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Beware Of Taxi Meters!


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Dear All,

Over the last 3 years since living in Thailand I have noticed an increasing percentage of Taxi Drivers adjusting the meter of the taxis. Most of us are aware that as soon as you get in the car, it should read 35 baht. And then after 2KM increase 2 baht every kilometer depending on stops.

However tonight (27th July) I took a taxi to Tesco and normally costs 51 baht. On the return it would cost me 60 baht due to a U-Turn. Though tonight's return on the same distance with no traffic cost me 75 baht! I know its not a big difference but if your used to a average price this can be a daunting thing happening. I am very sure that when Taxis see a farang the flip a switch inside the cab and has a higher rate or the meter is fixed!

So guys, be aware and here is a golden rule. Check the meter every Kilometer and if your traveling around Bangkok, it should not cost you no more than 100 baht if in a local area. I remember once I had to travel 24 Kilometers everyday and cost me 135 baht with no traffic or stops.


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Dear All,

Over the last 3 years since living in Thailand I have noticed an increasing percentage of Taxi Drivers adjusting the meter of the taxis. Most of us are aware that as soon as you get in the car, it should read 35 baht. And then after 2KM increase 2 baht every kilometer depending on stops.

However tonight (27th July) I took a taxi to Tesco and normally costs 51 baht. On the return it would cost me 60 baht due to a U-Turn. Though tonight's return on the same distance with no traffic cost me 75 baht! I know its not a big difference but if your used to a average price this can be a daunting thing happening. I am very sure that when Taxis see a farang the flip a switch inside the cab and has a higher rate or the meter is fixed!

So guys, be aware and here is a golden rule. Check the meter every Kilometer and if your traveling around Bangkok, it should not cost you no more than 100 baht if in a local area. I remember once I had to travel 24 Kilometers everyday and cost me 135 baht with no traffic or stops.


Somebody please give me strength? You say an increase of 15 bt on your taxi fair is 'daunting'? daunting??

I'm from the UK and the prices there for a cab are astronimacal nowdays,so instwad of griping and being 'daunted' you should be grateful.


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Andy, please never take a Taxi in Tokyo, you'll have a heart attack for sure.

If you find Taxi's putting up their fares daunting after the massive increase in the price of fuel, then I doubt very much you have ever owned a car and had to pay for fuel yourself.

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Beware of the scam/ I went to fill up my car with petrol 91 today and it cost double of the cost last year. :o i think shell must have a switch on the pumps that they switch when white people want petrol.

oh my god what is this place coming to?

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Dear All,

Over the last 3 years since living in Thailand I have noticed an increasing percentage of Taxi Drivers adjusting the meter of the taxis. Most of us are aware that as soon as you get in the car, it should read 35 baht. And then after 2KM increase 2 baht every kilometer depending on stops.

However tonight (27th July) I took a taxi to Tesco and normally costs 51 baht. On the return it would cost me 60 baht due to a U-Turn. Though tonight's return on the same distance with no traffic cost me 75 baht! I know its not a big difference but if your used to a average price this can be a daunting thing happening. I am very sure that when Taxis see a farang the flip a switch inside the cab and has a higher rate or the meter is fixed!

So guys, be aware and here is a golden rule. Check the meter every Kilometer and if your traveling around Bangkok, it should not cost you no more than 100 baht if in a local area. I remember once I had to travel 24 Kilometers everyday and cost me 135 baht with no traffic or stops.


And your tip is on top of that ! khee niaao - chai mai :o

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Dear All,

Over the last 3 years since living in Thailand I have noticed an increasing percentage of Taxi Drivers adjusting the meter of the taxis. Most of us are aware that as soon as you get in the car, it should read 35 baht. And then after 2KM increase 2 baht every kilometer depending on stops.

However tonight (27th July) I took a taxi to Tesco and normally costs 51 baht. On the return it would cost me 60 baht due to a U-Turn. Though tonight's return on the same distance with no traffic cost me 75 baht! I know its not a big difference but if your used to a average price this can be a daunting thing happening. I am very sure that when Taxis see a farang the flip a switch inside the cab and has a higher rate or the meter is fixed!

So guys, be aware and here is a golden rule. Check the meter every Kilometer and if your traveling around Bangkok, it should not cost you no more than 100 baht if in a local area. I remember once I had to travel 24 Kilometers everyday and cost me 135 baht with no traffic or stops.



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I remember once I had to travel 24 Kilometers everyday and cost me 135 baht with no traffic or stops.

Wow, that's cheaper than owning a car :o

Maybe OP realises by now taxi drivers have their first rate increase since they introduced the meter?

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I find one positive aspect of the increase to be that it's more rare that the taxi drivers will try to rip you off, especially when it's raining. Don't mind the increase, with gas prices taken into consideration. Plus in Denmark it costs THB 200 just to get into a taxi, might even be 250-300 now :o

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Dear All,

Over the last 3 years since living in Thailand I have noticed an increasing percentage of Taxi Drivers adjusting the meter of the taxis. Most of us are aware that as soon as you get in the car, it should read 35 baht. And then after 2KM increase 2 baht every kilometer depending on stops.

However tonight (27th July) I took a taxi to Tesco and normally costs 51 baht. On the return it would cost me 60 baht due to a U-Turn. Though tonight's return on the same distance with no traffic cost me 75 baht! I know its not a big difference but if your used to a average price this can be a daunting thing happening. I am very sure that when Taxis see a farang the flip a switch inside the cab and has a higher rate or the meter is fixed!

So guys, be aware and here is a golden rule. Check the meter every Kilometer and if your traveling around Bangkok, it should not cost you no more than 100 baht if in a local area. I remember once I had to travel 24 Kilometers everyday and cost me 135 baht with no traffic or stops.


