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State Of Emergency Announced In Bangkok


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I don't think that PAD can win the referendum, because the PPP probably has more money to buy votes. Plus they control the TV channels. Sondhi has no access to the regular TV channels (only his satelite ASTV, which most people in the North don't get to see)

Even of PAD did win a referendum, Samaks buddies would just run again in their new, already created party and buy votes once more.

By the way, I predicted the referendum announcement last night already, when others thought he was going to announce that he would step down. Samak and his henchmen have been quite predictable through this whole thing.

Too much rice - not enough Protein

You've covered all your bases haven't you. If PAD can't win votes it's because of "vote buying". Absolute falsehood. It is because PAD does not represent the views of enough voters. Period.

If PAD cannot indoctrinate, it is because it doesn't have access to media? Again, an odd claim as almost all media outlets have been heavily pro PAD.

If PAD fails, it is because of Samak? More weak logic. On one hand you claim Samak is weak and has no support and yet now you claim he has mysterious powers that will allow him to control all. Can you please pick a conspiracy theory and stick with it. Thank you.

I would love to see Sondhi explain to the North and the North East on national TV his new politics. Then they would indeed have a mob in Bangkok.

Not difficult

"get 500 Baht and vote PAD, we write in the constitution free lao kao for everyone" "Yeah super, Sondhi we love you"

I gather from what you are saying that the upcountry citizens are so content with their situation that they really don't care which side wins just as long as they can get drunk.

Maybe in addition to the lao khao and 15 dollars, you could suggest a handful of shiny beads.

How many elitists throughout history and across the globe from colonialists to fat cat capitalists have learned to their disemboweled peril that these notions are not only insulting- but wrong!

The last elections in Thailand show that they are right. Toxin paid, ripped them off, gave them credits for mobile phones, try to take their lands....So it works. The fat cat capitalists have the problem that they don't want to pay even that. Count the population....Even 200 Baht per head is a lot money.

I really think you should talk to some of the Thaksin supporters some time- just be a bit---- prudent. They don't quite see it like you do.

would like to know if they take the 500 Baht or not

Best way to find out is just go to some guys with red shirts and tell them that as a loyal follower of the PAD youl'd like to offer them 500 baht to switch their allegience- a lot of the motorcycle taxis iin my neighborhood would welcome the 'exchange'.

sure there are hardcore Thaksin lovers, but the majority in Isaan does not care much about politics, and they would change side easily.

Not your the red shirt motorcycle taxis.

(by the way all the motorcycle taxis here (Bangkok) tell that they love PAD and the Democrates as my wife gives them often jobs..... I doubt that all 10 people really love PAD and Democrates, but to get the next job from my wife they tell they do. Most probably they also don't love Thaksin..they just don't care)

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Oh it's always the same old anti-thakisn brigade with the same old sky is falling 'vote buying' stories.

You know as well as anyone, the Isaan and Northern voters (the majority) would vote for these guys with or without ANY money. You just won't admit it publicly.

Then why spend the millions of baht, if not billions, buying votes if they were so secure in a victory?

Who told you they did? Thaivisa.com?

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^The USSR used to tie German kids and women to their tanks while they were invading Germany in the final weeks of WW2, so that the Wehrmacht would think twice about firing on them

the germans just put them in the gas chambers me thinks neither of these relate to this situation

Interesting how they feel compelled to associate WWII atrocities from 60 some years ago to add weight to their arguments when many of the local factories are already filled with children while others are trafficked to become beggars or commodities for child prostitution.

Well said, Tony. Under PAD proposals, the poor and uneducated will be denied any right to vote or participate in decision making, they will in fact become an under-class. The Bangkok elite would be quite happy to see these children used as objects of abuse, as long as the profits continue to come their way.

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Oh it's always the same old anti-thakisn brigade with the same old sky is falling 'vote buying' stories.

You know as well as anyone, the Isaan and Northern voters (the majority) would vote for these guys with or without ANY money. You just won't admit it publicly.

Then why spend the millions of baht, if not billions, buying votes if they were so secure in a victory?

Who told you they did? Thaivisa.com?

About 50 of my family's factory workers.

