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Really Good Detox Spa In Thailand?

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I am looking for a GOOD "Detox" spa in Thailand. Closer to Pattaya/Bkk the better but want to hear from anyone who has used one?

What are your experiences? How can I find a reputable spa here?

If you have seen the show "Spa of the Embarrassing Illnesses" from the UK, that it is type of spa I am talking about ;-)

Services would include fasting, colonic, detoxification, yoga/massage/relaxation etc....

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The Samui Spa that is on the beach in Koa Samui is probably the best for the cheapest price in the country and is even cheaper if you stay at an ajoining hotel that allows the colema setup in your bathroom from the Spa.

It helps a lot if you have done it already, because there are a lot of people doing it everyday and not so much personal attention.

Edited by Sheryl
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Ignoran question here, so apologies in advance.

I've never been to a spa, but want to go to one within 2 weeks. How much are they? What packages are offered? What is "detox?" Sweating out toxins, or fasting, or both.


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There is a new one opening in Klaeng near Rayong they can even set up accomodation for you, I think it opens around 26th next month, I heard they are going to be getting decompresion chamber in also to help heal liver and clear your skin up, and get new red blod cells to the system. They use aromic steam with other stuff in it or something, I know the people who own it, if you want their info give me an email I can give you there number, <email address removed>

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I am looking for a GOOD "Detox" spa in Thailand. Closer to Pattaya/Bkk the better but want to hear from anyone who has used one?

What are your experiences? How can I find a reputable spa here?

If you have seen the show "Spa of the Embarrassing Illnesses" from the UK, that it is type of spa I am talking about ;-)

Services would include fasting, colonic, detoxification, yoga/massage/relaxation etc....

I have a very good friend who took already dozens of people and friends from The Netherlands to Tao Garden near Chiang Mai and I spoke to a few of them and all of them were super enthusiastic and even lyrical about the treatments; everything you mentioned is there and the environment and surroundings are supposed to be very relaxing and beautiful including their rooms.

I don't know since I haven't been yet but it's on my list.

Not Pattaya/BKK area though.



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...Samui is probably the best for the cheapest price in the country and is even...
I'd be pissed if that is true because I just came back from Samui - never bothered to look up detox spas because I assumed everything in Samui is overpriced. I need detox!!!

It really is true. You stay next door in a cheaper, nicer room which is also set up for colemas and just pay for the herbs and drinks and colemas at the Spa. You can get all the fresh juices you want at their restauraunt and delicious live food for before and after the fast.

Very cheap and they let you use the no chlorine swimming pool for free. :o

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...Samui is probably the best for the cheapest price in the country and is even...
I'd be pissed if that is true because I just came back from Samui - never bothered to look up detox spas because I assumed everything in Samui is overpriced. I need detox!!!

It really is true. You stay next door in a cheaper, nicer room which is also set up for colemas and just pay for the herbs and drinks and colemas at the Spa. You can get all the fresh juices you want at their restauraunt and delicious live food for before and after the fast.

Very cheap and they let you use the no chlorine swimming pool for free. :o

Thank you for that info!!! So I guess I'll have to come back to Samui, then.

P.S. Why does your avatar description read "Unwanted Member" ???

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