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Biggest Surprise


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It is an interesting question so not having any idea what her answer would be, I just asked my wife. She says that she was quite surprised that here in the US we cannot pay our bills such as utility, cell phone, etc. at an ATM machine or at a 7-11 store. Quite frankly I was surprised at her answer since I did not know that was a fairly common way to bills in Thailand however I must admit that I cannot think of any reason that I would want to pay my bills in that manner. The other thing was that tax is not included when you look at the price of something but instead added to the purchase price at the register.

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Reminds me of my first frigid winter in Michigan, USA. On a sunny morning, I thought, "Hey, beautiful day! Think I'll wash my car!"

Result: couldn't get into the car for three days. Doors frozen shut like welded steel. :o

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A few things. I remember him shivering at the airport in London and him not beleiving how cold it was. I remember him buying coffee at starbucks and he could not believe how quick the service was. In general he was surprised at how he did not receive the answer "no have" or "finished".

This was about 8 years ago during his last year of university and now he works for the airlines as well so the awe of travel is gone!

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When my girlfriend first arrived in England she was amazed that there were ferrang working road repair/construction.

When I asked "Who the hel_l do you think builds the roads".

Her reply was "I don't know I thought they would bring in Asians or something".

Every one in Thailand seemed to be of the opinion that all ferrang had nice clean office jobs.

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Two thing's I will never forget when my wife first visited England.

We landed at Gatwick on a beautiful, crisp, spring morning and as we left the terminal my wife was amazed at the condensation coming from her mouth as she spoke.

The second was when we went to the local park and she saw all the ducks and geese on the pond, "Look honey, can make laab", I had to physically hold her back.

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Two thing's I will never forget when my wife first visited England.

We landed at Gatwick on a beautiful, crisp, spring morning and as we left the terminal my wife was amazed at the condensation coming from her mouth as she spoke.

The second was when we went to the local park and she saw all the ducks and geese on the pond, "Look honey, can make laab", I had to physically hold her back.

Similarly, when my Isaan students worked for a summer in Virginia, they were amazed at the abundance of local wildlife in the parks and countryside (squirrels, rabbits, deer, etc.).

Their comment: "Those tasty little creatures wouldn't last a minute back in Isaan!"

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A few things come to mind:

1) The roads are not made of gold and money isn't growing on trees.

2) Since I didn't know if we would have any problems going through US Immigrations I made sure that our connecting flight from San Fran to Denver was extra long. We didn't have any issues with Immigrations so with both of us being smokers we decided to exit the Security area and go outside at the San Fran airport to have a smoke. Outside we sat in the shade next to the building (Smoker's designated area, of course). It was a beautiful day in San Fran, sun out in full, and about 75F. My wife, poor thing, looked over at me shaking and asked if they had air conditioning outside.

3) She was amazed that the heat in the house came from the heating ducts and not a fire.

4) Two pair of jeans, three tops, and a purse was well over $100 USD!!!!

5) There's a machine that actually washes dishes for you........ and

6) A machine that dries your clothes!


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A few things come to mind:

1) The roads are not made of gold and money isn't growing on trees.

2) Since I didn't know if we would have any problems going through US Immigrations I made sure that our connecting flight from San Fran to Denver was extra long. We didn't have any issues with Immigrations so with both of us being smokers we decided to exit the Security area and go outside at the San Fran airport to have a smoke. Outside we sat in the shade next to the building (Smoker's designated area, of course). It was a beautiful day in San Fran, sun out in full, and about 75F. My wife, poor thing, looked over at me shaking and asked if they had air conditioning outside.

3) She was amazed that the heat in the house came from the heating ducts and not a fire.

4) Two pair of jeans, three tops, and a purse was well over $100 USD!!!!

5) There's a machine that actually washes dishes for you........ and

6) A machine that dries your clothes!


7) A machine for bom bom without husband... :D

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My wife looked in disbelief as we were driving home from the airport. It had been an hour or more, and every tree she saw appeared dead.

She had never heard of trees losing their leaves in the winter.

Out of respect for my father, who picked us up at the airport, she said nothing...not wanting to insult him by remarking on the barren wasteland in which he lived.

