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State Of Emergency Announced In Bangkok


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How ever allegedly corrupt a former leader was. ??????

How somebody with a little bit of brain can be of the side of a bankrupt billionair :D which runs 24/7 propaganda on his ASTV :D . NO one opinion how to solve anything only NAZI style shouting and blackmailing. :D

Peaceful protesting my goodness. :D Clearly he an his companions want to get rid (they say so openly :o )of a whatever good or bad functioning democracy for the good of a 'elite" dictatorship :( .

But if you want to be on that side of the fence, good luck. But once they reach their goals they might stop paying the daily wage for protesting. :burp:

By the way: never liked Samak (thought bit old for that business :P ) but any time, better then that PAD leaders :D

Sad times.

Just ask yourself if this were your own country and the goverment which was in power was saturated with corruption and was'nt prepared to bring an ex leader to justice even though he had ripped off millions of tax payers money. Which side of the fence would you be on?

I totally agree.

I don't agree! it should be "billions"

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First night of emergency state passes with no violent incident for PAD

The People's Alliance for Democracy continued its demonstration in the Government House throughout the night without any violent incident.

But rumours spread throughout the night that either pro-government protesters or security officials would raid the Government House to evict PAD demonstrators.

When the morning came, the tension apparently eased and many protesters left the rally site while many others had breakfast provided by the PAD.

Source: The Nation - 03 September 2008

It's positive note that there was no repeat of this....


...and in this topsy turvy world, if we can't depend on four photographs posted by one of the only non-partisan members of this forum- what can we depend on?




I agree!

Think People...the above are pictures of DAAD, the PPP sponsored (and paid for) group that violently attacked the peaceful PAD protest at Government House. How can anyone still claim that the PPP are the good guys????

.... and if we can't depend on four pictures posted by one of the only really non-parisan members of this forum to give us a clear understanding of the conflict- what can we depend on?

what happen to the other 2 pictures after the 4th picture above???? In the newspaper (thai) i see the above picture and the next 2 picture shows a group of yellow shirt striking a blow on a red shirt guy who was on the floor. the sabre was on the floor next to him.

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"PAD Peace Feeler

Bangkok Post

Mr Sondhi said the government must promise not to amend the charter in its favour; to observe the Constitution Court's order regarding Preah Vihear temple; to suspend all mega-projects; and to commit to political reforms and increased public participation in politics.

Mr Sondhi said the four-point demand was strictly his own proposal, not the PAD's. He had yet to put the matter to other core members.

"They must accept the four-point demand - and only if the prime minister is either Somchai Wongsawat or Surapong Suebwonglee," said Mr Sondhi."

This guy has gotten far too big for his boots; with his unilateral demands. Someone should remind him that he's not the Head of State.

Just heard thai airways are offering free flights to Bangkok from Phuket for those wishing to join the parties/demonstrations and I was told 500Baht per day drinking vouchers.

wish i could get away with shopping trip on the free.

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Yew, the subheading of this thread is misleading to say the least, Samak has very little control, General Anupong has made it clear he won't break up the rally by force.

Samak's making blunder after blunder, the overreactive State Of Emergency announcement has obviously hurt business, several business leaders have been calling for Samak to resign even before that.

His anger in the CNN interview showed how the interviewer had hit a nerve-is Thaksin still pulling strings?!

The coalition partners are standing firm behind him now because they're waiting for the annual budget distribution,after that,who knows?

Dissolution or resignation I think it won't be long before Samak has gone, he's an embarrassment to all Thais. An example of the level of his thinking was seen on Sunday in Parliament, when accused of letting police manhandle the PAD demonstrators at Makhawan bridge he retorted the Democrats killed 10 Karen-God's army at Ratchaburi hospital years ago. He didn't mention the Karen had seized the hospital with 800 patients and personnel inside and were holding all as hostages.

So Prapat's to run for PPP in the Bangkok governor's election. If I remember rightly he is an old school friend of Pongthep, Thaksin's close buddy.

Talking of school, Newin was once in trouble at Suan Kularb for being in possession of an illegally modified gun, such a naughty boy!

Yes very indicative of his long term mind set.

Little people who don't agree with him are ok to use

as playing pieces for power even if the die.

We've seen this about every 16 years in his career.

And he gets more dangerous and less rational, the more presure is put on him.

I think the powers that be know this and this is why he is being isollated.

