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Great Tits


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hello there i was on my computer yesterday and was looking at the great tradional british bird the great tit on google images and now i am typing great tit in their 2day and am still getting great tit but of a pornographic variety does anybody know how this could have changed overnight?

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Got to admit... the title of this thread is an attention-grabber.


BBC news online recently had an article titled "Great tits threatened by extinction" or something like that - it stayed on the "most read" list for a long time. Probably until they removed it manually :D

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I have an old Japan Times article around here somewhere (I really should scan it), with the bold headline of: "Guidelines to Telling Your Tits Apart," which of course was about birds.

At that time in history, the Japan Times English editors/proofreaders were having a grand old time slipping double-entendre headlines past their Japanese-speaking-only bosses.

Another one was: "Flight Attendant Sucked to Death," which was about a Flight Attendant who was sucked out of an airplane door on the ground while attempting an evacuation when the cabin pressurization system was still active. (Such a situation should never exist, but a sad intersection of errors caused it.) He was thrown to the pavement and died of head injuries, ISTR.

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