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Anyone fond of Malee Juice and appreciates a bargain may be interested to hear that TOP near the WangCome has it for 39B, a considerable saving on the normal 64B.

Personally I drink several glasses a day, half and half with soda, and find it a refreshing alternative to caffeine based drinks etc.

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Hmmm, but is that not the discounted ones with an expiry date waiting to sneak up on you within the next few days? Or have they actually lowered the prices? I don't understand why fruit juice (100% fruit juice made from concentrate of course, it sounds good at least...) is so expensive anyways.


No, it's all new stuff Gos, it's got a special tag attached explaining the promotion.

I'll agree that the cheapest way to get juice is to squeeze it yourself.


I'm not here to be a pain, but since seeing their production factory based in Nakhom Pathom, and the pollution they have created in that area, ignoring local protests, I have re-thought buying their products. If you saw the open sewers outside the factory along the road, you might agree, it stinks!! I don't care how cheap it is...



I take a similar stand on CP products but didn't know this about Malee. But then again I do not buy juice that often and rarely Malee. Isn't basically Malee juice and the other brands just the same as SunQuick but less concentrated? Better off buying the latter one in that case. Unless SunQuick is evil as well of course.

I'm not here to be a pain, but since seeing their production factory based in Nakhom Pathom, and the pollution they have created in that area, ignoring local protests, I have re-thought buying their products. If you saw the open sewers outside the factory along the road, you might agree, it stinks!! I don't care how cheap it is...


You may not mean to be a pain but you're certainly naive.

Are you suggesting that there is any is any food or drink factory in Asia without the same shortcomings?

Thailand's attitude towards manufacturing is about the same as the Wests was 50 years ago, they dump their waste where they like and take all the short cuts they can.

I'll bet none of the local protesters worked in the factory.


I find Tipco juices (the fridge kind) much better and more tasty than Malee. You can find them at Tesco or Big C. No preservatives price around 65/75 baht


Personal taste, I suppose.

I don't really like Tipco myself; maybe I got a bad carton but it tasted like the fruit hadn't been sorted properly.



I have had the same thought myself. The 100% juice is expensive here (relative to Thai prices generally) and certainly relative to the price of raw fruit here.

I just put it down to the same reason that other distinctly 'western' products here are more expensive - they charge what the market will bear. With western style products the original buyers are farang or Thais who have have lived overseas (or those who aspire to be seen as western).... and then the market evolves ... as has certainly happened with fruit juice.

Now more and more ordinary Thais are drinking fruit juice (see all the stalls selling it now in markets) partly trendy factor and partly increased health focus. So step Two is that the manufacturers have broken the product up into many layers. The basic tipco/malee we are talking about here (that sells for around 60-70 baht) is now just a mid-range product with several price levels above and below.

I read on the net this week about a Thai study on sugar levels in fruit juice - 22 brands/products were tested - apparently most are high and some are very high indeed. but the article didn't identify any brand names.... another good reason to squeeze your own

I like both Tipco & Malee

Hi wiley, I thought I saw you in Big C a week or two back. Were you with three little coyotes in matching lime green dresses?

I nearly said hello but the thought of asking a perfect stranger if he was wiley coyote got the better of me in the end.

You may not mean to be a pain but you're certainly naive.

Are you suggesting that there is any is any food or drink factory in Asia without the same shortcomings?

Thailand's attitude towards manufacturing is about the same as the Wests was 50 years ago, they dump their waste where they like and take all the short cuts they can.

I'll bet none of the local protesters worked in the factory.

I am anything but naive, if you would like to provide a list of others that do the same I will gladly not buy their products either. The way these problems were solved in the WEST 50yrs ago was by public outcry, so why not here, locals are. The comment about employees is ridiculous, condoning these practises like you are is naive!



At least! A bit of a fiery thread. Even though it had to be about fruit juices that aren't even flamable. Is that with two flammable "mm"s? :o

It doesn´t even take a person from Stockholm (I´m not from there) to deduce that any liquid sold for a higher price than that from where it is harvested must mean a serious factory bypass, thus higher prices. Why? Well, it´s consumer friendly and that´s why people buy it.

I just find it so ridiculous in Thailand, where the country is still "udom somboon", and the fruit is ripe on the clock every year in amounts that we sometimes find overwhelming. Thinking about when oranges are 10 baht per kilo or so. Ever seen 100% freshly squeezed orange juice in a super market here? Was it cheap? For me it´s no no. I don´t mind the labour but it is interesting why someone would go through so much trouble of making so much fruit become less in amount and higher in price just because it looks good?