So he can't bloody mindedly start a civil war.

Could this have been part of Dr. T.'s calculation...?

Samak is the perfect guy to make things BLOW UP big time,

so Dr. T. can swing back in as white knight and save the day,

and his 76 billion in cash.

We are talking HUGE amounts ofmoney and face loss,

what is too much to do to win back the whole shooting match,

in a country with a history of winner take all coups and counter coups.

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"PAD Peace Feeler

Bangkok Post

Mr Sondhi said the government must promise not to amend the charter in its favour; to observe the Constitution Court's order regarding Preah Vihear temple; to suspend all mega-projects; and to commit to political reforms and increased public participation in politics.

Mr Sondhi said the four-point demand was strictly his own proposal, not the PAD's. He had yet to put the matter to other core members.

"They must accept the four-point demand - and only if the prime minister is either Somchai Wongsawat or Surapong Suebwonglee," said Mr Sondhi."

This guy has gotten far too big for his boots; with his unilateral demands. Someone should remind him that he's not the Head of State.

A dissolution of parliament could be a very dangerous choice, as would anything that causes a power vacuum. None of us know where the big boots are planning on going next. Anything that would give Sondhi a victory is looking more dangerous by the minute. Sondhi is a sideshow, albeit a very egotistical one. What exactly he wants or aspires to isn't yet clear. No replies of overthrowing the govt, please. Try some thinking outside the box for a change.

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"PAD Peace Feeler

Bangkok Post

Mr Sondhi said the government must promise not to amend the charter in its favour; to observe the Constitution Court's order regarding Preah Vihear temple; to suspend all mega-projects; and to commit to political reforms and increased public participation in politics.

Mr Sondhi said the four-point demand was strictly his own proposal, not the PAD's. He had yet to put the matter to other core members.

"They must accept the four-point demand - and only if the prime minister is either Somchai Wongsawat or Surapong Suebwonglee," said Mr Sondhi."

This guy has gotten far too big for his boots; with his unilateral demands. Someone should remind him that he's not the Head of State.

Just heard thai airways are offering free flights to Bangkok from Phuket for those wishing to join the parties/demonstrations and I was told 500Baht per day drinking vouchers.

wish i could get away with shopping trip on the free.

:o:D :D

I just heard that Sondhi also gives a free massage himself for everyone

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Samak interview in which he threatens CNN's Dan Rivers when he's confronted with a lie...

"You don't use this word to me, eh? Don't use this word to me again. This is an insult to me", said in a threatening and menacing tone while pointing his finger at the interviewer...

Thai PM speaks about clashes

CNN's Dan Rivers talks with Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej about political tensions and unrest.

Interview Video Link:


Did we watch the same video? Samak pointed his finger at Rivers after Rivers said some people consider him a puppet of Thaksin. It was not while he was confronted with a lie. At least that is what I saw on the video on my screen.

Perhaps you forgot the part where Rivers reminded Samak that in their last interview, Samak claimed that there was nothing wrong with being Mr. Big's puppet.

No, I didn't forget it. But Samak didn't react to that. He got mad at the follow-up question. Perhaps he was fuming at the reminder and then reacted when Rivers wouldn't let the subject drop. But SJ said he got mad at being confronted in a lie. I didn't see it the same way.

So what are you saying, that Samak got mad when confronted with the truth? :o

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Just heard thai airways are offering free flights to Bangkok from Phuket for those wishing to join the parties/demonstrations and I was told 500Baht per day drinking vouchers. wish i could get away with shopping trip on the free.

You just heard... You also got a credible source to go along with that?

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"PAD Peace Feeler

Bangkok Post

Mr Sondhi said the government must promise not to amend the charter in its favour; to observe the Constitution Court's order regarding Preah Vihear temple; to suspend all mega-projects; and to commit to political reforms and increased public participation in politics.

Mr Sondhi said the four-point demand was strictly his own proposal, not the PAD's. He had yet to put the matter to other core members.

"They must accept the four-point demand - and only if the prime minister is either Somchai Wongsawat or Surapong Suebwonglee," said Mr Sondhi."

This guy has gotten far too big for his boots; with his unilateral demands. Someone should remind him that he's not the Head of State.

