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Men And Finding Things


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Sparked by the men and meotion thread....what is it with men and looking for things? The amount of times I am asked where something is and within two seconds I have found it. Usually in the most obvious place. My current boyfriend is worse than others for this.

We are just lazy, that's why we have women - to find things for us.

Wow, you should buy yourself a "whistle and find" key set and boot the wife out!

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I suspect this is "learned helplessness" :o . Both Mums and Dads consciously & unconciously treat their male & female children differently. I would bet this is one aspect.

I also think you'd see that a man who grew up in a single, working Mum/only child setting, say, would be much more likely to be better at storing and finding his stuff.

By the way, have you never had the experience of trying to remember something, and the moment you ask someone else, you remember it ? Verbalising the problem may help us find the solution.

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Dunno, but in my case it is because she is always 'organising' things. (This certainly helps in her finding it in 2 seconds) Somehow she expects me to know where she puts everything....

'Leave my stuff alone' doesn't help either. :o

you mean i'm not the only one who suffers that fate? :D

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It's part of my daily routine to lose something, generally my car keys. Then I rummage around on the verge of panic for a minute or two before finding the missing items and holding them aloft with a triumphant yell. So it pains me that my Thai partner knows where everything is. I think I need to send him to boy-school so he can learn to lose things like most other men I know.

Edited by Goinghomesoon
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Sparked by the men and meotion thread....what is it with men and looking for things? The amount of times I am asked where something is and within two seconds I have found it. Usually in the most obvious place. My current boyfriend is worse than others for this.

We are just lazy, that's why we have women - to find things for us.

Wow, you should buy yourself a "whistle and find" key set and boot the wife out!

now there's an idea - where can i get one? downside is i would have to feed myself i imagine...

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Deja vu. Whew! This thread is just so timely

DH called this morning in a panic because he couldn't find something valuable, thought it might have been stolen. I suggested a few places it might be, he hung up to look. Called back cause no, it wasn't there. I thought about it a minute and suggested he look in the laptop bag, maybe he stuck it in there with the laptop.

Sure enough, there it was. Amazing that, huh?


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downside is i would have to feed myself i imagine...

Takeaway? :o

take away from a restaurant or a bar?? :D

OK...move to a room above a restaurant/bar, check the batteries on your key set and relaaaaax. I do hope you don't wear glasses?

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Not many men admitting to it on the thread?????

Maybe its because there are many men who do NOT rely on women to clean up/clean ets.I thought marriage was 50/50 anyway.I have no problems finding anything in the house because i help in the cleaning and all my things are NEATLY put together.I take pride in my appearence too which is the same as cleanliness. :o:D

Hope that wasnt too much of a shock for you ladies

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The premiss sound pretty sexist to me. But that is "OK" here, when it is for women and against men.

Well, I suppose it is a little sexist, but more than a little truth in it too, don't you think? Not for all men, but for most and if I'm honest i have to include myself in that group a wee little bit.

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Indeed lannenbirth, just a bit of freindly fun.

imo this topic no more sexist compared to the half a dozen or more topics currently running in other parts of the forum about women :o

Some people just have to try to stir up shit when there is none. :D

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This all sounds very familar !

I was recently diagnosed with AAADD - Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder

This is how it manifests:

I decide to water my flowers in the front garden.

As I go to turn on the hose I look over at my truck and decide it needs washing.

I go to get the truck keys from the porch and then notice the post on the porch table.

I decide to go through the post before I wash the car.

I put my truck keys on the table, put the junk mail in the bin under the table, and notice that the bin is full.

So, I decide to put the bills back on the table and take out the rubbish first.

But then I think, I can run down to the post-box when I take out the rubbish, I may as well pay the bills first.

I take my cheque book off the table, and see that there is only one cheque left.

My other cheque book is in the computer desk, so I go inside the house to my desk where I find the bottle of beer I'd been drinking.

I'm going to look for my other cheque book, but first I need to push the beer aside so that I don't accidentally knock it over.

The beer is getting warm so I decide to put it in the fridge to keep it cold.

As I head toward the kitchen with the beer, a vase of flowers on the window ledge catch my eye - they need water.

I put the beer on the window ledge and discover my reading glasses that I've been searching for all morning.

I decide I better put them back on my computer desk, but first I'm going to water the flowers.

