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War on striptease and nude shows


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In a previous post you explained that the girls in Nana now have to register with the police. The implication was that they have to go to the police and carry out this registration.  In fact, it is the bar owner who has to compilate and keep current a registration of the girls he employs in the bar at all times.  This has been in effect for a long time. He has to include on the form all of the info you described. It will be examined periodically by the police to ensure it is up to date. This provides a measure of protection for the customers if they have a problem with one of the girls. She is thus readily identifiable and it benefits the police by keeping out underage girls, other undesireables, and assists them in locating wanted criminals of whom there are many in the sleezy prostitution business.  

Your assertion that anyone who is against widespread prostitution in Thailand is politically motivated, right wing, and ranting is insulting to all of the good people in this world who are not whoremongers. And they remain the vast majority.

Likewise when you say that people can  avoid the "hotspots" and thus not be exposed to this sleezy business is nonsense. It is impossible to walk down Sukhumvit or Silom, as only two examples, without being exposed to it.

It must be difficult to attempt to defend the indefensible.


Re: Police Registration

I think you got it wrong. What I am talking about are new procedure not the old regular one that nobody respected. This NEW procedure requires all "sex workers" to be registered with the police DIRECTLY, not with the bar owners. Do you think the police will trust bar owners for doing valid registration ? no and that's why they are changing the rules because it didn't work. Go take a look at the bars and see by yourself how many ladies have left because of this. They will have to go "freelancer" now. Not a good thing.

Re: Political motivation

Well sorry to hurt you here but the "moralists" usally have hidden political agenda and are very good at trying to hide it. It does not mean what they say or what you say is "wrong", it just means that they say their things out of "moral" interests from a book and I find this wrong. These moral judgements are the cause of far more "evils" in this world than vice like prostitution. If you don't like what you see, don't try to change the people around you, but adapt or leave. Your "moral" judgement is only your "opinion" not the Gospels for the world to listen to.

Re: Hot Spots

Please, don't try to fool anyone here. Have you ever visited Bangkok ? how may streets are "red lights" in a city of 20 miles ? about 3 or 4. Is that all over the place ? what about gay bars and gay streets ? should we remove them too because you are "offended" by the morality of their behaviors ? again this is pure prejudice even though I can understand what you are trying to say (I am not promoting prostitution either). Nana and Cowboy are only a small spot you can definitely avoid if you don't want to go there. In Siam Center, they are no "Red Light" district and this is where the majority of tourists go. Sukumvit is 100 km long and you are telling me that you can't avoid Nana and Cowboy when you are on that road ? you are obviously not serious unless of course you are obsessed with "prostitution" in which case you can't avoid it in your own little mind and therefore can only see it everywhere.

I will take a print out of your reply to the bar owner on Nana who gave me this information night before last, sit on his chest, and force him to eat it - and then when he admits to having given me incorrect information I will let  him buy me drinks all night. Thanks to you I will get a free drunk - unless you are wrong and then I assume you will offer to ring the bell!

Morality, like the beauty of bar girls, is in the eye of the beholder. I like being on the side of the majority – sometimes.

I couldn't count the number of times I have been accosted by prostitutes and lady-boys while walking on Sukhumvit between Soi 33 and 2, on Silom, and on many other small Sois. Maybe I get this attention because I am so handsome and my pockets jingle when I walk.

Best Regards.

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I couldn't count the number of times I have been accosted by prostitutes and lady-boys while walking on Sukhumvit between Soi 33 and 2, on Silom, and on many other small Sois. Maybe I get this attention because I am so handsome and my pockets jingle when I walk.

Best Regards.

Lucky bastard  :o

But see, it's only around soi Nana and Soi cowboy, not everywhere. There is nothing else to see between those 2 soi. Have you ever been above soi 33 or below soi 2 ? Thank you  :D

I wish I was wrong, because those new rules are a disaster.

Thanks for the drink. Two mai thai please.

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 Yes I can understand the concern of a parent for their small children: "They worry about the effect on their young children of constant exposure to it all".  I would not choose to have mine around the ladies on a regular basis.  But I'm just not sure how you would solve the problem you mentioned?  Can you really outlaw bad taste?  

 I don't drink, smoke or do drugs so I think I am in a minority in that broad catagory of "punters".  I really don't care for the drunken excess one might see at times, but if no law is broken....?

 I found the new police registry idea different.  Suppose they might actually put it to some good use and require real STD screening and delivery of other basic healthcare?  Some real good might come of it, but I suppose it would be too much to ask..?

 Interesting discussion folks.


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Hi, wolf --

It was not my intent to raise your ire.

Nor was it my intent to argue there is no corruption in America, past and present; of course there was and is.  The word "massive" does mean "widespread," which is a commonly-held belief.  I don't think I was nitpicking.

As for me mentioning my background, well, would anyone pay the slightest attention had I said I was in some profession other than law enforcement?