A dissolution of parliament could be a very dangerous choice, as would anything that causes a power vacuum. None of us know where the big boots are planning on going next. Anything that would give Sondhi a victory is looking more dangerous by the minute. Sondhi is a sideshow, albeit a very egotistical one. What exactly he wants or aspires to isn't yet clear. No replies of overthrowing the govt, please. Try some thinking outside the box for a change.

Well Sondhi tells it day and night what he wants....Getting rid of corruption and corrupt politician.

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EDITORIAL IN YESTERDAY'S FINANCIAL TIMES: (Mods - can you pin this as its own news report - rather than burried here?). Yet again, it takes the quality international press to put things in perspective. Why can't Thailand's media see the forest for the trees?

Thailand must resist mob rule

Published: September 2 2008 22:07 | Last updated: September 2 2008 22:07

Less than a year since elections restored democratic rule after a military coup in 2006, Thailand has plunged into fresh instability. The worst violence seen in Bangkok for 16 years leaves Samak Sundaravej, the Thai prime minister, with few options. Clashes between anti-government protesters and supporters of the administration have left one dead and dozens injured. With air and rail services badly affected, tourism suffering and public sector unions threatening a national strike for Wednesday, the imposition of emergency rule in the capital on Tuesday was inevitable and justified.

The protests began a week ago when supporters of the People’s Alliance for Democracy occupied and barricaded Government House. The PAD accuses Mr Samak’s People Power Party of being a front for Thaksin Shinawatra, exiled former prime minister, and of buying votes in last December’s election. It says it wants to clean up the electoral system.

If so, it is going the wrong way about it. The PAD is subverting parliament by provoking a bloody confrontation with the government designed to bring about its collapse and the intervention of the army.

The opposition group may have miscalculated. Its proposals for a parliament with 70 per cent of its members appointed and 30 per cent elected are less a recipe for democratic reform and more a throwback to authoritarian rule. They have not won broad public support and newspapers have criticised the group’s actions. The Election Commission’s decision to recommend the Supreme Court disband the PPP for election fraud could fuel suspicions that a Bangkok elite, including elements of the army, bureaucracy, court and palace officials, is conspiring to stifle the country’s fragile democracy.

Mr Samak, who has sensibly built bridges with the generals in his short tenure, should stand firm. Whether or not he is a Thaksin proxy, he is still Thailand’s elected and legitimate leader. Moreover, despite the presence of several PAD backers, the army, which has a low tolerance of political disorder, is reluctant to become involved. The government is hopeful that the army will enforce emergency rule, giving the prime minister a breathing space.

Thailand should pause. If Mr Samak is to fall from power, it should be by parliamentary means. Ruling coalition politicians may have grounds for ousting the prime minister in the event he mishandles the crisis. That would mean fresh elections. But the removal of Mr Samak by an alliance of street protesters and a reactionary elite would mean mob rule in Thailand.

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008

Link: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/8c613ffa-7920-11...0077b07658.html

Indeed a good article.

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Maybe the SOE was in fact a good political move in order to show how the military have their hands tied and how ineffective the law is in regard to PAD. Maybe that was the whole idea of it.

So the entrenchment goes on.

The military don't have their hands tied. General Anuphong's interpretation of controlling people post SoE is to keep order, not create more havoc. He has said that his duties are within certain parameters and he isn't going to step out of those parameters and get involved in personal fights. He, of course, was referring to Samak's personal fight with the PAD.

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Well Sondhi tells it day and night what he wants....Getting rid of corruption and corrupt politician.

This guy walks on water as far as you're concerned, right?

He comes across a complete egomaniac and as bad as any politician. People I know who have worked for him don't have a good word to say about the bloke.

So why don't all his fans chip in and repay his Krungthai Bank debts? That what lay behind all this grandstanding originally. If Thaksin had gotten him out of those obligations, he's still be suckling at the Shainawatras proverbial teat.

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Thai Airways passengers drop by 10% due to political unrest

Flight Officer Apinan Sumanaseni (อภินันทน์ สุมนะเศรณี), President of Thai Airways International, reveals that passenger numbers have dropped by 10% during the last 1 to 2 days following recent bouts of unrest within Thailand.

Mr. Apinan said that passengers from most Asia-Pacific nations, including Japan, South Korea, and China have elected to avoid traveling to Thailand for the time being. The governments of Singapore, South Korea, and Australia have also issued travel warnings to their citizens to avoid visiting Thailand following Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej's (สมัคร สุนทรเวช) implementation of the Emergency Decree within the Bangkok Metropolitan area this morning.