If thats the biggest worry you have in los your doing fine mate.

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Yes, I understand that there has been a recent increase in metered taxis approved recently and I am happy because now my brother in-law in BKK can start to make a better living. (And hopefully pay me back sooner than expected for the loan I provided for his new taxi.)

As for the OP's concern, there are taxi rip offs. I had experienced one personally a few years back. I took a taxi once a month from the same hotel near Don Muang to Suvarnabhumi. I did this for almost 2 years so I knew what price to expect from the taxi meter. Well one time the meter was almost double what it should have been. When I mentioned this to the driver (in English) he denied this. When I threatened to call the police on my mobile (in Thai) he immediately begged for my forgiveness implying that the meter was broken and almost started crying. We negotiated on a reasonable price and I went on my merry way.

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Amongst the myriad of things that one can find to complain about in Thailand, surely Bkk taxi's can't be one of them. Still one of the best deals to be found anywhere in the world.

Edited by OlRedEyes
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Andy, please never take a Taxi in Tokyo, you'll have a heart attack for sure.

If you find Taxi's putting up their fares daunting after the massive increase in the price of fuel, then I doubt very much you have ever owned a car and had to pay for fuel yourself.


taxis dont use real fuel...

they get it so cheap

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Guest Reimar

Even if the Taxi use NGV or LPG, that price is going up too!

Using NGV for example also means for the driver to stay every 140 km on the fuel station to fill up the Tank! that useless time for them as well!

And the drivers also having to take care for tires, oil and other supply part as well.

Not an efficient job at all!


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It's beyond me that people complain that taxis (using their meters) can be expensive in Bangkok. And I'm rather embarassed by someone posting here that an increase is an outrage, when it's the first one in years.

The OP gives farangs in Thailand a bad name with that penny-pinching 'every is out to get me' attitude.

Roll on much more strict visa legislation.

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It's beyond me that people complain that taxis (using their meters) can be expensive in Bangkok. And I'm rather embarassed by someone posting here that an increase is an outrage, when it's the first one in years.

The OP gives farangs in Thailand a bad name with that penny-pinching 'every is out to get me' attitude.

Roll on much more strict visa legislation.

A tad harsh don't you think Bendix, stricter visa regs just because the OP complained unjustly about the cost of taxi's! What would you call for if the OP had complained about the 90 day reporting rule or something similar, public flogging?

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And the drivers also having to take care for tires, oil and other supply part as well.

Not an efficient job at all!


Not really, it depends. Some drivers just rent the car for a day (sometimes longer) rather than owning their own taxi. When they rent (or lease) they don't need to be concerned about maintenance and repairs. Or insurance and registration.

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It's beyond me that people complain that taxis (using their meters) can be expensive in Bangkok. And I'm rather embarassed by someone posting here that an increase is an outrage, when it's the first one in years.

The OP gives farangs in Thailand a bad name with that penny-pinching 'every is out to get me' attitude.

Roll on much more strict visa legislation.

That last sentence has shown you up for what you are.

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Well i for one think the buggers are very poorly paid. When working in BKK the taxi ride back to my apartment is 47 Baht. I always give 100 Baht, the boys seem happy. BUT, if ever i get in a taxi when they don't put the meter on and say it will be 100 Baht to the hotel (normally they dont have an ID card in the taxi either), i tell them to F Off and let me out the car. Its my perogative to be generous, but i hate being ripped off as a farang/tourist target. I always pay the genuine taxi drivers generously. I went for a meeting recently to look at buying a business, the guy who was hosting me got the taxi fare, it was 45 baht, he gave the taxi driver a 50, and sat in the front with his hand out saying '5 baht change, 5 baht change' to the driver who was clearly struggling to find a 5 baht coin, the delay was almost 1 min whilst the guy waited to be paid 5 x 1 baht coins in change. I was so embarrassed i told him to shove his business where the sun doesn't shine.

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Yes, beware! I would say, just be aware ("beware" must have come from these two words, no?) that the price is up due to government approval.

However, beware the same of gasoline! What the car makers don't tell you is that you just need to put water in your cars and they'll run fine! It's true, try it out!! :D :D :D:o:D:(:D

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On the return it would cost me 60 baht due to a U-Turn. Though tonight's return on the same distance with no traffic cost me 75 baht! I know its not a big difference but if your used to a average price this can be a daunting

15b = daunting :D

Has the LOS become a haven for the under funded / CC's / penny pinching pensioners, ...

where trivial increases, surcharges or tiered pricing sends them in a financial tailspin,

with the usual refrains, I'm being scammed, it's not fair, racism, it's not the amount it's the principle ...

These spend thrifts are working my last good nerve :o

Edited by cobra
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Well i for one think the buggers are very poorly paid. When working in BKK the taxi ride back to my apartment is 47 Baht. I always give 100 Baht, the boys seem happy. BUT, if ever i get in a taxi when they don't put the meter on and say it will be 100 Baht to the hotel (normally they dont have an ID card in the taxi either), i tell them to F Off and let me out the car. Its my perogative to be generous, but i hate being ripped off as a farang/tourist target. I always pay the genuine taxi drivers generously. I went for a meeting recently to look at buying a business, the guy who was hosting me got the taxi fare, it was 45 baht, he gave the taxi driver a 50, and sat in the front with his hand out saying '5 baht change, 5 baht change' to the driver who was clearly struggling to find a 5 baht coin, the delay was almost 1 min whilst the guy waited to be paid 5 x 1 baht coins in change. I was so embarrassed i told him to shove his business where the sun doesn't shine.

Good on you :o

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