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I'm from Vietnam. My husband never stops admiring how people can carry things with a bicycle or motorbike. In Thailand they must use a pickup.

* He rode a scooter in the middle of thousands of bikes and I was on the back. He was "Ei ei .... hit me?... ei ei <deleted>" although no accident. He was so exciting like a child and asked "Why so many bikes / scooters? They pai nai nuk nar?"

* A 5 meter wide town house in Ho Chi Minh City can be built up to 8 floors. In some provinces they don't use piling.

* We lock the main gate at all times and he said we live in jail :o

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First time my Thai wife came to America, it was winter. Jan 08. We had a 1 day layover in L.A.

We went outside and my wife stated " I think I have problem, America is so cold "

It was 71, Poor thing....Next stop Minnesota, -15. Welcome home honey. :o

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My wife flew to SFO in the US alone at the end of January. I met her there with a jacket. She didn't want to wear the jacket. As we walked to the car, she couldn't understand why we would air condition the car park. Then it finally hit her. It's one thing to know something, but quite another to experience it.

Later that week, I filled up my tank at the gas station while she sat in the car laughing. She didn't understand why I wasn't waiting for the attendant to come and fuel my car. In most states, gas stations are self service. Now, of course, she fuels her own car, but seeing me do it for the first time really cracked her up.

Another surprise to her was homeless farangs. There were two aspects to this surprise, the first was that any farang would be homeless to begin with. The second was that perfectly able bodied people would beg for money instead of finding a job.

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My wife flew to SFO in the US alone at the end of January. I met her there with a jacket. She didn't want to wear the jacket. As we walked to the car, she couldn't understand why we would air condition the car park. Then it finally hit her. It's one thing to know something, but quite another to experience it.

Later that week, I filled up my tank at the gas station while she sat in the car laughing. She didn't understand why I wasn't waiting for the attendant to come and fuel my car. In most states, gas stations are self service. Now, of course, she fuels her own car, but seeing me do it for the first time really cracked her up.

Another surprise to her was homeless farangs. There were two aspects to this surprise, the first was that any farang would be homeless to begin with. The second was that perfectly able bodied people would beg for money instead of finding a job.

Yeah, just remembered that one as well. Pulled into the petrol station, got out and filled the car up myself. The look of astonishment on her face. LOVE IT!!!! :o

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My mrs has her own beauty salon in Thailand [24yrs] when she came to UK for 6mnths, she needed her hair trimmed and split ens cut off ect, we went to the local salon on monday and the boss said come back thursday at 4.30pm, Pan couldnt believe it, shed never seen an apointment book berfore, same with docs and hopitals ect.

Bit different here in Thailand, you just walk in and wait a few minutes!

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My wife was astonished that there was no garbage on the sides of the road. When she woke up the first day at my brother's house he had deer nibbling on the corn in the garden. She asked me why my brother keeps them, she couldn't believe me when I told her those were wild deer ( as she looked for a big knife, limes and some chili peepers) and why nobody had eaten them. The comment that struck me the most was on the return trip when she told me how embarrassed she was about Thailand after visiting Canada.

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I LOVE THIS THREAD!!!!!!!!! I can't wait! 5 1/2 months (dead of winter) to bring her here! Sure I've told her everything but to experience it will gold! She has been telling her family and friends "farang have to work same we do to get everything; every farang not rich..." I can't wait to see reality hit. I spoke to a visitor (working in the local Thai restaurant) who told me the first thing she noticed was that everyone obeyed the law (on the roads) and she was shocked to hear you'd be put in jail for trying to bribe a police officer!

Now if only I could locate a place to buy stinky bacteria fish stock (the most important ingredient in Papaya salad), I'll be a hero!

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We re apparently moving to Canada on Sept 9, summer will probably be well over by then . Shock treatment for her. :o My last winter there we had temperatures of -45 to -50, plus the wind factor, you can hear the 2x4s cracking like a gunshot and nails popping inside the walls, banana peels shatter like glass after a half hour on the ground. :D The little one is only 7 months old, he ll be fine.

Last time we visited, she was amazed by the wide open spaces and scarce population. Strangely enough, she also mentioned she was ashamed of her country, which I ve come to hate after 5 short years.

