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Mountain Dew (made By Pepsi Company) Sell In Thailand? Where?

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This is an unhealthy subject...I am an Mountain Dew addict (not in remission). I'm bringing a friend to Siam but my last 3 visits, I couldn't find Mountain Dew (made by Pepsi) anywhere in bangkok or Roi Et...or even Cambodia!

Anyone see this soda pop for sale in all of the land of smiles?

I even packed my suitcase but American customs dumped most of it on my clothes. Just looking for my unhealthy fix for me and my friend next visit (when I get married and he looks for a fiancee).

Thanks in advance!

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Mountain Dew (made by Pepsi)

I can only guess you are not talking of the 'Mountain Dew', I am more familiar with? :o

But no, I have never seen it either.


If you need the "fix" try some M-150. Those drinks will keep you up for days if needed. If you just like the taste then I'm afraid you will have to suffer through some withdrawal while you're here.


I just Googled Sermsuk's website. The Mountain Dew button is a dead one. That probably indicates that if they ever made and bottled it in Thailand, they no longer do so.

Aren't Mountain Dew, Sprite and 7-Up, basically the same drink?

Sprite & 7-Up are. The Dew is green in color, a lot of caffeine and has a different flavour.

I was a big fan of (diet) Mt Dew, Dr. Pepper & A&W Root Beer. I took 18 plastic bottles back with me once (to a diff country) and it was so heavy I thought I was going to slip a disc. After that, I would ask friends to bring me 1-2 plastic bottles whenever they were travelling and saw one. Not much, but it's better than nothing.


This is one product Tops have failed to stock... as i also enjoy this drink .....

if someone has to much time on there hands, please write to tops supermarket and ask them to stock :o

As this is not health related I am moving it to the General forum, which also has a wider readership...

I think they put something in it to make it addictive (besides the caffeine). All of my high school friends (yes, since High School) who drank it back then are stuck on it now.

Something about it. We'll be bringing cases, I guess! LOL. then it's the cafe yen from there on... I guess it's better than being hooked on booze...

But, But, but Sheryl! I am very unhealthy without my Mountain Dew! I is in the interest of the physical safety of the general public and the general economy (not to mention other critical factors) than I find my Mountain Dew fix in LOS!


Singapore. I go there to get my Dr. Pepper fix.

Plan a little weekend holiday and bring 2 suitcases.


I was a Dr. Pepper addict, but now I am totally addicted to Diet Dr. Pepper. I just flew back last night from and extended business trip and brought 2 cases with me. I would have brought more, but the shelf life of diet does not seem too great.

I would love to find some place in Thailand which sells DP.


Thanks for the website. I found it after lots and lots of searching but the problem is it's full of advertisements and I can't read Thai if there's a "contact" link.

It's OK, my friend will die when he comes (the culture shock will be enough) He's going to get culture shock as it is; staying for at least 6 weeks!

  • 2 weeks later...
As this is not health related I am moving it to the General forum, which also has a wider readership...

I think they put something in it to make it addictive (besides the caffeine). All of my high school friends (yes, since High School) who drank it back then are stuck on it now.

Something about it. We'll be bringing cases, I guess! LOL. then it's the cafe yen from there on... I guess it's better than being hooked on booze...

But, But, but Sheryl! I am very unhealthy without my Mountain Dew! I is in the interest of the physical safety of the general public and the general economy (not to mention other critical factors) than I find my Mountain Dew fix in LOS!


I agree, Mountain Dew is very addictive. However a food scientist warned me off it because excessive intake can cause your testes to shrink from the size of Victoria plums to that of Damson plums.

I understand that this is something to do with yellow dye that is added to the drink.

Google it for more scientific information.

As this is not health related I am moving it to the General forum, which also has a wider readership...

I think they put something in it to make it addictive (besides the caffeine). All of my high school friends (yes, since High School) who drank it back then are stuck on it now.

Something about it. We'll be bringing cases, I guess! LOL. then it's the cafe yen from there on... I guess it's better than being hooked on booze...

