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The Disappointment Of Thai Visa Forum


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:o hello,

i start to type now in the real knowledge that no matter what i try to convey now through this forum, it will be disparaged,critised and passed over.

i sit on a few occassions evry week and i read through the endless questions and worries of thai visa members looking for help and an understanding shoulder from his/her thai visa member. apart from the very few understanding and informative suggestions from senior members, all other replies are useless, cruel,judgemental and for the best part coming from people that couldnt care less about the members situation.

thai visa ,which was once the only place for expats to get some solid advice and understanding, is now sadly a forum for sad,bitter old farts to take out their frustrations (sexual or otherwise) on other people.

one recent post asked why expats did not acknowledge each other or say hello when in thailand. i suspect many of them read the various accounts and responses on this forum and come to the conclusion that most expats are assh*les.

everyone has done something stupid or irresponsible in their lives that they regret and they dont need some i,ve been there and fought 2 world wars dick judging them when all they asked for was some dam_n advice.

no doubt the same morons i speak about now will have their rant back at me when i submit this.

needless to say the reason why these fountains of knowledge are here in thailand in the first place is that the people in their home countries dont like them or their irrational opinions, they dont have any friends and the only reason any lady would be with them is because of the financial stability they may offer.

i will bet you that the people that give their judgemental opinions will not be able to resist posting a negative reply to this post.

go on- surprise us all and keep your useless opinion to yourself. bet ya cant.

shame on all of you(you know who you are). :D

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:o hello,

i start to type now in the real knowledge that no matter what i try to convey now through this forum, it will be disparaged,critised and passed over.

i sit on a few occassions evry week and i read through the endless questions and worries of thai visa members looking for help and an understanding shoulder from his/her thai visa member. apart from the very few understanding and informative suggestions from senior members, all other replies are useless, cruel,judgemental and for the best part coming from people that couldnt care less about the members situation.

thai visa ,which was once the only place for expats to get some solid advice and understanding, is now sadly a forum for sad,bitter old farts to take out their frustrations (sexual or otherwise) on other people.

one recent post asked why expats did not acknowledge each other or say hello when in thailand. i suspect many of them read the various accounts and responses on this forum and come to the conclusion that most expats are assh*les.

everyone has done something stupid or irresponsible in their lives that they regret and they dont need some i,ve been there and fought 2 world wars dick judging them when all they asked for was some dam_n advice.

no doubt the same morons i speak about now will have their rant back at me when i submit this.

needless to say the reason why these fountains of knowledge are here in thailand in the first place is that the people in their home countries dont like them or their irrational opinions, they dont have any friends and the only reason any lady would be with them is because of the financial stability they may offer.

i will bet you that the people that give their judgemental opinions will not be able to resist posting a negative reply to this post.

go on- surprise us all and keep your useless opinion to yourself. bet ya cant.

shame on all of you(you know who you are). :D

I think 99.9% of all responses to my questions here in the Forums have been fairly polite and helpful actually.

See? At least one positive reply to your post.


Dont give up.


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:o hello,

i start to type now in the real knowledge that no matter what i try to convey now through this forum, it will be disparaged,critised and passed over.

i sit on a few occassions evry week and i read through the endless questions and worries of thai visa members looking for help and an understanding shoulder from his/her thai visa member. apart from the very few understanding and informative suggestions from senior members, all other replies are useless, cruel,judgemental and for the best part coming from people that couldnt care less about the members situation.

thai visa ,which was once the only place for expats to get some solid advice and understanding, is now sadly a forum for sad,bitter old farts to take out their frustrations (sexual or otherwise) on other people.

one recent post asked why expats did not acknowledge each other or say hello when in thailand. i suspect many of them read the various accounts and responses on this forum and come to the conclusion that most expats are assh*les.

everyone has done something stupid or irresponsible in their lives that they regret and they dont need some i,ve been there and fought 2 world wars dick judging them when all they asked for was some dam_n advice.

no doubt the same morons i speak about now will have their rant back at me when i submit this.

needless to say the reason why these fountains of knowledge are here in thailand in the first place is that the people in their home countries dont like them or their irrational opinions, they dont have any friends and the only reason any lady would be with them is because of the financial stability they may offer.

i will bet you that the people that give their judgemental opinions will not be able to resist posting a negative reply to this post.

