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There's A Moose In Me Hoos.

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Our house has a large, high traditional "moom jaak" roof (the leafy ones). I've lived in several places with these types of roof and we've always had little furry visitors. :o

I used to poke them with a broom handle or something but now the roof is so high and big this isn't really working.

We've got glue trays down and traps around but they seem to be clever little buggers and after we've caught one or two they seem to learn not to go for the bait... either that or there's just so many juicy creatures in our roof that they don't need to come down for food (they must eat gekko's right?).

Anyway, we're about to build a couple more places like this and my fella is going spare and wants to use tiles on the roofs this time round so we don't get mice. I'd prefer the jaak roofs but agree with him that it might end up costing more as we'd end up replacing the ones that the mice eat through.

So my questions are:

1. How do I get the ones that are in our big roof (already up) out?

2. Does anyone know if we can use some kind of treatment etc to prevent them from eating the next roofs we put up?

3. Does anyone have a mouse-sniper I can borrow? :D



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Hi Rach, Aren't they rats, not mice? Even a tiled roof won't stop them unless you underdraw the roof with a ceiling and make sure the eaves and gables are fitted with rodent-proof vents. There is no way to prevent them occupying a traditional moom jaak I'm afraid. They will always return even if you can banish them for a while. Worst time is at night right? A ferret may be a deterant, but I've never tried one!

Think positive...at least they reduce the gii jing jok!!


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As “Riley’Life” said keeping rodents out of the loft is almost impossible no matter what kind of roof you have. :o

I throw rat bait up into the roof space. I use the one in the yellow packet with a picture that looks like rats / mice having a picnic on the box and pink colored pellets inside. Just get handful of pellets and throw them all over the roof space.

People say that there will be a problem with stinking furry bodies in the roof but I have never had a problem with this. The rats after having eaten the pink pellets then have to drink water before the poison take effect so likely as not they die outside.

Another idea form Ms D is to throw mothballs up into the roof space, this also seems to work and of course there is no smelly body count to worry about. You don’t get any smell in the room.

If you don’t mind the smell of mothballs too much they are also useful round the house to keep cockroaches away. Best way to limit the smell and make the balls last longer is make a few holes in the plastic bag they come in and place these strategically round the house.

Another idea, not tested yet, is to rig up a bright light in the loft with a switch downstairs to turn on when you hear the little critters scurrying about. An addition to this could be one of those remote boor bells that don’t need wires. Put the actual doorbell part in the loft and bell push somewhere convenient. I would think the sudden flash of light and loud ding dong would frighten any mouse away.


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Maybe you could throw a cat among the pigeons.

Seriously I had a problems with mice/rats in a place I lived in in turkey.... Stoppe after my daughter bought a cat home. I dont think the cat caught them but they moved out.

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Maybe you could throw a cat among the pigeons.

Seriously I had a problems with mice/rats in a place I lived in in turkey.... Stoppe after my daughter bought a cat home. I dont think the cat caught them but they moved out.

Yes, the local shop used to have mice.They got two cats....no more mice. You could also get a BB gun and a camoflage jacket, hide behind your potted plants and bushwack 'em ? :o

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There was a past post from someone with problems with bats. I don't think I saw a conclusion but if you can find it you could try PMing him.

I also suggested cats (they are useful work animals too) - but don't know what happened.

<Edit found the link>


Edited by pkrv
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