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Partner Moving To Thailand For 2 Years


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Hi Guys,

I really hope that you may be able to assist me.

My partner has accepted a postition with Toyota in Thailand for a 2 year period begining in Jan 2009, and I would REALLY like to be able to join him there for that time.

As we are 2 Gay Males Australians is there any way that we may be able to achieve this from a Visa point of view?

Your ideas and wisdom is greatly welcomed.


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I would be interested to hear if there is a way, but I suspect you will simply be regarded as two unrelated Australian males. It *may* be possible with a well-written application to explain him as an important connection you wish to visit for an extended period in support of a non-immigrant 'O' visa, but I've never heard of this having been done. Otherwise I'd guess you'd legally be an unrelated male friend who would have to come in on tourist visas, entry permits, etc. subject to the limitations of other Australian nationals- you could still stay for quite long periods of time, though.

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Hi Guys,

I really hope that you may be able to assist me.

My partner has accepted a postition with Toyota in Thailand for a 2 year period begining in Jan 2009, and I would REALLY like to be able to join him there for that time.

As we are 2 Gay Males Australians is there any way that we may be able to achieve this from a Visa point of view?

Your ideas and wisdom is greatly welcomed.


My partner works here in Thailand and although we have a Civil Partnership, i have to have an independent visa. Even though we meet the requirements financially and have all the relevant paper work, it's not recognised in Thailand so that's the end of that! :o I"m on a non- immigrant "O" so have to do visa runs every 3 months.

If you're over 50 and you have the required money for a retirement visa then you have the chance of staying the full 2 years i think.

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My partner works here in Thailand and although we have a Civil Partnership, i have to have an independent visa. Even though we meet the requirements financially and have all the relevant paper work, it's not recognised in Thailand so that's the end of that! :o I"m on a non- immigrant "O" so have to do visa runs every 3 months.

If you're over 50 and you have the required money for a retirement visa then you have the chance of staying the full 2 years i think.

Alas no, I'm only 35yo, so the retirement visa is not an option.

With the Multiple entry visa, how long do you need to leave the country for every 90 days?

Can you just leave overnight, for example fly to Singapore for a couple of days and do some shopping then come back in to Thailand?

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My partner works here in Thailand and although we have a Civil Partnership, i have to have an independent visa. Even though we meet the requirements financially and have all the relevant paper work, it's not recognised in Thailand so that's the end of that! :o I"m on a non- immigrant "O" so have to do visa runs every 3 months.

If you're over 50 and you have the required money for a retirement visa then you have the chance of staying the full 2 years i think.

Alas no, I'm only 35yo, so the retirement visa is not an option.

With the Multiple entry visa, how long do you need to leave the country for every 90 days?

Can you just leave overnight, for example fly to Singapore for a couple of days and do some shopping then come back in to Thailand?

Just do a multiple entry business visa, though study hard on the documentation requirements and do it right. If people fail, it's mostly due to sloppiness or laziness in preparation.

For 90 day renewals, you can go somewhere relatively easy on an overnight - Hong Kong, Singapore, KL, Mae Sai (over the border in Burma), Vientianne (over the border in Laos), etc. You just have to get stamped out and get stamped back in. Can even be the same day (though for appearance sake you might want to make some of them multiple day trips. Hey, while here, take some holidays!)

Once you get here, why not try to find a job? You haven't mentioned your skills/ambitions, but if you speak English (most Aussies speak it passably, if strangely), and have a skill, you can spend your early days job hunting. Your employer will help you with the visa, work permit, etc. if they really want you!

Best of Luck! I suspect once you've lived here, you'll never want to leave.

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My partner works here in Thailand and although we have a Civil Partnership, i have to have an independent visa. Even though we meet the requirements financially and have all the relevant paper work, it's not recognised in Thailand so that's the end of that! :o I"m on a non- immigrant "O" so have to do visa runs every 3 months.

If you're over 50 and you have the required money for a retirement visa then you have the chance of staying the full 2 years i think.

Alas no, I'm only 35yo, so the retirement visa is not an option.

With the Multiple entry visa, how long do you need to leave the country for every 90 days?

Can you just leave overnight, for example fly to Singapore for a couple of days and do some shopping then come back in to Thailand?

Yes, that's what i do, to be honest it's nice to get out of here for a break, keeps me sane! Sometimes i go to Singapore or KL for shopping and if i don't want to spend too much i go by car to Ranong to cross the border then come back. You'd have to apply for a non-immigrant "O" to visit friends and family, not sure how easy it is to get one in Australia, i get mine from the UK every time.

Don't be fooled either into thinking it's easy to find a job here, it's not.

Not sure what to say about the last line in the previous post. :D

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Here on this super-forum, the best Thailand Visa forum in the galaxy, you can ask your questions and get expert answers (especially from the super-moderators and prolific administrators who post there :o ) on the Thai Visas, Work Permits, etc., forum.


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Your best best may be a student visa.

You can enroll at one of the many universities who have english programs or alternatively to learn Thai language.

There is a Thai school that advertises on the net implying that they can get visas easily

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I would probably go with the student visa option or take one of the specialty courses in massage or Thai cooking, which might actually be quite fun and undoubtedly you wouldn't have to study too hard!

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I would probably go with the student visa option or take one of the specialty courses in massage or Thai cooking, which might actually be quite fun and undoubtedly you wouldn't have to study too hard!

any of those suggestions will work. Thai rules don't even accept M&F defacto/common law relationships as grounds for a Non-O visa for the partner.

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