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Any help would be appreciated,

I am an American single father have been living in Thailand for the past 8 yrs. I met a deaf Thai lady 5 yrs. ago and we lived together for the first 2 1/2 yrs. happily. During that time we had a daughter unmarried. Daughter is now 4 yrs. old. and subsequently 1 1/2 yrs. ago my gf decided she didn't want to be a mother anymore and just walked out, but kept contact for a few months after. I was advised about a year ago to file a police report to state the mother left, which I did. I am trying to go home for a visit to see my family as well as business, but have been refused a passport for my daughter. The Thai amphor office said I needed the mothers signature in order to process the application, but before the mother walked out I asked if she would help get our daughter a passport and she stated she wouldn't sign any papers for such documents. (I believe feeling she wouldn't see her child again or for unknown reasons to me) This wouldn't have been the case as I offered to fly her as well, and possibly see her own mother that has done the same thing to her 15yrs. ago. and moved to America to remarry with no contact afterwards.(abandoning her, sad yes!) My gf's father still lives somewhere in the essan area, but don't know where. My question is what can i possibly do to obtain a thai passport for my little girl to bring her to the USA to meet her grandparents and return to Thailand as I plan to stay here until she is fluent in all aspects of the thai language and her heritage here. She attends a good school but it is difficult for me to maintain this fantasy that one day she and i will be able to move freely for our families well being. I also spoke to the American embassy and they only asked why I waited so long to register my daughter, good question! So now they are asking for a DNA test to prove I am the father but still insist on meeting and interviewing the mother. Where ever she is.I am registered as her father on the birth certificate and house registration, also have copies of her mothers ID and police report, but to no avail. I have been told I have no rights under thai law and even a lawyer told me to buy a house to prove that ******* is my daughter. I have a business consultancy firm overseas so don't hold a work permit at this time, but have in the past. At times I need to leave in order to meet clients, but have turned down contracts because I wont leave my daughter behind. I am living with a new lady that has helped tremendously with my daughter, but I also feel guilty for her burdens, as she isn't the biological mother but cares as if she were. What legal options do I have, and is it possible to get a thai passport without the mother present? I was thinking if i hold her thai passport the American embassy would be a little more forth coming with their own.

Please advise thanks with some in site or experience.


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I do not know about the USA but here is the information I received from the British Embassy.

If the Thai mother would provide a copy of her ID that would be sufficient. Her signature is not required on any paperwork to get the British passport. If she is unable or unwilling to assist with any evidence then it does not matter because nationality is pased through the father if he is British and the mother's citizenship is immaterial.

They did say this would potentially require some more time but as long as the father's name was on the birth certificate then all would be ok.

The UK has no requirement to register the birth of a baby. Only a certified translation of the birth certificate which should show the father's name.

Sorry that this is not for the USA but it is from emails from the UK people within the last 6 months.

As for leaving Thailand, then normally one would do so on the Thai passport which may be difficult for you to obtain but there is no overstay for such a young child so I suspect you cuold leave on a USA passport.

For the Thai passport I don't know why you would go to the Amphur ? I think we just went to the place near Don Muang airport (admittedly with the mother). perhaps they cuold assist in your situation as I cannot remember exactly what was required for the Thai passport.

I do not know about the USA but here is the information I received from the British Embassy.

If the Thai mother would provide a copy of her ID that would be sufficient. Her signature is not required on any paperwork to get the British passport. If she is unable or unwilling to assist with any evidence then it does not matter because nationality is pased through the father if he is British and the mother's citizenship is immaterial.

They did say this would potentially require some more time but as long as the father's name was on the birth certificate then all would be ok.

The UK has no requirement to register the birth of a baby. Only a certified translation of the birth certificate which should show the father's name.

Sorry that this is not for the USA but it is from emails from the UK people within the last 6 months.

As for leaving Thailand, then normally one would do so on the Thai passport which may be difficult for you to obtain but there is no overstay for such a young child so I suspect you cuold leave on a USA passport.

