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Beijing Opening Ceremony


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Which really just highlights westerners' distain for things Asian (except if that Asian is wearing a short skirt). You could at least try to understand what is happening.
I think they missed the point entirely. Its an INTERNATIONAL event hosted in China, not a Chinese Olympics..... no multi-cultural content at all apart from the last few minutes with the umbrellas of kids faces..... It looked more like a propaganda show, starting with we invented paper to we are now walking on Mars, us us us!!


Erm,... No it doesn't. Which "things Asian" are you referring to Westerners' "distain" (sic) of?

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US westcoast …….We are just about 2 hrs of yawning into the opening

- so far I think “the Canadians” are such cuties!!! -----fanning myself currently :o

- followed by the Brit





Flying fin

Still waiting for the rest……....commercials again AAARGH...

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Well I for one hope the Olympic flops. Am I the only one sickened by the world's obequeiousness and fawning to a corrupt and barbaric regime in the vain hope that one day we might make some money out of them.

One day the world is going to wake up and proclaim that the emperor is, in fact, wearing no clothes.

Meanwhile, let's all turn a blind eye to mass executions, forced labour camps for reeducation, no political freedoms and a complete disregard for human rights.

Because, hey, it's the Olympics right - and those Chinese hold all the world's money.

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I thought it was a very well done ceremony. Actually not just well done..I don't think anyone will be topping that one anytime soon. Excellent choreography and mind blowing use of theatrics and technology.

I was in Beijing earlier this year and I actually didn't notice a hel_l of a lot of preparation. I sort of wish I was there now to see what the vibe is like in the city. I bet it must be a trip to run into people from all over the world in Beijing.

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Wife and me watched it and we both thought it brilliant. Maybe I’m naive but I saw nothing sinister or subversive in the spectacular displays.

Obviously a heck of a lot of thought work and ingenuity had gone into the production, good for them. Wish some people would not be so negative and cynical and give some credit where it’s due. Can’t see London come up close with anything to match this show. And just in case anyone wonders London is my home town.

I thought the cutest bit was the little girl in the red dress out there all by herself singing as the Chinese flag was raised. There she was, couldn’t have been more than 9 years old totally un-phased by the 90 thousand in the stadium or the 2 billion on TV and enjoying herself.


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I may have got a little over the top with the comment on the other Olympics, but to prove a point I thought that I was not judging the Chinese performance comparitively to others, 'they sucked compared to ......'. I have not a racist bone in my body I am proud to say. I was commenting on the event/show, not the politics. Each to their own, I thought it was boring is all.

Why can't you give credits where it's due....which previous olympics had a better opening ceremory..i think you are a pure racist....probably anti anything that is Chinese....you suck... :D:D:o:D

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I watched the opening ceremony last night and thought it was great. Good bored waiting to see the Australian Team come into the arena and then got embarrased over their "stunning" outfit :o

Olympics are supposed to be without politics - each country has problems - so let the Games begin and show pride in our individual countries.

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It’s just over for us here - on the westcoast USA - finally!!!

My analysis:

I thought it was really amazing impressive display of creativities and the choreography was incredible. The most impressive pieces had to be the fireworks, the tai chi drum, and the countdown, especially.

It’s such a huge symbolic pride and achievement for the Chinese, I’m sure. And it will be quite difficult to top the Chinese after this - but not impossible ….will see.

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I thought it was a very well done ceremony. Actually not just well done..I don't think anyone will be topping that one anytime soon. Excellent choreography and mind blowing use of theatrics and technology.

Agree 100%. The gigantic scroll, which appeared to be a large LCD, the use of projections, the timing of the fireworks, everything was fantastic and very impressive. All of the reviews I've read have been extremely positive.