The President of Thai Airways International admits that continous passenger decline will impact the airline's revenue. Mr. Apinan said that the airline will attempte to find measures to counter the drop in passengers, including the reduction of expenses in the flight and tourism divisions. He adds that the passenger decline comes at a bad time for Thai Airways, which has reported a loss of over 7 billion baht due to rising oil prices.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 02 September 2008

Time for Thai Airways to cut some costs, how about starting with sacking the shirkers who are on strike in support of PAD, then there is the 2-days uncertified sick-pay situation to look at. If it is being abused for political ends, abolish it. As always in this kind of mess, the innocent end up paying dearly for the guilty.

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"PAD Peace Feeler

Bangkok Post

Mr Sondhi said the government must promise not to amend the charter in its favour; to observe the Constitution Court's order regarding Preah Vihear temple; to suspend all mega-projects; and to commit to political reforms and increased public participation in politics.

Mr Sondhi said the four-point demand was strictly his own proposal, not the PAD's. He had yet to put the matter to other core members.

"They must accept the four-point demand - and only if the prime minister is either Somchai Wongsawat or Surapong Suebwonglee," said Mr Sondhi."

This guy has gotten far too big for his boots; with his unilateral demands. Someone should remind him that he's not the Head of State.

A dissolution of parliament could be a very dangerous choice, as would anything that causes a power vacuum. None of us know where the big boots are planning on going next. Anything that would give Sondhi a victory is looking more dangerous by the minute. Sondhi is a sideshow, albeit a very egotistical one. What exactly he wants or aspires to isn't yet clear. No replies of overthrowing the govt, please. Try some thinking outside the box for a change.

Well Sondhi tells it day and night what he wants....Getting rid of corruption and corrupt politician.

And you believe that? How many politicians do you know?

Politicians (and rabble rousers) often have strategy meetings and one of the topics will be what means to achieve the ends. This is where the word expediency comes in (politicians don't like to think they tell lies). Saying they want to get rid of the corruption /govt. etc is going to be the one of the quickest ways to achieve their ends (not too sure what they are at the moment).

Totally fascinating and rather scary that some people take everything at face value.

Maybe some people do believe the real estate adverts after all!

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"PAD Peace Feeler

Bangkok Post

Mr Sondhi said the government must promise not to amend the charter in its favour; to observe the Constitution Court's order regarding Preah Vihear temple; to suspend all mega-projects; and to commit to political reforms and increased public participation in politics.

Mr Sondhi said the four-point demand was strictly his own proposal, not the PAD's. He had yet to put the matter to other core members.

"They must accept the four-point demand - and only if the prime minister is either Somchai Wongsawat or Surapong Suebwonglee," said Mr Sondhi."

This guy has gotten far too big for his boots; with his unilateral demands. Someone should remind him that he's not the Head of State.

A dissolution of parliament could be a very dangerous choice, as would anything that causes a power vacuum. None of us know where the big boots are planning on going next. Anything that would give Sondhi a victory is looking more dangerous by the minute. Sondhi is a sideshow, albeit a very egotistical one. What exactly he wants or aspires to isn't yet clear. No replies of overthrowing the govt, please. Try some thinking outside the box for a change.

The safest option right now would probably be a Samak resignation leaving PPP to rejig their cabinet and the PAD leaders surrendering to police leaving new leaders in place and leaving GH. I am also sure treason charges wouldnt hold up for long. It would not be perfect but it would buy time and allow for any behind scenes things if indeed any are still open. The national unity government option looks better all the time, which of course means it wont happen

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Bullsh!t, much more likely is that they got a well-deserved kicking from the taxi drivers, etc., who faced losing a lot of lolly from the airport closure!

And would you care to condemn this supposed violence, or is it OK, because they were asking for it ?

Hi Chua,

Obviously your not someone that follow news closely, because if you did you would know that PAD is not peaceful. Or do you call occupying the government house peaceful, or blockading an entire airport in Phuket? Or the very dangerous moves PAD made to ignite the temple row with Cambodia. Hardly actions of a democratic and peaceful movement. I can't believe people here make the choice to turn a blind eye towards PAD (and its powerful backers). People are fast to forget that first TRT and then PPP won landslide victories.