For the Thai passport I don't know why you would go to the Amphur ? I think we just went to the place near Don Muang airport (admittedly with the mother). perhaps they cuold assist in your situation as I cannot remember exactly what was required for the Thai passport.

Thanks torrenova,

I appreciate your feed back, because i am at wits end.

I will say, I believed the UK and USA have similar policies regarding eligibility, but the Thai officials seem to have their own agenda.

As stated before I am on all documents and hold the original birth certificate in hand, one doc I was told by the hospital and thai friends is a very important document not to lose. I am just getting conflicting stories or assumptions on the Thai governments requirements and laws to obtain a passport for my child.

As far as the USA government they just want to know is she is my blood relative by DNA and can prove it, and after that have the mother come to testify, which I can't unless I can track her down.

I am grateful for your comments


Any help would be appreciated,

I am an American single father have been living in Thailand for the past 8 yrs. I met a deaf Thai lady 5 yrs. ago and we lived together for the first 2 1/2 yrs. happily. During that time we had a daughter unmarried. Daughter is now 4 yrs. old. and subsequently 1 1/2 yrs. ago my gf decided she didn't want to be a mother anymore and just walked out, but kept contact for a few months after. I was advised about a year ago to file a police report to state the mother left, which I did. I am trying to go home for a visit to see my family as well as business, but have been refused a passport for my daughter. The Thai amphor office said I needed the mothers signature in order to process the application, but before the mother walked out I asked if she would help get our daughter a passport and she stated she wouldn't sign any papers for such documents. (I believe feeling she wouldn't see her child again or for unknown reasons to me) This wouldn't have been the case as I offered to fly her as well, and possibly see her own mother that has done the same thing to her 15yrs. ago. and moved to America to remarry with no contact afterwards.(abandoning her, sad yes!) My gf's father still lives somewhere in the essan area, but don't know where. My question is what can i possibly do to obtain a thai passport for my little girl to bring her to the USA to meet her grandparents and return to Thailand as I plan to stay here until she is fluent in all aspects of the thai language and her heritage here. She attends a good school but it is difficult for me to maintain this fantasy that one day she and i will be able to move freely for our families well being.

I also spoke to the American embassy and they only asked why I waited so long to register my daughter, good question!

So now they are asking for a DNA test to prove I am the father but still insist on meeting and interviewing the mother. Where ever she is.I am registered as her father on the birth certificate and house registration, also have copies of her mothers ID and police report, but to no avail.

I have been told I have no rights under thai law and even a lawyer told me to buy a house to prove that ******* is my daughter.

I have a business consultancy firm overseas so don't hold a work permit at this time, but have in the past. At times I need to leave in order to meet clients, but have turned down contracts because I wont leave my daughter behind. I am living with a new lady that has helped tremendously with my daughter, but I also feel guilty for her burdens, as she isn't the biological mother but cares as if she were.

What legal options do I have, and is it possible to get a thai passport without the mother present?

I was thinking if i hold her thai passport the American embassy would be a little more forth coming with their own.

Please advise thanks with some in site or experience.



Saying "its a good question" does not explain why you chose not to register the child over the past 4 years, and with respect

failing to do so naturally will invite suspicion from the authorities of each country.

Again, and with respect, I find it quite understandable for a mother to be afraid to allow her daughter to leave the country, as you may be aware there is currently another posting concerning a thai lady who has a child in NZ who wishes to return to the LOS and is prevented from doing so due to the childs father getting the the Courts to agree to prevent the child from leaving NZ.

Irrespective of her reasons, the fact is the mother has made it perfectly clear to you that she will not sign any documentation that would allow the child to leave the country and without her full agreement you have no right to try to take the hild out of the country.

As you also stated you have recieved legal advice that confirms that you have no rights in Thai law it appears to me that the lawyer is talking out of his backside/ on the make in suggesting you buy a house in LOS.

As you know Farangs cannnot buy a house only a lease, and even if you held the lease to 1000 or more properties in LOS

it would not alter the facts one little bit.