Oh, capitalism. That´s a thought.


I meant: "At last!" in the beginning there but I was thinking about starting up at thread about the Olympics at the same time and then my mother in law called so I lost track.

Anyhow, the opening ceremony is pretty good. Is it alright to do a local "who beats who amongst the Chiang Rai expats" kind of deal regarding the OG?


I have had the same thought myself. The 100% juice is expensive here (relative to Thai prices generally) and certainly relative to the price of raw fruit here.

I just put it down to the same reason that other distinctly 'western' products here are more expensive - they charge what the market will bear. With western style products the original buyers are farang or Thais who have have lived overseas (or those who aspire to be seen as western).... and then the market evolves ... as has certainly happened with fruit juice.

Now more and more ordinary Thais are drinking fruit juice (see all the stalls selling it now in markets) partly trendy factor and partly increased health focus. So step Two is that the manufacturers have broken the product up into many layers. The basic tipco/malee we are talking about here (that sells for around 60-70 baht) is now just a mid-range product with several price levels above and below.

I read on the net this week about a Thai study on sugar levels in fruit juice - 22 brands/products were tested - apparently most are high and some are very high indeed. but the article didn't identify any brand names.... another good reason to squeeze your own

And how do you queeze your own orange juice? Do you have an orange tree? No, oranges don't

come from Thailand, you have green oranges here which we call mandarines.

You may not mean to be a pain but you're certainly naive.

Are you suggesting that there is any is any food or drink factory in Asia without the same shortcomings?

Thailand's attitude towards manufacturing is about the same as the Wests was 50 years ago, they dump their waste where they like and take all the short cuts they can.

I'll bet none of the local protesters worked in the factory.

I am anything but naive, if you would like to provide a list of others that do the same I will gladly not buy their products either. The way these problems were solved in the WEST 50yrs ago was by public outcry, so why not here, locals are. The comment about employees is ridiculous, condoning these practises like you are is naive!


It took more than fifty tears to solve them in the West and in many places it's still going on and protected by political favor.

Do you always carry on like this when someone disagrees with you?

Where I have condoned pollution and shoddy practices?

I open a simple topic showing local members a bargain and you bounce in with lectures on correct manufacturing procedures then follow it with a personal attack.

You're the one who's ridiculous if you think that the majority people in this country don't turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of their employers.

I wont provide any list, get on the internet and look for them yourself.

I'm glad you apologized for being a pain because you are.

re read your own thread and grow up!

Wow, that's a really mature argument, why don't you stick your tongue out as well?

I suggest that if you want to be childish that you stick to the general forum.


We really don't need to go down this road, gentlemen.

The OP made a simple comment about a bargain on orange juice.

For the record, I have a 1 L carton of Malee Tangerine Orange Juice in front of me as I type.

Ingredients are: 100% Tangerine Orange Juice (pulp added; translated from Thaiglish). No sugar added, no preservatives, no artificial color.

To my taste, the Malee Tangerine OJ is much, much better than any Tipco product I've sampled- and I've sampled them all.

As for commentary on free trade practices, management/labor relations, pollution in klongs adjoining factories, etc.- that's fine. You've all had your say 1 time. Which is free speech, that I am a staunch supporter and proponent of.

However, continued commentary off of the thread topic (bargain OJ at Tops) will be dealt with with post deletions, etc.

Thank you for your understanding, and enjoy your orange juice, whether sourced from organic free range happy farmer trees, or from the oppressed salt mine slave factories of the capitalist polluting oppressor..... :o


Well since you want to play

You may not mean to be a pain but you're certainly naive.

Are you suggesting that there is any is any food or drink factory in Asia without the same shortcomings?

I make a valid comment on a brand, apologizing for interrupting the thread only being minorly related, but a place to encourage others perhaps to consider the environment rather than the 10baht saving.

So who started the personal attacks?? You're right Griffith, this is the last you will hear of it from me. :o



Gee macca, you know how quiet it's been here.

I'll call it a night as well, merely pointing out that 39B from 64B isn't 10B, making his maths as good as the rest of his facts.



Well, this reduced price slavery juice doesn't seem too reluctant this morning when it feels like I have the Sahara in my mouth. Hmmm...

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