PvtDick Posted November 17, 2004 Posted November 17, 2004 Anyone have any experiences to relate with testosterone replacement therapy? Either to counteract low testosterone levels, or to "accentuate" normal levels? Here's a web page with some info: Testosterone Replacement Therapy
simon43 Posted November 18, 2004 Posted November 18, 2004 HI, I started a thread on this topic a few months ago, but I can repeat some of the info here. I started a course of TRT after my UK doctor discovered that I was hugely lacking in testosterone. This was apparently a hereditary condition and I had fathered 3 kids without problem. But a lack of testosterone does affect your libido, train of thought, and can cause brittle bone desease in latter years. I have natural testosterone implants (slowly releasing), inserted every 6 months under my abdomen muscle wall. Then every 3 months they check my testosterone levels with a blood test to see if the level is back to the norm for a man of my age. The doctor will not agree to boost your level to higher than the norm, and this is a private operatin which costs about 800 GBP each time. But, it has certainly increased my libido very well. Note that TRT does also cause temporary impotence (normal fertility returns if you stop the TRT, but then you might not be able to get it up to fertilise someone!!) Also, it does lead to an increase in bowel cancer, so a regular check-up is also recommended. PM me if any questions Simon
jimbbc Posted November 18, 2004 Posted November 18, 2004 Try Andriol pills, now available at the pharmacy on soi 7, just two pills a day does the trick for me. other wise I tend to sleep all day.
waldwolf Posted November 18, 2004 Posted November 18, 2004 Hormone replacement therapy is not a "do-it-yourself" type project. As simon43 stated, there are possible serious side effects such as an increased risk of cancer, even with doctor supervised treatment. Constant monitoring is required. Talk to you doctor or a urologist.
ChrisP Posted November 24, 2004 Posted November 24, 2004 Yes... I have been on this in the USA for 12 months now - under a doctor's care and prescription. Can seriously recommend it. Injectables are the most effective.. if you can do it. ChrisP
Peter Phuket Posted November 24, 2004 Posted November 24, 2004 If you want to keep your hair, I'd think carefully before putting exogenous testosterone in your body. Of course, there are many other more serious side effects such as putting one at a greater risk of developing certain types of cancers.
Trevor Posted November 24, 2004 Posted November 24, 2004 http://www.e-medicine.co.uk/forum/disc6_frm.htm Just came across this site tonight and am really pleased it exists. I appreciate there are some of you who are new to all this and some more experienced. Those who are new are very strongly recommended to read “The Testosterone Syndrome” by Shippen http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0...6072631-9454824 This is the ONLY book you will ever need to read on the subject. I have found Restandol not to work at all. In fact I found that it makes things worse. I have actually boosted my testosterone levels naturally by taking various natural supplements which I will detail below shortly. But firstly my results: I presented with a Testosterone level of 9, FSH at 7 and LH at 3. Erections were virtually non existent – and I am a male in my mid thirties! Saw a specialist who put me on Restandol. After 6 months of treatment my T Levels DROPPED to 7, LH to 1 and FSH to 4. Gaining erections was even harder and I had no desire whatsoever! When I returned to my specialist he suggested that I stay on Restandol for another 6 months – even though it clearly had no effect – in fact it had had a detrimental effect. I decided not to take his advice. So I did loads of research and found the following natural remedies to boost my T Levels to 14 (ie. doubled!)after two months and then to 18 after 6 months and I am to test them again shortly and am expecting them to be in the 20’s now. Now when I get an erection my erection stays up and even pulsates ie. it is bouncing up and down by itself in tiny short pulse type movements. Whereas previously if I had got it up through manipulation, it would go straight down as soon as I let go. Here is what I took: 1. Tribulus Terrestris 250mg 3 times a day from Holland & Barrat. This helps to increase your LH levels naturally. 2. Saw Palmetto – Helps to minimise the conversion of free testosterone to DHT. DHT is believed to be the main cause of male pattern baldness. I experienced no loss of hair whatsoever! 3. Zinc 50mg once a day. This helps testosterone aromatizing into estrogen via the aromataze enzyme. 4. Chrysin – This reduces estrogen (Oestradiol) and thereby increases total and free testosterone. 5. Nettle – frees up bound testosterone ie. reduces SHBG. 6. Avena Sativa (Wild Oats) Helps free up bound testosterone. 