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Clocks Going Back ?


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This is a hoax.

B.Post, General news, Friday August 22, 2008



Tomorrow sees the implementation of a law requiring all businesses in Thailand to set their computers to precisely the same time - or else. Thanida Tansubhapol and Saritdet Marukatat report

Hydrographic Department chief Vice-Adm Kongwat Neelasri, who controls Thai Standard Time.

A nationwide requirement to adhere to Thai Standard Time (TST) will come into effect tomorrow, but rumours of the country's time zone being shunted forwards by a half-hour have been scotched.

Officials at the National Institute of Metrology (NIM) under the Information and Communication Technology Ministry and the navy's Hydrographic Department keep the official time, but are at a loss to explain where the rumour of a shifting time zone came from.

"The rumour of a time adjustment of 30 minutes is untrue. TST remains the same, at seven hours ahead of the time in UTC (Co-ordinated Universal Time) scale," the institute said in a press release.

But while TST might be unchanged, clocks all around the country may have to be adjusted - if only slightly - tomorrow, as it will become a legal requirement for all businesses to strictly adhere to TST.

Their computer systems will have to match the official national time under a requirement set out in the 2007 Computer Violation Act.


Ref url :- http://www.bangkokpost.com/220808_News/22Aug2008_news96.php

marshbags :o

Edited by marshbags
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