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Why Does The Danish Man Have What I Don't?


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I trained as a nurse and frequently found myself working with only females. They would always make a fuss over me and if I'm honest it meant I could get away with a lot. I once asked some of my female colleagues if they minded that I sometimes got special treatment, but they assured me that it was great having a man around as it meant less bitchiness in the unit.

I thought only female were nurses? :D


roy gsd

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In a few weeks he'll be stale news and attention will turn to a fresher Danish pastry :D !

It is always a pleasure to have fresh Danish pastry with a cup of coffee :D

what happened to the german widower next door Zaza? :o

am all occupied with work problems :D , I didn't go to the pharmacy yet :D

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Mine; is not a rubber nose ; It is a silicon implanted one; I paid alot to put it on :o

Well that explains it !! You put it in the wrong area :D

But on another subject, Hope he doesn't follow my office standard and never get involved with other members of staff..It worked great for me , they just keep trying harder. :D


I cant spell..

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It's been my observation from working in Thai offices that the single coomon trait in any Foreigner who receives the kind of attentions that the OP mentions is not looks, not size of right arm muscules, not even the size of the wallet - but being polite in manners and dress.

There is nothing quite like being 'Riap-Roy' when it comes to impressing the Thais.

This 'Riap-Roy' needs to extend from behaviour and presentation in the office to behaviour and presentation outside of the office.

So Zazza - If you are not getting this kind of attention..... ?

I am really disappointed in you now;Guesthouse( I thought you knew me better as we both old forum-mates) :D I thought you are more better than reading the first OP and jump directly to the "Add Reply" button :o

you didn't read the rest of that practical joke to imitate the ongoing "rants" over here; or even showed some courtesy before judging personal offending accusations against others. :D

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Mine; is not a rubber nose ; It is a silicon implanted one; I paid alot to put it on :o

Well that explains it !! You put it in the wrong area :D

But on another subject, Hope he doesn't follow my office standard and never get involved with other members of staff..It worked great for me , they just keep trying harder. :D


I cant spell..

that shows :D

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To me this says you are good looking yourself, and perhaps others in the office are jealous of you. Ever notice how the slightly unnattractive, slightly fat office girl gets mothered by the other office workers? That's like the opposite situation to yours. If they can't get status out of helping you out, maybe they already recognise your abilities. Take it as a compliment :o

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Mate grow some nuts, its all about confidence, you could look like a douche bag and still pick up all the ladies.

having both like myself also comes in handy.

I am a fat, disgusting old fart and I don't get treated like this guy, but not too far from it. Why do you think all these Western men come to Thailand? :o

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It's been my observation from working in Thai offices that the single coomon trait in any Foreigner who receives the kind of attentions that the OP mentions is not looks, not size of right arm muscules, not even the size of the wallet - but being polite in manners and dress.

There is nothing quite like being 'Riap-Roy' when it comes to impressing the Thais.

This 'Riap-Roy' needs to extend from behaviour and presentation in the office to behaviour and presentation outside of the office.

So Zazza - If you are not getting this kind of attention..... ?

I'd go along with the above good manners & politeness theory,& i'm still quite a hansum man......with possibly even bigger biceps than the Don.(I aint rich either)

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Mate grow some nuts, its all about confidence, you could look like a douche bag and still pick up all the ladies.

having both like myself also comes in handy.

I am a fat, disgusting old fart and I don't get treated like this guy, but not too far from it. Why do you think all these Western men come to Thailand? :D

Don't under estimate your virtues;honey; you have the right spirit even if you don't have the looks :D

and the answer for your question is:

They come here to exhibit and prove :the good manners & politeness theory :o

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How would you like your coffe Zaza, I'm just making a couple of macchiatto, I can send one over,?... :D

Great, YES;Please! I can never say NO for a cup of coffee :( But I do admire your musical gifts :D ; so ; how about applying for a DJ post in construction site that "Jing Jing" had suggested :D

So; to proceed in yesterday's daydreaming :o ; I would have Thedon bringing me the coffee and the DJ will be the lovely Uncle Ken :D

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How would you like your coffe Zaza, I'm just making a couple of macchiatto, I can send one over,?... :D

Great, YES;Please! I can never say NO for a cup of coffee :( But I do admire your musical gifts :D ; so ; how about applying for a DJ post in construction site that "Jing Jing" had suggested :D

So; to proceed in yesterday's daydreaming :o ; I would have Thedon bringing me the coffee and the DJ will be the lovely Uncle Ken :D

The Don will de over directly with the coffee (once he's learnt how to pick the saucer up with 2 hands) in the meantime I'm playing "Kung <deleted> Fightin" for you. (Oh just had a thought would you like The Don to Spin Kick the Great Dane for you ?... :D )

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I am a bit confused why you are jealous

You write - because you didn't get the same treatment from the staff

But I read - because you are not getting any attention from the Dane

you should work on improving your "reading" skills cause I'd stated in my first original post that "we got along well" :o

and yesterday, I referred him to the TV -website and forum- and told him about the thread I started for laughs.