go on- surprise us all and keep your useless opinion to yourself. bet ya cant.

shame on all of you(you know who you are). :D

Well i am not an old fart (unless being 30 something is considered old) and have been flogged on many occasions for the replies that i leave. I think that it would be fair to say that most of the negativity comes from the general topics forum which i understand turns into a bitch session, but no need to take it personally. To be fair, there are other forums which try to be objective and constructive where you can find straight forward responses. Don't be bitter. It's a forum! Expats in Thailand are a different breed. It's like a little microcosm of the west in the good ole LOS. Thailand doesn't change the nature of a person. You meet the good ones and the sucky ones. So smile! :D

Edited by mizzi39
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I disagree, I have found the forums to be interesting.

There is an increasing amount of "background noise", but, if you ignore that, there are some interesting questions and answers. Just have to set the "noise filter" at the right level. And if Thai Visa doesn't give you what you want, then try somewhere else and post a link, so we can all profit....

Now this is another positive reply. :o

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There's a mixture of good and bad... and a mixture of good temprament vs grouchy goobers. It's a hodge-podge just like everywhere else in the world. For the most part, your post will be reflected back in the same tone as you post the question or hypothetical. For example: If you post....

1. Why kind of Expat Moron drinks beer for breakfast? you're set up for a fireball session

or you could say...

2. I've noticed that a few people drink beer for breakfast... is it a cultural thing? you'll still feel a little heat and be the butt some jokes... but you shouldn't feel too much heat.

If you start out negative, you'll get a lot of negative back. There is some national, racial and political bias, it's everywhere in the world. Here, for the most part, you get back, what you put into it. If you have a sincere question, and you post it like a gentleman or lady, you'll get the same response back... usually. But the bottom line.... we're only human. :o

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The problem is that Thaivisa performs two functions for its members; a place for information and an outlet to socialize. I think many use Thaivisa as an outlet to let off steam. When you post on a forum it is very easy to upset other people because most of the visual cues that we use to communicate are missing. So if some one is being humorous it may be taken as an attack. If somebody is criticizing an idea it can come across as a personal attack. It can get heated, but the important thing is not to take it too seriously. If you can't do that it might be better to stick to the information function for a while.

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Bless your heart...

You cant take things people say on here personally. Some people may just like to argue for the sake of argument.

I for one can not complain about any of the advice I have been given. I think people generally have been very kind. Plus you get a hodge podge of responses for you to choose from.

Like one poster said.. increase your noise filter level and you will be fine.

As for why expats do not acknowledge each other.. well, thats just a southern thing.

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The problem is that Thaivisa performs two functions for its members; a place for information and an outlet to socialize. I think many use Thaivisa as an outlet to let off steam. When you post on a forum it is very easy to upset other people because most of the visual cues that we use to communicate are missing. So if some one is being humorous it may be taken as an attack. If somebody is criticizing an idea it can come across as a personal attack. It can get heated, but the important thing is not to take it too seriously. If you can't do that it might be better to stick to the information function for a while.

See another positive reply! Good point girro! I mean garro :o

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I have to add,

when I see some members start to engage in very heated debates, that escalates fast in to dirt throwing.

I sit back and read them with a big smile on my face, as I then read it purely because of the entertainment value.

So, on the positive side, even the most silly posts can have some sort of value.


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Thai Visa is a democracy of sorts and in democracies people are allowed a voice. You may not agree with the voice but it has a right to be heard. My occupation and my religion have been attacked by anti semites and holocaust deniers but that is what happens in democracies.

I have seen so much rubbish (my opinion) on here but this is also the place that saved me hundreds of pounds when getting my wifes visa and I have received sound advice on business, car buying and other areas. As a previous poster has said you have to sort out the wheat from the chaff. Think of it this way if those bitter and twisted types were not typing here they would be out spreading their poison amongst real people, so really TV does society a favour.

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Thai Visa is a democracy of sorts and in democracies people are allowed a voice. You may not agree with the voice but it has a right to be heard. My occupation and my religion have been attacked by anti semites and holocaust deniers but that is what happens in democracies.

I have seen so much rubbish (my opinion) on here but this is also the place that saved me hundreds of pounds when getting my wifes visa and I have received sound advice on business, car buying and other areas. As a previous poster has said you have to sort out the wheat from the chaff. Think of it this way if those bitter and twisted types were not typing here they would be out spreading their poison amongst real people, so really TV does society a favour.

