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Driving From Cm To Bkk


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Hi sorry if this has been covered before which im sure it has, but i couldn't see the topic anywhere. Im driving from Chiang Mai to Bangkok in 2 weeks and was wondering which is the best route, i have looked on the map and seen there are a few ways to go, i basically want the quickest route, im not bothered with site seeing etc. Also has anyone done it recently and can inform me of any major roadworks etc. thanking you all in advance. TM :o

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Go to Lampang. Turn right at the Big Kilometer Post and head towards Thoen/Tak. As you are almost through the main city of Tak, turn right to cross the Ping river and then head to Bangkok. There is a bypass to the west of Pitsanuloke so look for the sign after you pass the Chao Phraya University (on your left). When you are close to Bangkok, it depends where you are going as there several different ways to enter the city.

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thanks for that, regarding bkk, i know where im going when i get to don muang airport. do the instructions above take me passed that?

Just ignore the signs to the Eastern Ring Road and you should go through Rangsit and then Don Muang.

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Did it in reverse a few years ago. At 700kms its a good day's drive. A lot if you aren't used to long distance driving or have young children with you. We were in no hurry and stopped off for the night in Phitsanulok.

I note that Google map says 10+ hours. I'd say you'd do it in that easy including 2 or 3 comfort stops.

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Police are using speed cameras on this highway - and 200 baht every car pulled over - receipts sometimes - others not.

Doesnt seem to matter how much over the speed limit you were going.

The (supposedly hidden) speed camera guys radio your registration number and speed you were doing to the roadblock quite some distance further on.

This is happening particularly on the section Tak - Nakhon Sawan.

Police ask for and expect to get - current Thai drivers license.

Once you hand over your license - you are directed to the picnic table with the cashier. One minute later - on your way.

Depends on who you talk to - but the highway speed limit might be 90kmh.

From experience !!

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Police ask for and expect to get - current Thai drivers license.

Well they can expect to be disappointed by farang who do not live in LOS.

the highway speed limit might be 90kmh

can't be certain, but i rather think its higher, at least on some sections. 90 is only 55mph, big rig truck limited speed in UK.

Edit: indeed.......... >>


The highways that join all the provinces throughout Thailand are usually well constructed and easy to follow.

The speed limit is signposted and is usually 90 Km/h for cars although in some areas there will be signposts indicating that the limit is increased to 100 Km/h or 120 Km/h.

courtesy Bangkok.Anglo.info.com

So it may well be 90 where they are using the cameras...... & if you've just done a few hours at 120, 90 seems awful slow!

Edited by Lancashirelad
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p.s i'll watch out for te speed camera's also, but saying that for the sake off 200bhat it may be better to just crack on.

But whilst you're stopped talking to the BIB, the guys you passed who were doing 90 will pass you AND they will be using less fuel. So what's the gain?

Notice this a lot with cars in the UK whilst doing a steady 55mph on cruise in the truck. So often catch 'em up again a few miles further on.

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