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Yes of course I get satisfaction. Incorrect to say I loathed Rangers but correct to say I did not love them. Yes the Old Firm derbies increased the pulse rate. But with Rangers liquidated there will never be any more Old Firm derbies.

Perhaps in time there may be New Firm derbies against The New Rangers.

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Yes of course I get satisfaction.

I don't know how. It was bad enough before with only two teams in it, now it must be like watching Wladimir Klitschko beat up Paul Daniels every week. Occasionally Paul might Magic up a surprise that he had up his sleeve but apart from that, the outcome every week will be the same.

Yes the Old Firm derbies increased the pulse rate. But with Rangers liquidated there will never be any more Old Firm derbies.

Perhaps in time there may be New Firm derbies against The New Rangers.

I think that's just semantics and I'm pretty sure that when Rangers return, nobody will be looking at it that way. It will be back to business as usual.

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A 6-2 win over Dundee Utd today to maintain our surge at the top of the table.

Serious question here. Do you really get any satisfaction from winning a league with only you in it? As much as you must loath Rangers, don't you miss the derby's?

Huge satisfaction. Derby's will return one day.

"winning a league with only you in it" - say that out loud in a pub in Edinburgh, or Dundee, or Aberdeen, etc!

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A 6-2 win over Dundee Utd today to maintain our surge at the top of the table.

Serious question here. Do you really get any satisfaction from winning a league with only you in it? As much as you must loath Rangers, don't you miss the derby's?

Huge satisfaction. Derby's will return one day.

"winning a league with only you in it" - say that out loud in a pub in Edinburgh, or Dundee, or Aberdeen, etc!

and anyone with a brain will agree with him!

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A 6-2 win over Dundee Utd today to maintain our surge at the top of the table.

Serious question here. Do you really get any satisfaction from winning a league with only you in it? As much as you must loath Rangers, don't you miss the derby's?

Huge satisfaction. Derby's will return one day.

"winning a league with only you in it" - say that out loud in a pub in Edinburgh, or Dundee, or Aberdeen, etc!

and anyone with a brain will agree with him!

Whats happened to Rangers has done no favours to Celtic either.

Baring in mind the huge difference in class you see in the CL i think Celtic upped their game and were terrific.

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A 6-2 win over Dundee Utd today to maintain our surge at the top of the table.

Serious question here. Do you really get any satisfaction from winning a league with only you in it? As much as you must loath Rangers, don't you miss the derby's?

Huge satisfaction. Derby's will return one day.

"winning a league with only you in it" - say that out loud in a pub in Edinburgh, or Dundee, or Aberdeen, etc!

and anyone with a brain will agree with him!

The sad thing for Scottish football this season is that no 'third' team has emerged from the pack to challenge an average Celtic side and make the title race interesting. What an opportunity missed.

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The sad thing for Scottish football this season is that no 'third' team has emerged from the pack to challenge an average Celtic side and make the title race interesting. What an opportunity missed.

The current format of playing each other four times a season is a joke. No one is interested any more outside of Glasgow.

I went to watch the local side yesterday....much better than the joke of a Premier league.

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A 6-2 win over Dundee Utd today to maintain our surge at the top of the table.

Serious question here. Do you really get any satisfaction from winning a league with only you in it? As much as you must loath Rangers, don't you miss the derby's?

Huge satisfaction. Derby's will return one day.

"winning a league with only you in it" - say that out loud in a pub in Edinburgh, or Dundee, or Aberdeen, etc!

I think an Englishman saying anything out loud in a Scottish pub is asking for trouble, no matter what the subject. And then after I have had my beating over the head with a Caber, as Smokie said, I'm sure they would agree.

Having good competition improves yourself. English Prem players love having world class johnny foreigners playing and training with them as they learn from them. Just my opinion but I just cannot see how it is good for Scottish football as a whole.

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Rab Douglas badly at fault for the first apparently. I always thought he was very iffy in the Martin O'Neill era. When Dundee had a man sent off it was a stroll for Celtic.

Fraser Forster seems to be still a bit uncertain since he came back. Hardly makes any difference for CL and SPL but hopefully no clangers in the Cup.

Home tomorrow CB so you should have a resumption of expert anaylsisrolleyes.gif for the rest of the season.

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In order to receive that 'expert analysis' we require you to stay awake for the entire match, Salty old son! No dozing off in front of the fire.

You are right about our goalie. He looks rigid since coming back from the neck injury. A changed man indeed. Wee bit of a worry recently as he was so dependable.

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I managed to stay awake in my jet lagged state last night to watch the game by sitting back and thinking of CB. Well deserved win for Motherwell. They hassled and harried and were far more up for it than Celtic who looked in many cases as if they had just met one another. Apart from Forrest the rest were average at best.

The lead goal for Motherwell was created by Law who made Wanyama look anything but a central defender. His shot was running across goal. Izaguirre unlike me fast asleep just watched it when any decent defender would have checked behind him. Humphrey wide awake was following in and slammed it home.