After spending several years with the childs mother it is remarkable that you have never once in that time visited her fathers home or even know his address or phone number, perhap's even more so as the childs mother is apparently deaf.

You say that you are shown to be the childs father on her birth certificate and the house book, which housebook is that and who actually owns the house?

I also note from your post that you have a copy of the mother's I.D. and Police Report, do you have the mothers permission to make those copies and to present them to the thai authroities in order to apply for a thai passport for the child?

For what reason was the Police Repeort obtained and was it you or the mother than obtained that Police Report?

Can you explain how those copies came into your posession?

Other than to confirm is actually your child the DNA test will not alter the fact that the childs mother does not want you to take the child out of the country, or the fact that as a non Thai your wishes amount to nothing in LOS.

In fact I dont think that you can legally obtain a DNA sample from the child without the mothers express written consent.

I am sorry if you think my my questions are a bit invasive/ offensive, but its my way of alerting you to the fact that it is very likely these and perhaps more searching questions are likely to be put to you at some point by the various authorities

and I suggest you make sure you have the appropriate anwers ready to hand as answering " thats a good Question" will do you no good at all.

With all due respect, I am fairly confident from your post that you are not without the financial resources to locate the mother if you really wanted to, over the period you were together it is highly unlikely that you did not meet any of her friends or family or at least know the places she frequented when you first met.

I suggest it would be very foolish for you to continue to ignore the mother wishes, no good will come of it, far better you swallow your pride, bite the bulllet and use your wallet to locate the mother and once located dig as deep into your pocket

as it necessary to persude her to sign the relevent documents and to attend the meetings with the various officials to achive your objective.

Roy gsd :o


One of the questions is if you are the legal father, since you were not married. In your case more would be required than only be named on the birthcertificate, namely you had to register the child yourself and ligitimized it as yours. If somebody else registered the child you would not be the legal father under Thai law. The mother would hold sole custody over the child. In essence taking the child to the US without her permission would be a crime.


If your name is on the birth cert surely you can get her a US passport not a Thai one.. Stick to your own embassy, do the DNA etc..

For what its worth, while I dont know the full details, a mate of mine had a nasty break up which involved death threats, guns, nasty cops coming and telling him he was gonna get offed if he stayed etc.. He managed to prove through the courts that the mother had gone, and was awarded sole custody.. Once he got it the kid got a UK passport and he took the kid back west. So he managed it and I am 99% sure she was cooperating.


Thai passport: both parents must be present. Neither the OP or Thai mother alone can get the passport for the girl.

Australian passport: both parents or whoever has parental responsibility (if not biological parent, then court order) have to sign "Consent" part of the passport application.

I "registered" my daughter with Oz embassy just past her 4th birthday, no questions asked.

Thai passport: both parents must be present. Neither the OP or Thai mother alone can get the passport for the girl.

Australian passport: both parents or whoever has parental responsibility (if not biological parent, then court order) have to sign "Consent" part of the passport application.

I "registered" my daughter with Oz embassy just past her 4th birthday, no questions asked.

For the Thai passport it would depend or wether the person has sole costudy or not. A person with sole costudy doesn't need aproval of the other parent to get a passport for a child.

Thai passport: both parents must be present. Neither the OP or Thai mother alone can get the passport for the girl.

Australian passport: both parents or whoever has parental responsibility (if not biological parent, then court order) have to sign "Consent" part of the passport application.

I "registered" my daughter with Oz embassy just past her 4th birthday, no questions asked.

For the Thai passport it would depend or wether the person has sole costudy or not. A person with sole costudy doesn't need aproval of the other parent to get a passport for a child.

Without the sole custody document, almost no documents at all as in the OPs case, check this:

THAI PASSPORTS FOR CHILDREN: Parents wishing to obtain a Thai passport for their child must present a Birth Certificate (for children under14 years-old) or Thai identity card (for children between 15-20 years-old) of the child, the House Registration Certificate and the identity cards of mother and father. Both parents must accompany their minor child during the application process. In case one of the parents is unable to be present, he/she must sign a letter of consent, which must be brought to the office by the other parent and the minor.

