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Anyone Spent Much Time In Hawaii?


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Never lived there, but stayed several weeks on each of the major islands. They are all different in a lot of ways, including the local attitude. For me, Kauai is the cream of the crop. Just stunning beauty and a much more laid back vibe than any of the others. Never got any attitude from any locals there. Nothing but friendly people. Can't say the same for Oahu, Maui, or the Big Island.

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I have traveled extensively throughout the Islands. I camped while I traveled. State parks are free....County parks 5 dollars a day.

Some of the most beautiful places on earth.

I met lots of locals while camping...and got a few job offers as well.

would it be safe to camp on my own?

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Hawaii is a great place to visit and live. Definitely worth visiting if you enjoy surfing or just hanging out on the beach. Oahu has a lot of variety in terms of living. There is the city of Waikiki and around the island are some really nice small towns. Cost of living varies depending on your living standard, but reasonable if you are used to American city prices. Food is not too expensive if you eat at places like the locals do. Many of the locals don't make much money so they find a way to live. I enjoy the plate lunches with are about $4.00.

With your IT background, you might be surprised at what jobs are available. There are several large and medium sized companies on the island. The atmosphere is friendly and relaxed. As in most places, if you have a smile on your face, it makes a world of difference.

I was considering living there, but met a Thai girl in the states and moved to Thailand. A few friends live there so I will take advantage of that when I travel to the US and back.

Camping on the island? I never tried it. One surprising thing you will notice outside of Oahu is that many locals just camp/live in the various parks near the beach. They pitch up their tarp on poles. It may not be too comfortable if you go solo, but I guess pumpuiman has a better insight on that.

Enjoy your trip.

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haven't checked this in awhile, nice to see all the new posts with info!
However, we don't know anything about girlx; her age, professional skills, life style requirements, family obligations, etc.?

i am single, 32, no family obligations, work in IT (currently telecommuting for US companies from thailand)... used to living a comfortable lifestyle and also used to having to pay for it as i lived in NYC for 5 years before thailand. i don't drive! which might be a problem...

Aloha = gimme ya money.

Mahalo = thank you.

sounds like thailand to me!

Now that I have some info on you, by all means go! I first fell in love with Hawaii in my late teens as a visitor. I moved there as an adult, when I was your age, single, no family obligations.

Ask yourself: "what's the worse can happen?".

I worked with hotels, most hotels these days have IT managers. Hotels are great places to work, especially if it's with one of the major chains. A lotta good perks and bennies. But, even if you can't get a job in IT right away, I'm sure you can find something, and eventually, I'm sure you'll find something in IT. At least you will be living in Hawaii.

The only islands not driving might be a problem are the Big Island and Kauai.

Oahu: http://www.thebus.org/default.asp and

Maui: http://www.co.maui.hi.us/index.asp?NID=605 both have good bus systems.

One more thing, single men outnumber single women :o .

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unfortunately i don't think there are any jobs in what i do (on the internet anyway)... hotels wouldn't hire me for their IT dept. as i specialize in information architecture and they don't see it as necessary. so i am wondering if there are other jobs there to fall back on if my telecommuting gets slow. is it easy to get waitressing and bartending jobs?

my plan is evolving- i think i will go to NY for 6 months to a year first to make cash, and take trips to hawaii to get familiar with the situation there before i up and move there. :o

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quoted from 'universe2000'........." One surprising thing you will notice outside of Oahu is that many locals just camp/live in the various parks near the beach. They pitch up their tarp on poles. It may not be too comfortable if you go solo, but I guess pumpuiman has a better insight on that. ..."


While driving around (circle) the Oahu Island several years back, the sight of people camping/living near the beach had captured me big surprised too. Later I learn that this prime beach front property was once being planed to build a luxurious multimillion dollars condominium but the developer had to abort this dream project cos it had met a series of protesting from the locals and from environment enthusiasm who were claiming that it would create such an catastrophe harmful to their beautiful Island.

As a result, the project did not get up from the ground. The land was siting empty for years. Now those lucky souls have moved in and have set up their residency right on this millions dollars prime land.

Who is the winner here ? :o

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unfortunately i don't think there are any jobs in what i do (on the internet anyway)... hotels wouldn't hire me for their IT dept. as i specialize in information architecture and they don't see it as necessary. so i am wondering if there are other jobs there to fall back on if my telecommuting gets slow. is it easy to get waitressing and bartending jobs?

my plan is evolving- i think i will go to NY for 6 months to a year first to make cash, and take trips to hawaii to get familiar with the situation there before i up and move there. :o

I think your decision of making some trips there before deciding to live there is a good one. The city of Honolulu is just another big city and not especially interesting or intellectually oriented. Outside the city and especially the other islands however make for a wonderful laid back tropical lifestyle.

The Hawaiian islands are some of the most liveable islands in the world with an almost perfect climate. The trade winds keep the temperature almost perfect and make for very few problems with mosquitoes which subsequently makes for ideal tropical living It is perfect for all water sports and there are many wonderful places to hike and no poisonous snakes in the islands.

Hawaii is a great place for single women as men outnumber the women. The local boys are always looking for haole girls since many of them are looking for a meal ticket to support their surfing and other endeavors.

I have a home in Kona Hawaii where my wife and I spend about 4 months a year. We love it when we are there since it is very relaxing and we are able to dive, swim and hike almost everyday due to the perfect climate however we do get island fever (bored) after awhile and are then off to another one of our other homes. Hawaii is a wonderful place to visit or spend time but I do not think living there full time would be everyone's cup of tea. :D

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