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Oh it's always the same old anti-thakisn brigade with the same old sky is falling 'vote buying' stories.

You know as well as anyone, the Isaan and Northern voters (the majority) would vote for these guys with or without ANY money. You just won't admit it publicly.

Then why spend the millions of baht, if not billions, buying votes if they were so secure in a victory?

Actually I have a better response than the one above - why did the military/feudalist puppet government REFUSE to allow int'l election monitors to observe - since they were so sure there would be massive vote buying? Becuase they knew there wouldn't be - some sure - but massive no way, and that was their premise for countering WHAT THEY KNEW WOULD BE A LOSS AT THE POLLS.

You guys aren't even a challenge. Wish I could post in Thai..

So of course THIS time, the PPP Govt will USHER IN THE INTERNATIONAL OBSERVERS. Just watch! That's why I say the fuedals will panic - and soemthing will happen to make sure NO referendum will happen. (No I'm not getting paid for this but I should be right?? - think some goofy big company is getting millions for this!)

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the notion that most of those who support Thaksin only do so for the 500 baht (when if fact, given the popularity of the party in the last two elections, it would have been pretty stupid for the TRT particularly and also the PPP to waste a lot of money buying votes that were already pretty much guaranteed) reminds a bit of the notion that the Japanese pilots couldn't see at night.

On this forum we have gone round and round about this vote buying- and I think (though some might disagree) that the consensus was that while there may have been vote buying- the vast majority of TRT and PPP supporters were genuine.

Given the lessons learned from TRT, why on Earth do they risk dissolving the entire party in order to buy votes in areas they would presumably win without it? Given that it doesn't take the majority of voters to be paid off to dissolve a party... why do they do it with even just one if they are so self-confident of victory?

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It's interesting isn't it that the first person to die in these tensions was not a PAD supporter. Hmmm and I dont see in any of the pictures from the incident on Tuesday PAD using self defence techniques more like clubbing the opposition to death.

The opposition that got clubbed wasn't anywhere around for at least a hundred days, then decided to set up camp nearby, were intoxicated and WALKED TOWARDS the PAD rally weapons in hand, escorted by police with no resistance whatsoever, conveniently, the State of Emergency was declared once one was killed and 40 some hurt.

F* self-defence when a group intentionally marches towards and attacks an immobile group with deadly weapons.

Had they remained in Sanam Luang, none of this would have happened, it was clearly coordinated between police/DAAD/govt. to declare a State of Emergency which has had absolutely no purpose since then.

As always, you state facts that are in clear contradiction of eyewitness reports, i.e. PAD guards whipped up into a frenzy from the stage and then sent to repulse DAAD at the bridge. DAAD did not attack the PAD demo at Gov. Hse. Had they done so, the defence of "self-defence" could have been used.

No these DAAD guys didn't go after the big group and certain defeat,

they went after the LONGER TERM PAD site at the bridge.

Which had much fewer supporters in place, an easy cheap shot target.

But PAD, hearing of this force coming at them,

rather than let their smaller group get beaten up,

sent re-enforcments. A logical thing to do.

These scum STILL attacked, maybe they thought that

the small group they expected was only that still.

Oops mistake!

Justifiying this attack on ANY protestors site of what ever siize

by another NON POLICE or Armed forces group,

is reprehensible conduct it is condoning violence to those whose opinions you disagree with.

Which makes me feel you WOULD have me attacked to shut me up if you could.

The people who sent these men to attack ANY PAD site at 1 am

are responsable for this poor manipulated mans death.

He got a con job and died because he believed it.

And now his grieving sister is being manipulated too.

But you still defend these guys... the mind boggles.

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The People's Network for Elections, an independent election watchdog, also says the public referendum would be pointless as there probably already exists efforts to buy votes from the people.


Did they say, by which side?

Maybe these who did it in the last 4 elections?

Which would be all parties involved.

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Sister of slain government supporter files complaint against PAD leaders

The sister of a government supporter killed during a clash with protesters early Tuesday filed a complaint with police against six leaders of the People's Alliance for Democracy.

Chaba Singhaklangpol, 70, the sister of Narongsak Korbthaisong, filed the complaint at the Nangloeng police station.