In point of fact, you might recall that the PPP, in the only election they took part in, polled slightly less votes than the Democrats, although they won more seats. Hardly a "landslide victory" surely ?

If new elections would be held today it would be most likely TRT/PPP would win again. Why? Because they are the only only ones in years to do something for the rural poor. The urban middle-and upperclass (combined with the army, oh yes generals know where their millions come from; the upperclass business elite) are determined to take the power back they lost in two democratic elections. There is only one longterm solution to get out of this stalemate. To invest heavily in the education and economic prosperity of the countryside and to emancipate the rural poor. That is not likely to happen if PAD gets its way, they will want to have the fruits of victory.

Please remember that the PAD is not a political party, just a coalition of people who were drawn together by a mutual dislike of Thaksin's corrupt politics, so they will not be forming a government.

The only (shortterm) solution is to surpress these protests (will be nasty) and to let democracy take its course.

I love the way you view the forceful suppression of dissent as being in-any-way compatible with democracy !

Another coup will only prolong the stalemate for more years, new elections will see another victory for TRT/PPP.

If PPP, or whatever its next incarnation is called, polls level with the Democrats again, do you still think the minor players in Samak's coalition will again support him ? On what evidence ?

What do you think is a realistic way out of these 'times of troubles'?

I don't know, but would agree with you that better education can only help things, perhaps that's why several years of TRT/PPP-rule have failed to deliver it ? Or am I too cynical, thinking that they too fear that better educated/informed Thais might see that TRT/PPP have a higher agenda, involving their own personal enrichment ?


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Maybe the SOE was in fact a good political move in order to show how the military have their hands tied and how ineffective the law is in regard to PAD. Maybe that was the whole idea of it.

So the entrenchment goes on.

The military don't have their hands tied. General Anuphong's interpretation of controlling people post SoE is to keep order, not create more havoc. He has said that his duties are within certain parameters and he isn't going to step out of those parameters and get involved in personal fights. He, of course, was referring to Samak's personal fight with the PAD.

If the SOE was strictly enforced the army/police should have cleared the PAD from Govt House area by now. The fact that they haven't speaks volumes. Or maybe it is outside their perimeters. Same thing in my opinion.

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"PAD Peace Feeler

Bangkok Post

Mr Sondhi said the government must promise not to amend the charter in its favour; to observe the Constitution Court's order regarding Preah Vihear temple; to suspend all mega-projects; and to commit to political reforms and increased public participation in politics.

Mr Sondhi said the four-point demand was strictly his own proposal, not the PAD's. He had yet to put the matter to other core members.

"They must accept the four-point demand - and only if the prime minister is either Somchai Wongsawat or Surapong Suebwonglee," said Mr Sondhi."

This guy has gotten far too big for his boots; with his unilateral demands. Someone should remind him that he's not the Head of State.

A dissolution of parliament could be a very dangerous choice, as would anything that causes a power vacuum. None of us know where the big boots are planning on going next. Anything that would give Sondhi a victory is looking more dangerous by the minute. Sondhi is a sideshow, albeit a very egotistical one. What exactly he wants or aspires to isn't yet clear. No replies of overthrowing the govt, please. Try some thinking outside the box for a change.

Well Sondhi tells it day and night what he wants....Getting rid of corruption and corrupt politician.

And that's why he rails on about corruption in the police force, corruption in the civil service, corruption in the bidding for city maintainance contracts in Bangkok, corruption in the education system, questionable involvement of the military budget in private enterprise, corruption that enables mid sized business owners to avoid taxes, that allows whore houses to thrive under the eyes of local authotities in every single province etc etc etc---

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"PAD Peace Feeler

Bangkok Post

Mr Sondhi said the government must promise not to amend the charter in its favour; to observe the Constitution Court's order regarding Preah Vihear temple; to suspend all mega-projects; and to commit to political reforms and increased public participation in politics.

Mr Sondhi said the four-point demand was strictly his own proposal, not the PAD's. He had yet to put the matter to other core members.

"They must accept the four-point demand - and only if the prime minister is either Somchai Wongsawat or Surapong Suebwonglee," said Mr Sondhi."

This guy has gotten far too big for his boots; with his unilateral demands. Someone should remind him that he's not the Head of State.

