to the head. Also when it happens the other way around

Don - so, can I ask:- are you kick boxing/snap kicking Thais and falangs ?

Silly question really , ofcouse he is, like me he isnt prejudiced............

roy gsd

of course not! how can such a bright brain be prejudiced? :o

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You …taleung !

Are you sure, it's not just…. grapes & a twig? ......any teaser pic? :D

Cannot show you my oak apples and branch. The scanner is too small :D


No use, cuz I'm no expert arborist anyway,….may be qwertz is :o

Not bonzai trees I hope?

roy gsd

Maybe a Bonzai money tree ( a money tree as this started out as ) then I could donate it to a deserving young lady and tell her it will grow into a huge monster money tree, inch by inch each time we have sexual intercourse.

Think of the attention I would get :D

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