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I currently get about on a small 125cc Suzuki but will be getting a bigger bike, 250cc, in a couple of months so I can explore around the North more. I'm comfortable riding the 125cc but have never used a bike with a clutch before and would like to practice before I get the bigger bike, does anyone know of anywhere in Chiang Rai I can have lessons or does anyone with a Motorbike with a clutch fancy helping me out and give me some lessons/practice?

Thanks in advance



I know that trial and error really isn´t the best way to go when it comes to this but I think it is probably the easiest if you have a quiet area to practice in by yourself and then take it to the main roads.


Stuart, the old airport runway would probably be a good place to practice. Just don`t go there at dawn or in the evening when it`s used as an excercise area. It would be carnage.By the way, Honda Dreams can get you anywhere in any conditions. As can your 125 twist and go I suspect. Also, they`re easier on the fuel.Wear a helmet always. :D  :o                      Cheers,                               Chang35baht(Stuart). :D


But driving any motorvehicle on the actual runway except for the crossing in the middle is illegal. But you have some pieces of road on each side of the runway that would probably work.


Stuart, the most dangerous period when riding a motorbike is the first 5,000 to 10,000 km. That is when newbies get into really bad accidents. So take it easy during this period and remember the faster you go, the less time you have for braking.

As much as possible, I try to go no faster than 90 kph. I was doing almost 100 kph from Mae Sai to Mae Chan when a large dog (golden retriever) suddenly crossed the highway from the median island just in front of me. I really thought I was a gonner because there was a large vehicle behind me. If I had crashed into this dog, I would have been spread like jello on the pavement by the truck trailing behind me.

Fortunately, I went into auto pilot, my foot hit the break ever so gently so as not to skid and missed the dog. Couldn't sleep that night thinking about what could have happened. :o


Very good advice from toybits above...

Another good place to practice would be around the new airport in Bandu. The road on the back side is straight and completely devoid of traffic.

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