She accused the six leaders of organizing protests, leading to the clash and death of her brother.

The six are Somsak Kosaisuk, Somkiart Pongpaiboon, Pipop Thongchai, Chamlong Srimuang, Sondhi Limthongkul and Suriyasai Katasila.

The Nation

Right on schedule.

I wonder which PPP MP's or their lawyers accompanied her to file the complaint.

What about her brother's personal responsibility for going near the rally?

He went to PAD's site, not the other way round.

Poor lady is being manipulated in her grieving state. Disgusting!

No- what is disgusting is the use of her understandable grief and reaction (blame and the urge for retribution- justified or not, is as old as mankind) to further one's own political agenda. No matter which side is doing it. With NO evidence whatsoever, to state categorically- as fact- that the PPP has a hand in her decision- is disgusting.

Let's get this straight

I am not PAD, never been, and have only talked with a few supporters,

it's hard not to, there are a LOT of them. I see them and they all act civilly

and extra friendly, we just can't communicate well together.

But sure I know B.S. when I see it.


"I wonder which PPP MP's or their lawyers accompanied her to file the complaint."

I didn't state that as fact. But you did your bit to twist it to YOUR agenda...

But it sure as hel_l looked like a logical conclusion.

Been here long enough to see recurring patterns.

If anyone has an agenda... well that's obvious.

PS moderators, he/she flamed me in no uncertain terms.

Lower left hand side of the post is this: p_report.gif

As for the case, we know now that a DAAD Leader led the sister to the police station to file the complaint. We also know of various PPP MP's associated with DAAD, so your statements are not out of line.

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Sriracha John, Tony Clifton, Herr h90, Plus and others.

If the followign referndum question was asked, would you allow international election observers to monitor this and would you go along with the results?


A group of demonstrators has seized some Government buildings and other areas in the capital and elsewhere. The police and army have been reluctant to enforce court orders to remove them, and some court orders are pending an appeal by the protestors. The elected Government is askng for the public's view on the following question.

Should the authorities the Royal Thai Police (and the military if required) be obliged to evict the protestors from the public places and Government premises if they do not leave voluntarily as requested by the Government?



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Sriracha John, Tony Clifton, Herr h90, Plus and others.

If the followign referndum question was asked, would you allow international election observers to monitor this and would you go along with the results?


A group of demonstrators has seized some Government buildings and other areas in the capital and elsewhere. The police and army have been reluctant to enforce court orders to remove them, and some court orders are pending an appeal by the protestors. The elected Government is askng for the public's view on the following question.

Should the authorities the Royal Thai Police (and the military if required) be obliged to evict the protestors from the public places and Government premises if they do not leave voluntarily as requested by the Government?



You should ask the question of Samak as he seems to be the one having this particular difficulty.

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Oh it's always the same old anti-thakisn brigade with the same old sky is falling 'vote buying' stories.

You know as well as anyone, the Isaan and Northern voters (the majority) would vote for these guys with or without ANY money. You just won't admit it publicly.

Then why spend the millions of baht, if not billions, buying votes if they were so secure in a victory?

Actually I have a better response than the one above - why did the military/feudalist puppet government REFUSE to allow int'l election monitors to observe - since they were so sure there would be massive vote buying? Becuase they knew there wouldn't be - some sure - but massive no way, and that was their premise for countering WHAT THEY KNEW WOULD BE A LOSS AT THE POLLS.

You guys aren't even a challenge. Wish I could post in Thai..

So of course THIS time, the PPP Govt will USHER IN THE INTERNATIONAL OBSERVERS. Just watch! That's why I say the fuedals will panic - and soemthing will happen to make sure NO referendum will happen. (No I'm not getting paid for this but I should be right?? - think some goofy big company is getting millions for this!)

True very true.

They did every thing the could to keep PPP or any party even remotely connected with TRT from winning and failed.

Another point TRT was not shutdown for vote buying. They were accussed of paying small parties to run in the elections where there was no other party opposing them because of the Democrat lead boycott which is in my opinion is the most undemocratic thing I have ever heard of or seen. The Democrat party was accused of the exact opposite charge for paying parties not to run and let off.

