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Car Has A Flat Battery - Need A Jump Start


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dam_n, left the lights on when I parked my car at the Ram Hospital this morning. Does anyone know where I can get a jump start? Any services in town???

I would probably walk over to Central, buy a set of jumper cables, catch a songtao back and get a jump start from him.

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Flat battery after a few hours - sounds like you need a new battery rather than just a stop-gap get you going jump.

Get a battery place to drive over with a replacement or probably - jump you - then back to the shop for a replacement. About 5,000 Baht ?

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Flat battery after a few hours - sounds like you need a new battery rather than just a stop-gap get you going jump.

Get a battery place to drive over with a replacement or probably - jump you - then back to the shop for a replacement. About 5,000 Baht ?

2,000 is more like it

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i am laughing so loud that i think my next door think i am mad ...

anyway -- not every one is good with Cars .. while i had seen drive who drove their cars to it DEATH ( of the car ) and then say that there do not know that cars need engine oil change besid ethe fact of topping up Fuel ..

one easy way is alway carry some basic tools that you can take the battery out .. bring it to any local , bike or cars workshop get it Charges up for about 100-150baht .

anyway is just do a big smale and get some help from the people around you or hire a few guy for 100b each to push start your cars still work out to be 300b f you hire 3 guys for 10 min :o

so .. is not what problem you have is how your solve it that make you who you are :D

next time you should go online and search on how to remove battery from cars instead of posting on a forum for help ..

good luck .

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Anyway, found a place not far from RAM. The guy had leads, threw a battery in the front of his bike. To cut a long story short, 15 mins later and 100baht I was back on the road an on my way. Cant beat that. Very happy.

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being in the city and battery being flat, no problem. lots of help around. just ask. glad you sorted that out. lucky you were in chiang mai and not some other city in the world. :o

i was driving this old truck somewhere in san kampheng once, tyre blew out and there happened to be a small tyre shop around 200 metres away. drove the truck there and he replaced the spare tyre (which didn't have any air in it) with the broken one. Put some air into it the tyre and off i was.

he asked me 20 Baht for it. i gave him 100. that is what i thought the effort was worth.

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Jesus!! Another few threads have been removed from this post.. where is this forum leading to? Oh I am sure I will be removed and suspended again!

Totally agree with you!!! what a lousy subject!!!

If things get interesting like with the homeless farang and we are getting some serious discusion, the Chiang mai moderators back of.

As long as the subject are about best Burger Pizza etc.. they are fine but don't give any critics to the Thai or make a subject interesting...

The Bangkok forum is much more interesting and discusions are much more mature!!!

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Jesus!! Another few threads have been removed from this post.. where is this forum leading to? Oh I am sure I will be removed and suspended again!

Totally agree with you!!! what a lousy subject!!!

If things get interesting like with the homeless farang and we are getting some serious discusion, the Chiang mai moderators back of.

As long as the subject are about best Burger Pizza etc.. they are fine but don't give any critics to the Thai or make a subject interesting...

The Bangkok forum is much more interesting and discusions are much more mature!!!

lets get to bkk forum then ! ...

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Jesus!! Another few threads have been removed from this post.. where is this forum leading to? Oh I am sure I will be removed and suspended again!

Totally agree with you!!! what a lousy subject!!!

If things get interesting like with the homeless farang and we are getting some serious discusion, the Chiang mai moderators back of.

As long as the subject are about best Burger Pizza etc.. they are fine but don't give any critics to the Thai or make a subject interesting...

The Bangkok forum is much more interesting and discusions are much more mature!!!

lets get to bkk forum then ! ...

typical chaing mai forum reply...

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no problem. lots of help around. just ask.

It is very easy to find a helping hand in Thailand. But this is the guy that said

Thailand is, a non-developed 2nd class Asian country. My god, if Thailand was to rise above that and become a developed asian nation like Malaysia or Singapore, do you think we would have it so easy here? Of course not. Nah, I am happy just the way it is.

what goes around comes around.

Edited by KevinHUNT
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no problem. lots of help around. just ask.

It is very easy to find a helping hand in Thailand. But this is the guy that said

Thailand is, a non-developed 2nd class Asian country. My god, if Thailand was to rise above that and become a developed asian nation like Malaysia or Singapore, do you think we would have it so easy here? Of course not. Nah, I am happy just the way it is.

what goes around comes around.

Absolutely, and I stand by my words even more. Thats why I paid 100baht and not $200. Who is the sucker, certainly not me :o

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no problem. lots of help around. just ask.

It is very easy to find a helping hand in Thailand. But this is the guy that said

Thailand is, a non-developed 2nd class Asian country. My god, if Thailand was to rise above that and become a developed asian nation like Malaysia or Singapore, do you think we would have it so easy here? Of course not. Nah, I am happy just the way it is.

what goes around comes around.

Absolutely, and I stand by my words even more. Thats why I paid 100baht and not $200. Who is the sucker, certainly not me :o

Maybe we could have a vote?

Niloc's probably with you.

I think he may be Australian too. Rich as well by the sound of it. (he just bought a house from a brochure - didn't need to see it).

Don't tell everyone though because I think he's getting a bit sensitive about it.

He already called me a prick (quite right but a little bit rude). I forgive him.

Edited by KevinHUNT
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no problem. lots of help around. just ask.

It is very easy to find a helping hand in Thailand. But this is the guy that said

Thailand is, a non-developed 2nd class Asian country. My god, if Thailand was to rise above that and become a developed asian nation like Malaysia or Singapore, do you think we would have it so easy here? Of course not. Nah, I am happy just the way it is.

what goes around comes around.

Absolutely, and I stand by my words even more. Thats why I paid 100baht and not $200. Who is the sucker, certainly not me :o

Maybe we could have a vote?

Niloc's probably with you.

I think he may be Australian too. Rich as well by the sound of it. (he just bought a house from a brochure - didn't need to see it).

Don't tell everyone though because I think he's getting a bit sensitive about it.

He already called me a prick (quite right but a little bit rude). I forgive him.

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