International parental child abduction

Any help would be appreciated,

I am an American single father have been living in Thailand for the past 8 yrs. I met a deaf Thai lady 5 yrs. ago and we lived together for the first 2 1/2 yrs. happily. During that time we had a daughter unmarried. Daughter is now 4 yrs. old. and subsequently 1 1/2 yrs. ago my gf decided she didn't want to be a mother anymore and just walked out, but kept contact for a few months after. I was advised about a year ago to file a police report to state the mother left, which I did. I am trying to go home for a visit to see my family as well as business, but have been refused a passport for my daughter. The Thai amphor office said I needed the mothers signature in order to process the application, but before the mother walked out I asked if she would help get our daughter a passport and she stated she wouldn't sign any papers for such documents. (I believe feeling she wouldn't see her child again or for unknown reasons to me) This wouldn't have been the case as I offered to fly her as well, and possibly see her own mother that has done the same thing to her 15yrs. ago. and moved to America to remarry with no contact afterwards.(abandoning her, sad yes!) My gf's father still lives somewhere in the essan area, but don't know where. My question is what can i possibly do to obtain a thai passport for my little girl to bring her to the USA to meet her grandparents and return to Thailand as I plan to stay here until she is fluent in all aspects of the thai language and her heritage here. She attends a good school but it is difficult for me to maintain this fantasy that one day she and i will be able to move freely for our families well being.

I also spoke to the American embassy and they only asked why I waited so long to register my daughter, good question!

So now they are asking for a DNA test to prove I am the father but still insist on meeting and interviewing the mother. Where ever she is.I am registered as her father on the birth certificate and house registration, also have copies of her mothers ID and police report, but to no avail.

I have been told I have no rights under thai law and even a lawyer told me to buy a house to prove that ******* is my daughter.

I have a business consultancy firm overseas so don't hold a work permit at this time, but have in the past. At times I need to leave in order to meet clients, but have turned down contracts because I wont leave my daughter behind. I am living with a new lady that has helped tremendously with my daughter, but I also feel guilty for her burdens, as she isn't the biological mother but cares as if she were.

What legal options do I have, and is it possible to get a thai passport without the mother present?

I was thinking if i hold her thai passport the American embassy would be a little more forth coming with their own.

Please advise thanks with some in site or experience.



Saying "its a good question" does not explain why you chose not to register the child over the past 4 years, and with respect

failing to do so naturally will invite suspicion from the authorities of each country.

Again, and with respect, I find it quite understandable for a mother to be afraid to allow her daughter to leave the country, as you may be aware there is currently another posting concerning a thai lady who has a child in NZ who wishes to return to the LOS and is prevented from doing so due to the childs father getting the the Courts to agree to prevent the child from leaving NZ.

Irrespective of her reasons, the fact is the mother has made it perfectly clear to you that she will not sign any documentation that would allow the child to leave the country and without her full agreement you have no right to try to take the hild out of the country.

As you also stated you have recieved legal advice that confirms that you have no rights in Thai law it appears to me that the lawyer is talking out of his backside/ on the make in suggesting you buy a house in LOS.

As you know Farangs cannnot buy a house only a lease, and even if you held the lease to 1000 or more properties in LOS

it would not alter the facts one little bit.

After spending several years with the childs mother it is remarkable that you have never once in that time visited her fathers home or even know his address or phone number, perhap's even more so as the childs mother is apparently deaf.

You say that you are shown to be the childs father on her birth certificate and the house book, which housebook is that and who actually owns the house?

I also note from your post that you have a copy of the mother's I.D. and Police Report, do you have the mothers permission to make those copies and to present them to the thai authroities in order to apply for a thai passport for the child?

For what reason was the Police Repeort obtained and was it you or the mother than obtained that Police Report?

Can you explain how those copies came into your posession?