But, But, but Sheryl! I am very unhealthy without my Mountain Dew! I is in the interest of the physical safety of the general public and the general economy (not to mention other critical factors) than I find my Mountain Dew fix in LOS!


I agree, Mountain Dew is very addictive. However a food scientist warned me off it because excessive intake can cause your testes to shrink from the size of Victoria plums to that of Damson plums.

I understand that this is something to do with yellow dye that is added to the drink.

Google it for more scientific information.

And I thought it was just cold outside! (sounds like someone here is gullible to just about any urban legend). Don't ya think any government in the world would stop it if this was true? It surely would have made the general media (which is why urban legends are confined to water cooler discussions and anonymous internet chat--same goes for the wite man inventing the HIV virus, the US paying people to bomb the World Trad Center just for an election and on and on...

Here's what google came up with (the first hit)...most are about urban legends and how they get started...like waking up with a kidney missing...:o


I would keep writing but I have to pud yao (but I'm having a difficult time finding "it)! :D


I wonder if Mr. food scientist is Thai Hmmm...and I thought scientists used the "scientific method"I can understand if one "heard" about this but the only way a true scientist would learn about this is by reading the urban legends online and deciding to spread them. Did he/she get certified by one of those diploma mills online? I'm a Doctor by one of those (oh well, at least I can marry my friends together if I want).

The only mechanism that keeps urban myths alive is repeated "first-hand knowledge" (versus "I heard somewhere" which would encourage verification). I know no soda is healthy but they would certainly ban it and it would be on the front pages and TV stations all over the world since it's one of the most widely used food colorings in the world.

Maybe Mr. food scientist should run for US president (anything is better than what we have coming).

TO humor, here's the first page of google hits, as suggested about Mountain Dew's yellow dye. Some are US government and reliable urban legend websites that actually have been able to track the source of some of these popular myths. My guess is either Cocacola started it or some high school girl teasing a guy decided to say, "Hey, I read that stuff shrinks your nads (laugh laugh), then the rumor took a life of its own...











Mountain Dew is one of few things that I look forward to when visiting Philippines.

Others are Kenny Rogers Roast Chicken,

Wendy's Baked Potato with Baked Beens and Cheese.

Quite remarkable to look forward to a culinary experience in PI.


As this is not health related I am moving it to the General forum, which also has a wider readership...

I think they put something in it to make it addictive (besides the caffeine). All of my high school friends (yes, since High School) who drank it back then are stuck on it now.

Something about it. We'll be bringing cases, I guess! LOL. then it's the cafe yen from there on... I guess it's better than being hooked on booze...

But, But, but Sheryl! I am very unhealthy without my Mountain Dew! I is in the interest of the physical safety of the general public and the general economy (not to mention other critical factors) than I find my Mountain Dew fix in LOS!


I agree, Mountain Dew is very addictive. However a food scientist warned me off it because excessive intake can cause your testes to shrink from the size of Victoria plums to that of Damson plums.

I understand that this is something to do with yellow dye that is added to the drink.

Google it for more scientific information.

And I thought it was just cold outside! (sounds like someone here is gullible to just about any urban legend). Don't ya think any government in the world would stop it if this was true? It surely would have made the general media (which is why urban legends are confined to water cooler discussions and anonymous internet chat--same goes for the wite man inventing the HIV virus, the US paying people to bomb the World Trad Center just for an election and on and on...

Here's what google came up with (the first hit)...most are about urban legends and how they get started...like waking up with a kidney missing...:o


I would keep writing but I have to pud yao (but I'm having a difficult time finding "it)! :D

There is no smoke without fire. I believe that Mountain Dew causes testicular atrophy. It is no good quoting American-originating webpages denying the fact.

Unfortunately, the internet is full of lies and as the movie 'Supersize Me' showed, eating Mc'Donalds food to excess causes serious liver damage.

It is upto you!

As this is not health related I am moving it to the General forum, which also has a wider readership...

I think they put something in it to make it addictive (besides the caffeine). All of my high school friends (yes, since High School) who drank it back then are stuck on it now.

Something about it. We'll be bringing cases, I guess! LOL. then it's the cafe yen from there on... I guess it's better than being hooked on booze...

