Why don't they just buy up about 10 very large barges and float them offshore, as gambling sites.
I do not gamble, and so I will not participate even if one is opened in CM.
By the way: Casinos did wonders for Macao (Macau)....NOT....
Some fine print from the website above: Data from International IQ Test (IIT) are based on data from 1,352,763 participants worldwide who took the same IQ test on the website in 2024.
The website providing the test: https://international-iq-test.com/en/
Seems like the test is only given in the English language. What segment of the Thai population would be able to complete this test at all? I suspect this is why the result for Thailand is 102. Administer the same test in Thai to a cross-section of the general population and I suspect a different number would emerge.
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