Other than to confirm is actually your child the DNA test will not alter the fact that the childs mother does not want you to take the child out of the country, or the fact that as a non Thai your wishes amount to nothing in LOS.

In fact I dont think that you can legally obtain a DNA sample from the child without the mothers express written consent.

I am sorry if you think my my questions are a bit invasive/ offensive, but its my way of alerting you to the fact that it is very likely these and perhaps more searching questions are likely to be put to you at some point by the various authorities

and I suggest you make sure you have the appropriate anwers ready to hand as answering " thats a good Question" will do you no good at all.

With all due respect, I am fairly confident from your post that you are not without the financial resources to locate the mother if you really wanted to, over the period you were together it is highly unlikely that you did not meet any of her friends or family or at least know the places she frequented when you first met.

I suggest it would be very foolish for you to continue to ignore the mother wishes, no good will come of it, far better you swallow your pride, bite the bulllet and use your wallet to locate the mother and once located dig as deep into your pocket

as it necessary to persude her to sign the relevent documents and to attend the meetings with the various officials to achive your objective.

Roy gsd :o

Hello Roy,

hey thanks for being easy on me. No really I understand that these types of questions will be asked, so I appreciate your forwardness. As for the questions you asked let me try to answer as best I can.

Firstly, I have met some of her friends on sukhumvit but only vendors that are also deaf and just acquaintances to her I believe. The only one that i really knew was a deaf lady that died a few years back. As for her family, no I never went upcountry to meet her father as she didn't want to have anything to do with him, so I supported her wishes. Her mother lives in america. where I dont know, because she also ran out on her own family years ago. Her sister lives somewhere in the UK with her husband and never heard from them in the years we were together. Her brother was killed on a motorcycle the first year we met. That is the extent of her family that I know of. As I stated she didn't want anything to do with them.

The housebook after close examination and a translation it seems my daughter is the only one staying in the house and she is the sole leaser. We are working on getting some clarification on this matter and how this may have happened.

The police report and the copies of my ex-gf's ID. Well her ID copies were given to me by my ex-gf herself. The police report was filed by me solely to let the authorities know that my daughters mother walked out on us. So I have the original copy of that report.

As far as a DNA test and me taking my daughter out of the country. The mother doesn't want anything to do with me or her daughter. I was notified by my own embassy to get a DNA test because the time from birth has been to long and they want to verify that I am the actual father. If taking a DNA test as you say is only possible if the mother gives consent, then how can i even take that step to obtain the information the embassy wants?

The reason I posted this is because the mother has left and I don't know what to do without her consent or signature.

I do want to take my daughter out of the country at will, but I also hoped her mother would return to see her daughter, and have a relationship with her. I would never try to stop her from seeing her own child. I just think it is unfair and selfish for her to leave and not help in raising her daughter or helping in the process to give her a good life. After all I do still live in the same apartment from the day we met, so she can't say she doesn't know how to contact us if she was concerned.

I think if the mother doesn't want to contribute to the child's up bringing thats her decision, but at least give me the tools so I can make the right choices on my daughters behalf. I didn't leave and say hey its not my kid after finding out she was 5 months pregnant, 6 months after meeting her. I stuck around and am trying my best to raise this little angel.

I am in a world of confusion right now because I don't speak thai well and can only sign in thai to the deaf comunity that hasn't seen her. I have been down on sukhumvit inquiring about her but know one has seen her except one man that says she is now working bar someplace there.

Anyway I am grateful for all the comments and needed the wake up call to really push the issues. I have had been dealing with the authorities on another matter on finding the man that stabbed me 4 times in the back a year ago and puncturing both my lungs. They arrested him and let him go on bail never to be seen again.

Again thanks for the comments


Thai passport: both parents must be present. Neither the OP or Thai mother alone can get the passport for the girl.

Australian passport: both parents or whoever has parental responsibility (if not biological parent, then court order) have to sign "Consent" part of the passport application.

I "registered" my daughter with Oz embassy just past her 4th birthday, no questions asked.