I put the glasses back down on the window ledge, fill a container with water and suddenly spot the TV remote. I must have left it on the kitchen table.

I realise that tonight when I go to watch TV, I'll be looking for the remote, but I won't remember that it's on the kitchen table, so I decide to put it back in the living room where it belongs, but first I'll water the flowers.

I pour some water in the flowers, but some spills on the floor.

So, I set the remote back on the table, get a towel and wipe up the spill.

Then I head down the hall trying to remember what I was planning to do.

At the end of the day:

The flower tubs aren't watered;

The car isn't washed;

The bills aren't paid;

There is a warm bottle of beer sitting on the window ledge;

The flowers in the vase don't have enough water;

There is still only one cheque in my cheque book;

I can't find the remote

I can't find my glasses;

I have absolutely NO idea what I did with the truck keys.

Then, when I try to work out why nothing got done today, I'm really baffled because I know I was busy all dam_n day, and I'm really tired.

I realise this is a serious problem and I'll try to get some help for it, but first I'll check my e-mail.

Do me a favour. Forward this message to everyone I know, because I don't remember who the hel_l I've sent it to.

Don't laugh - if this isn't you yet, your day is coming!

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I can assure you that it's not always the men who are misplacing things. My wife is terrible. ALWAYS losing her keys, ATM card and even her phone. She once did remember where she left her house keys. She left them on the back bumper of the truck and it was my fault for driving off and losing them. She went to the bank the other day, called and asked where her ATM card was. She always keeps it in her pocketbook and it wasn't there. I had taken money from her ATM card and she accused me of not giving the card back, I remembered specifically that I gave it back to her with the ATM receipt stuck in the plastic card holder. Sure enough, the card and receipt were on her vanity in the bedroom hidden under some of her junk. Once in a while I have to call her phone while she walks around listening for it ringing.

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Yorkie that is a classic, I find myself doing that now sometimes & Iam only 33!!! The only way to get around it is to ignore anthing else I might see that needs doing before I have done what I originally intended to do, otherwise I end up with a house full of half done jobs. :o

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I can assure you that it's not always the men who are misplacing things. My wife is terrible. ALWAYS losing her keys, ATM card and even her phone. She once did remember where she left her house keys. She left them on the back bumper of the truck and it was my fault for driving off and losing them. She went to the bank the other day, called and asked where her ATM card was. She always keeps it in her pocketbook and it wasn't there. I had taken money from her ATM card and she accused me of not giving the card back, I remembered specifically that I gave it back to her with the ATM receipt stuck in the plastic card holder. Sure enough, the card and receipt were on her vanity in the bedroom hidden under some of her junk. Once in a while I have to call her phone while she walks around listening for it ringing.

When I posted this, I didn't mean to say women don't lose things - I do, my mum CERTAINLY does (always keys, glasses etc). It is more usually that men seem to ask without really looking, because it seems less hassle to ask than to look. They have a fair old idea we will know where things are as we usually put them there. I am sure that the actual psychology would show that men and women are equally forgetful naturally.

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When I posted this, I didn't mean to say women don't lose things - I do, my mum CERTAINLY does (always keys, glasses etc)... I am sure that the actual psychology would show that men and women are equally forgetful naturally.

Thank you!

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I believe this will explain the male and his thought process nicely.


"He is also the git who forgot to take out the garbage, who can't remember birthdays or what you said to him two minutes ago, who can't lift a toilet lid and then can't aim properly anyway."

More here > Incredible Male Brain :o

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The author of that link is awesome. He is my male icon.

I also love one of the comments made:

"I am a firm believer every human accomplishment is in aid of getting laid. Building bridges, space travel world peace, rock and roll, all in the aid of getting jiggy with it.

The three states of matter, solid liquid and gas.... These were infact misnamed...

Things we can eat

Things we can mate with

and rocks."

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Its interesting because there is a fact that men and women are not the same, and I am not sure how I can see that pointing out and discussing those differences in a light-hearted way is somehow sexist. Light-hearted being the key word here. So far, the only ones taking offense are a few who seem to lack the humor gene.

Do I lose stuff? Sure, all the time. But usually its because I have put it away in a "safe" place and then have no idea where it is. Does my husband lose stuff? Sure, all the time. Mainly because he never puts anything away and then has no idea where it is.

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