He was giggling out loud :D

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Looks like zaza has been atrolling and snagged herself a few fish.

Shame shame zaza


Honey :o ! I can't and don't eat fish; I am just a wild mare! :D

Every time I start a thread you always move it to the "Jokes-fun" forum: how come this one has stayed that long in the "general forum" :D

Well ; what should I do? I thought members here enjoy and cherish a "light" sense of humor and can tell the nature of this thread for very sensible reasons as :

1# reason:The hilarious title I choose for this thread: The funny adequate answer to my question will be: he is a man and you are not :D

2# reason:The introduction :was so hel_l funny and started with saying: OK! here is my outrageous rant; no one who really feels jealous or envious would tell publicly of his :inferiority or insecurity complexes(like the PC brigade shoot me with),cause most people "here" usually either brag or pretend to be "stronger or better" than the others.

3# reason:The solution I had posted to sort out my problem was so ridiculous and funny: blond hair and green contact lens would never ever change who I am or hide where I am from.

4# reason: I was throwing funny-silly comments in a very high-spirited way that it is hardly impossible for someone who should be whining!

Anyway;hope no one was harmed! :D

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Having been on the recieving end of such treatment. I can tell you that it gets old very very fast and gets extremely irritating.

Its all bloody office politics.

Being watched all the time, the gossip, plus you have to be very nice in return to everyone or someone will feel slighted. Having to watch what you say, having to watch how you act...cant be to friendly to some or the others become jealous/upset. Rumours, gossip, everything you do being reported on.

Being treated like an invalid and imbecile (how did they know??), where they feel they absolutely have to do or explain everything for you. Even lunch...ped mai, aroi mai, kin dai mai.

Cant wait for someone new to join the company......send the dane over :o

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Having been on the recieving end of such treatment. I can tell you that it gets old very very fast and gets extremely irritating.

Its all bloody office politics.

Being watched all the time, the gossip, plus you have to be very nice in return to everyone or someone will feel slighted. Having to watch what you say, having to watch how you act...cant be to friendly to some or the others become jealous/upset. Rumours, gossip, everything you do being reported on.

Being treated like an invalid and imbecile (how did they know??), where they feel they absolutely have to do or explain everything for you. Even lunch...ped mai, aroi mai, kin dai mai.

Cant wait for someone new to join the company......send the dane over :o

he is reading your job offer now :D

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Accepting that the OP had, and continues to have, a sense of humour and perspective about this, the subject does touch on a number of key points.

Traditionally foreign {not just falang} individuals are given a higher status, which is theirs to keep or lose by action, or inaction. The old saw of familiarity breeding contempt, whilst being too strong in this situation does act as a reasonable shorthand for situations like this but is as noted below not all bad. In addition, there is the complication of gender, males are given an easier time of it, there's no doubt about that, but irrespective of gender, anyone failing to live up to the status will find it repealed. After all as a foreigner, you, usually, have no recourse to the network of obligations which exists under the surface in the workplace {or social environment} which is the currency of Thai culture.

Something to note here, is that despite a population of over 60 million, similar to the UK, the urban {and secondary & tertiary educated} population is very small and in the broadest sense of the word incestuous. Indeed Thai people coming to Bangkok now find it much more difficult to break-in to the urban workplace {office, banks, professional organisations} then before without a suitable introduction, which perpetuates the web of obligations.

On balance, the attraction of the new, especially if viewed as exotic, is short lived, and the Dane will find he has to fit the expectations of the group to maintain his current fascination level. Equally, being viewed as part of the team in a Thai environment, which may mean less attention, but greater acceptance is more valuable then many realise.


PS Not on topic but 'The Dane' reminds me of the, possibly apocryphal quote, that Hamlet written by the late Robert Ludlum would have been entitled 'The Elsinore Equivocation'. Well makes me smile.