For the Thai passport it would depend or wether the person has sole costudy or not. A person with sole costudy doesn't need aproval of the other parent to get a passport for a child.

Without the sole custody document, almost no documents at all as in the OPs case, check this:

THAI PASSPORTS FOR CHILDREN: Parents wishing to obtain a Thai passport for their child must present a Birth Certificate (for children under14 years-old) or Thai identity card (for children between 15-20 years-old) of the child, the House Registration Certificate and the identity cards of mother and father. Both parents must accompany their minor child during the application process. In case one of the parents is unable to be present, he/she must sign a letter of consent, which must be brought to the office by the other parent and the minor.

International parental child abduction

May be this is the law, but you cannot be sure it is enforced: My wife got a Thai passport for my child in Khon Kaen while I was having a beer (3) outside. Only the signature of my wife and a print of my child's big toe was needed ..

Thai passport: both parents must be present. Neither the OP or Thai mother alone can get the passport for the girl.

Australian passport: both parents or whoever has parental responsibility (if not biological parent, then court order) have to sign "Consent" part of the passport application.

I "registered" my daughter with Oz embassy just past her 4th birthday, no questions asked.

For the Thai passport it would depend or wether the person has sole costudy or not. A person with sole costudy doesn't need aproval of the other parent to get a passport for a child.

Without the sole custody document, almost no documents at all as in the OPs case, check this:

THAI PASSPORTS FOR CHILDREN: Parents wishing to obtain a Thai passport for their child must present a Birth Certificate (for children under14 years-old) or Thai identity card (for children between 15-20 years-old) of the child, the House Registration Certificate and the identity cards of mother and father. Both parents must accompany their minor child during the application process. In case one of the parents is unable to be present, he/she must sign a letter of consent, which must be brought to the office by the other parent and the minor.

International parental child abduction

May be this is the law, but you cannot be sure it is enforced: My wife got a Thai passport for my child in Khon Kaen while I was having a beer (3) outside. Only the signature of my wife and a print of my child's big toe was needed ..

Not even birth cetificate?

Or the real father sneaked in and satisfied the law while you were having a beer? :o

Sorry, I would rather go by the law than by your beer story.

When it comes to individual storries - I have one too: my presence was required when we got our daughter's passport.


I am sorry I didn't read the OP's last post before I posted above about the passport issue:

You are not Shielded - you are in big sh*t. Same as me.

You are nobody here in Thailand, and the only thing that can give your child a good life is if you are willing and able to stand up for her.

I had everything arranged for taking my daughter back to Europe - 2 passports, all the documents and a written statement from a lawyer that her mother has given the permission for the child to go abroad and stay with her father (it was not cheap). I didn't go to court because I was thinking that an amicable agreement would be better for the child.

Now my wife is pregnant again (I was drunk on a happy night) and she is now using the 2nd child as a weapon to make me give up the rights she granted me before.

I feel sorry for you - but I cannot allow that feeling for myself. Do what is needed to get your child out of here as soon as possible. You don't know when her mother will come back and give you more trouble ...


Yes, 2 posters who both joined in December 2005. and made a handfull of posts since, are now coming out of woodwork with similar problems.

Even more problems and intertwined situations than what it started with.

Must had been a bad month to join the board, that December 2005.

Thai passport: both parents must be present. Neither the OP or Thai mother alone can get the passport for the girl.

Australian passport: both parents or whoever has parental responsibility (if not biological parent, then court order) have to sign "Consent" part of the passport application.

I "registered" my daughter with Oz embassy just past her 4th birthday, no questions asked.

For the Thai passport it would depend or wether the person has sole costudy or not. A person with sole costudy doesn't need aproval of the other parent to get a passport for a child.

Without the sole custody document, almost no documents at all as in the OPs case, check this:

THAI PASSPORTS FOR CHILDREN: Parents wishing to obtain a Thai passport for their child must present a Birth Certificate (for children under14 years-old) or Thai identity card (for children between 15-20 years-old) of the child, the House Registration Certificate and the identity cards of mother and father. Both parents must accompany their minor child during the application process. In case one of the parents is unable to be present, he/she must sign a letter of consent, which must be brought to the office by the other parent and the minor.