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I watched the opening ceremony last night and thought it was great. Good bored waiting to see the Australian Team come into the arena and then got embarrased over their "stunning" outfit :o

Oh yeah…that seaworld.... or rather the dolphin outfit !!! :D

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By all reports I've seen the average Chinese is immensely proud of his country and of these Olympics. Yes, their government is still overbearing and guilty of serious human rights abuses but as bad as that may be, this same government has provided for an enormous improvement in the quality of life to a significant portion of it's 1.3 billion people in a relatively short period of time. Compare the China of today with the China of just 35 years ago. The transformation has been astounding. You can't take any country, especially the largest one on earth with over one fifth of the world's population from the stone age to an idyllic democratic wonderland overnight. What the Chinese government has done in the last two decades has been spectacular considering the state their nation was in even 20 years ago. Give them some credit and give them some time. I believe as China opens up more and more the people will eventually demand more freedoms and things will continue to improve in all areas socially, environmentally and politically. I say good for them and I hope the Olympics are a big success.

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Wife and me watched it and we both thought it brilliant. Maybe I’m naive but I saw nothing sinister or subversive in the spectacular displays.

Obviously a heck of a lot of thought work and ingenuity had gone into the production, good for them. Wish some people would not be so negative and cynical and give some credit where it’s due. Can’t see London come up close with anything to match this show. And just in case anyone wonders London is my home town.

I thought the cutest bit was the little girl in the red dress out there all by herself singing as the Chinese flag was raised. There she was, couldn’t have been more than 9 years old totally un-phased by the 90 thousand in the stadium or the 2 billion on TV and enjoying herself.


Agree with DD 100%

However I think he will be impressed by the London 2012 games opening bash! Do to connections in high places I can confide that an awesome spectacle is anticipated and to let you in on the secret it will include Des O'connor, George Galloway in his fetching leotard the Dagenham girl pipers and 6 packs of sparklers (no fireworks due to health & safety regs). Me I can't wait :o


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Agree with DD 100%

However I think he will be impressed by the London 2012 games opening bash! Do to connections in high places I can confide that an awesome spectacle is anticipated and to let you in on the secret it will include Des O'connor, George Galloway in his fetching leotard the Dagenham girl pipers and 6 packs of sparklers (no fireworks due to health & safety regs). Me I can't wait :o


Gosh are those people still alive ?

I can fully understand the sparklers issue though I would have thought that packs of 6 might be against EEC regulations :D



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Agree with DD 100%

However I think he will be impressed by the London 2012 games opening bash! Do to connections in high places I can confide that an awesome spectacle is anticipated and to let you in on the secret it will include Des O'connor, George Galloway in his fetching leotard the Dagenham girl pipers and 6 packs of sparklers (no fireworks due to health & safety regs). Me I can't wait :o


Gosh are those people still alive ?

I can fully understand the sparklers issue though I would have thought that packs of 6 might be against EEC regulations :D



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I thought the opening ceremony was impressive.

However when the countries started to parade many of the uniforms worn looked like personnel from a cheap holiday camp such as Butlins.

it is also obvious that a lot of the people who are part of squads going to the Olympics are not competitors but are hangers on getting junkets and free holidays to China.

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Every body looking for problems and deep hidden meanings instead of just sitting back and enjoying the show. I would like the complainers just try to put together any type of show, maybe a school play and see how they get on.

As for the goose stepping guys that riled up some people would it have been OK if they had been from the Coldstream guards or Blackwatch Highlanders or for our ex-colonial friends a squad of marines.


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Great show, and no commercial breaks on Thai TV. The parade of nations put my Thai partner to sleep as I tried to explain everything I knew about world geography, The Caribbean islands have more Saints than a Catholic calendar, and I still do not know where the Maldives are, and a lot of tiny places were simply "South Pacific." Was that Yao Ming carrying the Chinese flag, and who was the boy with hin?:

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Great show, and no commercial breaks on Thai TV. The parade of nations put my Thai partner to sleep as I tried to explain everything I knew about world geography, The Caribbean islands have more Saints than a Catholic calendar, and I still do not know where the Maldives are, and a lot of tiny places were simply "South Pacific." Was that Yao Ming carrying the Chinese flag, and who was the boy with hin?:


If Yao Ming is the 7'6" basket ball player yes that was him, the little boy was a survivor of the earthquake who sang songs to all his trapped schoolmates to keep their spirits up whilst all trapped under rubble. His participation in recognition of the suffering of the province.