A dissolution of parliament could be a very dangerous choice, as would anything that causes a power vacuum. None of us know where the big boots are planning on going next. Anything that would give Sondhi a victory is looking more dangerous by the minute. Sondhi is a sideshow, albeit a very egotistical one. What exactly he wants or aspires to isn't yet clear. No replies of overthrowing the govt, please. Try some thinking outside the box for a change.

This is the start of the negotiation. Let's see any counter offer. Despite all the show boating claiming that no one is talking to anyone, this I doubt very much to be the case. if nothing else they appear to be communicating through the newspapers and television. There is an arrest warrant out for the PAD leaders, and I am sure a lot of people are very keen for that to go away. Not least the PAD leaders themselves.

Everyone need for all parties to find away to walk away looking as though they got a victory. Thai style.

This would need probably Samak to go, various promises on constitution etc, Phraer Vihaer demand removed, and some cosmetic plans to increase "public participation in politics" (whatever that means?)

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Just heard thai airways are offering free flights to Bangkok from Phuket for those wishing to join the parties/demonstrations and I was told 500Baht per day drinking vouchers. wish i could get away with shopping trip on the free.

You just heard... You also got a credible source to go along with that?

only that my thai partner was just offered the deal in the market, was told they look after id cards

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"PAD Peace Feeler

Bangkok Post

Mr Sondhi said the government must promise not to amend the charter in its favour; to observe the Constitution Court's order regarding Preah Vihear temple; to suspend all mega-projects; and to commit to political reforms and increased public participation in politics.

Mr Sondhi said the four-point demand was strictly his own proposal, not the PAD's. He had yet to put the matter to other core members.

"They must accept the four-point demand - and only if the prime minister is either Somchai Wongsawat or Surapong Suebwonglee," said Mr Sondhi."

This guy has gotten far too big for his boots; with his unilateral demands. Someone should remind him that he's not the Head of State.

A dissolution of parliament could be a very dangerous choice, as would anything that causes a power vacuum. None of us know where the big boots are planning on going next. Anything that would give Sondhi a victory is looking more dangerous by the minute. Sondhi is a sideshow, albeit a very egotistical one. What exactly he wants or aspires to isn't yet clear. No replies of overthrowing the govt, please. Try some thinking outside the box for a change.

The safest option right now would probably be a Samak resignation leaving PPP to rejig their cabinet and the PAD leaders surrendering to police leaving new leaders in place and leaving GH. I am also sure treason charges wouldnt hold up for long. It would not be perfect but it would buy time and allow for any behind scenes things if indeed any are still open. The national unity government option looks better all the time, which of course means it wont happen

Anyone care to hazard a guess as to whether the PAD would leave GH if Samak resigned. Not many guarantees are there?

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First night of emergency state passes with no violent incident for PAD

The People's Alliance for Democracy continued its demonstration in the Government House throughout the night without any violent incident.

But rumours spread throughout the night that either pro-government protesters or security officials would raid the Government House to evict PAD demonstrators.

When the morning came, the tension apparently eased and many protesters left the rally site while many others had breakfast provided by the PAD.

Source: The Nation - 03 September 2008

It's positive note that there was no repeat of this....


...and in this topsy turvy world, if we can't depend on four photographs posted by one of the only non-partisan members of this forum- what can we depend on?




I agree!

Think People...the above are pictures of DAAD, the PPP sponsored (and paid for) group that violently attacked the peaceful PAD protest at Government House. How can anyone still claim that the PPP are the good guys????

.... and if we can't depend on four pictures posted by one of the only really non-parisan members of this forum to give us a clear understanding of the conflict- what can we depend on?

While it's true, I am not from Paris...

I and everyone posting here is voicing their opinion.. you have yours and I have mine.

As stated earlier, anyone is free to post opposing views, be they text or photographic.

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Well Sondhi tells it day and night what he wants....Getting rid of corruption and corrupt politician.

and hes one to talk about getting rid of corruption :o

whats that saying...about ....

people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones

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First night of emergency state passes with no violent incident for PAD

The People's Alliance for Democracy continued its demonstration in the Government House throughout the night without any violent incident.

But rumours spread throughout the night that either pro-government protesters or security officials would raid the Government House to evict PAD demonstrators.

When the morning came, the tension apparently eased and many protesters left the rally site while many others had breakfast provided by the PAD.

Source: The Nation - 03 September 2008

It's positive note that there was no repeat of this....


...and in this topsy turvy world, if we can't depend on four photographs posted by one of the only non-partisan members of this forum- what can we depend on?