International parental child abduction

May be this is the law, but you cannot be sure it is enforced: My wife got a Thai passport for my child in Khon Kaen while I was having a beer (3) outside. Only the signature of my wife and a print of my child's big toe was needed ..

Not even birth cetificate?

Or the real father sneaked in and satisfied the law while you were having a beer? :o

Sorry, I would rather go by the law than by your beer story.

When it comes to individual storries - I have one too: my presence was required when we got our daughter's passport.

I didn't know that I am supposed to scream out every detail here:

Of course the mother's ID, the BC and the HB went in, but my passport was in my pocket and I didn't sign anything. I am glad you believe in Thai laws and hope they will allways enforced in your favour.

Yes, 2 posters who both joined in December 2005. and made a handfull of posts since, are now coming out of woodwork with similar problems.

Even more problems and intertwined situations than what it started with.

Must had been a bad month to join the board, that December 2005.

You should consider change your user name as it is already clear that you are lacking a part of the human body's upper anatomy which is essential for intellectual activities ...


having just done my kid's passport in us consul outside the us; i needed a special form that my ex husband signed consenting to getting my daughter a new passport (the us web site provided the form) and his id card from here (israel)... since he wouldnt/couldnt accompany us to consul... fortunately we have no problems in this area so he signed... for additional renewals he wasnt required (they are all over age 18 now except for youngest at 14 ;



The first question here is if the OP has any parential rights or if the mother has sole custudy. It is still unclear if the OP ligitimized the children. That determines his options in this case. If he has ligitimized the chidren he can ask the court for sole custody, since the mother left. If he hasn't ligitimized the children and only has his name on the BC he would be in a lot more difficult situation.


I would think that as the mother has abandined the child & no longer sees the child the op can attend court to gain sole custody. Once he has that then getting any kind of passport for the child will no longer be an issue.

OP suggest you contact some family law firms in BKK or even our own sponser issanlawyers to ask their advice on how to proceed with getting sole custody documents.

I would think that as the mother has abandined the child & no longer sees the child the op can attend court to gain sole custody. Once he has that then getting any kind of passport for the child will no longer be an issue.

OP suggest you contact some family law firms in BKK or even our own sponser issanlawyers to ask their advice on how to proceed with getting sole custody documents.

I was wondering how you go about legitimizing a child without the mother being present. Do I goto the courts in center city or to the amphor office and show the police report that the mother has left, and give them the BC and house registration which is still in question? I would like to speak to issanlawyer if possible on this matter, how to contact?


Yes, 2 posters who both joined in December 2005. and made a handfull of posts since, are now coming out of woodwork with similar problems.

Even more problems and intertwined situations than what it started with.

Must had been a bad month to join the board, that December 2005.

Sorry not-thinking, but I guess us posters just dont have all day and night to sit on a PC and post just to post, but hey thanks for the advice anyway.

Yes, 2 posters who both joined in December 2005. and made a handfull of posts since, are now coming out of woodwork with similar problems.

Even more problems and intertwined situations than what it started with.

Must had been a bad month to join the board, that December 2005.

as opposed to you who has talked sh*te consistenly from the beginnig



This is issan lawyers website. If you have documented proof that the mother has gone then that will make things easier I presume but even if you don't, the courts must have ways to check that the child is living full time with you.

I wonder if it would be worth asking people like friends, local neighbours etc to sign legal affidavits to testify that the child is living with you alone & that the morhter abandonded you both?.

But anyway, speak with the lawyers as I am only guessing at ways to make your case stronger. Good luck :o

Yes, 2 posters who both joined in December 2005. and made a handfull of posts since, are now coming out of woodwork with similar problems.

Even more problems and intertwined situations than what it started with.

