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Bail Controversy : Court Frees Tourists’ Killer


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Please post a message in the Guestbook at the official Kanchanaburi tourist information site:


I dont think that it is the "official" site. It seems to be run by a guy called Edgar König.

Here is the link to the official TAT webpage for Kanchaburi TAT Kanchanaburi - No Guestbook there! :D

I wonder why not :o

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Greets All From Kanchanaburi,

Sadly I am taking a step back from this case from now. My final attempt to get in to speak with some authorities about this case was once agin denied.

I was "politely informed" to remember that I have to live here!!!

Sadly, I too believe that this P.O.S is gona walk free!

I think you should leave the heroism to REAL!! consulate staff that can actually make a difference stop trying to be a hero and putting your life in Danger for no reason.

You seem to know it all mate.Where are the consulate staff then and can they speak Thai.Are they at the court everyday?

I await with baited breath your informed answer!

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Greets All From Kanchanaburi,

Sadly I am taking a step back from this case from now. My final attempt to get in to speak with some authorities about this case was once agin denied.

I was "politely informed" to remember that I have to live here!!!

Sadly, I too believe that this P.O.S is gona walk free!

I think you should leave the heroism to REAL!! consulate staff that can actually make a difference stop trying to be a hero and putting your life in Danger for no reason.

You seem to know it all mate.Where are the consulate staff then and can they speak Thai.Are they at the court everyday?

I await with baited breath your informed answer!

I think we all know the answers to these chuchock my man...

Nay, nay and thrice nay!

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Please post a message in the Guestbook at the official Kanchanaburi tourist information site:


I dont think that it is the "official" site. It seems to be run by a guy called Edgar König.

Here is the link to the official TAT webpage for Kanchaburi TAT Kanchanaburi - No Guestbook there! :o


...and one big one not to.

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From Daily Telegraph, UK

By Andrew Drummond

March 23

The father of Vanessa Arscott, a British backpacker who was allegedly "executed" last year after seeing her boyfriend killed by a Thai policeman, made an impassioned plea for justice at a murder trial yesterday.

Graham Arscott, 57, told judges in Kanchanaburi, Thailand, that his daughter was shot on what was to be her engagement day.

Accused of murder: Sergeant Somchai Wisetsingh

"We had heard through her sister that Vanessa thought that her boyfriend Adam would propose marriage to her on September 8, 2004," he said.

"They were in love and looking forward to their future lives together. September 8 was their first anniversary of being together, but Adam was murdered and Vanessa was executed instead.

"Bang, bang, bang; it was just like that," said Mr Arscott a retired pharmaceutical salesman from Ashburton, Devon.

He said Vanessa, 23, a psychology graduate, was shot at close range as she clung to a pylon halfway between the "Bridge over the River Kwai" and the Commonwealth war cemetery in Kanchanaburi early on Sept 9.

Mr Arscott said that after the murders he went to Thailand to find out for himself what had happened.

"I spoke to many Thai people and many witnesses. They were genuinely upset at what happened and they all said that Police Sergeant Somchai Wisetsingh did it.

"There were some 16 witnesses to the murder.

"I asked them if they would testify but they said they were afraid. They said they lived near Somchai Wisetsingh. They said they feared they would get shot.

"My daughter died in a particularly horrible way. We are looking for justice. We respect the court here and I am confident we will find justice."

As Mr Arscott stood in the witness box for 45 minutes giving evidence about a daughter who he said loved children and animals and made hundreds of friends, Wisetsingh sat head bowed looking at the floor.

The master sergeant, who was awarded the title of Kanchanaburi's most outstanding policeman in 2004, is charged with murdering Adam Lloyd, 25, and Miss Arscott.

He is said to have killed Mr Lloyd with two shots from a Smith and Wesson .38 pistol, then to have run over Miss Arscott in his Volvo car, dragging her 80 yards along a road before shooting her in the neck, mouth and chest.

On the charge of murdering a witness to cover up a crime he faces the mandatory death penalty.

For the past four months a succession of witnesses has described how Miss Arscott and Mr Lloyd visited Wisetsingh's S&S Restaurant in Kanchanaburi where he was said to have joined them for drinks. An argument developed and Miss Arscott left to go home to her guest house, the court was told.

Mr Lloyd and Wisetsingh followed, but they had a fight which it appeared Mr Lloyd won, leaving Wisetsingh with a broken rib and a black eye.

Mr Lloyd was said to have run towards Miss Arscott but a short while later witnesses heard two shots and found his body on the ground near a motorcycle repair shop.

Witnesses also testified that they saw Wisetsingh's car dragging Miss Arscott along the road, before the driver opened the door and fired three bullets into her.

Because no witness will identify Wisetsingh specifically as the man who fired the gun, police are relying heavily on scientific evidence, specifically bullets found in the victims' bodies.

Blood, hair and skin from Miss Arscott was found under the Volvo and blood from Mr Lloyd was discovered on the bodywork.

Brian Lloyd, 58, from Torquay, told the court: "My son was a very easygoing individual in very good health who had many friends and a bright future.

"Our family can never be the same again. I would like to see this man punished under the full penalty of the law."

Wisetsingh's defence is due to open on March 29.

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From Daily Telegraph, UK

By Andrew Drummond

The master sergeant, who was awarded the title of Kanchanaburi's most outstanding policeman in 2004, is charged with murdering Adam Lloyd, 25, and Miss Arscott.