So if somebody criticises your occupation they are a holocaust denier? Interesting defense-mechanism you have developed there.

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Thai Visa is a democracy of sorts and in democracies people are allowed a voice. You may not agree with the voice but it has a right to be heard. My occupation and my religion have been attacked by anti semites and holocaust deniers but that is what happens in democracies.


So if somebody criticises your occupation they are a holocaust denier?

He must be a Nazi hunter. :o

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all other replies are useless, cruel,judgemental and for the best part coming from people that couldnt care less about the members situation.

You accuse other people of being judgemental, but then go on to make some pretty sweeping judgements yourself...

needless to say the reason why these fountains of knowledge are here in thailand in the first place is that the people in their home countries dont like them or their irrational opinions, they dont have any friends and the only reason any lady would be with them is because of the financial stability they may offer.

And you accuse others of ranting, but you seem quite adept in that art yourself.

As someone else said, as far as the bickering is concerned, providing it doesn't denegrate into mud slinging, it actually can provide good entertainment. You know some people only watch motor racing in the hope of seeing a "good" accident.

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There's a mixture of good and bad... and a mixture of good temprament vs grouchy goobers. It's a hodge-podge just like everywhere else in the world. For the most part, your post will be reflected back in the same tone as you post the question or hypothetical. For example: If you post....

1. Why kind of Expat Moron drinks beer for breakfast? you're set up for a fireball session

or you could say...

2. I've noticed that a few people drink beer for breakfast... is it a cultural thing? you'll still feel a little heat and be the butt some jokes... but you shouldn't feel too much heat.

If you start out negative, you'll get a lot of negative back. There is some national, racial and political bias, it's everywhere in the world. Here, for the most part, you get back, what you put into it. If you have a sincere question, and you post it like a gentleman or lady, you'll get the same response back... usually. But the bottom line.... we're only human. :o

Good reply. As ye sow, so shall ye reep.

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because 84% of forum users are not in thailand than your lash is pretty pointless

That's an interesting number. Did you know that 76.3% of all statistics are created on the spot?

BTW, his "lash" is not pointless. It is his view. Why would you dismiss that as pointless? It took balls for him to post it.

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I find reading thaivisa while on the toilet helps. the newspaper of the 21st century. why does my laptop have 3 usb slots, i'd rather have a small toilet paper dispenser and bidet..now that is truly man heaven !

Edited by kiakaha
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You know some people only watch motor racing in the hope of seeing a "good" accident.

I tried to, but Im not patient enough, as it can sometimes take up to 40-50 rounds before it happens.

Just kidding.


FYI - "rounds" are what you try to dodge buying in a pub. The term you were looking for is "lap" (but has nothing to do with the dance ((which incidently would probably be a better waste of your time)) :o )

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Thai Visa is a democracy of sorts and in democracies people are allowed a voice. You may not agree with the voice but it has a right to be heard. My occupation and my religion have been attacked by anti semites and holocaust deniers but that is what happens in democracies.

I have seen so much rubbish (my opinion) on here but this is also the place that saved me hundreds of pounds when getting my wifes visa and I have received sound advice on business, car buying and other areas. As a previous poster has said you have to sort out the wheat from the chaff. Think of it this way if those bitter and twisted types were not typing here they would be out spreading their poison amongst real people, so really TV does society a favour.

So if somebody criticises your occupation they are a holocaust denier? Interesting defense-mechanism you have developed there.

I should think it depends on it his occupation is that of a Rabbi, and if so what all he preaches.. and of course if he is a hunter.. ..

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Haven't your recent topics been seeking advice on how to skirt the law? You know, not everyone is goinng to react positively to that. As for your "Disappointment Of The Thai Visa Forum", well they let you post it didn't they? Not to mention this tripe.

the post i put on earlier i now know concerns rates owed at a property that i rented. the landlord was responsible for this and so not my fault. because i have only 2 weeks left until i return to thailand, now is not the time to address this issue with the courts. my question previously was to ensure my savings were secure until i got it sorted. these are my life savings so far and i dont want some pencil pusher taking them until he finally realises that the rates bill is not down to me.

however thankyou for your negative feedback. you do not disappoint.

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