Must had been a bad month to join the board, that December 2005.

as opposed to you who has talked sh*te consistenly from the beginnig

As opposed to your sound advice.

This is what I said and no serious poster confronted it:

Without the sole custody document, almost no documents at all as in the OPs case, check this:

THAI PASSPORTS FOR CHILDREN: Parents wishing to obtain a Thai passport for their child must present a Birth Certificate (for children under14 years-old) or Thai identity card (for children between 15-20 years-old) of the child, the House Registration Certificate and the identity cards of mother and father. Both parents must accompany their minor child during the application process. In case one of the parents is unable to be present, he/she must sign a letter of consent, which must be brought to the office by the other parent and the minor.

Yes, 2 posters who both joined in December 2005. and made a handfull of posts since, are now coming out of woodwork with similar problems.

Even more problems and intertwined situations than what it started with.

Must had been a bad month to join the board, that December 2005.

as opposed to you who has talked sh*te consistenly from the beginnig

As opposed to your sound advice.

This is what I said and no serious poster confronted it:

Without the sole custody document, almost no documents at all as in the OPs case, check this:

THAI PASSPORTS FOR CHILDREN: Parents wishing to obtain a Thai passport for their child must present a Birth Certificate (for children under14 years-old) or Thai identity card (for children between 15-20 years-old) of the child, the House Registration Certificate and the identity cards of mother and father. Both parents must accompany their minor child during the application process. In case one of the parents is unable to be present, he/she must sign a letter of consent, which must be brought to the office by the other parent and the minor.

I don't know what statement you want to make her. Yes, if OP would have custudy over the child together with the mother he would not kneed much documents, just a statement of the mother that she doesn't object to her child having a passport. But the mother has disappaered..........

Further it seems the Op didn't legitmize his child. That means he can not apply for a Thai passport for his child as the mother has sole custody over the child. Only the mother can apply for the passport.


Yes, 2 posters who both joined in December 2005. and made a handfull of posts since, are now coming out of woodwork with similar problems.

Even more problems and intertwined situations than what it started with.

Must had been a bad month to join the board, that December 2005.

as opposed to you who has talked sh*te consistenly from the beginnig

As opposed to your sound advice.

This is what I said and no serious poster confronted it:

Without the sole custody document, almost no documents at all as in the OPs case, check this:

THAI PASSPORTS FOR CHILDREN: Parents wishing to obtain a Thai passport for their child must present a Birth Certificate (for children under14 years-old) or Thai identity card (for children between 15-20 years-old) of the child, the House Registration Certificate and the identity cards of mother and father. Both parents must accompany their minor child during the application process. In case one of the parents is unable to be present, he/she must sign a letter of consent, which must be brought to the office by the other parent and the minor.

I don't know what statement you want to make her. Yes, if OP would have custudy over the child together with the mother he would not kneed much documents, just a statement of the mother that she doesn't object to her child having a passport. But the mother has disappaered..........

Further it seems the Op didn't legitmize his child. That means he can not apply for a Thai passport for his child as the mother has sole custody over the child. Only the mother can apply for the passport.


Your site says:

Judicial declaration of incompetence of non-appearing parent


Incompetence in this case (probably) means that the person is not capable of making decisions of its own, for example in the case of a mental illnes. I'm pretty sure it doesn't cover the case were the mother has abandond the child and doesn't help the father in this case anyway, as he doesn't have legal custody.


This is issan lawyers website. If you have documented proof that the mother has gone then that will make things easier I presume but even if you don't, the courts must have ways to check that the child is living full time with you.

I wonder if it would be worth asking people like friends, local neighbours etc to sign legal affidavits to testify that the child is living with you alone & that the morhter abandonded you both?.

But anyway, speak with the lawyers as I am only guessing at ways to make your case stronger. Good luck :o

Thanks Boo,

I have spoken to friends and they are more than willing to go and state the facts in court as well to a lawyer if need be. I also have chosen only thai friends thinking they might be a little more creditable in this matter, considering where we live.

I also wanted to thank all that responded positively to help my family and I.


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