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Bad Diet Makes Them Fat ?


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Obesity, chronic disease threatening Thais' health: survey

www.chinaview.cn 2004-11-15 14:26:44

BANGKOK, Nov. 15 (Xinhuanet) -- An increasing number of Thais havea chronic disease as most of them have high-fat foods as their favorite, which has posed a big threat to the health of Thais, thePublic Health Ministry has said.

According to a survey of 6,101 people in 20 provinces, 39 percent of them aged 34 and over were overweight and 24 percent had a chronic illness, mostly high blood pressure or diabetes, Public Health Permanent Secretary Wichai Thianthavorn was quoted on Monday by Bangkok Post newspaper as saying.

Conducted between April and July this year, the survey showed that 84 percent of the respondents preferred fatty foods, especially fatty pork, and 77 percent were addicted to soft drinksand 83 percent like seasoning their food with monosodium glutamate(MSG).

"These lead to fatness, especially MSG as it prompts people to eat more," said Rewat Visarutvej, director-general of the Health Service Support Department.

The majority of the drinkers were in the northeast and the north part of the country, 8 percent of whom admitted having been involved in drink-driving road accidents.

On the other hand, more than 90 percent of those surveyed said they washed their hands before eating and after going to toilet and that they took exercise regularly. Most of the people surveyedwere aged 25-54. Enditem

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Diabetes - shouldn't be a surprise, by the amount of sugar consumtion that the Thai's use. i get toothache just by wacthing them eating their sweet dessert, and the sugar they insert inside their noodles.

Over weight - i don't see any "really" fat Thai people in Bangkok. Only the farang are normally the fat ones around. :D

Explorer :o

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I see many fat Thais in every village in the north. EVERY village. Can't blame that on western food.

In fact, among the foods with the highest levels of carbohydrates are rice and noodles... Many other Thai foods have enough carbs, fats and calories to make a big mac look like health food. :o

If you're on the Atkins diet, you won't be eating much Thai food at all, especially thai fruits like bananas, pineapple, mango...Tons of sugar-and carbs in all of them.. Sticky rice has a carb level even greater than pure sugar...

My thought is that most of this is coming mostly from more and more people leading more sedentary lives. Most people in small villages don't need to walk anymore, for example. In the past, eating high-carb Thai foods wasn't a big problem because people got more excercise, but now, with less excercise, those same foods, in their same amounts, are causing people to put on more weight..

That's my hypothesis, anyway :D

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agree with Ajarn , see many fat Thais, well in Bkk anyways. Come in all ages but noticed alot of young people who are real porkers. I am sure it is both western food(and soft drinks), Thai food(every second dish is fried in alot of oil) and lack of exercise , combined with tv, computer games ect . Have to admit my wife has had battle losing the weight after having a baby and tried numerous diet fads and programs they are big business in Thailand now. Right now she is on Herbalife :o

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I see it at school every day. Many, many fat kids. They get given money by mum and they spend it on shit. Soft drinks, crisps and fried chicken. Its not good. I run 2 football teams at school. You should see how unfit these kids are. Cant even do 10 sit ups. Never mind running. Its a fact that kids im BKK dont get the same excersise as maybe people in villages. BKK being a concrete jungle. Not many parks or green spaces to run and play. They cant really play in the streets as its so dangerous due to traffic. If Toxin wants Thai football to progress then he has to address this issue and provide football pitches that are available to everyone and not just those with money at International shools. This is a big problem. Which will only get worse. Also the amount of sweet shit that alot of Thai people in general eat is shocking. Desserts, sweet bread, sweet milk and even sausages. Yuk!

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  • 9 months later...
especially for young school age kids, is at an epidemic level.

As a general rule, young male student kids in Bangkok tend to be very chunky and it is very noticeable and doesn't look good at all in their uniforms. I would be embarassed to be their parent. I also find it kind of ridiculous they use rolling luggage instead of carrying their books! I mean, they aren't THAT heavy and they don't go all that far it would seem. Saw the thing about no massage parlors within 500 meters of a school, so how about getting rid of all junk food within that distance too? Good habits might go a long way.

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Diets are changing for sure...yeah you see the fat kids but also now you see the really tall, chunkier (but not fat) Thai kids. It seems abit outdated to me but isnt being fat a sign of wealth and status...meaning you can afford to eat well and be driven around anywhere you want. It seems like an odd thing in this day and age btu i have heard this a few times when having conversations about obesity in Thailand.

Again it is down to exercise...regular exercise does wonders. These days its all computer internet or online chatting and playstation...

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I have to agree with Ajarn. No nutritional value in heavily washed, white rice. Only calories. In my wife's small village there is NO access to fast food...and most don't have the money to drink sodas, etc. very often. But, many of the folks there are quite large. Can only explain it on a bad diet and no exercise. But hey, when it is hotter than ######, and no AC, what else can you do but lay around and try and stay cool! ;-)

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