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Double Entry Tourist Visa

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I am an American who is applying for a Double Entry Tourist Visa. How long do I get to stay with a Double Entry Visa and/or how many days do I put on the application when it asks for "length of stay"?

Also, what is required to submit with my application?

Any help would be appreciated.


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Each entry is good for 60 days in the Kingdom. You can extend each entry for another 30 days at immigration within Thailand.

So theoretically.... 60+30+60+30= 180. But you will 'lose' some of these between the date of issue and arriving here.

Make sure you use the entries before the 'use before' date on the visa. 3 months from date of issue.

You must exit Thailand & re-enter after 90 days max.

Hope that makes sense.

EDIT: Will need a passport photo or two for the application.

Edited by Buzby
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Double entry TV's aquired in the US are valid for 120 days not 90.


Doh!!!.....Apologies to the OP for the wrong info.

And what would be the correct information?

From what I have seen, different consulates may use different validity periods for double-entry tourist visas. Some give it a validity of 90 days or 3 months, others of 180 days or 6 months.

I would not exclude the possibility that somebody got such visa with a validity of 120 days if in a covering letter he explained the need for this period and gave details of his travel itinerary to support it. However, I believe it would be incorrect to use such experience to state generally that all Thai consulates in a certain country use 120 days.



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