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Misc. Visa & Travel Questions

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Hi there,

I'm a US citizen, 53, and a newbie to this board and a new resident of Thailand, hoping to avoid a trip to immigration here in Jomtien. I have a Non Immigrant OA multi-entry visa that I received in Honolulu Hawaii on June 5, 2008.

My 90 day anniversary is coming up on 9/3, though I am leaving for overseas travel on 9/1 and will be away from Thailand for 2 months.


1. Would it be wise or necessary to go to the Immi office before I leave for overseas?

2. Upon my return to Thailand, would my return date be the start of a new 90 day cycle?

3. Does the anniversary date of my OA visa remain the same, or is it affected by my overseas travels?

4. When it comes to visa renewal time next year, other than the financial obligation I'm aware of, can I get the visa renewed in Thailand or must I return to the US.

I'm sure you've heard these questions a million times, but I was hopeful for some current information. Thanks very much.

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1. No.

2. Yes.

3. You will receive a new one year permitted to stay - so for XX November 2008 return your new permitted to stay date will be xx November 2009.

4. You do in Thailand. And you can make a trip just prior to June 5 2009 to extend your stay until June 2010 without a need to visit Immigration if you want. Just be sure that for any entry after June 4, 2008 you have a re-entry permit prior to travel.

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Excellent advice from lopburi3 as usual.

But, just to be clear on your point #4...are you thinking of a new visa or an extension of stay..it *does* make a difference.

Since you mentioned "the financial obligation", I am assuming that you are anticipating applying for an Extension of Stay.

Some of the terminology can be confusing, but it is important to be accurate, so that the knowledgeable people here can give you accurate advice.

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Thanks much, lopburi3 and mgjackson69. I appreciate your advice.

Yes, my question 4 might have been spare of details.

My intention is to renew my retirement visa when the time is appropriate and remain in Thailand. I have met the initial financial obligation and will re-up my Thai bank account 3 months before my retirement visa expires.

I need to travel away from Thailand twice a year, for about 1 or 2 months at a time. The impression I have from lopburi3 is that my retirement visa will be automatically extended to reflect my time away. Is this correct?

I'm not sure the difference between "Extension of Stay" and re-applying for another retirement visa. I assumed I'd need to reapply for my retirement visa at some time. I'm open to advice about how to best go about remaining in Thailand. Ideally, I do not want to have to return to the US to renew my retirement visa, but I will if I must.

Also, lopburi3 you mention the need for a re-entry permit. I assumed that my Non Immi OA visa, with multiple entries IS that permit. Am I correct? Do I need to go to Immi to get a re-entry permit? Am I missing something here?

One other question, mentioned to me by my travel agent. I'm trying to figure out how to best arrange my air tickets. She said without a proper visa, Thailand wouldn't permit me into the country without a return ticket to somewhere. Is this accurate? And if so, would my Non Immi OA visa fulfill that requirement?

Thanks again so much for your help.

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You are missing the difference in a valid visa (one year from date of issue) and a permitted to stay date beyond that time (second year). Any travel after visa expires will require a re-entry permit to keep the current permitted to stay date alive. So during the first year while your visa is alive you can travel and return. Each return provides a new one year permitted to stay from date of return. But last entry before visa expires will be the last time you get that one year stay and to keep it alive you must not travel without a re-entry permit. You do not use a re-entry permit while your visa is alive (or you will be stamped only until your current permitted to stay time on return).

You can extend your stay in Thailand using the 800k in Thai bank account 3 months during the last 30 days of your permitted to stay stamp. Any travel on an extension of stay will again require a re-entry permit.

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She said without a proper visa, Thailand wouldn't permit me into the country without a return ticket to somewhere. Is this accurate? And if so, would my Non Immi OA visa fulfill that requirement?

Your Non Imm O-A is a proper visa. No return ticket needed.

Does the anniversary date of my OA visa remain the same, or is it affected by my overseas travels?

Hopefully this doesn't muddy the waters......

Visas cannot be renewed, neither in Thailand nor abroad. Your visa will expire next June, and it cannot be renewed. You could go back to Hawaii and get a new Non Imm O-A. But you say this is not what you want to do.

So, what you will need to do is to get annual extensions of stay based on retirement. The first one of these should be applied for 30 days before your last permitted to stay expires. And your last permitted to stay stamp will be the last one you get when you reenter Thailand prior to June 4, 2009 -- the date your Non Imm O-A expires. This will be for 365 days duration.

To travel and return to Thailand after your visa expires, you'll need a re-entry permit from Immigration. This, however, will not change your last permtted to stay expiration date, but just maintain it (without the reentry permit, you'd be stamped in for 30 days, thus having to start from scratch again).

As you say you plan to travel several months each year, part of your planning will be in getting your last permitted to stay stamp, as that day and month will become your anniversary date, and every year, 30 days or less before that date, you'll need to be in country in order to get your annual extension of stay.

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