The PPP still hasn't been found guilty by a court of law. Also the Democrat party along with others still have charges pending.

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Most of what I have seen tonight is the same old crap. Along with a lot of insulting. inflammatory and derogatory comments.

Any news post from TOC is highly suspect. Remember who its associated with.

Did you have news posts or information that contradicts any of the specifics from the two TOC news posts posted this evening?

Bomb Threat at Buri Ram Cable after ASTV's Signal Disrupted

Charges Filed against PAD Leaders for Death from Rally Clash

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Oh it's always the same old anti-thakisn brigade with the same old sky is falling 'vote buying' stories.

You know as well as anyone, the Isaan and Northern voters (the majority) would vote for these guys with or without ANY money. You just won't admit it publicly.

Then why spend the millions of baht, if not billions, buying votes if they were so secure in a victory?

Actually I have a better response than the one above - why did the military/feudalist puppet government REFUSE to allow int'l election monitors to observe - since they were so sure there would be massive vote buying? Becuase they knew there wouldn't be - some sure - but massive no way, and that was their premise for countering WHAT THEY KNEW WOULD BE A LOSS AT THE POLLS.

You guys aren't even a challenge. Wish I could post in Thai..

So of course THIS time, the PPP Govt will USHER IN THE INTERNATIONAL OBSERVERS. Just watch! That's why I say the fuedals will panic - and soemthing will happen to make sure NO referendum will happen. (No I'm not getting paid for this but I should be right?? - think some goofy big company is getting millions for this!)

True very true.

They did every thing the could to keep PPP or any party even remotely connected with TRT from winning and failed.

Another point TRT was not shutdown for vote buying. They were accussed of paying small parties to run in the elections where there was no other party opposing them

*Correct. They didn't buy individual voters, they bought entire political parties, which some people might consider an even greater infraction.*

because of the Democrat lead boycott which is in my opinion is the most undemocratic thing I have ever heard of or seen. The Democrat party was accused of the exact opposite charge for paying parties not to run and let off.

*I believe the term is "not guilty" *

The PPP still hasn't been found guilty by a court of law. Also the Democrat party along with others still have charges pending.

The Democrats do not have charges, only under investigation at this point.

The People Power Party, the Chart Thai Party, and the Matchima Thipataya Party DO have charges filed against them with the Constitution Court.

A good way to stay abreast of these are the threads

Election Commission Rules That Chart Thai & Matchima Thipataya Parties Be Dissolved


Election Commission Resolves To Seek PPP's Dissolution

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Sriracha John, Tony Clifton, Herr h90, Plus and others.

If the followign referndum question was asked, would you allow international election observers to monitor this and would you go along with the results?


A group of demonstrators has seized some Government buildings and other areas in the capital and elsewhere. The police and army have been reluctant to enforce court orders to remove them, and some court orders are pending an appeal by the protestors. The elected Government is askng for the public's view on the following question.

Should the authorities the Royal Thai Police (and the military if required) be obliged to evict the protestors from the public places and Government premises if they do not leave voluntarily as requested by the Government?



You should ask the question of Samak as he seems to be the one having this particular difficulty.

Obliged to evict the protesters?


Have the authority to decide the best course?

See it's all in the wording.

We the people vote to throw them out no matter how many get hurt or die in the process.

That maybe closer to your meaning, but would it get the votes?

I suspect the Thai military is attempting to live down their old image.

And Samak was put in by Thaksin to make them all look bad for his benefit.

They already have an obligation to the Thai people to make the best decisions,

as they see it, for any given situation. Who's to say they aren't now.

Anupong seems to be handling Samak pretty well.

Can't cause a masacre as he seems instictively to do every 16 years.

The Branch Davidians had a compound and there was an obligation to clear it,

and they went in an 80 people died. The greater good would have been served waiting it out.

Obligation is a two way word.

Nobles obliege : the powerful must aid the less powerful.

Maybe we have a lot more of that happening now behind the scenes.

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Most of what I have seen tonight is the same old crap. Along with a lot of insulting. inflammatory and derogatory comments.

Any news post from TOC is highly suspect. Remember who its associated with.

Did you have news posts or information that contradicts any of the specifics from the two TOC news posts posted this evening?