I agree!

Think People...the above are pictures of DAAD, the PPP sponsored (and paid for) group that violently attacked the peaceful PAD protest at Government House. How can anyone still claim that the PPP are the good guys????

.... and if we can't depend on four pictures posted by one of the only really non-parisan members of this forum to give us a clear understanding of the conflict- what can we depend on?

what happen to the other 2 pictures after the 4th picture above???? In the newspaper (thai) i see the above picture and the next 2 picture shows a group of yellow shirt striking a blow on a red shirt guy who was on the floor. the sabre was on the floor next to him.

That picture was removed by earlier posters.

That picture also showed the machette, not sabre, IN his hand,

and clearly was not for defensive purposes.

If he was worried about his safety why was he out

searching fo PAD members a 1am with a machette?

If you have sticks and someone wades into your group swinging with a machette,

whatch ya gonna do? If it were me, I'd take him down fast before somebody

loses an arm, ear, half a face, etc.

This was DAAD going after PAD and upping the force ante significantly.

The Emergency was declared but Samak STILL didn't get his true absolute powers.

DAAD retired the field for the following night, yet to be seen how long this will last.

So yes it's good this didn't happen a second night.

Edited by animatic
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Perhaps, if more people knew about the background of Sonthi, Chamlong, Col. Sanders etc., then they will understand what is going on behind the rhetoric. People will also understand why such bitterness exists between the PAD and Taksin faction.

Does anyone have any links to information of this sort?

There's this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sondhi_Limthongkul.

Follow the links at the bottom for more information on other players, limited the latter may be.

It's wikipedia, so can't attest to complete accuracy. hel_l, it may well have changed since I read it last. But there at least was some interesting info there.

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"PAD Peace Feeler

Bangkok Post

Mr Sondhi said the government must promise not to amend the charter in its favour; to observe the Constitution Court's order regarding Preah Vihear temple; to suspend all mega-projects; and to commit to political reforms and increased public participation in politics.

Mr Sondhi said the four-point demand was strictly his own proposal, not the PAD's. He had yet to put the matter to other core members.

"They must accept the four-point demand - and only if the prime minister is either Somchai Wongsawat or Surapong Suebwonglee," said Mr Sondhi."

This guy has gotten far too big for his boots; with his unilateral demands. Someone should remind him that he's not the Head of State.

A dissolution of parliament could be a very dangerous choice, as would anything that causes a power vacuum. None of us know where the big boots are planning on going next. Anything that would give Sondhi a victory is looking more dangerous by the minute. Sondhi is a sideshow, albeit a very egotistical one. What exactly he wants or aspires to isn't yet clear. No replies of overthrowing the govt, please. Try some thinking outside the box for a change.

Well Sondhi tells it day and night what he wants....Getting rid of corruption and corrupt politician.

And you believe that? How many politicians do you know?

Politicians (and rabble rousers) often have strategy meetings and one of the topics will be what means to achieve the ends. This is where the word expediency comes in (politicians don't like to think they tell lies). Saying they want to get rid of the corruption /govt. etc is going to be the one of the quickest ways to achieve their ends (not too sure what they are at the moment).

Totally fascinating and rather scary that some people take everything at face value.

Maybe some people do believe the real estate adverts after all!

Sondhi is neither a politican nor does he want to get any job in government. Chamlong has proofed over decades that he is not corrupt.

so no evidence that they want something. While on the government side it is complete clear as they were corrupt in the past.

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First night of emergency state passes with no violent incident for PAD

The People's Alliance for Democracy continued its demonstration in the Government House throughout the night without any violent incident.

But rumours spread throughout the night that either pro-government protesters or security officials would raid the Government House to evict PAD demonstrators.

When the morning came, the tension apparently eased and many protesters left the rally site while many others had breakfast provided by the PAD.

Source: The Nation - 03 September 2008

It's positive note that there was no repeat of this....





I agree!

Think People...the above are pictures of DAAD, the PPP sponsored (and paid for) group that violently attacked the peaceful PAD protest at Government House. How can anyone still claim that the PPP are the good guys????

what happen to the other 2 pictures after the 4th picture above???? In the newspaper (thai) i see

None of these were from Thai newspapers.

The 1st and 4th are from Reuters, the 2nd and 3rd are from AFP.

All were obtained from searching Yahoo News for "Thailand"

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