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Great show, and no commercial breaks on Thai TV. The parade of nations put my Thai partner to sleep as I tried to explain everything I knew about world geography, The Caribbean islands have more Saints than a Catholic calendar, and I still do not know where the Maldives are, and a lot of tiny places were simply "South Pacific." Was that Yao Ming carrying the Chinese flag, and who was the boy with hin?:

The boy is a survivor from the recent earthquake.

Maldives is very near Sri lanka, Bangkok airways has flight from BKK.

Edited by Kwong
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Great show, and no commercial breaks on Thai TV. The parade of nations put my Thai partner to sleep as I tried to explain everything I knew about world geography, The Caribbean islands have more Saints than a Catholic calendar, and I still do not know where the Maldives are, and a lot of tiny places were simply "South Pacific." Was that Yao Ming carrying the Chinese flag, and who was the boy with hin?:

I was lucky wife was awake all the time but I have to admit I did not know as much about countries that I though. Especially all those emerging upstarts following the fall of USSR.

The Maldives are a group of paradise islands off the south west coast of India.


Previous poster explained Yao Ming and the kid at his side.


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Great show - very imaginative......... even if some of the massed people effects came across a tad North Korean "Dear Leader" style - not helped by the goose-stepping military flag-bearers.

I watched it on WETV's cable service in Chiang Mai - mainly on a South African broadcast. I gathered from the commentary that each host country brings in the competing national teams according to its own alphabet - so a question for the Mandarin speakers here: how come the countries whose names begin with "M" (for example) seemed to come in at all kinds of different places in the order? Others seemed to be scattered as well. Obviously, no surprise that it's not A-B-C order, but....... :D

Edit: Before this thread gets canned as not Thailand-related, I better say how splendid the Thai team looked........ :o

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so we've got a rough 60 for 40 against split.... I was just in the 40 I suppose. Maybe it takes alot to amuse me these days, oh to be so simple of mind. At least Bendix has the right idea for once, wrong forum but agree 100% (did I say that?) Maybe if Yao had have slam dunked the kid at the end....?

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yes impressive, but both my Chinese friend and I were disappointed as it was to chinese. i thought the sound system with sarah brightman made her sound very tinny, and the song was not that exciting compared with the song she sang in Barcelona (friends for life).

My BIGGEST bitch was the continuous taped music for the athletes parade, it must have looped over 100 times during the march in, and BAG PIPE music ? Even my Chinese friend had to admit China never invented that musical instrument.

Have to admit the your girl who sang at the start was very impressive and it was a nice touch to see the young earthquake survivor in the Chinese team line up

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Great show - very imaginative......... even if some of the massed people effects came across a tad North Korean "Dear Leader" style - not helped by the goose-stepping military flag-bearers.

I watched it on WETV's cable service in Chiang Mai - mainly on a South African broadcast. I gathered from the commentary that each host country brings in the competing national teams according to its own alphabet - so a question for the Mandarin speakers here: how come the countries whose names begin with "M" (for example) seemed to come in at all kinds of different places in the order? Others seemed to be scattered as well. Obviously, no surprise that it's not A-B-C order, but....... :D

Edit: Before this thread gets canned as not Thailand-related, I better say how splendid the Thai team looked........ :o

Beijing count how many stroke in the first charater.

eg. 加- Canada is 5 stroke, 英 -Britian is 8 stroke.

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I thought the opening ceremony was impressive.

However when the countries started to parade many of the uniforms worn looked like personnel from a cheap holiday camp such as Butlins.

it is also obvious that a lot of the people who are part of squads going to the Olympics are not competitors but are hangers on getting junkets and free holidays to China.

Yeah it was worth it to see what outfits some of the nationalities were wearing. Some of the clothes were ridiculous though and bordering on outright parody. Team Canada looked like a bunch of fratboys/fratgirls on summer break.

Also, I really didn't like the U.S. outfits. It looked like they all just got off the bus from some prep boarding school after a weekend of yachting and tea. It looked goofy and pretentious.

Jordan had some really pretty women on their team though.

Also, Guam had the most hilarious flag bearer ever. He was one big dude.

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