Bomb Threat at Buri Ram Cable after ASTV's Signal Disrupted

Charges Filed against PAD Leaders for Death from Rally Clash

"Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship Leader Wiphuthalaeng Wattanapoomthai led Chaba Singhaklangpon, the sister of Narongsak Korbtaisong, who was killed during the clash on September 2nd, to inform the Nangleong police and file charges against the PAD leaders"

Do you have any colaboration for the above statement.

A good deal of their reporting has a biased slant that is quite obvious at times. I probably should of said that when reading or hearing of a news article from TOC one should remember who they are connected with instead of the word suspect.

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Most of what I have seen tonight is the same old crap. Along with a lot of insulting. inflammatory and derogatory comments. Any news post from TOC is highly suspect. Remember who its associated with.

so which channel or what source of information do you suggest? but remember, who's associated with!

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Most of what I have seen tonight is the same old crap. Along with a lot of insulting. inflammatory and derogatory comments.

Any news post from TOC is highly suspect. Remember who its associated with.

Did you have news posts or information that contradicts any of the specifics from the two TOC news posts posted this evening?

Bomb Threat at Buri Ram Cable after ASTV's Signal Disrupted

Charges Filed against PAD Leaders for Death from Rally Clash

"Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship Leader Wiphuthalaeng Wattanapoomthai led Chaba Singhaklangpon, the sister of Narongsak Korbtaisong, who was killed during the clash on September 2nd, to inform the Nangleong police and file charges against the PAD leaders"

Do you have any colaboration for the above statement.

A good deal of their reporting has a biased slant that is quite obvious at times. I probably should of said that when reading or hearing of a news article from TOC one should remember who they are connected with instead of the word suspect.

There's nothing wrong with considering the slant taken with any and all news reports.

Are you saying you suspect Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship Leader Wiphuthalaeng Wattanapoomthai did not lead Chaba Singhaklangpon to the Nangleong police station?

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Referendum under attack

The government's call for a referendum to end the ongoing political strife has met with stiff resistance, with almost all concerned parties saying it was unconstitutional and merely a delaying tactic.

Opposition chief whip Sathit Wongnongtoey said any referendum to specific individuals or groups ran counter to Article 165 of the Constitution.

"It's simply a tactic to buy some time," he said.

The Cabinet decided yesterday to hold a national referendum as a way out of the political deadlock between the government and the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD).

Sathit said he was doubtful as to whether a referendum could help end the political unrest, since everything depended on the wording of the proposition. Biased questions would lead to an unfair outcome.

He also expressed concern that tensions could spiral out of control before any referendum could be held.

Samak is already a lame duck who should realise he has run out of options and must leave before he inflicts any more damage on the country, Sathit said.

To conduct a referendum, the government needs the referendum bill that is still pending before the Senate.

A date for the referendum is expected next month after the Senate passes the bill, said Government Spokesman Wichianchot Sukchotrat.

Senate Speaker Prasobsook Boondech said he opposed a referendum, saying it would be held too late. The Senate will hold its first reading today on the referendum bill, and the entire process will take at least a month, he said.

"We cannot wait for the bill. The present crisis requires immediate action to end it as soon as possible," the Speaker said.

He said he hoped a crucial meeting today between House Speaker Chai Chidchob, Opposition Leader Abhisit Vejjajiva and himself to plan a joint session of Parliament for a debate on the political crisis would ease the tension.

Sombat Thamrongthanyawong, rector of the National Institute for Development Administration, said a referendum could not solve the crisis. The PAD probably would not accept the result, because it would have to be conducted under government mechanisms, he said.

PAD leader Somsak Kosaisuk said his group would not accept a referendum, because it was unconstitutional. It is wrong to conduct a referendum on whether the government should stay or go.

Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej held an urgent meeting of his ministers at Supreme Command Headquarters at 10.30am yesterday. This followed a radio address in which he asked the people to help chart the country's future by deciding whether to safeguard democracy or opt for the "new politics" advanced by the PAD and which he said would have dire consequences.

Somsak Prissanananthakul, deputy Chart Thai Party leader and agriculture minister, proposed the idea to the Cabinet.