But, But, but Sheryl! I am very unhealthy without my Mountain Dew! I is in the interest of the physical safety of the general public and the general economy (not to mention other critical factors) than I find my Mountain Dew fix in LOS!


I agree, Mountain Dew is very addictive. However a food scientist warned me off it because excessive intake can cause your testes to shrink from the size of Victoria plums to that of Damson plums.

I understand that this is something to do with yellow dye that is added to the drink.

Google it for more scientific information.

And I thought it was just cold outside! (sounds like someone here is gullible to just about any urban legend). Don't ya think any government in the world would stop it if this was true? It surely would have made the general media (which is why urban legends are confined to water cooler discussions and anonymous internet chat--same goes for the wite man inventing the HIV virus, the US paying people to bomb the World Trad Center just for an election and on and on...

Here's what google came up with (the first hit)...most are about urban legends and how they get started...like waking up with a kidney missing... :D


I would keep writing but I have to pud yao (but I'm having a difficult time finding "it)! :D

There is no smoke without fire. I believe that Mountain Dew causes testicular atrophy. It is no good quoting American-originating webpages denying the fact.

Unfortunately, the internet is full of lies and as the movie 'Supersize Me' showed, eating Mc'Donalds food to excess causes serious liver damage.

It is upto you!

I believe I found the source of Urban Myths! Here's an interview with the man that made the movie. Hardly liver damage (hey, the movie maker's words, not mine). http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html...756C0A9629C8B63

Now we're quoting an MTV Hollywood dare as fact? It's no good quoting MTV as fact, either (American entertainment, mind you).

...And I just wanted to find some unhealthy Mountain Dew!

Now I see where Mr. food scientist hails from...an MTV show (unfortunately American media-but MTV is hardly a source of fact-just entertainment) :o

I'm not fond of McDonalds but surely our bodies aren't so frail that some fatty foods will cause "serious liver damage".

If one is concerned about their health, the drinking in LOS is responsible for more deaths than the fast food chains (read the paper- how many farangs die in a pool of their own blood as a result of alcoholic disseminated intravascular coagulation precipitated by liver failure)? One week in BKK last month- two died (one in an airplane and one in his hotel) not sure how many others were reported that week. (no reference, just opinion).

Too much of anything will kill us (what about the msg in Asian food)? Again, McDonalds would be banned from many countries if it caused serious liver damage. Just defending the truth and attempting to stop urban myths from the source (McDonalds has no friend in me)

State something as fact, add a reference. Disbelieve American government but believe entertainment media....Okayyyyyy! I never though urban myths would originate from there... "Fact" extrapolated from an MTV teenager's entertainment show? Oyyy!

As this is not health related I am moving it to the General forum, which also has a wider readership...

I think they put something in it to make it addictive (besides the caffeine). All of my high school friends (yes, since High School) who drank it back then are stuck on it now.

Something about it. We'll be bringing cases, I guess! LOL. then it's the cafe yen from there on... I guess it's better than being hooked on booze...

But, But, but Sheryl! I am very unhealthy without my Mountain Dew! I is in the interest of the physical safety of the general public and the general economy (not to mention other critical factors) than I find my Mountain Dew fix in LOS!


I agree, Mountain Dew is very addictive. However a food scientist warned me off it because excessive intake can cause your testes to shrink from the size of Victoria plums to that of Damson plums.

I understand that this is something to do with yellow dye that is added to the drink.

Google it for more scientific information.

And I thought it was just cold outside! (sounds like someone here is gullible to just about any urban legend). Don't ya think any government in the world would stop it if this was true? It surely would have made the general media (which is why urban legends are confined to water cooler discussions and anonymous internet chat--same goes for the wite man inventing the HIV virus, the US paying people to bomb the World Trad Center just for an election and on and on...

Here's what google came up with (the first hit)...most are about urban legends and how they get started...like waking up with a kidney missing... :o


I would keep writing but I have to pud yao (but I'm having a difficult time finding "it)! :D

There is no smoke without fire. I believe that Mountain Dew causes testicular atrophy. It is no good quoting American-originating webpages denying the fact.