7. Vitamin C – 1000mg daily. It has taken me 9 montly to a year to achieve these results. But please remember to be patient as it probably took you years to get down to your low levels so don’t rush through allopathic drugs to boost them up again. Go natiural. Good luck – hope my program works for you guys also. Here is what I took which virtually trebled my T levels (from 7 to 18) in under a year and increased my FAI from 52% to 93% – all naturally. 1. Tribulus Terrestris. 250mg 3 times a day. The brand I used was the one from Holland & Barrat (£19.99). The reason for using this is because Tribulus increases your LH levels and as you know LH increases your T levels by sending a message to the Leydig cells to “get back to work” and produce more Testosterone. For article re-assurance or “validation” please visit http://www.kalyx.com/store/proddetail.cfm/...2495.0/file.htm 2. Avena Sativa – sometimes known as wild oats. This helps to free up bound testosterone. That is it works by reducing the SHBG. My FAI was 52% at a T level of 7. When I increased it to 18, not only did it go up but most of it remained free or bio available. My FAI at T level 18 was 93%. The brand I used here was a product from America called Ascend for Men. It contains Avena Sativa and a few other good ingredients. I ordered it from http://www.dreamcastle.com/men/index.cfm?&...=100000&trk_id= The other product which frees up bound testosterone that I used was Nettle from Holland & Barrat. The third product for freeing up bound Testosterone I used was Chrysin from the Life Extension Foundation http://www.lef.org/magazine/mag2000/jan00-cover2.html Finally 1000mg of vitamin C daily will also free up bound Testosterone. 3. Zinc 50mg once a day in the morning with food. Zinc helps to increase plasma testosterone levels by inhibiting aromatisation of Testosterone into Estrogen ie. it stops your increased testosterone being converted into Estrogen. 4. For Men Only II – This is something I found very useful. It contains a number of different ingredients that boost male sexual performance. I got this from my local chemist in London but he ordered it from the US – highly recommended. 5. Other things I did: I drank Soya Milk daily with my cereal. There is some dispute over this though as it is a Phyto estrogen. Some say it will block up your Testosterone receptor sites and others say it is only 1/500th the strength of normal estrogen so it competes with normal estrogen to take up the testosterone receptor sites. If it gets to those sites then as it is a weak phyto estrogen Testosterone finds it easier to knock it out. My friend tried soya milk and claimed it did not have a good effect on him so you will have to try this your self. Also in my cereal I would put pumpkin seeds as they are very high in zinc. 6. Another point to bear in mind is that if you have excess fat, it means that you will have excess aromatase enzyme. This enzyme converts testosterone to estrogen. So to stop this aromatisation or conversion you need to reduce your fat cells and thereby your aromatase levels to ensure all increased testosterone does not convert to estrogen. This means exercise. 7. Finally if you are exercising – do weights – particularly for the legs. T levels shoot up after working the quads – the thighs. It is the best exercise for increasing your T levels. I hope the above helps for those of you that wish to increase your T levels naturally. However before you start get your T levels, SHBG, LH, FSH, Estradiol levels checked so that 4-6 months later you can check how this program has helped you. I experienced no side effects – no heart burn or hair loss. Good luck – please stick to the program – it really does work.
ChrisP Posted November 25, 2004 Posted November 25, 2004 I'm told there are 2 ways to measure Testosterone Levels... One is "Free testosterone" - with results in the 20's-30's... and the other is..?? Anyone give some guidance..? ChrisP
simon43 Posted November 25, 2004 Posted November 25, 2004 Yes, one side-effect of taking testosterone implants is loss of hair (on your head!!). I'm a bit thin on top now but havn't actually noticed the hair dropping out. But it's swings and roundabouts. Do you want a great head of hair and a droopy dick, or bald as a coot and boasting a cricket bat!!
waldwolf Posted November 25, 2004 Posted November 25, 2004 I've been told if you stand next the clock and your "big hand" emulates either the clocks 9, 10, 11, or 12 o'clock* setting, you don't need TRT. If your "setting" reads 6, 7 or 8 either your over 65 and need to see a doctor about TRT, or find a new "companion" to share mutual interests. (*=PM settings. If you see 1, 2, 3 AM settings, contact your doctor immediately.)
ChrisP Posted November 27, 2004 Posted November 27, 2004 I found that there are 2 tests: Total Testosterone, and Free Testosterone. The "Free.." is considered to be a more accurate indicator. And here's a good link... http://www.biopsychiatry.com/andropause.htm ChrisP
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