"We should let the people decide whether they want the PAD's 'new politics' or an elected government," Somsak said.

However, there is no clear referendum format. The Cabinet has instructed the Council of State to sort out pertinent legal issues to pave the way for the referendum. Under prescribed procedures, the Election Commission (EC) will be in charge of the voting.

All six coalition parties have pinned their hopes on the referendum to end the crisis.

Two Cabinet members, Culture Minister Somsak Kiartsuranont and Science Minister Wutthipong Chaisang, said Prime Minister Samak was optimistic the outcome of the referendum would put politics back on course and allow the country to move on.

But in the lead-up to any referendum vote, uncertainty will likely persist. The PAD refuses to vacate Government House and has even threatened additional measures to oust Samak. The prime minister has vowed in turn to carry on with his job. With protesters occupying the seat of government, the Cabinet next Tuesday will begin a series of mobile meetings, starting in Udon Thani.

Meanwhile, EC member Sodsri Satayathum said the EC was ready to conduct the referendum but that the government should make the questions clear.

Questions like should an outsider be allowed to be prime minister or should MPs be 30-per-cent elected and 70-per-cent appointed are allowed. But ones like should the prime minister resign are unconstitutional, she said.

- The Nation / 2008/09/05

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Calling a referendum is a stall tactic.

It means others might look less democratic in theory

if they don't wait dumbly for questions to be forumulated

and the presses to roll ballots.

Buying time.

Referendums should be held to determine if people

want their taxes going to mega projects,

not if the government has support to stand.

Referendums are about changing laws not support of a regime.

Tis just a dodge.

What he need to think about is the fact the REAL power wants him gone....

They are just biding their time.

Exactly about changing laws, constitutions (which are laws) and sometimes for accepting/refusing treaties. Goevernments are selected by elections and removed by time limit or constitutional methods (using a referendum here will also be precedent for every future time someone wants to remove a government)

If the government want a referendum then technically they can get one by disolving the house. That is the proper constitutional and internationally accepted way a government tests its popularity.

Interesting technical discussion on democratic procedure though

EXACTLY... they don't WANT a real referendum...

they want MORE TIME at the controls.

time for what?

clean the house, the pirate scumbags have contaminated, before returning?

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Lower left hand side of the post is this: p_report.gif

:o ..you were saying ?


I was saying that is the ideal way of dealing with a situation that involves

PS moderators, he/she flamed me in no uncertain terms.

I did not hit report.

The moderators are looking at lots of this.

I want to see what THEY think is insulting behavior

and where they draw the line.

I AM a moderator on another board, with 4 years of doing this job,

and with conservatives and liberals at the far extremes at

each others throats. I understand the even handed concept pretty well.

And I try to NEVER let MY personal feelings be part of it.

Out of bounds, is still out, whether I like your idea or not.

I felt, and STILL feel, I my words were twisted

and taken out of context

and then I was called 'disgusting' because of this NEW context.

If that's not flaming I won't know what it is.

So I left them a note and waited to see the result.

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The only statements I have heard from Thammasat and Chula students are the same as the one on TV. "Bua Mob!"

This is pretty contradictory to the beginning of the year and before that when many of them would be supportive.

Here's some new statements....

New forces in anti-government protest

University students have emerged as a new force in the anti-government campaign

Students from 21 institutes and two schools plan to gather at Makkawan Rangsan Bridge tomorrow to join the People's Alliance for Democracy protest.

A group calling themselves Young PAD plan to meet at 6pm to express their opposition to the government, the group's spokesman Wasan Wanit, said.

Yesterday Silapakorn University's Sanam Chan campus in Nakhon Pathom called for the government to stop using violence to solve the political crisis.

Calling themselves Tab Kaew Alliance, the student group asked the government to withdraw charges against the People's Alliance for Democracy's leaders. They also called for the Samak administration to lift the state of emergency in Bangkok.

About 500 students signed a petition that will be sent to Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej.

The PAD rally at Government House has attracted a growing number of students from universities including Thammasat, Chulalongkorn, Hua Chiew, Thai Chamber of Commerce, Prasarnmitr and the Rajabhat Institutes.