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I can definitely tell you from personal experience that having blonde hair and blue eyes goes a long way when in SE Asia. Even at my age when walking the streets anywhere in LOS I turn heads (female). And when I lived in China I felt like I was a movie star!!! :o

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what really can a farang chick offer to thais ? not much i presume. she going to marry a boy making 400$ a month? why waste their time on such a person? :o:D:D

There are a lot of ladies here on TV married to Thai.

Why do you think that everything is about money.

Very very sad. :D

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OK! :D

Here is my outrageous rant :(

There is a freshly-new handsome young Danish man in the establishment I work for :D he started working a couple of weeks ago with us; and ever since he has started working here; he got it all smoothly and so easily for him, he got all the local staff :helping-showing all the ropes-facilitating-translating-feeding-tour guiding-insighting-enlighting-filling forms-applying for credit cards-pampering-bringing coffee to his desk!-over and on and only for................HIM :D

I don't want this kind of services; I can depend on myself somehow to get around most of it.

But I can't stop comparing the difference between our starts(me and him),by my time when I started with them; I never had any of the above mentioned easily; I always had to beg-ask-plead and rattle to get their help if I need it.(And NO- don't assume I am a bitch in the office;so I deserve what I got: I do have a pleasant social personality in real life though :o )

I am hel_l jealous now of his status in the office;although; we work in a complete different separated work-assignments but still in the same room. I know it's not his fault! In fact, we get along perfectly well together, but I can't stop being envious!

I am a farang too(falang-this one is for you-gallo-garro :burp: ) so; wth; is this a new kind of discrimination going around here? HUH????????

I had confronted the local staff yesterday of my ""jealousy-rant"" and they've said: am not blonde as him to be regarded as a farang! :P

OK! if this is it :

THEN:I will buy WELLA -EXTRA-Golden-blond hair color and dye my hair and will use colored-green or blue contact lenses :D and I will see if me turning into a white Caucasians' farang looking woman; things would change in my office or not? Will I be treated like a god too or not?

Good on you ""falang men"" here; you got it all ;IMHO :P

You definitively are a western ....woman :D

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Zaza..if you want a "Bunny Boiler or "La Femme Nikita", I will do a favour for you. :o

geeeeeeee Babmina :D ; thanks for dropping by and post here, but ; honestly :D ;I have no clue of what your post means! can you make it clearer please :D

I reckon you may have to watch more movies then :D

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^ The movies are Fatal Attraction, and the eponymous La Femme Nikita, the original French title was just Nikita.

Bunny Boiler:- usually a woman who is stalking a former lover.

Nikita was a convicted felon who is given 'another chance' to serve as an assassin.


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Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus...................

There's more interest in Mars these days.........

Well, I say your finally finding out what it's like for guys in the west. Women have guys falling over them in most countries in the world! In the weste one good looking girl has 10 plus suitor serving to there every need. Well, suffice to say you are feeling like 90% of the male population feel like in the west.

Here is Thailand the tables are turned. The percentages of available Thai men to attractive women is low, ie, lots of gay guys, ladyboys deplete another group, some head into Monkhood, other are poor farmer types and labourers. What's left as potential working guys with a car and some money to spend on a lady is little in comparison to the available pretty female population office workers. These girls are the ones falling over themselves to be the Miss Danish girlfriend before someone else can nail this young stud......... All the more power to the young Stallion!

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Zaza..if you want a "Bunny Boiler or "La Femme Nikita", I will do a favour for you.

geeeeeeee Babmina ; thanks for dropping by and post here, but ; honestly :D ;I have no clue of what your post means! can you make it clearer please :D

I reckon you may have to watch more movies then :(

Dear BambinA ;

I reckon you may have to read my OP again;then :D

I had seen the movies you'd mentioned but I didn't find what is the affiliation between them and my ""supposed rant" . :o

As my memory serves me; one movie was for a women who wanted to revenge her one-night-stander-lover (the mighty: Michael Douglas) by boiling his""rabbit"'.........and that's not my situation at all with that Danish lad (cause he does not bring his pets to the office- I do hope he would bring few eggs so I can get hold of them and boil them :burp: )

The other movie"Nikita" was for a girl who had been used by the DGSE to assassin people or be killed after she had committed suicide :D

If I was forced to use violence :D ; I would stick to the ones that I am expert with :P

WOND: Weapons Of Nag Destruction :P it leaves more damage than others!

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