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I have been diagnosed over the last two years with Bronchiectasis (not Bronchiatis :D ) and am on a variety of treatments including two - three monthly hospitalizations with Pseudomonis infections. The illness is not cureable.

I was wondering if anyone knows any 'alternative' medicines that may help with lowering the production of mucous in my lungs?

Having a Porta Cath put into my chest next week for IV administration of antibiotics and also now on nebulised antibiotics for the rest of my life (which ain't looking as though it's going to be too long right now :o )

Any ideas about vitamins or breathed in oils?



Tough times. I feel with you, Nampeung.

Try seeing a practitioner of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). My mother had a lung tumor and a chinese doctor gave her something liqid with snake gall inside. It helped a lot with the symptoms, esp. lowering the mucous production.

Sorry but I don't have any more details.

Hope you get better soon.




hi Nampuang

Sorry to hear of your discomfort. many people have gotten relief from lund disorders using MMS . It is very inexspensive and easy to use. see my post under Dengae fever. I hope all goes well for you.


I can't advise re any alrternative treatments and for that matter can't really advise re modern treatments without more information.

Bronchiectasis is usually secondary to something else such as a genetic disease like systic fibrosis, or an impaired immune system, or a structural abnormality, or chronic infections that are undetected/improperly treated (e.g.TB, MAC, aspergillosis), certain autoimmune disorders such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, asthma ; foreign body in the lung, etc etc.

Have you had a sufficient diagnostic work-up to exclude all such causes? If not this is the first step as management obviously depends on the underlying cause.

Be sure to get influenza and pneumococcal vaccination.


Thanks for suggestions all. Underlying cause is repeated TB.

Dana thx I am going to follow your idea and see a Chinese doctor, I don't want to swallow anything as my throat is affected but maybe acupuncture :o

Rken just off to look for your thread - what is MMS ?


Thanks for suggestions all. Underlying cause is repeated TB.

Dana thx I am going to follow your idea and see a Chinese doctor, I don't want to swallow anything as my throat is affected but maybe acupuncture :o

Rken just off to look for your thread - what is MMS ?


Hi Nampeung

MMS is Sodium Chlorite and when activated turns into chlorine dioxide. It has been used in water purifying systems for years as a disinfectant. It has been studied in humans and animals and in small qty under 10ppm shows no toxic effects. There are recent patents that use the active ingredients introveinously for MS, ALS, arthristis and is being studied for its effectiveness against Aids, and Hep C. It kills all viruses, harmful bacteria, parasites in water treatment test in very small quanities.

I have used it for Dengae fever and found it effective. I'm fairly healthy and don't have a lot of health problems but have noticed others effects from taking MMS. Painful joints in my hands has disapeared and life long dandruff and itching have gone. I can't say for sure it will help your situation but I have read of many cases where it helped clear up lung congestion of many types. It can't hurt anyway to give it a try. You should no in a very short time if it will help or not.

If you do decide to try it go slowly as it is a very powerful detoxifier. I have researched it for days on end reading testimonials and tox reports. should you have further questions i would be happy to try to answer them. PM me or just post them. Rken

It can't hurt anyway to give it a try.

Extremely dangerous advice IMO as already evidenced by other TV members who unfortunately believed this.

I have researched it for days on end reading testimonials and tox reports.

That really qualifies you as an expert we should suppose. Stop endangering the lives of desperate people.

  • Like 1

I realize thisa will infuriate its advocates but in the interests of the health of readers of this forum I must reiterate:

- the safety of MMS has not been scientifically established. That doesn't necessarily it mean it is unsafe, just that it's safetey has not been properly studied. In addition, there is virtually no drug (and make no mistake, this is a drug) that is universally safe for everyone. Proper testing of drugs includes identifying its interactions with other medications, its metabolism and excreation and implications for peole with liver or kidney disease ,etc. This has not been done for MMS. There are also bound to be at least some people who are allergic to it, as is the case for all drugs.

- the effectiveness of the drug has likewise not been scientiofically proven. The "evidence"is entirely anecdotal. This does not mean it has no effectiveness, just that its effectiveness, if any, has yet to be established. For sure nothing has the spectrum of effectiveness being claimed for this drug, nor does that make any possible sense...the variuous disease cited are so completely unrelated in type and cause.

The most likely mechanism of action, if there is one, for this chemical agent to cure disease would be an antiseptic property, i.e. ability to kill off pathogenic organisms. I cannot think of any mechanism through which it would address the problem due to fibrotic changes in the lungs.

This condition is not very common and I really doubt there are reports of people with exactly the OP'sd problem being "cured"by MMS.

It can't hurt anyway to give it a try.

Extremely dangerous advice IMO as already evidenced by other TV members who unfortunately believed this.

I have researched it for days on end reading testimonials and tox reports.

That really qualifies you as an expert we should suppose. Stop endangering the lives of desperate people.

The OP asked a question and you found it to be desperate? have some compassion and common sense.

It can't hurt anyway to give it a try.

Extremely dangerous advice IMO as already evidenced by other TV members who unfortunately believed this.

I have researched it for days on end reading testimonials and tox reports.

That really qualifies you as an expert we should suppose. Stop endangering the lives of desperate people.

The OP asked a question and you found it to be desperate? have some compassion and common sense.

No, I found the OP's situation to be desperate, as in "incurable". I have compassion for at least one member of this board who took MMS only to find his condition worsened, perhaps irreversibly, for doing so. And hopefully anyone with a modicum of common sense would realize that a single "miracle" chemical could not possibly be effective for all of the diverse pathologies for which claims of cures are being made. As I have previously posted I have no objection to people wishing to experiment on themselves with MMS or any other drug, but I continue to object to self appointed experts recommending bogus therapies to others that have great potential for harm.


"Incurable" means that western science/pharma hasn't have an expensive medicine to serve you for your case.

Since they told you it is incurable, I would definitely start reading up on alternative methods. Detox is a good start for reading (not doing before you know what you do!!)

I remember reading a while back (i think it was on watercure2.org) that a guy offered to donate 25000 usd to the astma-fund for every person having astma which could not be cured with water and a bit of sea-salt. (put the money were your mouth is...)

Never give up. There is always hope

Blessings to your health and search!


hey nice to see I am not the only one recomending alternative stuff these days

seems like this site has come a long ways!

wow MSS and such

if I was the original poster I would look deep and hard into (Aajonus) and his work

(link to commercial website deleted by moderator)

pm me too if you need any more help from outside yourself


Will read up about all the stuff mentioned thanks all. Currently waiting to have a Porta Cath inserted into my chest for direct/permanent drug treatment. Continuing to get repeated bouts of pneumonia. Dr has advised I write my will and a 'final request' paper re recussitation etc :o

  • 12 years later...

I have just noticed this thread. Just to say that I have the condition bronchiectasis and have been here in Thailand, and expect to be here, for quite a long time.


If anyone needs advice on the condition, resources here in  Thailand to deal with it etc don't hesitate to post here and (or alternatively) PM me. Happy to share my experiences. Yes it is incurable like many diseases but, for most sufferers, you can still live a long and fruitful life if you know how to manage the condition and are prepared to put the effort in to research and use the sources of support available online to compensate for the limited expertise in the specific condition of 99% of Thailand's lung specialists.

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