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Non Imm "b" To Non Imm "o"

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Hi Folks,

I am an Indian national married to a Thai and have (by God's greatest grace) landed a full time job in Phuket.

I am actually obtaining a Non Imm "B" and then flying to Phuket to get the work permit and then start my work there.

Is it possible that after I get the Non Imm "B" , I can change it to a Non Imm "O" and extend my stay (based on Thai wife who earns more than 40,000 baht per month) . I want to do this to be on the safe side wherein even if I get fired or lose my job I can still bank on the Non Imm "O" visa to stay in Thailand.

Please let me know.

Best Regards,


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Yes, but with a letter from your wife asking you to visit her and a copy of the mariage papers you can obtain a non-O visa based on marriage right away. You do not first need to have a non-B to come to Thailand.

Edited by Mario2008
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Yes, but with a letter from your wife asking you to visit her and a copy of the mariage papers you can obtain a non-O visa based on marriage right away. You do not first to have a non-B to come to Thailand.

So are you saying that I can come on a Non Imm "O" and still obtain the work permit? If yes, then that's fantastic news...

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You do not need a non immigrant O visa or to change the non immigrant B that you are getting - when the time comes to extend your stay (30 days remaining or less) just do it for family with your wife and her proof of income (last years tax receipt).

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You do not need a non immigrant O visa or to change the non immigrant B that you are getting - when the time comes to extend your stay (30 days remaining or less) just do it for family with your wife and her proof of income (last years tax receipt).

Thanks for the clarification Lopburi ...ur knowledge and help on this forum is greatly appreciated.

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Yes, but with a letter from your wife asking you to visit her and a copy of the mariage papers you can obtain a non-O visa based on marriage right away. You do not first need to have a non-B to come to Thailand.

No, it's better to get your non immigrant B visa, come to Phuket and sort out your work permit.

Then during the month before your 90 day visa entry expires you can apply for a Permission Extension of Stay on the basis of marriage to a Thai. This way you can get a work permit, keep it and not have to make visa runs. You just report your address to immigration every continuous 90 days you are here and annually renew your extension.

As Loburi has already indicated, this is an easier course to follow.

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