Unfortunately, the internet is full of lies and as the movie 'Supersize Me' showed, eating Mc'Donalds food to excess causes serious liver damage.

It is upto you!

I believe I found the source of Urban Myths! Here's an interview with the man that made the movie. Hardly liver damage (hey, the movie maker's words, not mine). http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html...756C0A9629C8B63

If one is concerned about their health, the drinking in LOS is responsible for more deaths than the fast food chains (read the paper- how many farangs die in a pool of their own blood as a result of alcoholic disseminated intravascular coagulation precipitated by liver failure)? One week in BKK last month- two died (one in an airplane and one in his hotel) not sure how many others were reported that week. (no reference, just opinion).

That is a bit rich. Fast food will always cause more deaths than drinking. 1/3 deaths smoking, 1/3 deaths obesity, 1/3 deaths others. Drinking is about 10% maximum (and those usually due to accident/misadventure).

As for Quote: "how many farangs die in a pool of their own blood as a result of alcoholic disseminated intravascular coagulation precipitated by liver failure)?

Well I would guess very few. I presume that you mean 'Portal hypertension' which is end-stage liver disease and will come forwarned before haemmorage.

The facts remain that in general food and drink of the present age is killing us. 1/3 of deaths are due to bad food and drink. Alcohol in reasonable doses, unless one has the genes of liver disease is usually physically harmless.

The facts remain that in general food and drink of the present age is killing us. 1/3 of deaths are due to bad food and drink. Alcohol in reasonable doses, unless one has the genes of liver disease is usually physically harmless.

What a load of cr*p! We are living longer and longer than we have in the past and, in general, are much healthier as well.

Yes, "Alcohol in reasonable doses is usually physically harmless", but if you have more than two small drinks per day, you are not drinking "reasonable doses" and could easily ruin your health. :o

This is an unhealthy subject...I am an Mountain Dew addict (not in remission). I'm bringing a friend to Siam but my last 3 visits, I couldn't find Mountain Dew (made by Pepsi) anywhere in bangkok or Roi Et...or even Cambodia!

I seriously feel your pain. As a diet pepsi addict I was seriously disturbed to find on my first visit to Thailand that any diet cola was hard to find and that out of tourist areas it was unheard of. As recent as 4 years ago there was only one store I could find in my province that sold it. Things have improved now and even two of the vendors in my village have diet coke or pepsi max now. Hopefully your drug of choice will make it's way in also. I will keep me eyes open and report if I come across any. We addicts have to stick together. Not all those guys jumping from balconies are upset over women.

The facts remain that in general food and drink of the present age is killing us. 1/3 of deaths are due to bad food and drink. Alcohol in reasonable doses, unless one has the genes of liver disease is usually physically harmless.

What a load of cr*p! We are living longer and longer than we have in the past and, in general, are much healthier as well.

Yes, "Alcohol in reasonable doses is usually physically harmless", but if you have more than two small drinks per day, you are not drinking "reasonable doses" and could easily ruin your health. :o

Quite true; sounds like you have a medical background, as well. Alcohol is one of the few substances than changes cellular structure. How we see it is the heavy drinker looking 20 years older (go to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting and you'll see a bunch of red leather faces in there). Unfortunately the cellular damage isn't reversible.

Liver damage is but one thing alcohol damages. I'd rather have a cafe yen than a beer anyday. Sure I've had one or two but I'm talking an average of 1 beer a month (none in the past 3, maybe I'll have 6 total when I go back). I used to have a "problem" but I learned 7 years without any and it's not a big deal anymore. It only causes problems (marital, work, law, etc) in excess.

I'm living with an ex gf who downs a half gallon every 3 days (vodka). She looks like an old hag (and has become the most negative, miserable piece...) Only waiting to sell the house and buy one for my Isaan princess to come here!

Good thing about her is she's one of the very few in the world that are alcohol intolerant (1 shot and she's got rapid heart rate low blood pressure and off to the hospital). Lucky me!

I don't need to discredit anyone; it redundant by now..just seeking my drug of choice! Maybe a balcony isn't a bad idea if I can't find any! LOL!

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