I normally don't mention my background, even to other Americans, simply because 30 years' worth of being asked snide questions like "So what was your cut of the traffic tickets you wrote?" and the like get . . . well, let's just say they get old.

Now, when we talk about Thailand in particular, well, I have a couple of [Thai] police officer friends who openly admit to what *they* call *widespread corruption* -- so that's another cup of tea entirely!

I won't even go into the flaws of the electoral college system by which an American president is elected; they indisputably exist, as the last presidential election so tiresomely proved!  



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I couldn't count the number of times I have been accosted by prostitutes and lady-boys while walking on Sukhumvit between Soi 33 and 2, on Silom, and on many other small Sois. Maybe I get this attention because I am so handsome and my pockets jingle when I walk.

Best Regards.

Lucky bastard  :o

But see, it's only around soi Nana and Soi cowboy, not everywhere. There is nothing else to see between those 2 soi. Have you ever been above soi 33 or below soi 2 ? Thank you  :D

I wish I was wrong, because those new rules are a disaster.

Thanks for the drink. Two mai thai please.

Once I got to Soi 71.

I don't know where you are getting these rumors about new procedures for registration of girls. Last night I rechecked with two owners in Nana - one a small bar and the other a partner in several bars that employ in total some 300 girls. Both are adament that there has been no change in the procedures of registration from those that I described. They are equally adamnent that the procedure you described would never work and given the turnover rate of the girls in their employ the police could never keep the registrations up to date. One of them said "Imagine the chaos if I were to show up at the police station with 300 girls in tow for registration".

They did however admit that they are pressed by the authorities to keep the registrations current at all times. I had to buy my own drinks all night!! Best Regards.

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I couldn't count the number of times I have been accosted by prostitutes and lady-boys while walking on Sukhumvit between Soi 33 and 2, on Silom, and on many other small Sois. Maybe I get this attention because I am so handsome and my pockets jingle when I walk.

Best Regards.

Lucky bastard  :o

But see, it's only around soi Nana and Soi cowboy, not everywhere. There is nothing else to see between those 2 soi. Have you ever been above soi 33 or below soi 2 ? Thank you  :D

I wish I was wrong, because those new rules are a disaster.

Thanks for the drink. Two mai thai please.

Once I got to Soi 71.

I don't know where you are getting these rumors about new procedures for registration of girls. Last night I rechecked with two owners in Nana - one a small bar and the other a partner in several bars that employ in total some 300 girls. Both are adament that there has been no change in the procedures of registration from those that I described. They are equally adamnent that the procedure you described would never work and given the turnover rate of the girls in their employ the police could never keep the registrations up to date. One of them said "Imagine the chaos if I were to show up at the police station with 300 girls in tow for registration".

They did however admit that they are pressed by the authorities to keep the registrations current at all times. I had to buy my own drinks all night!! Best Regards.

Sorry for your drinks.

Well I guess the different bar owners I talked to about this were joking with me (I hope) but it didn't seem so. Girls were asked to go there and I don't see how the bar owner would get involved in that stage.

300 girls ? OMG, what kind of bars do these guys own ????  B)

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300 girls ? OMG, what kind of bars do these guys own ????  :D

Big Go-Go bars. Some real lookers too. I was tempted to bring one home and try to help her see the error of her ways (a la Sadie Thompson) but I'm afraid most of them are beyond redemption and my flesh is weak.  :o

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300 girls ? OMG, what kind of bars do these guys own ????  B)

Big Go-Go bars. Some real lookers too. I was tempted to bring one home and try to help her see the error of her ways (a la Sadie Thompson) but I'm afraid most of them are beyond redemption and my flesh is weak.  :o


There are not that many that big in Nana. Is that Cascade ? or G-Spot ?  B)

unless we are talking MP in which case I have no idea since I never go there.

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300 girls ? OMG, what kind of bars do these guys own ????  B)

Big Go-Go bars. Some real lookers too. I was tempted to bring one home and try to help her see the error of her ways (a la Sadie Thompson) but I'm afraid most of them are beyond redemption and my flesh is weak.  :o


There are not that many that big in Nana. Is that Cascade ? or G-Spot ?  B)

unless we are talking MP in which case I have no idea since I never go there.

No names!!!

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300 girls ? OMG, what kind of bars do these guys own ????  B)

Big Go-Go bars. Some real lookers too. I was tempted to bring one home and try to help her see the error of her ways (a la Sadie Thompson) but I'm afraid most of them are beyond redemption and my flesh is weak.  :D


There are not that many that big in Nana. Is that Cascade ? or G-Spot ?  B)

unless we are talking MP in which case I have no idea since I never go there.

No names!!!

Oops !!! sorry !!!  :o

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"Once I got to Soi 71."

 Holy cow!  You must be in Cambodia by then?  I know Suk technically runs way the heck out of town and actually is a part of the highway through Pattaya, etc....

 But I never get very far walking that street.  I get "kidnapped" by some floozy and am forced back to my hotel room for some unmentionable depravity!

 LOS...ya gotta love it!


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