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As to the garbage referal to English trash imagrating into Canada in the 50's 60's , i imigrated in the 60's with my young family , there was at that time a long list of requisits that disenfrachised that type of person from being accepted . Colonisation , well India reaped the harvest of the railways built during thier rule and up to recent times , 70% percent of Indians depended on those railroads for a living , long way from total explotation ,they also hung onto the British education system , the result of which is that thousands of Indians are sought after especialy for thier computer expertise , especialy in England .

Incidently , the slave trade had its basis in my home city of Bristol , a fact i was not aware of until recent times , burt then again , that is history and has little to do with this thread , my apologies to one and all .

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They are by and large 3rd generation Teluga speaking Sihks whose families arrived here in the late 1800's from the Punjab. Many of the families who are now settled here and own all those tracts of land on Sukhumvit and elsewhere in the city (down by Asoke junction area) received it by royal decree from his Majesty Rama 5 (e.g. Majestic Mansions and the hotel next door to it - both buisnesses on land owned by Sihks who received from Rama V - there are many other examples in the city).

sorry Maizefarmer but this info is wrong. Sikhs from Punjab speak Punjabi. Sikhs in any indian state (even if settled there for generations) speak Punjabi besides the local language. in fact most Sikhs in any country on this planet speak Punjabi.

Telugu is a dravidian south indian language, not related at all to Hindi (Punjabi is related) and is spoken in Andra Pradesh and partly in Karnataka, Orissa and Tamil Nadu.


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