This guys connections go very high up the tree. We want to see him swing.....watch him walk !

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Thais and Whisky!

Its still double murder though.

I hope they get over the thai pride and connections thing and deal with him appropriately.

Look at indo/bali where they are holding an innocent girl in jail .

From Daily Telegraph, UK

By Andrew Drummond

The master sergeant, who was awarded the title of Kanchanaburi's most outstanding policeman in 2004, is charged with murdering Adam Lloyd, 25, and Miss Arscott.

This guys connections go very high up the tree. We want to see him swing.....watch him walk !

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We all know he is gulity, just sentence his ass! it's like some bad second running of the O.J. crap! I am still up for dragging him in the street with a baseball bat! 

Can you let us know the name of the University where you studied law please?

Many thanks.

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Greets from Kanchanaburi,

You ain't gonna believe this one chaps!

Whilst out and about last night for a couple of beers along "The Strip", a certain Police Sgt. Somchai Tosspottiporn was seen at one of the local bars, out of his face, and get this, STILL WEARING HIS POLICE UNIFORM....!

Work that one out! Up on a charge of double murder, this wonker of a bloke is still an active copper, protecting me from harm as I sleep...!

Most things in Amazing Thailand don't surprise me anymore, but this one.......

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(And still waiting for the GUILTY verdict.)

Unfortunately RDN I think, along with several others, that this will be a very long wait indeed, if it arrives at all.

Personally, I think he will walk away from it. It looks as if he has too many "friends" in all the right places.

As to him having an unfortuante accident, ie, lead poisioning, where lead is travelling at a very high velocity, this may also be discounted, again due to his connections, this time on the other side of the law.

I don't feel that the judicary involved will give a rats a** about any tourist implications, after all parts of Thailand has already been devistated by the Tsunami and the affect this has had on the tourist industry is much more than any verdict the judges will bring in. This guy going free will only make a small ripple in that pond. People will start coming back in a year or two after all has been cleaned up, they will remember the Tsunami but not the Police Sargent that kills.

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How abut merging the two *tired* identical topics, which are now almost devoid of hard news, apart from Backpack's contributions, and are just a repository for repetitive comments that express (albeit understandably) people's unhappiness.

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Greets from Kanchanaburi,

You ain't gonna believe this one chaps!

Whilst out and about last night for a couple of beers along "The Strip", a certain Police Sgt. Somchai Tosspottiporn was seen at one of the local bars, out of his face, and get this, STILL WEARING HIS POLICE UNIFORM....!

Work that one out! Up on a charge of double murder, this wonker of a bloke is still an active copper, protecting me from harm as I sleep...!

Most things in Amazing Thailand don't surprise me anymore, but this one.......

Well this should not surprise us. The witnesses to the crimes have suddenly become silent......So I hope that the forensic evidence, which seems to be crucial if a conviction is to be brought, does not get tampered with or `lost`.... :o

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It's no more surprising than watching Somchai (hmmm... what IS it about that name?) Kunplome, the godfather of dirty politics from Ban Saen, on the local tv news last night as the guest of honor opening a new government building. This is coming up on a year AFTER being CONVICTED of murder and supposedly sentenced to 25 years in prison. Almost a year after his conviction, "Kamnan Poh" STILL roams free and appears at public functions... now if you want to talk about connections, this man has them.... :D


CHON BURI MURDER: Kamnan Poh gets 25 years

Published on Jun 22, 2004

Free on Bt10m bail, notorious godfather vows to appeal to the highest courts

Somchai Kunplome, Thailand's best-known "influential figure'', was sentenced yesterday to 25 years in jail for putting out a contract on the life of rival Prayoon Sitichote, who was killed by an unidentified gunman in March last year.

Also convicted was Somchai's accomplice Passakorn Homhuan, who was also handed a 25-year sentence.

After the verdict, Somchai, alias Kamnan Poh, and Passakorn were each released on Bt10-million bail pending the filing for an appellate review.



oh yes, almost forgot... He ALSO has a 5 year sentence for a CONVICTION for bribery and fixing from almost TWO years ago that he is still not gone to prison for yet.

GRAFT TRIAL: 'Kamnan Poh' gets five years

Published on Apr 1, 2003

Fixer will appeal against conviction for land-price inflation in Pattaya

Influential power-broker Somchai Kunplome, father of Tourism and Sports Minister Sontaya Kunplome, yesterday was convicted of graft charges relating to the Bt93-million procurement scandal in Pattaya and sentenced to five years and four months in jail.

Amazing Thailand :D:D:D

Edited by sriracha john
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Perhaps these "appeals" take - literally - a lifetime to get to court. So after 30 years or so, when he's dead and buried, the courts will decide to hear his appeal, reject it, sentence him to life but, what the heck, he's already dead. Mai bpen lai.

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Absolutely RDN and Kat. It's amazing when we see Somchai1 out on bail during a murder trial to which he's already confessed to and was running on the lam prior to it.... it's another thing to release Somchai2 out on bail AFTER being CONVICTED of murder and prior to which he was ALSO out on the lam.....

An absolutely stunning justice system at work here.

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Sorry, got the broom out and cleaned up again - including my own post. Must try just to post the facts - we all know what we want to happen: true justice. Let's wait and see.

The English press won't let this fade away - especially if we keep writing to them:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]



Just write an email. NOW!

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