It was 57 minutes before Celtic had a shot at goal on target from Common

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It was 57 minutes before Celtic had a shot at goal on target from Commons which Randolph dealt with comfortably. On came Ledley for Rogic and Ambrose for Kayal who had been booked and was skirting with trouble just before half time. On 63 minutes Celtic produced an equaliser with probably the firsr decent bit of football they played all night. Stokes put Forrest away on the right and Samaras nodded in his cross. The big Greek back after a long absence had until then been the usual mixture of mis control and looked off the pace. Shortly after Hooper came on to replace Stokes .

Within 2 minutes Motherwell were back in front. Celtic slept from a throw in Ambrose caught on the wrong side of Law chased him back, Law checked and made room for an excellent cross and Higdon with a well controlled volley beyond the far post hammered it home. I though Izaguirre jumped too early and the cross just cleared him.

From then to the end Celtic suddenly got the finger out and the tempo of the game increased. Motherwell survived the pressure with Randolph in particular outstanding and they held on for a deserved win.

While this is hardly a castastrophe I hope that Celtic will have their A game on Saturday for the 1/4 Cup match.

ased. Motherwell survived the pressure with Randolph in particular outstanding and they held on for a deserved win.

While this is hardly a castastrophe I hope that Celtic will have their A game on Saturday for the 1/4 Cup match

In 2 parts because PC playing silly buggers.

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Fairly nippy here for time of year CB. But glad to be back. Celts on telly tomorrow and on Wednesday in 2nd leg. Not a hope of going through but will still be hoping for a decent display. I dare say you will give this one a miss.whistling.gif

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St Nirren 1 Celtic 2.

Celtic qualified for the semi final of the Cup with a win at St Mirren. Great start and Forrest continuing his fine form from Wednesday glided past the full back whipped in a terrific cross which a crouching Ledley scored with a glancing header across goal and into the far corner. But any hopes of an easy ride were

shattered in the 13th minute when St Mirren equalised after dreadful defending by Izaguirre. He was under a long diagonal ball and under some pressure. Instead of ensuring his header was away from the danger area he headed it straight up in the air. As Thompson moved in to get the next header the full back headed the ball across goal without any idea where Forster was. All he suceeded in doing was to set it up for Gonclaves to force the ball home from close range with Forster stranded at the near post. The centre backs were slow to appreciate the danger I felt. Celtic were soon back in front from a corner. Forrest took a short one to Hooper who raced from the goalmouth and returned it to him. Forrest produced another excellent cross to the far post. Stokes who had peeled off was unmarked and headed home for the lead again for Celtic. It was a goal which suggested a training ground routine. St Mirren would have been annoyed with its concession its fair to say. After the evenful start the game settled down without any more major events in the first half. It was noticeable that St Mirren were far from discouraged and Celtic were not getting an easy ride.

Early in the 2nd half the Saints forced a couple of corners and Wanyama was alert to make a good block when danger threatened. Hooper was through on goal when a Saints defender was beaten by the hop. He did not hesitate to shoot but the goalie got his fingers to it and saved with the aid of the cross bar and Forrest put the rebound wide. Forster looking more like his real self had to rush from his goal to clear and with 10 minutes to go produced a superb save from a free kick clawing the ball away. In the closing minutes Muir had a chance from a tight angle but put it into the side netting.

Celtic held on to reach the semifinal. With their recent results at Hampden it is far too early to be dreaming of a double.

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Celtic held on to reach the semifinal. With their recent results at Hampden it is far too early to be dreaming of a double.

I know you are trying to spice it up and maybe make it look like there is some competition but honestly Salty, who is there to give you any competition?

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Celtic held on to reach the semifinal. With their recent results at Hampden it is far too early to be dreaming of a double.

I know you are trying to spice it up and maybe make it look like there is some competition but honestly Salty, who is there to give you any competition?

Motherwell! tongue.png

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Celtic held on to reach the semifinal. With their recent results at Hampden it is far too early to be dreaming of a double.

I know you are trying to spice it up and maybe make it look like there is some competition but honestly Salty, who is there to give you any competition?

At least we will have some silver in our trophy cabinet AGAIN this year. And next year, and the next. . .

Good report there Salty old son. I didn't bother watching this one. Had a bad feeling to be honest. Glad to see the result as it was when I woke up. Will skip the midweek one too as I never get to work the following day and I feel it will be a non event. Be sure to post a report so I have something to go by the following morning.

As an aside, Mrs CB had an ultrasound and it's another bhoy! Due in July. House full of bhoys all wearing green.

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Celtic held on to reach the semifinal. With their recent results at Hampden it is far too early to be dreaming of a double.

I know you are trying to spice it up and maybe make it look like there is some competition but honestly Salty, who is there to give you any competition?

At least we will have some silver in our trophy cabinet AGAIN this year. And next year, and the next. . .

That's my point. You know every year that you will win (although I think the term win should be ammended to gifted). What satisfaction you can get is beyond me. It's like me having a race against my daughter every week and then gloating to my wife that I beat her. But whatever keeps you happy. I can tell it touches a nerve because I've mentioned it a couple of times with a serious question but you go on the defensive.

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