Some took the stage and gave speeches in front of the cheering crowd while others, like Chulalongkorn's medical students, stayed among protesters at the rally site.

"Although we are warned by Education Minister Somchai Wongsawat that we should not get involved in politics, we think it is our duty. His speech shows how unfit he is for the post," said a Thammasat student yesterday.

- The Nation / 2008-09-05

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The only statements I have heard from Thammasat and Chula students are the same as the one on TV. "Bua Mob!"

This is pretty contradictory to the beginning of the year and before that when many of them would be supportive.

Here's some new statements....

New forces in anti-government protest

University students have emerged as a new force in the anti-government campaign

Students from 21 institutes and two schools plan to gather at Makkawan Rangsan Bridge tomorrow to join the People's Alliance for Democracy protest.

A group calling themselves Young PAD plan to meet at 6pm to express their opposition to the government, the group's spokesman Wasan Wanit, said.

Yesterday Silapakorn University's Sanam Chan campus in Nakhon Pathom called for the government to stop using violence to solve the political crisis.

Calling themselves Tab Kaew Alliance, the student group asked the government to withฌdraw charges against the People's Alliance for Democracy's leaders. They also called for the Samak administration to lift the state of emergency in Bangkok.

About 500 students signed a petition that will be sent to Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej.

The PAD rally at Government House has attracted a growing number of students from universities including Thammasat, Chulalongkorn, Hua Chiew, Thai Chamber of Commerce, Prasarnmitr and the Rajabhat Institutes.

Some took the stage and gave speeches in front of the cheering crowd while others, like Chulalongkorn's medical students, stayed among protesters at the rally site.

"Although we are warned by Education Minister Somchai Wongsawat that we should not get involved in politics, we think it is our duty. His speech shows how unfit he is for the post," said a Thammasat student yesterday.

- The Nation / 2008-09-05

Was this statement made before or after the shootings tonight?

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It's interesting isn't it that the first person to die in these tensions was not a PAD supporter. Hmmm and I dont see in any of the pictures from the incident on Tuesday PAD using self defence techniques more like clubbing the opposition to death.

The opposition that got clubbed wasn't anywhere around for at least a hundred days, then decided to set up camp nearby, were intoxicated and WALKED TOWARDS the PAD rally weapons in hand, escorted by police with no resistance whatsoever, conveniently, the State of Emergency was declared once one was killed and 40 some hurt.

F* self-defence when a group intentionally marches towards and attacks an immobile group with deadly weapons.

Had they remained in Sanam Luang, none of this would have happened, it was clearly coordinated between police/DAAD/govt. to declare a State of Emergency which has had absolutely no purpose since then.

As always, you state facts that are in clear contradiction of eyewitness reports, i.e. PAD guards whipped up into a frenzy from the stage and then sent to repulse DAAD at the bridge. DAAD did not attack the PAD demo at Gov. Hse. Had they done so, the defence of "self-defence" could have been used.

see, thats how this stupid right wing brainwash propaganda works, just take a common hate object and the light brainer will believe you everything.

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The only statements I have heard from Thammasat and Chula students are the same as the one on TV. "Bua Mob!"

This is pretty contradictory to the beginning of the year and before that when many of them would be supportive.

Here's some new statements....

New forces in anti-government protest...............

.... "Although we are warned by Education Minister Somchai Wongsawat that we should not get involved in politics,

we think it is our duty. His speech shows how unfit he is for the post," said a Thammasat student yesterday.

- The Nation / 2008-09-05

How stupendously ironic to have an elected, professional, politician

The Government's Education Minister no less,

warn students NOT to get involved in Politics...

Guess that goes for POLITICAL SCIENCE students too..

What, politics ain't been good to you Somchai? :o

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The only statements I have heard from Thammasat and Chula students are the same as the one on TV. "Bua Mob!"

This is pretty contradictory to the beginning of the year and before that when many of them would be supportive.

Here's some new statements....

New forces in anti-government protest

University students have emerged as a new force in the anti-government campaign

Students from 21 institutes and two schools plan to gather at Makkawan Rangsan Bridge tomorrow to join the People's Alliance for Democracy protest.