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I've just remembered another one.

While my wife was visiting me in the UK, I developed an infected knee.

I ended going to the casualty dept of the local hospital. My wife could not believe that we had to wait five hours to be seen, "Thai people never wait like this".

I was admitted to hospital, and stayed seven days. Every day, my wife cooked Thai food for me at home, and then brought it to the hospital for me, then, after we had eaten together, she would give me a bed bath. The looks on the faces of the other patients was priceless. I told her she didn't have to do it, but all she said was "Honey, you my husband, I take care you"

She is a true diamond.

Sorry, I think I went slightly off topic.

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I remember it well & it is not the biggest but it made me smile............................

I had just met her flight at the airport. She came out the door big hugs etc. Then she said she needed some water.

I walked her over to the ice water machine on the wall & said ok.

She looked at me & said yes????

Ir dawned on me she had never seen one before.

( I realize now there are none in TL right? )

Was funny too when I pushed the lever & the water came up & she had to lean in & get a drink.

I still remember a man behind us laughing too :o

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My wife was very reluctant to visit America with me since she was quite happy with her own countrymen and loves her country. "But Ken, America is at war!", visualizing American streets as the equivalent of Baghdad and I had to explain to her that we take our wars to everyone else's countries.

Her first shock when we arrived in Denver in May was five inches of snow which continued to fall. After the first little bit of shivering and putting on more clothes, the child in her took over and it was a delight watching her and playing with her as she discovered how snow crunches when you walk, building a snowwoman, her squeals sharp in the cold crisp air as we had a snowball fight. She went up on the ski lift and flopped on her face into a drift on exit then walked across the snow and fell into it up to her shoulders and had to be dragged out. "KEN !!" she shrieked as her world fell out from beneath her..

We have spent two 2-month excursions across America so far and she absolutely loves it. So many reasons, such as cleanliness, the majesty of the Rockies, the warmth of the people, the vastness of our 'wide open spaces'.. She's still making up her mind about snow.

I just now asked her about this and her excited response took half an hour, filled with laughter and tears. Motorcycling thru the most incredible scenery she could ever have imagined, that she voluntarily jumped out of an airplane at 10,000 ft and will do it again in a heartbeat, visits with my friends and family all across the country and the tears she shed when we departed.

Even today, she remarks with very mixed feelings about how she made so many more true friends in the U.S. than she has even in her own country - people who would swim the ocean if she needed help...

My government sucks but I sincerely care about the 'down home' American people. :o

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The biggest surprise the wife had when she visited Toronto for the 1st time in summer was how freakin HOT it was!!!!

Everyone expect Canada to be the land of ice and snow but in the summer it gets as hot as BKK.

Everyday she was saying how hot it was, to turn on the ac immediately on entering my car. And when she went back to BKK everyone was shocked by how dark she got.

That and there isnt moose, deer, bears etc wandering the streets.

Oh and after bringing her to afew greasy spoons, she realised why north Americans are so big and fat :o

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My Wife was shocked at the prices.

A sandwich in London 300 baht.

A bottle of Singha water at a Thai restaurant 150 Baht

A simple Thai dish at a Thai restaurant 800 baht.

However she was'nt much complaining about the price of a designer dress I brought her from Harrods LOL.

We have only been together in the summer on our previous visits together (she complained about the cold then)....the acid test of how much cold she can withstand will be this Christmas !!

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Ive been to some foreign countries, and I know they certainly are more expensive than Thailand, but TP, buying one of those icecream cones from the icecream trucks parked around London shocked me in retrospect. at the time I paid I didnt think much of it, cos I expected things to be more costly, but as the days went by and I had paid for other things like meals and drinks, it hit me that the icecream cone was exceptionally so :D

seriously I think I may have been intentionally overcharged was something like 6pounds or 8pounds or something like that for 2 icecreams :o

but well I guess its one of those things you kinda expect.....like buying a bottle of water just across the road from the Colloseo will cost X amount EURO more than a drink at a small cafe elsewhere in the city (which is already more expensive than thailand....so the icecream was like a fortune :D )

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