A group calling themselves Young PAD plan to meet at 6pm to express their opposition to the government, the group's spokesman Wasan Wanit, said.

Yesterday Silapakorn University's Sanam Chan campus in Nakhon Pathom called for the government to stop using violence to solve the political crisis.

Calling themselves Tab Kaew Alliance, the student group asked the government to withฌdraw charges against the People's Alliance for Democracy's leaders. They also called for the Samak administration to lift the state of emergency in Bangkok.

About 500 students signed a petition that will be sent to Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej.

The PAD rally at Government House has attracted a growing number of students from universities including Thammasat, Chulalongkorn, Hua Chiew, Thai Chamber of Commerce, Prasarnmitr and the Rajabhat Institutes.

Some took the stage and gave speeches in front of the cheering crowd while others, like Chulalongkorn's medical students, stayed among protesters at the rally site.

"Although we are warned by Education Minister Somchai Wongsawat that we should not get involved in politics, we think it is our duty. His speech shows how unfit he is for the post," said a Thammasat student yesterday.

- The Nation / 2008-09-05

Was this statement made before or after the shootings tonight?

good question. It's not known as the articles are not time stamped.

I'm guessing it was before...during normal hours that the Tab Kaew Alliance would be speaking in public to the press and also turning in petitions.

It'll be interesting to see how things go for the Young PAD when they go to the Bridge tomorrow.


Meanwhile, we have a significant business group making their recommendations in regards to:

the Thread Title....

AND the referendum issue.....

AND my favorite issue (Leadership)...

State of emergency should be lifted : TCC, BoT

The Thai Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Trade of Thailand yesterday urged the government to consider lifting the state of emergency in Bangkok to prevent further damage to the economy.

The two powerful business confederations said the emergency rule, imposed last Tuesday, had sent a wrong signal to the international community concerning doing business in Thailand.

Partial strikes paralysing Bangkok Port, railroads, and other public services have also hit the economy hard following weeks of political stalemate.

Many foreign traders have abandoned plans to visit the Bangkok Gems and Jewellery Fair set for later this month.

Most of them would shift to attend only the Hong Kong Gems and Jewellery Fair which will be held around the same time, the Joint Foreign Chamber of Commerce said.

As a result of the political standoff, both the TCC and BoT repeated their call for Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej to demonstrate responsibility.

However, Samak told the nation in a morning radio address that he would neither resign nor dissolve Parliament.

Both the TCC and BoT also said that they do not believe that the national referendum proposed by the government would be an effective move to end the political turmoil.

Phongsak Assakul, Vice-Chairman of the TCC, said Thailand had lost credibility in the eyes of foreign businessmen.

"Our leader should have already shown his responsibility as disaster is awaiting us," he said.

Pornsilp Patcharintanakul, Deputy Secretary-General of the TCC, said the political strife is causing estimated daily losses of 3.5 Billion Baht in missed business opportunities.

Phongsak said the emergency decree was a bad decision and the "last straw" in driving the business community to voice complaints.

Dusit Nontanakorn, Vice-Chairman of the TCC, said business, production, and operating costs have soared as a result of the political situation.

"Our creditworthiness has plunged, affecting banks and importers, for example," he said.

Nander von der Luehe, President of the Joint Foreign Chamber of Commerce, urged the government to restore normalcy as soon as possible.

"The state of emergency (if not revoked quickly) will lead to dislocation of existing investments to other neighbouring countries," he said.

Khamron Kropnopparat, President of the Nakhon Ratchasima Chamber of Commerce, will send the premier an open letter, asking the government to revoke the emergency decree. *and this coming from the Cusp of Issan*

Methee Tanmanatrakul, President of the Southern Chapter of the Thai Hotels Association, said Samak did not say anything in his radio speech that would improve the situation.

"We expected to hear the PM's decision to make a compromise to curtail the conflict and pave the way for peaceful solutions. However, he seemed to have added [fuel] to the fire."

The crisis has drastically hurt the tourism industry, as 12 countries have already issued warnings on travelling to Thailand, he said.

Tourists to Phuket, in particular, have cancelled 30 per cent of their bookings.

- The Nation / 2008-09-05

Edited by sriracha john
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